Would you sell Jadon Sancho this summer? And do you think he will be sold?

Depends on the offers we can get.

We bought him for around 85million I believe? If we could get 55-60milllion, I'd sell. If not, then I'd give him another year.

He's shown flashes of brilliance but just not enough. Having said that, he missed a huge part of the season. Maybe a proper pre season under ETH can have him start next season like a new player??
Shooting from positions where making a simple pass makes much more sense has been a problem for us for ages and you still wanted him shoot?

Abso-fecking-lutely! We have one of the dumbest, low intelligence front lines in the top 6…. Almost none of our players seem to know what they’re going to do when they get into a forward position & consistently pick the wrong passes, shoot or hold onto it too long (unlike the best, most well drilled teams who can pick out players in better positions instinctively out of habit) and now we have posters complaining that one of them actually laid up a tap in! FFS, we’re a broken peoples.
Yes, he's on huge wages, has been terrible and we need funds to improve the rest of the squad. Apparently selling him at a loss will give us less to spend under FFP rules - can't really say I know anything about that.
Not sure at all anymore. Always thought he'd come good eventually but it hasn't really happened.

That said, he was really good on the right, far more effective than Antony usually is. Like a different player entirely. Also think he would be much better if he actually did have a decent CF to work with, so there's that too.

I'm tempted to say; give him one more year, because he's on huge wages anyway so not like we'd be able to easily shift him. Likely it'd be a loan back to Dortmund,
Give him another year, nobody will buy him anyway at those wages. No point getting rid of a 23 year old international for nothing.
I personally believe in his qualities and with a proper CF he could become an important asset. It is a luxury situation with Amad coming back but we are a top club so having 5 wingers for 2 positions is not that far off, considering Garnacho and Amad are still young. We could also save money for buying a 2nd CF this window by using Rashford lr Amad as CF for some games.
Shooting from positions where making a simple pass makes much more sense has been a problem for us for ages and you still wanted him shoot?
That was no simple pass there were Chelsea players between him and Rashford. Fair play it reached him, but I am just saying in that position would any of the others have passed?
I personally believe in his qualities and with a proper CF he could become an important asset. It is a luxury situation with Amad coming back but we are a top club so having 5 wingers for 2 positions is not that far off, considering Garnacho and Amad are still young. We could also save money for buying a 2nd CF this window by using Rashford lr Amad as CF for some games.
I agree he needs a proper CF. I certainly wouldn't sell him yet, although it may turn out he just isn't cut out for EPL. If we're to start competing with City we need numbers in the squad. If the number 9 is resolved I would assess him over the coming season.
I gotta be honest I do. But not because I dont rate him I just think it would work out for him in some other team. Outside England offcourse. Id say 60-80 mil and everybody is happy
That said, he was really good on the right, far more effective than Antony usually is. Like a different player entirely. Also think he would be much better if he actually did have a decent CF to work with, so there's that too.
I've wondered if we'd be less predictable if Anthony and Sancho switched wings, even during games?
A left footed winger on the left wing isn't a new thing.
Shooting from positions where making a simple pass makes much more sense has been a problem for us for ages and you still wanted him shoot?
Totally agree and that is what will hold us back from being a title challenger imo,even the Bruno chance where he hit the bar I think it was rashford maybe martial was right next to him for a tap in and there is countless examples throughout the season where another pass creates an easy finish we have to be more clinical in our choices as we play some lovely football when we are on it but are soo wasteful aswell.
Still torn about him. Obviously he hasn't been great this year, but he still has this quality that makes you hope maybe next year he'll kick on. He won't be sold due to his massive salary and poor season anyway. He could be loaned but I'd rather keep him.
We bought him to play as our right-sided attacker before it became more fashionable to have a left-footer play there. It would be great if he showed us his full Dortmund form for the FA Cup Final and scores the winner. Definitely more unpredictable to defend against than Antony.
I think we had a classic Utd situation last night, where a player gives you a glimmer of hope that they'll come good just as the season ends/their contract nears ending. Rarely works out for us.
I'd keep him for another year. The kid has great potential, he had a difficult year with some personal problems and it seems ETH still has faith in him. Give him another year.
I think the ideal scenario would be for him to play on the right, that's where he played most of his time at Dortmund also where he had 3 very good seasons.

We aren't getting at least 60 mil for him after his display for us, so I think he will not be sold. He should alternate with Antony on the right side while we have Rashford and Garnacho on the left.
If we strengthen enough in the summer with another quality midfielder next to Casemiro and a proper ST we might see him up his game. That's a big if, honestly I've almost given up on him but who knows.
I'd sell him but we won't because that would mean bringing in a replacement and we are just not that type of efficient when there's about half a first 11 which is more of a priority than getting your bench winger to be better
That was no simple pass there were Chelsea players between him and Rashford. Fair play it reached him, but I am just saying in that position would any of the others have passed?
Probably not, and that would have most likely resulted in a corner. We usually make a wrong decision in those kind of situations but Sancho made a right one yesterday.
So yeah, two questions here. If you were in charge would you sell him? And do you think the club will sell him?

I'd sell him personally as I still think we could get a decent amount of money for him. I hope he proves me wrong, but if we keep him and he has another stinker (likely), he's going for peanuts the summer after.

Alas, I don't think the club will sell him.
We have no business selling him. The only thing we should stop doing is playing him as an inside out left winger. It's bleeding obvious he is better suited to his natural side in the epl. Where his lack of natural winger pace doesn't get compounded by him looking for his weaker foot.
I would keep him and see if he adapts. It's not like Martial where he's been here for ages and will never get better. This is his first season under a decent coach.
For us to sell him somebody would have to want to buy him

I would much rather keep Sancho than I would Martial, I think Sancho still lacks confidence and can improve, last night I thought he did well when he moved to the right wing, but lets face it right now the contrast between Sancho/Martial and Rashford/Garnacho is a stark one.

If we got a good offer for Sancho I would take your hand off, and offer to throw in Martial for free.... if not I would be happy to keep him on for another season, or even send him out on loan to a different league, or even a lower prem club might be a better option
For us to sell him somebody would have to want to buy him

I would much rather keep Sancho than I would Martial, I think Sancho still lacks confidence and can improve, last night I thought he did well when he moved to the right wing, but lets face it right now the contrast between Sancho/Martial and Rashford/Garnacho is a stark one.

If we got a good offer for Sancho I would take your hand off, and offer to throw in Martial for free.... if not I would be happy to keep him on for another season, or even send him out on loan to a different league, or even a lower prem club might be a better option

Seen a few people mention a loan option, but that just seems like madness to me. He had three seasons in a row where he was crushing it in terms of goals and assists, then went for a huge £80m (or thereabouts) fee, and is on one of the biggest wages in the Prem. He's 23, so not old of course, but not an up-and-coming player, either. Would just seem crazy to me to send him on loan.

Not having a go at you here or anything, I just can't see that being a genuine (or smart) option.
There is 0 chance he will be sold due to his wages, the ffp implications of a sale (given it is likely to make ffp worse), and the price we receive would be less than his actual worth.

He's young, he can and should improve. I don't see a path to starting here, but who knows what happens in football, and besides, you need quality depth which he is capable of being. But i do think in future seasons he will be sold. Don't see a world where Rashford isn't the starter at LW, and don't see him overtaking Antony for RW due to balance with foot and Antony being Ten Hags guy. Which pretty much locks him in as a 350k pw backup.
So yeah, two questions here. If you were in charge would you sell him? And do you think the club will sell him?

I'd sell him personally as I still think we could get a decent amount of money for him. I hope he proves me wrong, but if we keep him and he has another stinker (likely), he's going for peanuts the summer after.

Alas, I don't think the club will sell him.

No and no. We will lose too much money on him and will negatively impact FFP. If we could unload him for what we paid or a slight profit, I’d do it. But we’d take a massive loss imo.

Besides, he is young and talented. Certainly needs to get better, but looks to be playing with a bit more confidence. Noticed him dribbling with more pace in the open field last night. Hopefully he will stop being afraid to go at defenders in the final third. He’s a skillful player, and has the ability for good link up play in the final third. Hopefully another off season with Ten Hag will help him be a more mature, useful player for us.
Yes, sell him. He's not good enough. We need to get away from keeping players for years and years in the hope that they'll eventually come good. All the while, they're gradually losing transfer value and contributing to the dressing culture of entitlement, unearned wealth and the false sense that they've "made it".

It might end up being a mistake. I doubt it, but that's always the risk. Either way, it's a risk we need to take more often because United will get it right more than they get it wrong. Under Woodward, it was the opposite.
I`d probably sell if we can get a decent fee and someone is actually interested...I doubt that though.
Really we need to try and get him playing on the right to some capacity as others have said as realisticly our only option there at the mo is Antony.
Does Diallo play RW? he could be maybe used on rotation.
LW is covered by Rashford & Garnacho (who already looks a lot better option than Sancho)
Seen a few people mention a loan option, but that just seems like madness to me. He had three seasons in a row where he was crushing it in terms of goals and assists, then went for a huge £80m (or thereabouts) fee, and is on one of the biggest wages in the Prem. He's 23, so not old of course, but not an up-and-coming player, either. Would just seem crazy to me to send him on loan.

Not having a go at you here or anything, I just can't see that being a genuine (or smart) option.
I understand, my only thinking behind a loan, especially to another prem club, is that he clearly struggles at Utd to replicate his form, maybe this helps him gain some confidence and form
If it was a reasonably good offer - say, 60m - then yes. But it wouldn't make sense to offload him just to get rid of him, for far below the sum we paid for him. We're not there yet.
No and no. We will lose too much money on him and will negatively impact FFP. If we could unload him for what we paid or a slight profit, I’d do it. But we’d take a massive loss imo.

Besides, he is young and talented. Certainly needs to get better, but looks to be playing with a bit more confidence. Noticed him dribbling with more pace in the open field last night. Hopefully he will stop being afraid to go at defenders in the final third. He’s a skillful player, and has the ability for good link up play in the final third. Hopefully another off season with Ten Hag will help him be a more mature, useful player for us.

Surely his negative impact on FFP will be greater if we don't sell him?
Hes deffinately better on the right as seen last night could have had several assists.
There will be no "decent fee" for Sancho.

There is no club who would pay Sancho even close to what we pay him.

There is no chance Sancho will voluntarily take a huge pay-cut.

The cold, hard reality of the situation is that good, bad or indifferent, Sancho is here for the foreseeable.

Those who talk of a fee, especially those who talk of a £50m+ fee, are living in a video game dreamland

Another legacy of Woodwards gross mismanagement.