Yet another mass shooting and at a church, again

How many 'thoughts and prayers' comments are we up to already from people who could actually get up off their fecking asses and do something about it? Is it as many as post-Vegas? How about post-Sandy Hook? But yeah, my bad for being 'very distasteful'
I don't know if you're wilfully missing the point, but he's referring to the idea of people giving "thoughts and prayers" while opposing any actual meaningful reform, which time and time again allows repeat after repeat of this shit.

God helps them who help themselves, no?

You don’t know the first thing about God. YOU are missing the point.

25+ Christians have been killed in a church and people here are criticising prayer. It’s seriously disrespectful. Hold the fecking atheistic sentiments for a minute.

No need to conflate people praying with the gun control issue. Shame on yourselves. Seriously, check yourself.

There are plenty of people who both pray and take action for justice. There are also many people who pray who want tighter gun control.
How many 'thoughts and prayers' comments are we up to already from people who could actually get up off their fecking asses and do something about it? Is it as many as post-Vegas? How about post-Sandy Hook? But yeah, my bad for being 'very distasteful'

And what exactly are you doing about it?


Can't discuss it though.
On your list you forgot to add suicides
And what exactly are you doing about it?
The same as them, absolutely feck all. Only I don't have people like you rushing to my defence for telling everyone how I'm doing feck all. 'Thoughts and prayers' is nothing more than PR bullshit. You know how you make 'thoughts and prayers' go away? The NRA do, as their donations keep on working. Year after year, massacre after massacre, president after president.
You don’t know the first thing about God. YOU are missing the point.

25+ Christians have been killed in a church and people here are criticising prayer. It’s seriously disrespectful. Hold the fecking atheistic sentiments for a minute.

No need to conflate people praying with the gun control issue. Shame on yourselves. Seriously, check yourself.

There are plenty of people who both pray and take action for justice. There are also many people who pray who want tighter gun control.
I'm a Christian too, so who the hell are you to take that tone with me? People aren't criticising prayer, they're criticising the right wing liberal notion that prayer alone, coupled with actively blocking any attempt to fix things, will do any good. It's like praying to god to catch you as you jump off a building. Like the aftermath of Sandy Hook? Or is it too soon to mention that?

Take your head out of your ass for one fecking minute and learn to infer context.
feck sake, not again. This will never end :(

You don’t know the first thing about God. YOU are missing the point.

25+ Christians have been killed in a church and people here are criticising prayer. It’s seriously disrespectful. Hold the fecking atheistic sentiments for a minute.

No need to conflate people praying with the gun control issue. Shame on yourselves. Seriously, check yourself.

There are plenty of people who both pray and take action for justice. There are also many people who pray who want tighter gun control.

No they aren't. Again you are missing the point.
You don’t know the first thing about God. YOU are missing the point.

25+ Christians have been killed in a church and people here are criticising prayer. It’s seriously disrespectful. Hold the fecking atheistic sentiments for a minute.

No need to conflate people praying with the gun control issue. Shame on yourselves. Seriously, check yourself.

There are plenty of people who both pray and take action for justice. There are also many people who pray who want tighter gun control.
They're not criticising prayer. They're criticising that many of those who say "prayers with" are those who could do something meaningful to try and prevent this, Vegas, Charleston, Sandy Hook etc from happening again but don't.
:nono: Very distasteful. Arrogant atheist evangelists on RedCafe need to give it a rest. Especially in the aftermath of a major tragedy where many churchgoers were murdered.

Are churchgoers (or religious people) better than the others? I am just asking...
It's labelled 'terrorism' when the attack is politically-motivated. It's not too difficult to understand, lads.

Not according to Nevada state law:


Anyway, the tweets other points still stand.
Are churchgoers (or religious people) better than the others? I am just asking...
To be fair this seems to be unnecessarily antagonistic. What the poster you're replying to means is that insulting prayer (in their view) is particularly wrong when those killed were firm believers in prayer.
You don’t know the first thing about God. YOU are missing the point.

25+ Christians have been killed in a church and people here are criticising prayer. It’s seriously disrespectful. Hold the fecking atheistic sentiments for a minute.

No need to conflate people praying with the gun control issue. Shame on yourselves. Seriously, check yourself.

There are plenty of people who both pray and take action for justice. There are also many people who pray who want tighter gun control.
You are still not understanding it either. Go back and look at the GOP reactions to Las Vegas and others. Lots of prayers but no action. He was dead on target with his statement.
When you read that this little church usually had about 50 people at Sunday service, then it sounds very likely that virtually everyone in there was either killed or injured.
feck prayers, the people of America need their politicians to look beyond the NRA gravy train and pass some fecking gun reform.
I'm a Christian too, so who the hell are you to take that tone with me? People aren't criticising prayer, they're criticising the right wing liberal notion that prayer alone, coupled with actively blocking any attempt to fix things, will do any good. It's like praying to god to catch you as you jump off a building. Like the aftermath of Sandy Hook? Or is it too soon to mention that?

Take your head out of your ass for one fecking minute and learn to infer context.

It’s a mass murder in a church. You need to infer that context! Not a time to be negatively referring to prayer; an action those slain were engaging with when murdered. It’s deeply insensitive and inappropriately timed.

I’m fecking sick of atheistic sentiments shoehorned into so many threads here. Recent example - Nouri, the Ajax player almost died and Fosu Mensah sent a tweet about him being in his prayers. 5 or 6 posters used this as an opportunity to criticise prayer.

Atheists, believe or don’t believe whatever you want. Just show a little bit of respect for those who do.

As for gun control, I’m a conservative (small c) but it’s a ‘leftist’ argument I agree with. There should be tighter controls. No excuse to attack prayer at such a time though.
It's labelled 'terrorism' when the attack is politically-motivated. It's not too difficult to understand, lads.

Plenty of these attacks have been perpetrated by white supremacists who have a clear ideology. Defining what is 'politically-motivated' can in itself be difficult because most things are inherently political to some extent.

Still, too early to draw conclusions when we don't know much about the killer.
If only the pastor and his flock had been armed with Colts and Bushmaster's whilst they prayed. Damn, what is wrong with them

It’s a mass murder in a church. You need to infer that context! Not a time to be negatively referring to prayer; an action those slain were engaging with when murdered. It’s deeply insensitive and inappropriately timed.

I’m fecking sick of atheistic sentiments shoehorned into so many threads here. Recent example - Nouri, the Ajax player almost died and Fosu Mensah sent a tweet about him being in his prayers. 5 or 6 posters used this as an opportunity to criticise prayer.

Atheists, believe or don’t believe whatever you want. Just show a little bit of respect for those who do.

As for gun control, I’m a conservative (small c) but it’s a ‘leftist’ argument I agree with. There should be tighter controls. No excuse to attack prayer at such a time though.

why do i need to show respect for a mass delusion of people asking things of their imaginary friend
It’s a mass murder in a church. You need to infer that context! Not a time to be negatively referring to prayer; an action those slain were engaging with when murdered. It’s deeply insensitive and inappropriately timed.

I’m fecking sick of atheistic sentiments shoehorned into so many threads here. Recent example - Nouri, the Ajax player almost died and Fosu Mensah sent a tweet about him being in his prayers. 5 or 6 posters used this as an opportunity to criticise prayer.

Atheists, believe or don’t believe whatever you want. Just show a little bit of respect for those who do.

As for gun control, I’m a conservative (small c) but it’s a ‘leftist’ argument I agree with. There should be tighter controls. No excuse to attack prayer at such a time though.
In isolation, no. But the false prayers of those who actively oppose a real solution are fair game.
It’s a mass murder in a church. You need to infer that context! Not a time to be negatively referring to prayer; an action those slain were engaging with when murdered. It’s deeply insensitive and inappropriately timed.

I’m fecking sick of atheistic sentiments shoehorned into so many threads here. Recent example - Nouri, the Ajax player almost died and Fosu Mensah sent a tweet about him being in his prayers. 5 or 6 posters used this as an opportunity to criticise prayer.

Atheists, believe or don’t believe whatever you want. Just show a little bit of respect for those who do.

As for gun control, I’m a conservative (small c) but it’s a ‘leftist’ argument I agree with. There should be tighter controls. No excuse to attack prayer at such a time though.

How many times is this going to need to be explained before you get it?

People are bemoaning the stock response of the GOP politicians; "thoughts and prayers to the victims" whilst they do feck all to prevent further such tragedies.
No excuse to attack prayer at such a time though

You are still not getting it despite numerous posters explaining that he wasn't attacking prayers or praying just the Republican politicians and President who all send their prayers yet flat out refuse to change gun laws or even talk about the prospect of doing so.

Edit, Rado beat me to it. Ah well, it probably still wont sink in.
Are churchgoers (or religious people) better than the others? I am just asking...

I’m not getting into that on this thread.

Innocent people being murdered isn’t good full stop.

It’s the disparaging remarks about prayer that offend me. Just needless, given that Christians were the ones killed. Can’t believe many of you are so politically/atheistically fired up that you’re missing the blatant, gross insensitivity of that.
why do i need to show respect for a mass delusion of people asking things of their imaginary friend
Because choosing a time like this to make a point of not doing so makes you look like a 13 year old edgelord.
@SparkedIntoLife, what people here are saying is that those who have the power to make a real difference (by introducing meaningful legislation) never do. They say the right thing (and yes, to pray for the victims is the right thing), but that's where the good intention ends - because they will never take on the gun lobby.

You and I can pray, but we can't tackle the NRA. President Trump could, if he wanted to.
You don’t know the first thing about God. YOU are missing the point.

25+ Christians have been killed in a church and people here are criticising prayer. It’s seriously disrespectful. Hold the fecking atheistic sentiments for a minute.

No need to conflate people praying with the gun control issue. Shame on yourselves. Seriously, check yourself.

There are plenty of people who both pray and take action for justice. There are also many people who pray who want tighter gun control.

You hear that wooshing sound that made you look up?
If it's a white guy there is nothing that can be done, just pray and hope the man in the sky finally listens.

If it's a brown/black guy there is plenty to be done, ban immigrants, bomb countries, build walls etc.
So many of you just jump on me making the exact same rebuttal. Nasty place this is increasingly becoming.