Your opinion now at the halfway stage...(FC United)

The Hairdryer

Trip Fontaine said:
But most of what you're describing here is symptomatic of the entire Premiership. Why haven't all other Premiership fans made their own breakaway clubs? FC Rentboys of Chelsea and so on.

Things like high priced tickets and rampant commercialism is not just a Manchester United problem.
To be fair though. United fans have always been the most innovative. Maybe this is the start of a revolution. The working man taking the game back from the clutches of the corporate overlords.

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
Trip Fontaine said:
But most of what you're describing here is symptomatic of the entire Premiership. Why haven't all other Premiership fans made their own breakaway clubs? FC Rentboys of Chelsea and so on.

Things like high priced tickets and rampant commercialism is not just a Manchester United problem.
And I repeat -

Finally, how can you not recognise that Glazer was the final insult, the straw that broke the camels back?


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
And trip Fontaine, I appreciate what you are saying, and fully understand what you mean.

But as fans of the biggest club in the world, we have at times, used our commercial ability to laugh at lesser teams, and have revelled in the fact that we were abusing the situation more than others.

In a way, I think many at FC realise that the commercialisation we came to rely on is the same one that fecked us all up the arse. And I for one feel a bit guilty for playing along. So what better way to put things right, than to help create a protest and make those at the top realise that its OUR game, and they are welcome into it, but try and take the piss and you will get chewed up, spat out and trodden into the dirt.

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
The Hairdryer said:
To be fair though. United fans have always been the most innovative. Maybe this is the start of a revolution. The working man taking the game back from the clutches of the corporate overlords.
Nicely put!

I just can't fecking walk away though!! It is my fecking religion!!


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
The Hairdryer said:
To be fair though. United fans have always been the most innovative. Maybe this is the start of a revolution. The working man taking the game back from the clutches of the corporate overlords.

Not often I say this, but thats brilliantly put.

Absolutely spot on.

Trip Fontaine

New Member
Apr 18, 2004
Shane Bluck said:
And I repeat -

Finally, how can you not recognise that Glazer was the final insult, the straw that broke the camels back?
But again, we're not alone. So we're owned by a foreigner with a less-than-sterling reputation... so are Chelsea. So we're in lots of debt... so are Arsenal.

Danish Wizard

Full Member
May 18, 2005
I would never support FCUM.. No matter what happens I will always support and follow MUFC..!!

Instead of supporting a new team, we should be fighting to get OUR club back from that fat American cnut...

But okay, I wish FCUM good luck in the future, but they will never be the same as MUFC..!!


Full Member
Dec 18, 2003
fredthered said:
Not often I say this, but thats brilliantly put.

Absolutely spot on.
I thought he was taking the piss. :lol:

Anyone for a copy of Socialist Worker ?


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
Even genius is flawed, the main flaw i see is that it's run by people. It maybe 'eden' now but if your long term aim's to make a club that will forever not sell out for money and will always be about the fans then your a dreamer.It simply won't happen. For disgruntled people fair enough, we all react different but my stance is if it got too much i'd just be an armchair fan of man united. To me that's the natural way of responding if things got too much, but like i say i have no problem with the people that love footy however if i see people being asked to design badges, kits whatever, no one can sit there and seriously say the thought didn't cross there mind that they're designing a badge for maybe a big club oneday rather then doing it with pure thoughts. Fcum might be good for your lifetime, but if your goals to make a team that'll forever be about the fans, then i'm sorry money talks


New Member
Oct 10, 2005
Its the same as taking your ball home when the game doesnt go your way, throwing your toys out of your pram.
Wimbledon fans had valid reason to create AFC Wimbldeon.
MUFC still exists.

If you cant afford to go, then support your existing local non-league side, afterall they have been around and established for years and need every penny they can get in order to survive.

A lot of the real reasons that FCUM was set up have ben ignored and covered over - The Truth is out there (and its not Glazer or pricing related).


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
Trip Fontaine said:
But again, we're not alone. So we're owned by a foreigner with a less-than-sterling reputation... so are Chelsea. So we're in lots of debt... so are Arsenal.
I know they are the same, but that doesnt make it right.

And there is a difference between us and them.

1) CHelsea without ROman wouldnt be here. THey were 24 hours from going bust. They needed him, and for all his faults, he saved them. The gimp wasnt needed at OT, and hes put us at risk instead of helping.

2) Arsenal can get out of debt, in fact their debt is necessary, as it has paid for the new ground. That ground will make them more capable. ( not saying its right for the fans, but from a commercial point of view, it makes sense to do what they have done).


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
StrettyEndFlags said:
Its the same as taking your ball home when the game doesnt go your way, throwing your toys out of your pram.
Wimbledon fans had valid reason to create AFC Wimbldeon.
MUFC still exists.

If you cant afford to go, then support your existing local non-league side, afterall they have been around and established for years and need every penny they can get in order to survive.

A lot of the real reasons that FCUM was set up have ben ignored and covered over - The Truth is out there (and its not Glazer or pricing related).
SEF, why would fans want to go to say Altrincham. For years they have had no connection with them, and you cant just wake up one day and think "hang on, I think I will be a Altrincham fan".

The fans have MADE FC United, and thats why they love it like they do United.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
Whats up tufty worried you wont get your job at United because of FC United


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
You are a cnut of the lowest degree you come here and spend a full day denying who you are why do that if you have nothing to hide

Every post on here is just beging for money or having a go at FC United
No wonder you are banned from everywhere else

Trip Fontaine

New Member
Apr 18, 2004
I don't see how taking the "soul" of Manchester United to Gigg Lane is going to help matters. Surely it's just opening up more seats for the type of fans you hate so much? Your reaction seems not "Let's fight for our club," but, "Let's give up and let the other people have the club, we'll make our own."


Full Member
Aug 19, 2000
It's not the colour of your shirt that counts, it'
StrettyEndFlags said:
feck them, they shouldnt be mentioned in the same breath as Man United.
A team of falsely created media hype (Using the name of MUFC for its self interests), portraying false myths about all these people who have quit Old Trafford, a return to the way it was (20 year olds talking about how it was in the 70's!!!), a creation of something its initial aims were dead against (Merchandising on par with United, on-line pics site etc, all seater stadium, inflated ticket prices compared to the league, players on higher wages than anyone else in the league). A club with no values for the traditions of non-league football and supporters who have no understanding of non-league football and its traditions and have never ben interested in football at that level in the past (How many people have actually gave support in any form to their existing local non-league side?).
FCUM are now bigger rivals to MUFC than Liverpool or City (Not in terms of on-field activites). The hatred for the MUFC regime is there, songs slating United and its players, the abuse from its supporters towards those who remain loyal to United. The constant Jehovas Witness style preaching by FCUM fans to United fans.
The club is trying to steal support away from United, trying to get the kids who have never been to Old Trafford etc along, to feed them the anti-MUFC propaganda etc, which will eventually see these kids never wanting to support MUFC, in the same way fans of Bury etc do.
Creating a bigger danger to MUFC than anything Glazer could achieve.
Its time those who have walked away for United, sold their soul to Glazer (Hes bought you out, replaced you) and forgotten their loyalties now went away and left the true United fans to supporting their own club, the only United, the real United. Keep FCUM comments to FCUM sites and let fans of United get on with their own club, without having to endure the constant shite about your new found club.
Your head is so far up your arse that I won't bother trying to argue with you, dickhead.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2000
It's not the colour of your shirt that counts, it'
StrettyEndFlags said:
Its the same as taking your ball home when the game doesnt go your way, throwing your toys out of your pram.
Wimbledon fans had valid reason to create AFC Wimbldeon.
MUFC still exists.

If you cant afford to go, then support your existing local non-league side, afterall they have been around and established for years and need every penny they can get in order to survive.

A lot of the real reasons that FCUM was set up have ben ignored and covered over - The Truth is out there (and its not Glazer or pricing related).
Well enlighten me seeing as you know it all.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
Trip Fontaine said:
I don't see how taking the "soul" of Manchester United to Gigg Lane is going to help matters. Surely it's just opening up more seats for the type of fans you hate so much? Your reaction seems not "Let's fight for our club," but, "Let's give up and let the other people have the club, we'll make our own."
What you cant seem to get is that most of the people at FC United are fighting against glazer in the way they think is right the same as some people are staying at OT and fighting the same fight but in a different way but both lots have the same objective

maybe it is opening up more seats to the daytrippers but how long will they last
But as for your

not "Let's fight for our club," but, "Let's give up and let the other people have the club, we'll make our own."
Thats out of order as do you think people who have been going to OT for thirty - forty years just want to walk away do you think it was easy for them
If there was total agreement in the first place and everyone done the same thing Glazer would be history by now
Yet people like you call them traitors for a least trying to fight Glazer yet you dont even go to the games yourself

Others who go to watch FC United are people who have been forced out of OT by price as you say yourself spending £1.50 a week on MUTV is a bit much how do you think others asked to pay roundabout £40 a game feel FC united is a good cheaper alternative for them yet even though they cant afford it at OT
You call these people traitors as well


Full Member
Dec 18, 2003
Groundhog Day.

Is it me or have we been here before? Several thousand times.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
redfan said:
Well enlighten me seeing as you know it all.
Tufty must be happy that FC United was formed because without them he would be a bigger nobody then he already is


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
fadas said:
Groundhog Day.

Is it me or have we been here before? Several thousand times.
Yes but even so many who still dont agree with FC United can still see some basic point

Others come along just to carry on with it why call someone a traitor because they cant aford to go to OT but can aford to watch cheaper football and have a good day somewhere else


Full Member
Dec 18, 2003
Mick, I know we all get involved in these spats (I'm as guilty as the next man) but really, it doesn't matter what he says. No matter what you say, he's going to have a pop at you.

You should go along to FC, enjoy it. Post up about the games etc.

I find all the "soul of MUFC in exile at FC" a bit scouse in it's pretentiousness myself but enjoy hearing about the games and if people are enjoying it, all the best to them.


Full Member
May 8, 2005
United is the cash cow,we all know that merchandising,Tickets,corporate
etc,etc ,etc
But Fc United IS a smaller version already it is the cash cow of non-league football
Not may conference sides can claim to employ a marketing agency
never mind non league sides

I wish them all the best always have done, always will.

Why?? because they are generating so much money for Non league football for years to come not just themselves,every club they play are rubbing their

What will no doubt happen is they will be given a jump up the leagues,
Before you start saying that will never happen.I guarantee it will
Ive seen it before,You want to know why?
For one all the sides in leagues above them will be pissed off that they are not getting the opportunity to generate some money from FC
(does that sound familiar to United)
Everybody wants a piece
Some of these leagues are ran by utter tooloids ive been up before
the lancashire FA and they are tooloids as well

You want to go to one of the league commitee meetings and you will see for yourself
They all want recognition for their prospective leagues and how do they get that by media coverage and money,you wait and see soon enough FC will have their
own section in the MEN (i aint seen it you may already have it)then you get Radio coverage feckin hell if you generated enough interest SKy would give you a channel.

So all these claims of however many years it will take to get in league football?
7 or 8 nah half it seriously, you watch FC are generating too much money and too much attention to be ignored .
FC was set up by the fans for the fans, next time you have a AGM
check the figures closely and you will see what i mean.
I,m not havin a chibb in any way shape or form i wish them all the best in the world.
I feel sorry for the players who will be cast by the wayside as you progress up the leagues,but thats progress, but it still hurts as a player who started
the revolution but no doubt they will feel proud that they were in at the start

Good luck FC well done to those who created it and to those that support it
what you are doing is guaranteeing the survival of Non leagues clubs apart from yourselves

I cannot see where their is anything but good to come from You
But dont think you left United to get away from commercialism because
you have already got it with FC..

26 may 1999

Feb 20, 2001
I went to an away match an hours drive away last sunday...

My coach fare ground admission a pie and three hours in the pub came to a grand total of thirty quid.

If that's commercialism then bring it on.


New Member
Oct 10, 2005
Lets put an end to all this Football Club United of Manchester (sorry Bury) talk now.
Talk on this subject, can be kept to their own clubs message boards, in the same way Liverpool, City etc have their own boards for their own club.
This is a Manchester United baord and should be kept for talk on Manchester United its players, fans and club.
Theres only One United!


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
Fc united supporters (fellow man united supporters) are not gonna change their mind about their reasons for doing it so why should the ppl that don't support them change theirs?There's not much to debate if peoples minds are already made up. I've read alot on this and the idea that fc are to do with man united is frightening to be honest but, hey your adults your free to do and believe what you want. This thread was and will always be about the same things so we should all just agree to disagree. We're probally all partly right and partly wrong when you think about it

Trip Fontaine

New Member
Apr 18, 2004
mickthered said:
What you cant seem to get is that most of the people at FC United are fighting against glazer in the way they think is right the same as some people are staying at OT and fighting the same fight but in a different way but both lots have the same objective

maybe it is opening up more seats to the daytrippers but how long will they last
But as for your

not "Let's fight for our club," but, "Let's give up and let the other people have the club, we'll make our own."
Thats out of order as do you think people who have been going to OT for thirty - forty years just want to walk away do you think it was easy for them
If there was total agreement in the first place and everyone done the same thing Glazer would be history by now
Yet people like you call them traitors for a least trying to fight Glazer yet you dont even go to the games yourself

Others who go to watch FC United are people who have been forced out of OT by price as you say yourself spending £1.50 a week on MUTV is a bit much how do you think others asked to pay roundabout £40 a game feel FC united is a good cheaper alternative for them yet even though they cant afford it at OT
You call these people traitors as well
It just seems to me that people are overstating the importance of Glazer in their decision to form FC United. From almost all the things that FC United fans have said about why they formed/watched the club it seems more of a reaction against the modern game of football than about Glazer.

Some people like to stand up to watch amateurs who can then share a drink with them in the pub afterwards. Some people like to watch some of the finest footballers in the world. What I don't like is the incredibly holier-than-thou attitude of people like Andy Walsh, saying stuff like "This is a real football club, a real football team." feck right off to that, I say. The modern game is far more commercialised and everything else than it used to be, but at the end of the day it's still real football. When those players come out of the tunnel onto the pitch it's no different at Old Trafford than Gigg Lane. I can't understand how people have allowed off-field shenanigans to cloud their ability to get behind the team they've supported for so long.

If you've been supporting Manchester United for 40 years then you'll have seen all kinds of highs and lows. Why is Glazer so bad to make you leave the club? Why were people displaying banners that said "RIP MUFC"? Why were they so ready to proclaim the death of Manchester United before the situation even had time to pan out?

I just think it's unrealistic to expect Manchester United or football in general to return to the old days. And do we even want to? Some of the developments of the modern game have been positive. People regard the past with rose-tinted spectacles on, but have they forgotten about things like Hillsborough, Heysel, rampant hooliganism, racist chanting, players who conked out after 60 minutes because they spent the previous night devouring pies and pints, shoddy pitches, crumbling stadiums, etc?

FC United are also operating on such superior means to all the other teams in their division that it's not really a return to the way football used to be. They're simply another slice of proof that financial superiority equals sporting success. Look at them sitting pretty on the top of the table having lost only one game all season. Remind you of anyone?


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
Trip Fontaine said:
It just seems to me that people are overstating the importance of Glazer in their decision to form FC United. From almost all the things that FC United fans have said about why they formed/watched the club it seems more of a reaction against the modern game of football than about Glazer.

Some people like to stand up to watch amateurs who can then share a drink with them in the pub afterwards. Some people like to watch some of the finest footballers in the world. What I don't like is the incredibly holier-than-thou attitude of people like Andy Walsh, saying stuff like "This is a real football club, a real football team." feck right off to that, I say. The modern game is far more commercialised and everything else than it used to be, but at the end of the day it's still real football. When those players come out of the tunnel onto the pitch it's no different at Old Trafford than Gigg Lane. I can't understand how people have allowed off-field shenanigans to cloud their ability to get behind the team they've supported for so long.

If you've been supporting Manchester United for 40 years then you'll have seen all kinds of highs and lows. Why is Glazer so bad to make you leave the club? Why were people displaying banners that said "RIP MUFC"? Why were they so ready to proclaim the death of Manchester United before the situation even had time to pan out?

I just think it's unrealistic to expect Manchester United or football in general to return to the old days. And do we even want to? Some of the developments of the modern game have been positive. People regard the past with rose-tinted spectacles on, but have they forgotten about things like Hillsborough, Heysel, rampant hooliganism, racist chanting, players who conked out after 60 minutes because they spent the previous night devouring pies and pints, shoddy pitches, crumbling stadiums, etc?

FC United are also operating on such superior means to all the other teams in their division that it's not really a return to the way football used to be. They're simply another slice of proof that financial superiority equals sporting success. Look at them sitting pretty on the top of the table having lost only one game all season. Remind you of anyone?

Not much point in replying as before I made a civilised reply and most of the points that were made were just ignoured for you to just come back out with your usual shite with just the same as in every post as someone who hardly ever goes and reckons £1.50 a week is too much spend on United
As it now seems your only argument is because FC United have more fans then others in the same league

As for you to go on about Hillsborough, Heysel I seriously doubt that you was even born then


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
StrettyEndFlags said:
Lets put an end to all this Football Club United of Manchester (sorry Bury) talk now.
Talk on this subject, can be kept to their own clubs message boards, in the same way Liverpool, City etc have their own boards for their own club.
This is a Manchester United baord and should be kept for talk on Manchester United its players, fans and club.
Theres only One United!
Is that the same tufty who is only here because youre banned from everywhere else
You have your own forum why come on here

forgot you want the money

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
StrettyEndFlags said:
Lets put an end to all this Football Club United of Manchester (sorry Bury) talk now.
Talk on this subject, can be kept to their own clubs message boards, in the same way Liverpool, City etc have their own boards for their own club.
This is a Manchester United baord and should be kept for talk on Manchester United its players, fans and club.
Theres only One United!
You self righteous twat, who the feck do you think you are to come onto this forum and try to dictate who should post where?

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
SEF, I doubt you will find anyone foolish enough to give you any money, Yianni is probably foolish enough, but unfortunately for you, he has none, so you are as well taking your begging bowl and fecking off.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
StrettyEndFlags said:
Lets put an end to all this Football Club United of Manchester (sorry Bury) talk now.
Talk on this subject, can be kept to their own clubs message boards, in the same way Liverpool, City etc have their own boards for their own club.
This is a Manchester United baord and should be kept for talk on Manchester United its players, fans and club.
Theres only One United!