Your opinion now at the halfway stage...(FC United)


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
i'm 100% against it still. I think some people always wanted it to happen and when the chance came about took it. Goodluck to them though in principle it's abit of a farse.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
FC are doing just fine. Support is growing, players are gelling nicely and the club is looking prosperous.

The word is spreading...


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
Still feel the same

There's a more sensible view around the whole thing, now that the hysteria has died down.

It can only be a good thing, because if it's a bad thing, everyone would just feck off and then it would be a nothing


Full Member
Aug 11, 2004
Seoul via Manchester
I've never really had an opinion on FC, I understood people's reason for going and I certainly wasn't against it or anything, and gradually I've become more accustomed to the idea.

I think I'll definitely have to get myself down at some point this season, everyone who's had anything to do with FC United has had nothing to say but good words about it.


Anagram of Peter Crouch
Jul 18, 2005
L.S. Lowry, Albert Finney, Vinegar Vera, Ben Kings
Keane16 said:
I've warmed to as much as a non-Mancunian can. It's not the ego-cart I thought it might be. Looks class in fairness.
I posted this last week in another debate about FC. I've since become more addicted after my first 'away' at the match with Nelson at Accrington, I'll be there on Saturday against the mighty Ashton as well.

"watched this debate unfold last night and tried to steer clear of it, however in the cold light of day there are some quality points on both sides.

My stance on FC has changed dramatically over the last few months. As much as I hate the Glazer situation and as much as I've been getting mind numbingly bored in the sanitised atmosphere of Premier league football, I initially couldn't get my head around people walking away. Having been to a few FC matches and getting swept away with how much fun it is, I've mellowed to the idea, I've even bought a scarf. I don't ever envisage being able to walk away from United, I can't imagine I'd ever want to but FC are now part of the furniture for me, it's the chance to stand up and sing United songs with my mates that I haven't had since I was a kid, and it's cheap and available enough to be able to go on a whim.

My only hang up with the whole thing is if FC united get to say Conference or league status, the rate it's growing I would say it's a real possibility, then I might start to feel like I'm having an affair with some 2 bit tart. For the moment I'm going to enjoy it though because going to a football match had gone stale for me in the last few years and FC has taught me a lot, I find myself trying all the more at Old Trafford these days, shame no fecker else does.

I just wish we didn't have the aggro from some of the herberts on this forum that just aren't prepared to listen, at least Weaste and VanNistelrater made some great points in this thread that ring true with people like me that are in both camps."

Followed by

"I don't feel guilty, I feel very much part of it, my point was that in the future if FC United continue to progress I worry that my loyalties start to get tested. It's a long way off and hypothetical but for someone that hasn't 'walked away' like myself it's something that's nagging at the back of my mind.

At the moment I'm along for the ride and having a ball."


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
From that first game at Leigh turned up at the pub with about ten others and wondered what it would be like and if we would be the only ones there

Nothing to worry about as all the pubs in Leigh were rocking

What a buzz that day was and its only got better

have made some great mates and also met a lot of decent lads

long may it continue going from strength to strength

The Hairdryer

I'm no longer bothered by FC United, as I've been unfairly judging the whole organisation on people like Fredthered and Ladybarnred. As it's been pointed out to me there's a lot of good reds down there and if I still lived in the old country I would possibly be down at Gigg Lane every other weekend as well, who knows? Good luck to them. I hope we meet them in the Cup in the next few years.

I rubbing my hands in anticipation for when both Trip Fontaine and Biglaski come across this thread though.


Likes Loan Stickies
May 7, 2004
they're already at the halfway stage!? does that mean glazer will be gone at the end of the season? hell yeah!! anyways - sounds like the people connected to it are having a ball, so hats off to 'em. but i still think they should get their own caf forum.


Full Member
Oct 8, 2003
The Hairdryer said:
I'm no longer bothered by FC United, as I've been unfairly judging the whole organisation on people like Fredthered and Ladybarnred. As it's been pointed out to me there's a lot of good reds down there and if I still lived in the old country I would possibly be down at Gigg Lane every other weekend as well, who knows? Good luck to them. I hope we meet them in the Cup in the next few years.

I rubbing my hands in anticipation for when both Trip Fontaine and Biglaski come across this thread though.
Thought you had been a bit quiet lately

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
First of all, I would just like to highlight this post! :lol:

Originally Posted by Ballack13
feck fc united ill support manutd no matter who owns them

reply by stewem68
ditto........there's only one United :devil: :devil:

(sorry 'bout that ste, I couldn't resist! ;) )

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
I am about to take in my first FC United game this weekend, I hope they go from strength to strength and am sure they will, I am sad that thousands of quality reds have left OT, and no doubt been replaced with fecking idiots, but I reckon I am much more sad than they are, because it looks like they are having a fecking ball.
Anyone who does not wish FC the best are disillused and IMO clueless (like a kind of Yianni) because I look on FC as an exciting extension to United, and there is no other club on the planet who I would stand on the terrace (yes stand :D ) and support.
I hate Glazer more than most, so I will enjoy standing (yes standing :D ) with like minding people, having a great family day out, and a drunken sing song.

How can that be a bad thing eh?


Full Member
Jan 6, 2004
There's so much i could say to that Shane but i'm not going to bother. Really cannot be arsed getting into another debate about FC and your beliefs.

Been there done that. Not going to ruin another thread.


New Member
Sep 29, 2001
Dimmer than Welsh Red
Fred blackens the name of FCUM for me but on the whole i wish them well, i still reckon it should be locals only, ie only those directly affected by Glazer.

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
Yianni said:
There's so much i could say to that Shane but i'm not going to bother. Really cannot be arsed getting into another debate about FC and your beliefs.

Been there done that. Not going to ruin another thread.
Hurray, monkeyboy has finally learnt that you can't put a square peg into a round hole.


Full Member
Nov 18, 2004
Personally my opinions haven't changed since inception, I loved the idea then and I love it now, thats even before I have been to a game. I'll be sending my donation again next season too.

AND shock of all shocks I'm still a United fan.

Can't wait for Divo the Skaus gobshite to give us his latest interpretations. Should be worth staying bed for.

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
Murt said:
Fred blackens the name of FCUM for me .
I think because Fred is a passionate extremest, he gets a bad name on here, we should remember he is red through and through, and for me his good qualities far outweigh his bad.


Full Member
Dec 18, 2003
Interesting viewpoint there, Stretty. :lol:

You make your points well all the same.


Real Fly Ox
Oct 21, 2001
CPL 593H
StrettyEndFlags said:
feck them, they shouldnt be mentioned in the same breath as Man United.
A team of falsely created media hype (Using the name of MUFC for its self interests), portraying false myths about all these people who have quit Old Trafford, a return to the way it was (20 year olds talking about how it was in the 70's!!!), a creation of something its initial aims were dead against (Merchandising on par with United, on-line pics site etc, all seater stadium, inflated ticket prices compared to the league, players on higher wages than anyone else in the league). A club with no values for the traditions of non-league football and supporters who have no understanding of non-league football and its traditions and have never ben interested in football at that level in the past (How many people have actually gave support in any form to their existing local non-league side?).
FCUM are now bigger rivals to MUFC than Liverpool or City (Not in terms of on-field activites). The hatred for the MUFC regime is there, songs slating United and its players, the abuse from its supporters towards those who remain loyal to United. The constant Jehovas Witness style preaching by FCUM fans to United fans.
The club is trying to steal support away from United, trying to get the kids who have never been to Old Trafford etc along, to feed them the anti-MUFC propaganda etc, which will eventually see these kids never wanting to support MUFC, in the same way fans of Bury etc do.
Creating a bigger danger to MUFC than anything Glazer could achieve.
Its time those who have walked away for United, sold their soul to Glazer (Hes bought you out, replaced you) and forgotten their loyalties now went away and left the true United fans to supporting their own club, the only United, the real United. Keep FCUM comments to FCUM sites and let fans of United get on with their own club, without having to endure the constant shite about your new found club.
The Touch paper is lit.;) I think SEF will need a white flag shortly.

The Hairdryer

I'm going down the road to get some chips and beer, This could get interesting.

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
StrettyEndFlags said:
feck them, they shouldnt be mentioned in the same breath as Man United.
A team of falsely created media hype (Using the name of MUFC for its self interests), portraying false myths about all these people who have quit Old Trafford, a return to the way it was (20 year olds talking about how it was in the 70's!!!), a creation of something its initial aims were dead against (Merchandising on par with United, on-line pics site etc, all seater stadium, inflated ticket prices compared to the league, players on higher wages than anyone else in the league). A club with no values for the traditions of non-league football and supporters who have no understanding of non-league football and its traditions and have never ben interested in football at that level in the past (How many people have actually gave support in any form to their existing local non-league side?).
FCUM are now bigger rivals to MUFC than Liverpool or City (Not in terms of on-field activites). The hatred for the MUFC regime is there, songs slating United and its players, the abuse from its supporters towards those who remain loyal to United. The constant Jehovas Witness style preaching by FCUM fans to United fans.
The club is trying to steal support away from United, trying to get the kids who have never been to Old Trafford etc along, to feed them the anti-MUFC propaganda etc, which will eventually see these kids never wanting to support MUFC, in the same way fans of Bury etc do.
Creating a bigger danger to MUFC than anything Glazer could achieve.
Its time those who have walked away for United, sold their soul to Glazer (Hes bought you out, replaced you) and forgotten their loyalties now went away and left the true United fans to supporting their own club, the only United, the real United. Keep FCUM comments to FCUM sites and let fans of United get on with their own club, without having to endure the constant shite about your new found club.
Probably the worst unfounded post I have ever read.

I am United through and through, but what you are spouting here boils down to anti FC propaganda, it is hardly surprising that Tufty gets a slating off the fans he claims to be one of (and most think that the tufty we speak of is you) how can you be so disrespectful to the fans who have finally had enough of the bullshit corperate bollocks that MUFC spouts out on a daily basis? How can you not recognise that the great fans who we grew up with, the fans who made the noise are not there any more? How can you not recognise that the kids and OAPs who love United and have been priced out with a total disregard to their loyaly or love for the club, cannot go anymore due to the massive expense that a ticket involves? Finally, how can you not recognise that Glazer was the final insult, the straw that broke the camels back?
I reckon you would be hard pushed to find anyone at FC who does not love MUFC, they consist of the unwanted and those who have high principals, how dare you have a pop at these people? Who the feck do you think you are? You are the lowest of the low, worse than a inbred scouser, you are Glazers bitch and you are touting around forums begging off the unsuspecting for shite banners.
I have always given you the benefit of the doubt, and indeed I have spoke to tufty on many occassion and gave him the benefit of the doubt, but this is a stage too far, you can stick your fecking banners up your arse, and if I ever catch up with you, I will fecking stick them there for you.

feck Off.


New Member
May 22, 2005
Shane Bluck said:
Probably the worst unfounded post I have ever read.

I am United through and through, but what you are spouting here boils down to anti FC propaganda, it is hardly surprising that Tufty gets a slating off the fans he claims to be one of (and most think that the tufty we speak of is you) how can you be so disrespectful to the fans who have finally had enough of the bullshit corperate bollocks that MUFC spouts out on a daily basis? How can you not recognise that the great fans who we grew up with, the fans who made the noise are not there any more? How can you not recognise that the kids and OAPs who love United and have been priced out with a total disregard to their loyaly or love for the club, cannot go anymore due to the massive expense that a ticket involves? Finally, how can you not recognise that Glazer was the final insult, the straw that broke the camels back?
I reckon you would be hard pushed to find anyone at FC who does not love MUFC, they consist of the unwanted and those who have high principals, how dare you have a pop at these people? Who the feck do you think you are? You are the lowest of the low, worse than a inbred scouser, you are Glazers bitch and you are touting around forums begging off the unsuspecting for shite banners.
I have always given you the benefit of the doubt, and indeed I have spoke to tufty on many occassion and gave him the benefit of the doubt, but this is a stage too far, you can stick your fecking banners up your arse, and if I ever catch up with you, I will fecking stick them there for you.

feck Off.

excellent response shane


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
StrettyEndFlags said:
feck them, they shouldnt be mentioned in the same breath as Man United.
A team of falsely created media hype (Using the name of MUFC for its self interests), portraying false myths about all these people who have quit Old Trafford, a return to the way it was (20 year olds talking about how it was in the 70's!!!), a creation of something its initial aims were dead against (Merchandising on par with United, on-line pics site etc, all seater stadium, inflated ticket prices compared to the league, players on higher wages than anyone else in the league). A club with no values for the traditions of non-league football and supporters who have no understanding of non-league football and its traditions and have never ben interested in football at that level in the past (How many people have actually gave support in any form to their existing local non-league side?).
FCUM are now bigger rivals to MUFC than Liverpool or City (Not in terms of on-field activites). The hatred for the MUFC regime is there, songs slating United and its players, the abuse from its supporters towards those who remain loyal to United. The constant Jehovas Witness style preaching by FCUM fans to United fans.
The club is trying to steal support away from United, trying to get the kids who have never been to Old Trafford etc along, to feed them the anti-MUFC propaganda etc, which will eventually see these kids never wanting to support MUFC, in the same way fans of Bury etc do.
Creating a bigger danger to MUFC than anything Glazer could achieve.
Its time those who have walked away for United, sold their soul to Glazer (Hes bought you out, replaced you) and forgotten their loyalties now went away and left the true United fans to supporting their own club, the only United, the real United. Keep FCUM comments to FCUM sites and let fans of United get on with their own club, without having to endure the constant shite about your new found club.
feck OF TUFTY !!!


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
Shane Bluck said:
Probably the worst unfounded post I have ever read.

I am United through and through, but what you are spouting here boils down to anti FC propaganda, it is hardly surprising that Tufty gets a slating off the fans he claims to be one of (and most think that the tufty we speak of is you) how can you be so disrespectful to the fans who have finally had enough of the bullshit corperate bollocks that MUFC spouts out on a daily basis? How can you not recognise that the great fans who we grew up with, the fans who made the noise are not there any more? How can you not recognise that the kids and OAPs who love United and have been priced out with a total disregard to their loyaly or love for the club, cannot go anymore due to the massive expense that a ticket involves? Finally, how can you not recognise that Glazer was the final insult, the straw that broke the camels back?
I reckon you would be hard pushed to find anyone at FC who does not love MUFC, they consist of the unwanted and those who have high principals, how dare you have a pop at these people? Who the feck do you think you are? You are the lowest of the low, worse than a inbred scouser, you are Glazers bitch and you are touting around forums begging off the unsuspecting for shite banners.
I have always given you the benefit of the doubt, and indeed I have spoke to tufty on many occassion and gave him the benefit of the doubt, but this is a stage too far, you can stick your fecking banners up your arse, and if I ever catch up with you, I will fecking stick them there for you.

feck Off.
Not wanting to sound condescending but I did warn you what he was like.

I knew this moment would come. He does it all the time. THats why hes been banned from Every United forum he goes on. If it wasnt for the fact hes paid £10 he would be banned from the santuary on RI too.

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
StrettyEndFlags said:
Whats that post got to do wth banners?
Because you have been on here, and a number of sites, with your begging bowl, you are part of a corperation that begs money off United fans to put your shit banners in place, banners that replace those that used to be in place before the Glazer regime, banners that were took away tby fans who now support FC United, so it seems as a spokesman for your business you are spouting anti FC shite, and as a spokesman for your business, your business now takes the backlash.
Simple really when you think about it, and you are not trying to dodge issues?

Trip Fontaine

New Member
Apr 18, 2004
Shane Bluck said:
how can you be so disrespectful to the fans who have finally had enough of the bullshit corperate bollocks that MUFC spouts out on a daily basis? How can you not recognise that the great fans who we grew up with, the fans who made the noise are not there any more? How can you not recognise that the kids and OAPs who love United and have been priced out with a total disregard to their loyaly or love for the club, cannot go anymore due to the massive expense that a ticket involves? Finally, how can you not recognise that Glazer was the final insult, the straw that broke the camels back?
But most of what you're describing here is symptomatic of the entire Premiership. Why haven't all other Premiership fans made their own breakaway clubs? FC Rentboys of Chelsea and so on.

Things like high priced tickets and rampant commercialism is not just a Manchester United problem.

Shane B

Not Fat, Old, Racist or Scouse
Mar 6, 2004
Quietly going about my business.
fredthered said:
Not wanting to sound condescending but I did warn you what he was like.

That is all fair enough mate, and I suspected enough, but i like to make my own mind up, I have spoke to tufty at length via pm and given him the benefit of the doubt, I do believe that this is the same poster and indeed it is tufty in an extreme cowardice form, and he really is a low form of life.


I want Peter Kenyon back
Jun 29, 2005
Trip Fontaine said:
But most of what you're describing here is symptomatic of the entire Premiership. Why haven't all other Premiership fans made their own breakaway clubs? FC Rentboys of Chelsea and so on.

Things like high priced tickets and rampant commercialism is not just a Manchester United problem.
We know its not endemic to United.

BUt someone has to take the lead. Man CIty fans are currently looking at getting a similar team together joining forces with Maine Road FC, for fans who cant afford to go.

SOmeone has to take the lead, and United fans, having suffered more than anyone else over it, have taken the lead.

If we can get others to do the same, and start backing the movement, then the clubs have two options. Start listening or lose supporters to clubs like FC United.