Gaming Wii-U


Insists on dating women in public places - for the
May 10, 2011
The Land of Kernow
I think we need to give Nintendo time to see how they do with third party support. In terms of saying its only a little more powerful than PS3, we must remember that launch games are always a poor indicator of what is possible. Looking at some early PS3 games and some of the ones now, it looks like they could be from two different generations


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
I think Weaste needs to start the death of the Wii-U thread now. I mean it was about 3 years ago he started the Wii one :lol:
It is dead and has been for a very long time, even first party support has been thin for the past two years. How you can laugh and deny this is quite unbelievable. It's only mongoloids like you that gave it a reasonable software attach rate by buying loads of absolute shite.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
It is dead and has been for a very long time, even first party support has been thin for the past two years. How you can laugh and deny this is quite unbelievable. It's only mongoloids like you that gave it a reasonable software attach rate by buying loads of absolute shite.
So outselling competitors = dead. Interesting. So when Sony once again copy Nintendo (and fail because they are turning quite shit these days aren't they, you know because they keep sacking the best people and leaving idiots in charge) you will in no way claim it's a better idea now they are doing it, like you did with the Move?

And by your reckoning, the Vita is alive and well then! You and the other 3 owners should have a party.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
So outselling competitors = dead.
Is it still selling well? Are Nintendo going to stop manufacturing it? There answers your question. Both XB360 and PS3 will both outsell it come their ends. Combined they.... This is something that you have never quite been able to fathom. People that were never interested in video games bought a Wii, played it for 20 hours, and then left it there to gather dust, oh, and OAP homes as well.

And by your reckoning, the Vita is alive and well then! You and the other 3 owners should have a party.
This sounds like the shit people like you spouted in the first couple years of the PS3's life. VITA has not even been out for a year in the West, it's not even had a Christmas period. Considering that the market has changed slightly in terms of competing devices running iOS and Android, the comparison is well off base. VITA is too expensive for what it is, but it is sold at around what it costs, so Sony are playing the long game with it. You seem to forget the mess that Nintendo got themselves in with their initial asking price for the 3DS, the knee jerk 80 quid drop in its price, and the fact that even that juggernaut is selling poorly in the West.

Sony are well in the financial shit as a whole. Have you seen the shape of Sharp, Panasonic, etc.? Forget Toshiba, Mitsubishi and Hitachi, they make nuclear reactors and CAT scanners, and cars, and diggers and air conditioners and shit.


Pokemon master
Dec 26, 2006
Salford, Manchester
Weaste is actually right in a sense of the Wii being 'dead' in terms of software. There won't be that many games released for it next year and Dragon Quest 10 is the only thing that might shift units that comes to mind (but even that is on Wii U as well so there's little point). But, just because there won't be many games in comparison to PS3 and Xbox 360 is never going to mean that the Wii won't continue to sell a reasonable amount (and definitely enough to keep it ahead of PS3 and Xbox 360 for well.. forever I reckon).

The only issue I have with Weaste's argument is that he's basically saying shit like:

"PS2 is still selling a fair amount despite PS3 and Xbox 360 being released".

Then saying:

"Wii is dead with Wii U coming out and no new games being released".

It's just a bit contradictory I think. You can't say it for one thing and not the other. The PS3 and Xbox 360 may well outsell the Wii for the foreseeable future, but I don't think it'll ever be by enough of a margin to overtake the Wii. But there are people who will see the new Wii package where it comes with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort and just buy it because it's sub £100.

Wii will most likely stay ahead, not by 30million units like it is now, but still have sold more overall.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Is it still selling well? Are Nintendo going to stop manufacturing it? There answers your question. Both XB360 and PS3 will both outsell it come their ends. Combined they.... This is something that you have never quite been able to fathom. People that were never interested in video games bought a Wii, played it for 20 hours, and then left it there to gather dust, oh, and OAP homes as well.
You've been saying it or three years now. It's still on top.

This sounds like the shit people like you spouted in the first couple years of the PS3's life. VITA has not even been out for a year in the West, it's not even had a Christmas period. Considering that the market has changed slightly in terms of competing devices running iOS and Android, the comparison is well off base. VITA is too expensive for what it is, but it is sold at around what it costs, so Sony are playing the long game with it. You seem to forget the mess that Nintendo got themselves in with their initial asking price for the 3DS, the knee jerk 80 quid drop in its price, and the fact that even that juggernaut is selling poorly in the West.
I didn't give a feck about PS3 sales, I have mine and that's all that matters. As for the Vita, it's well built, but has shit software and worse sales. It's fun to watch you squirm though.

Sony hare well in the financial shit as a whole. Have you seen the shape of Sharp, Panasonic, etc.? Forget Toshiba, Mitsubishi and Hitachi, they make nuclear reactors and CAT scanners, and cars, and diggers and air conditioners and shit.
Oh, that makes it ok then. So when morale is low because how things went down, and they still continue to make machines they lose money on, it's all ok. As you know I've always favoured Sony because they gave me an in to the industry and I've worked with them and have friends who survived the cuts, but you can't argue that their strive to pull more market share with more powerful machines is hurting down the line, and will continue to do so.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Weaste is actually right in a sense of the Wii being 'dead' in terms of software. There won't be that many games released for it next year and Dragon Quest 10 is the only thing that might shift units that comes to mind (but even that is on Wii U as well so there's little point). But, just because there won't be many games in comparison to PS3 and Xbox 360 is never going to mean that the Wii won't continue to sell a reasonable amount (and definitely enough to keep it ahead of PS3 and Xbox 360 for well.. forever I reckon).

The only issue I have with Weaste's argument is that he's basically saying shit like:

"PS2 is still selling a fair amount despite PS3 and Xbox 360 being released".

Then saying:

"Wii is dead with Wii U coming out and no new games being released".

It's just a bit contradictory I think. You can't say it for one thing and not the other. The PS3 and Xbox 360 may well outsell the Wii for the foreseeable future, but I don't think it'll ever be by enough of a margin to overtake the Wii. But there are people who will see the new Wii package where it comes with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort and just buy it because it's sub £100.

Wii will most likely stay ahead, not by 30million units like it is now, but still have sold more overall.
He has been saying it for three years, not just recently. He isn't right, the Wii is still selling better than the other two.

On the software side, it's pretty obvious what's happening isn't it? The whole life of the machine has struggled with third party genuinely good titles (for the obvious reason of scaling down to suit), but when a genuinely AAA title comes out doesn't it smash everything else in sales?

He brings up the PS2 all the time because of the sales, but that's largely because of now selling it in new territories and they still semi-supported it to prop up all the money invested in the PS3 and Vita.


Pokemon master
Dec 26, 2006
Salford, Manchester
Nintendo will stop making it before the end of the year.
Possibly next year, but they announced a new bundle for this Christmas and have continued to produce the ones without the Gamecube backwards compatibility.

By this time next year, definitely... But not yet. They'll keep making them while they can still sell 80,000~ units a week.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
All joking aside Weastey, in your educated opinion, what do you reckon the innards of the machine are like? We know the type of processor and gpu, and we know it streams to the tablet and I know that since the snes' lauded bottleneck of a shit processor, they have gone out of their way to avoid bottlenecks right down to the os (I assume this is still the case), being a hardware man, what are your thoughts?


Insists on dating women in public places - for the
May 10, 2011
The Land of Kernow
Redlambs in the least technical way possible (as I have no idea) I would say that from the various developer sources I have read, it is going to be a decent amount more powerful than the Xbox, PS3 are at the moment. The games so far look at least on par with the current gen if not marginally better and launch games are notoriously miles short of what future games will look like.

I also highly doubt PS4 and NexBox will be as powerful as Weaste thinks as the economic climate is not right for consumers to pay huge sums for a powerhouse machine, or for Sony or Microsoft to take a huge hit on consoles sold

Member 39557

The first Wii U game reviews have been published in the latest issue of GamesMaster, which is with subscribers now and on sale officially from Tuesday, November 6.

The magazine offers verdicts on both Nintendo Land (86%) and New Super Mario Bros. U (82%).

On Nintendo Land GM says there's "a heck of a lot more to it" than merely showing off the new GamePad. It calls the Lugi's Mansion, Mario Chase and Animal Crossing games in particular "some of the most innovative, raucous and party-fuelling fun we've ever had with a console."

While the single-player content might not be as memorable, GamesMaster says Nintendo Land is ultimately "an essential purchase for party lovers".

On New Super Mario Bros. U GM says it was "surprised" by the amount of innovation on show in its later levels, and despite being an easier franchise entry concludes that NSMBU "bodes well for Mario's future Wii U outings".

The verdicts are part of a monster Wii special in GamesMaster 258, which you can buy online now and have delivered to your door, or purchase digitally via iOS and Android.

Nintendo has confirmed a Wii U release date of November 18 in the US, and a Wii U release date of November 30 in Europe.

The company has set the US Wii U price at $299 for the basic model, while the UK Wii U price starts at £230.
Sounds reasonably promising.


Insists on dating women in public places - for the
May 10, 2011
The Land of Kernow
I read that earlier. Good first reviews but would be great for one or two games to hit the 90 percent plus to really cement a decent launch. Maybe zombieU?

Member 39557

I read that earlier. Good first reviews but would be great for one or two games to hit the 90 percent plus to really cement a decent launch. Maybe zombieU?
Well, that's just one magazine. They might score 90% or more on other websites/magazines.

I'd agree with you though, if anything is likely to score highly it would be Zombieu


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Bit disappointed with the Mario reviews so far. Looks like it's exactly what we all expected it to be, another Super Mario Bros Wii, nothing ambitious. I was hoping they would surprise us with that one.

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
From what I've heard and seen it seems to be what I was expecting. A NSMB game with some improvements and new additions, but not a huge change in direction. As long as long it's good though (and from the reviews so far it seems to be) that's fine for me.

For something more unique you'll have to wait for the 3D Mario (or Paper Mario on 3DS ;)).

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy


Pokemon master
Dec 26, 2006
Salford, Manchester
Yep, got the Official Nintendo Mag in the post today and it got 92% (no, I don't buy it, I won a year's subscription at a Mario Kart 7 event).

I only just realised Nintendo TVii is US only. Now that's a kick in the balls, thanks Nintendo.

Member 39557

I'm actually starting to crave one of these, I think its because they're shiny and new.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Redlambs in the least technical way possible (as I have no idea) I would say that from the various developer sources I have read, it is going to be a decent amount more powerful than the Xbox, PS3 are at the moment. The games so far look at least on par with the current gen if not marginally better and launch games are notoriously miles short of what future games will look like.
From initial examination, the Wii U's RAM setup looks interesting, I'll give you that! :angel:


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
All joking aside Weastey, in your educated opinion, what do you reckon the innards of the machine are like? We know the type of processor and gpu, and we know it streams to the tablet and I know that since the snes' lauded bottleneck of a shit processor, they have gone out of their way to avoid bottlenecks right down to the os (I assume this is still the case), being a hardware man, what are your thoughts?
OoOE aside, CPU looks slightly less than XCPU. GPU is clearly of a much more modern and efficient standard. Apparent 17GB/s access to the 2GB of main memory, around 25% less than XB360 and shared with CPU/GPU/DSP isn't promising. It's basically all down to what the hell IBM/AMD have been able to do with the eDRAM, its size, access paths, and clock/bandwidth. The whole thing looks like a tweaked/modified more modern XB360S from afar in brutal honesty.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Yep. Can't say I'm surprised. I never understood the hype, it always looked like an arcade game to me. That said, the reviews seem to be all over the place on this one.


Insists on dating women in public places - for the
May 10, 2011
The Land of Kernow
Pretty bad for anyone who preordered. Kind of the reason why I don't really see the point of preordering games at all really. Oh well to be fair they have had some good launch reviews for the likes of Nintendoland, NSMBU and most of the ported games have been well received

Randall Flagg

Worst of the best
May 23, 2009
Batman is getting mixed reviews too. IGN says its the best version of the game, some other site has said the new features have spoilt what was a great game.


Full Member
May 5, 2009
Dissin' Your Flygirl
Some reviews give it 9 and others 4.5 lol
I watched the video review that gave it 4.5. The guy said that he stashed his guns and other weaponry and only used his cricket bat to slowly beat the zombies to death. I'm guessing the people who reviewed the game higher grasped the idea that you can run away and use force as a last resort and get a more enjoyable experience.

It's like playing Dishonored, blinking your way through the game and then saying it was shit because you chose to play it in a way you didn't enjoy.

I don't own a wiiU and don't plan on buying one, like I said I thought this would be the wiiU's RedSteel and it pretty much sounds like it is.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
IGN's Batman review made no sense. They said it's the definitive version of the game, but at the same time criticised the Wii U pad support. The Wii U exclusive part of the review is almost entirely negative in tone. The rest is just lifted from the PS3/360 review.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2004
I think the name is still pretty stupid and confusing to the mass market, if they call it something other than a Wii its clearly a new console, if they call it a Wii-2 its clearly a new console, a Wii-U to the non-clued up gamer (a market the Wii appealed to) it could come across as an addon or update. Just stop fecking about and call it a Wii-2!

I don't get Nintendo's obssesion with tacking on bits to the names of their hardware. I honestly have no clue whats the newest DS because they have about a million variations.