What's your go-to football news site?


WW Head of Recruiting
Feb 23, 2016
Directly under the sun... NOW!
Yes, Redcafe.

Apart from the caf, which football-related site is decent? I've been using F365, but I'm looking for something new.

It should preferably be free... So no Athletic for me, unfortunately.
Sky Sports football page has been my go-to for well over 15 years now
Aside from the caf which is the main source, I watch Espn fc and sometimes kick off. But that’s more entertainment than news.

Used to like football365 back in the day
I just use the 'Manchester is Red' podcast. It's MEN which seems to have a bad rep, but the editors on there know their stuff and aren't making up rumors for clicks. Samuel Luckhurst travels with the team (one of the few journos allowed with the team during covid bubble), so he generally has an idea what he's talking about. I've never heard him make up a name which turned up fake and most of the time there are rumors he calls them unlikely. Not exciting but I prefer that over making up rumors for ratings sake.
On a related note, what Twitter accounts would you lot recommend to follow for footy news and analysis?
Kick off? Media24's kick off?
Nah the YouTube channel. Espn fc and that are really just for mild entertainment rather than news or anything of quality. For everything else it’s the caf for me.
I just use the 'Manchester is Red' podcast. It's MEN which seems to have a bad rep, but the editors on there know their stuff and aren't making up rumors for clicks. Samuel Luckhurst travels with the team (one of the few journos allowed with the team during covid bubble), so he generally has an idea what he's talking about. I've never heard him make up a name which turned up fake and most of the time there are rumors he calls them unlikely. Not exciting but I prefer that over making up rumors for ratings sake.

Bloke can swing from an absolute negative nelly to bouncing off the walls' positivity within a few minutes based on whether we score.
Try r/soccer on Reddit.
I think there's some setting I haven't tried... Reddit reads really difficult. I don't know what it's called, but all the responses to a post appear underneath it, and it gets pretty confusing with all those branches and sub-branches... Is it a setting or what?
I think there's some setting I haven't tried... Reddit reads really difficult. I don't know what it's called, but all the responses to a post appear underneath it, and it gets pretty confusing with all those branches and sub-branches... Is it a setting or what?
Thats just the format but if you click the comment, it'll collapse the whole conversation. I only ever read articles on there as someone will post the text within the comments.
It's bland but BBC is the only one I use for actual football news. I find all other sports websites over the top, generally full of attention seeking opinion pieces or endless transfer speculation.

There's a few shows/podcasts I'll watch on YouTube for entertainment every now and then, and a few tactical channels on there as well if I'm intrigued to see a match report or an analysis of a player.
Apart from here for United, Roy of the Rovers just about covers anything else for me
I like The Athletic. A bit too afraid of causing offence in their opinion pieces at times, but there are some decent analytic reads and the app is pleasant to use. It also costs basically nothing, price certainly shouldn't be a barrier considering the quality of the content.
The Guardian. The caf obviously. The MEN is the possibly the worst mobile browsing experience on the entire internet.
The Caf is great, also I look at the BBC and two broadsheets (Guardian and The Telegraph). Despite its politics, The Telegraph is often good for football coverage if you can wade past the million pages dedicated to the Royals.
NewsNow it seems to pull the story's from all over the internet and have it in one place. You just have to know what are BS and what's likely to have a grain of truth in it

BBC and twitter
Grew up on BBC and Sky Sports...but they're no longer the platforms for "breaking news".
I downloaded cracked athletic app on my phone and can read everything for free, and the last time i opened it was after I installed it... Cafe all the way
Just here and r/soccer. The Athletic from time to time, just usually just from linked articles.
For actual news, BBC and The Guardian. For some opinion pieces, F365, and both Twitter and r/soccer for anything and everything in-between (though peoples opinions on both are, invariably, awful)
I think there's some setting I haven't tried... Reddit reads really difficult. I don't know what it's called, but all the responses to a post appear underneath it, and it gets pretty confusing with all those branches and sub-branches... Is it a setting or what?
Are you signed in when trying to read comments? I find its a nightmare when not signed in.

BBC, Sky, Reddit. (used F365 but rarely use it now)
Twitter is the only answer here. Everything in one place. Athletic for anything longer form because it's quality content.
Yes, Redcafe.

Apart from the caf, which football-related site is decent? I've been using F365, but I'm looking for something new.

It should preferably be free... So no Athletic for me, unfortunately.
I just came in to post that: football365 used to be my site of choice (outside of the Caf) but now it's only the Caf as i think on here a ton used to say F365 were unreliable/crap. The Athletic is supposedly a good outlet but it's paid for.
The Athletic, and r/soccer, and globo for South American football.

I also have a twitter account just for following football stuff that picks up a bunch of stuff not covered elsewhere.