What are your feelings on Roy Keane?

A true legend and an awesome leader. The only problem i have with him though was the incident with the Norwegian guy where Keeno as an act of revenge inflicted GBH on the player out on the pitch. There is no defending that. Another poster said he's too honest. I'd certainly go along with that. Strange as it may seem it's his raw honesty that most people can't handle and thats the reason he'll never get a managers job in top football which is a big shame.
His smilie says it all :devil:

Captain, legend

Everything else I frankly don't give two shits about
Grumpy, barely likeable git. Underrated manager (people forget what a magnificent job he did with Sunderland, especially in his first season in the Championship).

I guess a saving grace of his is that you can always rely on him to be honest and tell it as it is. Also he's far preferable to Ian Wright.
I miss players like him, guess I’ll have to put up with midfield generals like jlingz or the failed tc23
He is now a rent-a-gob. He undoubtably had big balls as a player but he should really give up the punditry. The club doesn't need him jumping on bandwagons and making life any harder. The scouse don't ever knife their own, they are as thick as thieves. Keane maybe feels like an unwanted member of the family but he cannot escape his history. We need to give him a job and bring him in to the fold.
A genuine leader of men, a winner to his very core and a damn fine box-to-box midfielder to boot. Roy Keane is the embodiment of the club.

He speaks his mind and gives no shits to those who would take offence. Some call that ignorant or arrogant. I call it honesty.

He's the true definition of a club legend.
He is now a rent-a-gob. He undoubtably had big balls as a player but he should really give up the punditry. The club doesn't need him jumping on bandwagons and making life any harder. The scouse don't ever knife their own, they are as thick as thieves. Keane maybe feels like an unwanted member of the family but he cannot escape his history. We need to give him a job and bring him in to the fold.

That philosophy has worked well for the scousers, what have they actually won in the last decade?
That philosophy has worked well for the scousers, what have they actually won in the last decade?
Not a lot but they have kept Anfield a nightmare for visiting teams. Old Trafford now is like a giant bouncy castle, full of ex players and pundits competing with each other for hysterical analysis. We need a tight ship for a few years, as we are not a million miles away from city/pool. We just need our own people to get on board and stop going for cheap shots.
A legend and the best leader the Premier League has ever seen.

Obviously a flawed hero but still an total legend in my eyes.
There's a place in the world for people who always tell the truth no matter what. That kind of honesty gives character and strength. He was right about SAF and Magnier, and he's been right about players lack of commitment. He wss the only one to have the balls to say England had no chance of winning the World Cup in 2018 when everyone else was going crazy.

The downside is that when he's wrong, he has no self awareness of it. He doesn't really understand modern football tactics very well, or club politics.
What a lovely man. I’d let him marry my sister and take my mum to church.

Great player but comes across as either an utter arsehole or somebody with some issues.... probably both.
As a player he's one of the best we've ever had. He was top notch in everything off the ball which is most of what a midfielder does (or any player who isn't Messi for that matter). He was a good passer but everything else was a class that I don't think we've seen from any other player in the PL.
A genuine leader of men, a winner to his very core and a damn fine box-to-box midfielder to boot. Roy Keane is the embodiment of the club.

He speaks his mind and gives no shits to those who would take offence. Some call that ignorant or arrogant. I call it honesty.

He's the true definition of a club legend.
Perfect summary of the man!
I love roy keane. One of our greatest ever players.

I enjoy him as a pundit. Who takes pundits seriously anyway?
Legend. I love the man. Right up there as one of the greatest to have ever played for the club
As a manager, no matter how good you are, if you can’t get others to work with you and for you due to a lack of tact and diplomacy, he will never succeed.

As a player, one of my favourites. Gave it everything when on the pitch and had the talent and skill to walk the talk too. Legend.
I'd love to see the faces in that dressing room if OGS announced he'd hired Keane as Assistant Manager alongside Phelan.

The noise and smell the from the collective shitting of pants would be discernable for miles.
He’s the one player above all others I wish we could have back today, in his pomp. Unreal himself and made others better by the standards he demanded. Would have got in every United team/era since he joined and probably before that too.
Unfortunately his big mouth has soured his legacy.
Luckily i grew up mid nineties with him at his absolute peak. You just trusted that nothing would get through, he shone as captain as he wasnt worried about upsetting teammates, he dragged us through games often. With him in the team the players around him were always 7 or 8 out of ten as they didnt want the bollocking in the dressing room.
I go back to a match at highbury when arsenal were the main challengers in the league and he bossed it, scored 2, shut down viera.

United legend and top player and has a warrior spirit. Just watch his Ireland games, he stands out in those too against bigger countries. Used to love watching those back in the day.

With Roy the problem is he's just a natural commanding player but I don't think he has the qualities to bridge the gap in management and tactics to other players. It comes naturally for him but is unable to pass anything on.
I'm that weirdo who likes him more since he hung his boots up.

Always respected him as a player but he was never a really favourite of mine. Perhaps that's partly to do with my age when he was here. Was 14 when he signed and I looked more towards attacking players until my early 20s barring Schmeichel really. Those who had a more of a media presence/promotional deals too and he kind of stayed away from a lot of that.

I had some negativity towards him when he had his contract dispute with the club following the treble season whereas our fans were generally right behind him. If that happened today I might have a different opinion as in those days the establishment that was United could do no wrong in my book.

Since retirement my respect for the player he was has grown further and I actually like him as a pundit and in interviews.
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Best captain I have seen in United. He understood what it meant to play for this club and cemented his place in midfield, he was a general on the pitch. Always think he would have deserved a better send-off despite him going public with his criticism, he served the club right and for me is all-time Manchester United legend.
Put it this way, we are now pleading with Pogba and DeGea to stay at the club by giving them the armband
He’s brilliant
Brilliant player, sometimes world class and unplayable... definite world class leader.

Woeful manager.

I believe he very much is a bully though and that is evident throughout his career at various clubs as a player and manager.
No doubt he is a legendary player and leader.

That said he just comes across as a dick.
I'd love to see the faces in that dressing room if OGS announced he'd hired Keane as Assistant Manager alongside Phelan.

The noise and smell the from the collective shitting of pants would be discernable for miles.

Brilliant. I would actually pay to watch that.
Roy Keane would look them straight in the eyes while they were shxxxing themselves.
He was an excellent player, albeit his behaviour was detrimental to the team at times, as he was sent off on so many occasions. But if he genuinely harbours a grudge towards Ferguson then it's embarrassing. If Keane can't see that you can't go on your club's internal TV station and slag off half the team, especially when you're in the autumn days of your career and by no means the force that you were, then he's dumber than I thought he was, and I already thought that he was pretty dumb anyway. You cannot count on loyalty from the manager in that scenario. If he wants to know why he was jettisoned from United, perhaps he should try looking in one of those glass things that many people hang over the sink in the bathroom.
For many UTD fans I think he's the best captain they had seen for the club.

I don't think he's a good as a pundit but he says several right things from time to time.

Of course his personality will attract several criticism though.
One of my favourite united players of all time, like him as a pundit too, he don't give a shit.
What do I think of Keane?
The best captain for MUFC, I have ever seen....by far.

Some people on this forum don'/t understand why so many of us say that Young, Valencia, etc are not captain material. If you were old enough to see Keane on the pitch, you'd understand.
If you were a MUFC player on the pitch and you messed up, Keane would let you know BUT, on the pitch, most likely, he'll clean up your mistake. Basically, he's got your back.

This is a video which was taken before one of the biggest game of the season, facing the "unbeatable" Arsenal. It would be the equivalent, of us being in 2nd place, facing off against the 1st placed team - like a 6 pointer AND coming out fighting.

We won that match, btw.

And I will close this post by saying that Woodward is the root of our troubles. Backing players who don't give a damn, while firing managers who are telling him that certain players are not good enough.
Great player and captain. Since he retired he went of the boil couple of times but hasn't really deviated from his character.

One thing for sure - we do miss players like him.