Film Suicide Squad (2016)

Yeah, him as well, could be good. But yeah Robbie reminds me of the Harley from HUSH. Not the pic, just in general.
That's a good thing, shes awesome in HUSH, in admittedly a great story-arc.

Smith as Deadshot looks great. As does Croc.
Margot Robbie prancing round all film looking like this? How can it not be great?
OK Margot. Wow. I do wonder what her voice / laugh will be like :)
Lexi Belle always reminds me of Harley Quinn. Not sure she has the acting chops though. :lol:
Oh and here's Deadshot with the famous eye piece and mask:


Looks very strange, why a white mask when theres no white on the rest of the outfit?

Hi Res pic...


Croc looks better than I thought he would.

Can already tell who is going to die in the movie based on that picture. The 2 obvious ones and then 1 of the others will look like they probably die, but with wiggle room to bring them back
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Is Smith banging Robbie or something? That's two movies in a row he's done with her. And his stock seems to have fallen somewhat judging by his lack of prominence in that photo with largely a bunch of nobodies.

Going out on a limb here but I'm predicting that this will be a mega turd of a movie.
Is Smith banging Robbie or something? That's two movies in a row he's done with her. And his stock seems to have fallen somewhat judging by his lack of prominence in that photo with largely a bunch of nobodies.

Going out on a limb here but I'm predicting that this will be a mega turd of a movie.

Lack of prominence? Did you want him standing front and centre with everybody behind him?
Is Smith banging Robbie or something? That's two movies in a row he's done with her. And his stock seems to have fallen somewhat judging by his lack of prominence in that photo with largely a bunch of nobodies.

Going out on a limb here but I'm predicting that this will be a mega turd of a movie.

That's my favourite part of the photo actually. I was worried Will Smith's ego might take over the movie, but this is a good sign that he understands he's not the sole star in the show.
I'm not a comic boffin by all means but I feel like I'm in a minority who has no idea who any of these characters are.. Harley Quinn yes, vaguely heard of Deadshot, rest nope.
I'm not a comic boffin by all means but I feel like I'm in a minority who has no idea who any of these characters are.. Harley Quinn yes, vaguely heard of Deadshot, rest nope.

That's probably a good thing, means you're not precious about they should look or act etc. And the point of Suicide Squad anyway is to use Batman's more B-list type of villains right.
I think this will be the film that will crash super hero films in the same way ET did video games.
I'm not a comic boffin by all means but I feel like I'm in a minority who has no idea who any of these characters are.. Harley Quinn yes, vaguely heard of Deadshot, rest nope.

So watch the movie and learn about them :D
Actually this is a good thing. Joker and Harley are good draws (and Will Smith playing Deadshot) and hopefully the other characters are given good screentime in the movie.
I think this will be the film that will crash super hero films in the same way ET did video games.
If it wasn't going to happen it would of been Green Lantern or some other shit. A film with Will Smith and the Joker will do well I think. If it is R rated it will be differant to the childish superhero films we have been getting too.
If it wasn't going to happen it would of been Green Lantern or some other shit. A film with Will Smith and the Joker will do well I think. If it is R rated it will be differant to the childish superhero films we have been getting too.

Warner Brothers want that cash in the beginning of their DCCU, no way is this going to be R. What I'm still surprised about is that they kept the name Suicide Squad, and they didn't try something more apeasing like Task Force X or something like that, really glad they stuck with it.
If it wasn't going to happen it would of been Green Lantern or some other shit. A film with Will Smith and the Joker will do well I think. If it is R rated it will be differant to the childish superhero films we have been getting too.
I'm just sick shit of superhero films. I don't mind the avengers, but now we have DC churning out the same shit, making a film for every minor comic book series.
I'm just sick shit of superhero films. I don't mind the avengers, but now we have DC churning out the same shit, making a film for every minor comic book series.

As a comic book fan I'm freaking stoked at all these films, but I could see why others are over them. And I think DC are going out of their way to make their films feel different from the Marvel stuff.
Warner Brothers want that cash in the beginning of their DCCU, no way is this going to be R. What I'm still surprised about is that they kept the name Suicide Squad, and they didn't try something more apeasing like Task Force X or something like that, really glad they stuck with it.
I read that Harley Quin has a tatoo saying feck or something and even the film name doesn't give off the impression it would be suitable for children. I am probably being naive.
I read that Harley Quin has a tatoo saying feck or something and even the film name doesn't give off the impression it would be suitable for children. I am probably being naive.

Hmm didn't know about that tat, maybe it won't be too visible. But man, if they make this movie R that would be awesome. I'm doubtful but hopeful about it now.
Suicide Squad doesnt seem like something that screams "kids come watch us".

At least with these movies, if you are sick of it you dont have to watch it. Im a fan, so im happy with all this tbh. Two different universes with all the big characters meeting on the big screen is great.
I think this will be the film that will crash super hero films in the same way ET did video games.

It might crash the DC branch, their whole approach makes me uneasy.

Marvel have done really well with their B squad super hero films, outside of Batman and the occasional superman movie, DC has been ropey at best with their A list and I really feel they are trying to run before they can crawl. Man of Steel wasn't the greatest film to build this franchise on either, I hope it works but I'm not confident at all.
It might crash the DC branch, their whole approach makes me uneasy.

Marvel have done really well with their B squad super hero films, outside of Batman and the occasional superman movie, DC has been ropey at best with their A list and I really feel they are trying to run before they can crawl. Man of Steel wasn't the greatest film to build this franchise on either, I hope it works but I'm not confident at all.
Man of Steel was a clusterfeck. Batman vs Superman looks dodgy and so does this. And then you have other films like Aquaman. DC just look uninspiring at the minute, they're only jumping on this mass justice league film series because Marvel did it with the Avengers.
I think it sounds quite interesting, though I don't really see it working if it has the same dark/serious vibe to it as the Batman/Man of Steel films...but dark with a bit of humour thrown in could be really good. Especially if the characters aren't boring.

On the other hand it could definitely be really shite.
Man of Steel was a clusterfeck. Batman vs Superman looks dodgy and so does this. And then you have other films like Aquaman. DC just look uninspiring at the minute, they're only jumping on this mass justice league film series because Marvel did it with the Avengers.

They're definitely jumping on the bandwagon, but to be fair half the Marvel films are shite and I wouldn't say any have been amazing, so I don't really get the problem. I also like that they take the more dark route withthe DC films in the main too. Two lots of superhero films with the same jokey/anti-drama tone to them would definitely be too much.

The DC films so far have offered something different instead. They're both different versions of brainless easy viewing which suits me fine. I can enjoy watching stuff explode and then complain about the plot holes afterwards. Perfect!
I see what DC are doing here, use Batman and Superman movie (two most known DC heroes tbh) and link in other characters that are lesser known and build intrigue. Its a superhero fest here, then the next movie is a super villian fest. Then they can break away to do individual movies. DC look to be going the darker route which makes sense.

I think Batman vs Superman is a huge movie for DC universe though. It needs to succeed imo given its the two biggest names they have to offer.
I'm not a comic boffin by all means but I feel like I'm in a minority who has no idea who any of these characters are.. Harley Quinn yes, vaguely heard of Deadshot, rest nope.

Most of them have little significance. Thats part of the charm behind the team, they are expendable criminals who are being forced to perform operations for their boss

There have been a lot of members of the suicide squad, they come and go with a few more constant members like Deadshot, Boomerang and Rick Flagg

Also I know of a fighting game player who uses the same nick as you have on here, I dont suppose thats you
More set photos of Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn:



The look on Will's face::lol:

And bonus traditional Harley colours umbrella:
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Amazing, simply amazing.

If will Smith wasnt married...
Doubt it's making a difference, he's probably been banging her since filming Focus.

:lol: The temptation though freakin hell. Wouldnt be surprised if Leo didnt have a go (that sounds so bad wording it like that)
Guys, please stop talking about her that way. She is my baby and she don't want no other man.