Will Ole get another PL job after this?

Will Ole get another PL managers job at some stage?

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Nobody will touch him bar some obscure club in Norway and if he was lucky he may get a spell as the national coach of Norway.
Surely would need a sucessfull spell with a club before getting the national job but that don't always stop boards from giving him a three year punt.
Even the Molde fans wanted him sacked so he's got his work cut out going back to Norway, let alone the PL, so no.
Of course not. He's a chequebook manager and no other club would be stupid enough to give him a job.
No I dont think he would take a job at the likes of City, Chelsea or Liverpool out of respect to us. Probably end up at Bayern or PSG
He fared better than Moyes who had no issues waltzing into jobs after United
Moyes had his Everton period to fall back on. Some managers are more suited to small clubs than big clubs like Moyes. Ole failed at a small club fighting for survival. At this rate he'd have to prove himself in the 2nd division and work his way up to show smaller clubs there's a benefit to taking him.
We finished second last year and did well overall in the cups as well. This season has been shockingly bad so far for some reason but i`m quite sure clubs can see the good things as well.
I think he will eventually. He’ll take his place on the carousel and pop up whenever the likes of Palace, West Brom or any of the other yo-yo clubs start sliding towards the drop.
Yes because I'm sure some stupid club like Newcastle or something will go "he managed united before so he can't be the worst thing".

But based off actual merit? No. It'll be some club trying to look better than they actually are.
This. Does he deserve another PL job? No way. But I'm sure a PL chairman will inevitably take a chance on him.
Id of said no chance, he's clueless, but then the people who own and run football clubs are some of the stupidest people on the planet when it comes to football, so who knows.
I think he will eventually. He’ll take his place on the carousel and pop up whenever the likes of Palace, West Brom or any of the other yo-yo clubs start sliding towards the drop.

But why would they take him though? This man got a job at a relegation threatened Cardiff and made them worse.

You seem to be lumping him in with the likes of Allardyce who actually have proven records of keeping clubs up in difficult situations.
No. Think people are overrating our 2nd place finish last season. We didn't even average 2 out of 3 points per game. That covid season was just odd.

Since he took over as caretaker manager Utd have collected just over 1.7 points per league game at Old Trafford.
But why would they take him though? This man got a job at a relegation threatened Cardiff and made them worse.

You seem to be lumping him in with the likes of Allardyce who actually have proven records of keeping clubs up in difficult situations.
Because clubs in that position don’t tend to make the best decisions. They do things like appoint Alan Pardew, or Ricky Sbragia. Occasionally one might get an allardyce, but you can’t underestimate a panicking chairman. He’ll see Ole’s CV and his (apparent) ability to grind out boring results with counter attacking defensive football, and think it suits his club down to the ground. Could definitely see him at a Norwich or something in the next 3 years.
Newcastle wouldn’t go NEAR him :lol:

Probably true now, but clubs that function like the Newcastle of 2 months ago might. Basically I mean there's some clubs out there desperate/stupid enough to hire solely based on wanting to look like a big club.
No and I don't mean that in a particularly nasty way. I think it's United or nobody for him. I think he'll quite happily go back abroad/home.
I can see him getting another caretaker manager gig. But that’s about it.
I can’t see any EPL club wanting him and one that does must be in complete desperation mode.
Agree on the OP. It’s gone to shite this season but until then he’d ticked enough boxes to keep the highest profile job in the league, far worse idiots have been given a dozen positions time and again.
Can see some smaller clubs giving it a try. Bigger clubs, no.
I’ve said all along, he won’t get another job in league football in England. Gary Neville wouldn’t have him at Salford.
I'm not sure about within the PL because his reputation is taking a hiding.

I think he can get a job in a top league somewhere because the scrutiny is less intense, they'll be able to take a purely objective view on the good and the bad. There is some good stuff in there and good experience on the CV that will probably see a chairman appoint him.
His only reason to coach in the PL was to get the United job. I don't think he wants back, even if he gets the chance.
He can but only for relegation battlers
Definitely not. They’ll look at his time at Cardiff, they’ll look at what he has done at United with £450m and signing mostly only marquee names, they’ll be aware that he has a reputation for being tactically clueless and not having his teams being able to play coherently.
He can if he wants one.

But I get the feeling after managing United anywhere else will feel really underwhelming.
So would expect him to disappear back off abroad instead.
I'm not sure, really. I think he's a decent manager. That's it - decent. He's a man who's obviously way out of his depth here, but could he do it further down the table? The thing is, how far would you have to go down the table and say "yeah, he's just as good as this guy if not better. He could get this job" I guess it's hard to judge.

I know this is often repeated, but it's true at the end of the day. We have some incredibly talented individuals who can get you out of the shit. That's not to say Ole deserves no credit for what he's done, but you have to take that into consideration. Because i don't see a manager here who's getting the absolute best out of these individuals, so when you drop down to teams who haven't got these talented individuals to depend on, and where a holistic approach is more important (i.e., playing as a unit), i don't think he has it in him.

Perhaps as a caretaker, short term type of deal where the team he's coming into is on the floor in terms of mood and confidence, maybe. But anything longer i don't see it in the Premier League.
Definitely not. They’ll look at his time at Cardiff, they’ll look at what he has done at United with £450m and signing mostly only marquee names, they’ll be aware that he has a reputation for being tactically clueless and not having his teams being able to play coherently.
Of course it's possible and you know it. Plenty of managers who have relegated teams managed to find PL jobs again.
It's not a guarantee but defo a possibility
Norwich wouldn't swap him for Farke.
Stranger things have happened but I can’t imagine any club taking a punt. Without a United-style budget, Ole would be a good bet to take a club down into the Championship.
He's a "big name" now. I'm sure he'd do alright somewhere like Leicester/Arse/Tottenham, maybe Wolves
Stranger things have happened and he’ll always have United on his CV, even if he failed miserably here, but I can’t see it happening, neither in England nor in any other top league. Molde fans wanted him sacked, Cardiff fans wanted him sacked now United fans want him sacked. Call it a hyperbole but after 3 years at United he has learned next to nothing and no other club would give him such a free ride and such backing as us. Relegation battle is often about getting the most out of the average squad you have, it’s clear as a day that Ole as a manager provides no value added and can’t see why anyone would risk it with him, it’s not a place to learn about tactics and modern football. Add to that the fact that he has embarrassed himself more than vast majority of managers to ever work in the PL - also due to media scrutiny, high level job, giant expectations coming from excellent squad and half a billion transfer budget. His stock is low and rightly so and apart from United / Norwegian fans not many rate him that high as a player, after all he wasn’t even a starter for us.
Think the question is "would he WANT a PL job after this?"
I had this debate with the OP. My answer is clearly no. He failed at United, and was awful at Cardiff. Half of the country sings for him to stay at United. The big clubs obviously are not going to touch him (though it would be hilarious if they do), and he hasn’t shown before that he can do well for a small club. So unlike Moyes, who actually struggled for jobs after United, his CV is not good to be hired again in EPL.

Same for the other top leagues. Everyone I talked with thinks that he is shit and that United are mad to continue this.

I think it is gonna be Norway job and then obscurity for him. Unless United board has some wonderful idea of making him DoF cause he is good at signing (Maguire, AWB, Sancho et al).