Zlatan tells Lukaku "‘Go do your voodoo s***, you little donkey"

Wow sorry! I had him confused with someone else.

Making salat is prayer is Islam. I thought thsts what Ibra was talking about. I didn’t even know Ibra was practising either.

As a Muslim myself, I know this. I want to know what you meant by Zlatan referring to this... Are you suggesting the Islamic prayer has ever been confused with voodoo?
They seemed to have a good relationship. Just look at the video below. I wonder what caused the rift?

Wasn't even Pogba's relationship with Lukaku strained by the end?

Lukaku doesn't exactly strike me as an easy team mate to have.
Posters have advised me that Ibra is Muslim. I got it the wrong way around
He's not a practising muslim. His father was a muslim from Bosnia and his mother a catholic from Croatia. He says different things in different interviews. He's said that football is his religion and everybody is welcome, he's also described himself as deeply faithful catholic.
Did Ibra really confirm he said voodoo? I listened to it a few times and I was pretty certain he said wooden shed, which also made sense with the following donkey comment.

A few posters questioned why people seem to be siding with Zlatan. It's probably only normal given the comments Lukaku made after leaving.
I’d side with zlatan because lukaku is acting like a big kid. He seemed most angry about the mother comment, and posters in here even funnier saying he has a right to defend his family and reaction justified. Really? He’s a grown ass man, act his age and laugh it off, they’re not in school ffs
Both look bad here. Zlatan's voodoo comments are very dodgy and Lukaku's rape and murder threats (if true) are very weird for the football pitch. What happened to simply calling someone a cnut in the heat of the moment?
It makes sense to randomly bring up a little wooden shed which doesn't exist? Logically I don't see it. Do garden sheds spring to mind when your in football stadiums?

You're reaching here. Besides, according to Sky Italia AC Milan reps have said it was a reference to the voodoo story at Everton so it wasn't 'anything'.

He said the voodoo thing and whether you or me think it's racist or not is a different matter entirely.
Grow up ffs, what is it with these projecting comments form of debates. Trying to be funny on about garden sheds and stadiums, feck me. Donkeys live in little wooden sheds, in cartoons, in my head, in films. If they don’t in your world so be it.

looks like confirmed he said voodoo anyway so you can hop back on your racism train now and try and find some more funny comments To try and look cool with
After reading that, i still don’t understands why some would suggest it’s racist. There’s nothing racist about it, it’s just reference to a joke based on some practice from a religious belief, and donkey being referred as being stupid/clumsy too. For example, if it’s same joke on getting message from Jesus, or Buddha instead, through prayers or enlightenment received from his mum, would it be racist too? It may offend the religion though.
How often do you hear voodoo jokes made about white or Asian people?
Donkey, I agree is just a general term for being stupid/clumsy
Zlatan clearly knows something about Lukaku and the voodoo connections from their overlapping time here. Whether there is truth to it, or he just knows how much it winds him up.

I don't believe a guy as experienced and switched on as Zlatan, who grew up an ethnic minority himself, would say that so openly and brazenly if he meant it in a racist way.
Funny how for some people it's the person that says it that makes it racist or not. A sign of the times.
Come on, look at your username dude.

You're siding with Zlatan because you are a big fan and don't want to think he'd be a total twat.
Never assume, my username is purely because we signed him and I guessed his number looking for a quick promotion :lol: After lurking here years.
To be honest I forgot I was in here and with my username haha
If you have searched Google for voodoo on images it is obvious you will get images of primarily black people among other images of 'dolls' and assorted images that have connotations of voodoo.
Over 95% of images from my google search come up with dolls and witches though when I type the word “voodoo”...
Whats the whole Moshiri voodoo comment about? Ive read peoples explanations but I just dont understand why voodoo was brought up? He want to leave for Chelsea but later changed his mind to United? Where does voodoo fit into that?
How often do you hear voodoo jokes made about white or Asian people?
Donkey, I agree is just a general term for being stupid/clumsy

It would be very weird to make voodoo jokes about someone that isn't an African descent or African since it's part of Africa's culture.
I never claimed to be wrong moreso than others. I've never been inferred to be racist in my life and was quite taken a back by it.

I've stated how I didn't understand it to be racist until posters like yourself pointed out how it is. I don't think it's fair to be called racist in that instance. I've took it on board and briefly read up on the history behind it that you and others have linked and can understand in the undertones behind the insult now.
You’re completely right of course, I think I mixed you up with someone else, but I was much too hostile. Kudos for your stance.
I thought so too. Even the donkey comment. A lot of white people constantly compare black people to animals - not good to hear.

What a stretch. A lot of white people compare black people to animals, so as he said an animal it must be rascist. Get out of here.
There have?

And forget "Had Lukaku done blah blah..". DID Lukaku use any racial stereotype in the heat of the moment?
If anything, he said he likes white people, both male and female. The issue of consent might not be very clear to him though.
They both come out of this one looking like pathetic morons. Shockingly childish and idiotic behaviour from both.
You've clearly got it wrong.
Zlatan's the one being called a gypsy, by rival Italian fans and Swedes.
Mido? He threw a scissor at Zlatan at Ajax apparently, but there was no mention of any slur according to both parties.

As a Milan fan, I often get into arguments with people who like to praise Zlatan at the expense of the team. Zlatan IS an egotistical prick and bully who likes to undermine his coaches.

But how could anyone take Lukaku's side in this?
He's the one who started all this by starting a fight with Romagnoli and shoving Saelemaekers who was only trying to calm down his compatriot.
He even hit some Inter staff crew that were trying to ease the tension.

Zlatan said "Call your mother, do your voodoo shit. You little donkey".

"I feck you and your wife bitch"
"I'll fecking shoot you"
"Son of a whore"

If you think Zlatan went off limits, or that Lukaku's behavior was justified then you're as incredibly dumb and infantile as Lukaku and will hopefully not reproduce.

The whole discussion is highly embarrassing.

Fact people are saying Ibra is racist and getting on like Lukaku is some sort of victim in all this is comedy, especially with his reaction before and after the exchange. ibra just threw some more petrol on it.

People are disappearing up their own arses these days with the debates.
In the new video posted by Simon Stone it's clear Zlatan says "call your mother, do your voodoo shit"

and that's what makes Lukaku go for him saying "you want to talk about the mother"

Zlatan obviously knows the story and is just using it to wind him up - but it's not racism.
Would voodoo comments be considered racist in zlatans native country? Cus if not, who are we to judge? :wenger:

In all seriousness, I don't think it's particularly racist, I think it's something any player of any race/ethnicity who wants to get under lukakus skin would bring up. I don't think zlatans is looking at how factually correct it is, more it's something he knows will piss Lukaku off.

A whole lot of nothing tbh.
Whats the whole Moshiri voodoo comment about? Ive read peoples explanations but I just dont understand why voodoo was brought up? He want to leave for Chelsea but later changed his mind to United? Where does voodoo fit into that?

An Everton board member said that Lukaku told him his decision to leave was the result of voodoo ritual. Lukaku has denied this and was insulted as he is Catholic.

It was in the news at the time. Zlatan knew it was something which pissed Lukaku off and brought it up yesterday.
As a Muslim myself, I know this. I want to know what you meant by Zlatan referring to this... Are you suggesting the Islamic prayer has ever been confused with voodoo?

Let’s not try and make this a thing. I was clearly thinking that Ibra was saying it in an offensive manner.

Ive heard people say “voodoo shit” for religious elements

He's not a practising muslim. His father was a muslim from Bosnia and his mother a catholic from Croatia. He says different things in different interviews. He's said that football is his religion and everybody is welcome, he's also described himself as deeply faithful catholic.

I reread the posters message and yeah it was worded differently. Thanks for clarification
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You’re completely right of course, I think I mixed you up with someone else, but I was much too hostile. Kudos for your stance.
It's an absolutely sensitive subject on all sides and it's why I probably over reacted initially. At least we came to a someone amicable conclusion on a totally shirty subject that shouldn't be happening in this world.
The only way to really sort this out is for everyone to do a Google image search for the word "Donkey" and see what comes up
Funny how people are just debating whether or not Zlatan is a racist but not if Lukaku is a sexist. Helena has been informed that she’s going to get raped.
The only way to really sort this out is for everyone to do a Google image search for the word "Donkey" and see what comes up
Is saying you practice Voodoo actually racist though? there's lots of things that are "stereotypical", if he said go play basketball would that be seen as racist too?

Obviously he did say it in a way to wind him up, but i'm not sure there is any racist intent. We have to be careful with what we label as racism IMO.
Obviously :lol: :lol:
Parts of Africa, not including Congo.

That's beside the point, which I already made in an other post about Lukaku. It would be weird to make jokes about voodoo to a white or an asian person, the continent and cultural context would be completely wrong. Also there is variants of Voodoo in Congo-Brazza and also in other places, so in theory you can't exclude people that easily when they are from West and Central Africa, you need to know their family background more precisely.
Let’s not try and make this a thing. I was clearly thinking that Ibra was saying it in an offensive manner.

Ive heard people say “voodoo shit” for religious elements
What is the connection between 'voodoo shit' and Islam and salat? Your earlier posts seem to be connecting them and now you're saying "lets not make it a thing".
It's a reference to Lukaku's mum saying she got a voodoo message he should go to Chelsea right?

Only weird thing is Zlatan apparently following his fellow football players so closely he actually knew about this story.
8 pages on whether mocking Lukaku with "voodoo" is racist? Blimey.

I suppose everyone must know the intimate personal history between Zlatan and Lukaku, what they used to "banter" about in the dressing room etc.