Would you sack or keep Ole? (Poll reopened)

Sack or Keep OLE?

  • Sack Ole & appoint new coach ASAP

  • Keep Ole & back him to finish rebuild

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The Oracle
Jun 5, 2016
He will lose his job but with these players it will make no difference.


Feb 1, 2012
We will beat Everton and he'll keep his job for another few months costing us more points in the long run.

That's my prediction.
We will not beat Everton, they need to bounce back also and have a manager that actually knows what he's doing. We should be telling Ole he's done some work but it's time to move on and get some points on the board before we're relegated.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
I feel like crying. This is desperate.


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
The thing is the board could claim back the faintest slither of credibility if they just acted now. They have dithered on every managerial sacking/appointment to date, and it’s baffling when everyone else can see the problem weeks, if not months, in advance.

Who are they trying to please by keeping hanging on till the very death?

When the dog is suffering, you put it down...
Their pockets?

That’s basically the overlying reason for all of this


New Member
Feb 26, 2014
The level of incompetence in the board will only be increased if they do not get rid.

I don't care about being a firing club, you don't just keep mediocre for the sake of morals. Get him out.

Cantona in disguise

Full Member
Jan 23, 2016
Are there any genuine reasons for keeping ole at this point? He's a club legend and I wanted him to succeed but there has to be a better coach out there.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
:lol: the guy was stating his views on Ole's tenure not the entire picture. But hey I'm the one who cherry picks certain points to suit his agenda.

Also I've seen your posts after games. Have a good day; don't want my time wasted discussing things with you.
Go back to the first post I quoted from you - its clear you cherry picked Ole's tenure in your evaluation.

My post match posts have feck all to do with it, feel free to share some.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2019
I feel your pain... but the real culprits are the owners and the board room. Ole will have to carry the can for the inept way we were set up and the totally random subsitutions as at the weekend. But make no mistake about it the recruitment shambles that happens every year post-Sir Alex is not on the Norwegian.
Completely agree that the board have to shoulder the blame, too. The transfer window and the way we acted bordered on farcical. We just need a complete re-think of where we're going as a club and what we're trying to do. It's clear mismanagement on a number of levels and it's painful to watch our games right now as we can barely create anything. How can a squad with our players struggle to do anything?!


New Member
Oct 14, 2020
Horrible to see him floundering. We look like we're out of ideas don't we? Since the 4-2-3-1 with Bruno, Pogba and Matic triangle in midfield fell apart, he has thrown a lot at the wall hoping something will stick. We don't know which system to play and we don't seem to know what our best first eleven is.


Dec 19, 2011
They've not played for any manager. Yeah, let's just give them the benefit of the doubt again. I'm sure next time will be 100% different and we definitely won't be having this same conversation.
No one wants to lose dude. Especially not professionals with huge egos.

Not playing for a manager means either a) they don’t trust the manager or b) the manager is useless and does not know how to utilize them.

In fact, this is not bounded to football but to every profession.

united for life

Full Member
Apr 25, 2014
We will beat Everton and he'll keep his job for another few months costing us more points in the long run.

That's my prediction.
at this point, sack Ole, the whole coaching staff and players. it’s always Ole who gets the criticism, well what about the players? Where is the spirit? Where is fighting for the shirt!! We have a bunch of cold blooded players who aren’t passionate enough to win


New Member
Dec 26, 2015
Unlike the fickle lot in here who keep changing their minds with every passing result, which is totally perplexing, I have said he should be sacked 6 games into the season. I stick by this and always will. No one will ever be able to say “I told you so” simply because this totally inept manager will never come good.

And no, he’s not the next SAF before anyone spouts the rubbish that he was given time, so by some outrageously dumb logic, Solskjær therefore should.

We are the worst we have ever been. I am sick to the back teeth of us looking clueless, only for the camera to pan to Ole’s face looking gormless, clueless and like he’s on the cusp of crying because he knows he is way out of his depth.
I mean, going back over this whole thread is a peach, but picking one at random, this is a good one.
I never did respond to you purposefully picking out a post of mine highlighting I said he should be sacked 6 games into the 2019/20 season.Trying to highlight my sheer stupidity I assume since I have always firmly remained Ole Out and you can’t see the wood for the trees.

I guess you felt pretty clever choosing to post this during our good run at the end of last season. This just highlights your short sightedness and total ineptitude when it comes to understanding what a well coached team looks like. Even that good run wasn’t going to change anything. It’s rinse repeat. We have a good run, then we are terrible. Consistently inconsistent. Not sustainable.

I haven’t changed my vote since September 2019, and never will. I remain firmly of the opinion that “this totally inept manager will never come good”. You can ridicule me all you want for holding this opinion, but by making an example of me simply because we had a short lived run of good form, is poor form from you. As has been highlighted by our current situation.

If your retort is going to be harping on about the Leipzig and PSG results, I wouldn’t bother. That only serves to demonstrate we are horrendously inconsistent and we won’t have any kind of success like this.

Edit: And would you look at this, posted during today’s match :D. So you now agree we need a new manager? Despite haranguing me for saying we need to sack him? This is pure gold.

Absolutely horrific, new manager will need to come in, sell Pogba finally, and get them consistently putting performances.
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New Member
Jul 8, 2017
Took us as far as he can. We need a manager that can coach, or at least bring a great coach with him.


Full Member
Jul 6, 2016
@VP89 I think it was you, posted something recently from a reputed journo saying that the players didn't have total faith in Ole?

It looks like he's losing the dressing room now which there'll be no way back from.
I read after the first game against palace one journo said he had been told by a senior player how bland and basic the training was. All based around fitness and running.


Dec 31, 2007
Out of interest, what is stopping you? The lack of available options? Don't fancy Poch?
Every now and then we look like a really really good team that can blow opposition away. And I think his recruitment has been quite good. Just seems to be lacking in the coaching and then there are the common games like that where we play it around the box for 90 minutes.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Yes it was reported by Laurie Whitwell and Duncan Castles. I know a lot of people don't like castles but Whitwell is a very credible United source for the Athletic and said a few weeks ago that several players doubt Ole's credentials as a "top coach" despite liking him generally
Yes that's the one, cheers.

It genuinely looks like the player's don't believe in his methods and starting to not give a feck. It's not right, but maybe they've simply had enough.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Feb 28, 2015
Still back him, but it won't mean for much if we lose on Saturday. Think that's a do or die game for him.


Full Member
Nov 6, 2017
Feel disappointed and a little ashamed to change my vote to sack. Really believed that Ole was building something positive but the start to the season has been a real kicker after the optimistic end to last season. The biggest issue is that we seem to run out of ideas all too often and there is no imagination in our attacking play. Very static, no vertical runs, no intensity in passing, always trying to play little one-twos at the edge of the box. I think Ole has the right vision for the club but he and the coaching staff are left wanting in the actual on-field coaching & tactics, especially against organized defenses.

My concern is that this will set us back another couple of years as I have no trust in the board's ability to appoint the right manager. We are stuck in an endless rut.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Prediction, he'll lose to Everton, then inexplicably keep his job over the break. He'll win at home to WBA and Istanbul, putting us in a decent position in the CL group and that'll be enough to see him through to Christmas.

Cause, "United way" innit.
He somehow always finds a result or sequence of results to keep him safe. Then we go around in circles again-and-again with the same scenario.


New Member
Jul 8, 2013
I genuinely believe our squad is much better now than it was pre Ole. However, he clearly is not the man to coach them! We’ve looked clueless how to break teams down for a very long time!


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
Feel disappointed and a little ashamed to change my vote to sack. Really believed that Ole was building something positive but the start to the season has been a real kicker after the optimistic end to last season. The biggest issue is that we seem to run out of ideas all too often and there is no imagination in our attacking play. Very static, no vertical runs, no intensity in passing, always trying to play little one-twos at the edge of the box. I think Ole has the right vision for the club but he and the coaching staff are left wanting in the actual on-field coaching & tactics, especially against organized defenses.

My concern is that this will set us back another couple of years as I have no trust in the board's ability to appoint the right manager. We are stuck in an endless rut.
We'll get the right manager eventually. It took us a long time to get Sir Alex after Sir Matt. There were a lot of managers in between there. We just need to accept this and stop clinging to every single manager and hope they're the one even when evidence points to the contrary.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
I hope to wake up tomorrow to the news of Ole gone
I don't think there's any chance of that. Maybe - and it's a big maybe - if we lose at Everton on Saturday, he may get the bullet. There seems to be feck all noise about him getting the sack.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2015
Our League form has been copied in the CL. Good against attacking teams, dreadful against defensive team who play on the counter. And of course, our uncanny tendency to squander chances to capitalise on favourable results.

Starting to feel less enthused about watching us play as it's so frustrating. We simply have to get a proper manager in for next season.


Full Member
Jun 23, 2018
Trondheim, Norway
I'm about to give up again. Although I've never had any belief he's gonna win us anything (as I've said all along he's just not a manager of this quality in my opinion), I've been trying my best to be hopeful that he's at least putting us on the right path for a future manager. But I think I'm officially Ole out again.

The one argument people use to defend Ole over and over and over and over again, is that the players are shit and no one could do anything with this dross. If we win it's a tactical master class, if we lose it's 100% the players fault. Every time.

But when the results and performances go from pub team to world class and back every match you have to start looking at the management. The quality of the players is there. They are NOT this bad. So you have to wonder if the PSG and RBL results are more fluke than this tactical masterclass some like to think.

I don't understand why he can't at least just stick to a regular back 5/6, so we at least have some stability from game to game. You don't see any other top European (or sub-top even) rotate this much and change formation/style every match. It's like he's playing Football Manager and saving and reloading to try different formations/tactics/players until something works. Except there's no save and reload in real life.


Not Salty…
Jun 23, 2020
I seriously think pity is the only think stopping Ed from sacking Ole. I think he genuinely likes the guy and wants/wanted him to succeed here.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
If Ancelloti is clever he is going to sit tight and not overly attack us. But then Ole might decide to sit tight too and then it will be Chelsea game all over again.


Full Member
Dec 15, 2016
Only caught a bit of the second half but damm this is not good result for us rivals hoping Ole stays on a bit longer. Think this just speeds up the process now to appoint a manager over the internationals. Terrible in the league and now losing to ex premier league throwbacks in Europe. Lose at the weekend and I can see him gone.
And this says it all. You people that are so staunchly Ole in really don't get it. This used to be us. Wenger In. Keep Roy At Pool. Emery In.

90 + 5min

Full Member
Aug 8, 2019
Still standing firm on the ground and saying we should keep going with Solskjaer. Keep going forward. Keep developing.

In Premier League, our results have not been what we hoped for but it is long season. We are not far away teams infront of us. In Champions League we are leading a tough group. One lost game doesn't change that we have started well in CL.
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