Yank logic - weapon discounts


New Member
Apr 14, 2004
Figo: In Spain we called Benitez 'píldora para dor
One quite valid point that has been made on many occasions is that how can the police protect you from a person who has broken into your home and is now posing a real threat to the lives of your family or a mugger that is threatening to kebab you with a knife. The next time the police appear is when they are taking you and your family away in body bags. The right to defend yourself is one of the most basic human rights. Even in good old Blighty we have the right to use reasonable force to defend ourselves, even killing in self defence.
I like this whole mentality that if someone breaks into your home, you have the right to blow his head off with the most powerfull gun you're allowed to own.


likes to use pantyhose
Jan 23, 2008
The Colonies
If someone broke into my house I wouldnt shoot them
I would cut them in half vertically and finally put my kendo skills to good use

scousers beware


Full Member
Sep 15, 2001
I like this whole mentality that if someone breaks into your home, you have the right to blow his head off with the most powerfull gun you're allowed to own.
Whats the alternative then, talk some common sense into him?


Full Member
Sep 15, 2001
Though I do agree that the police are of little help when they guy is in fact inside your house, there is a lot that can be done before that. Strengthening the police would mean a clean up of the streets, and more criminals in jail, less in your homes.

I personally feel that you guys have stretched that "defending yourself" a bit too far as well. It`s one thing to protect yourself if your life or others is in fact in danger, and another thing to go shooting at someone for taking your TV. We had a thread on here about a year ago about a burglar running from a house and he was shot or stabbed in the back on his way out of the property by the owner. Don`t remember the details precisely, but it was along those lines. Where I come from, and to my belief, that shouldn`t be called self defence. There was an American attourney on her though that could tell me that that was clearly within the borders of self defense according to American Law.

Not saying that that`s wrong per se, but something I definitely disagree with anyway.
I certainly wouldnt go along with that either. Attacking someone who is fleeing and poses no threat is unjustifiable. There was the case in the UK of a man called Tony Martin. He shot and killed a teenage burglar with a shotgun who, at the time, was trying to escape through a window. He was jailed and quite rightly so, in my opinion.


Full Member
Sep 15, 2001
Obviously, the only two alternatives are either blowing his head off or trying to talk some common sense into him....
I'll pass on option 2. I somehow think that the tea, biscuits & cosy chat approach might not work.

There are other alternatives, by the way. For example having good locks on your doors, including internal doors, a burglar alarm perhaps and being fastidious about security. That way no one is likely to break into your home in the first place. Perhaps gun owners in the USA are a bit slack with the physical security of their homes because they can always rely on their gun.

In the UK you are likely to have your firearms certificate revoked if you threaten an intruder with a gun. It also seriously ups the ante. Consider if your threat with a loaded gun goes unheeded. You then are left with the choice of being disarmed and possibly shot. The other option is to open fire and end up on a murder or unlawful killing charge.