Lingard, Starter, Sub, or cash in?..

C'est Moi Cantona

Full Member
Feb 15, 2014
He's an interesting one because he clearly has his limitations, yet can score some great goals, and he still makes you wonder if he can improve further.

So what do we do with him now the cavalry is seemingly arriving to hopefully take us back up to the top? fairly certain Jose won't see him as a starter, so will he be content on the bench? or would we be better selling him, as I wouldn't mind betting we could get a very decent fee for him at this point.
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Decent fee? Knowing us he'll go for £20 tops. The answer is obvious - he is a great option to have on the bench.
He's an interesting one because he clearly has his limitations, yet can score some great goals, and he still makes you wonder if he can improve further.

So what do we do with him now the cavalry is seemingly arriving to hopefully take us back up to the top, fairly certain Jose won't see him as a starter, so will he be content on the bench? or would we be better selling him, as I wouldn't mind betting we could get a very decent fee for him at this point.

He can score some great goals, though more often than not he misses some great chances. I say cash in.
Squad player for a while and then decide if he is a Fletcher or a Cleverley.

That's how it should be. Give your young players a chance to prove themselves and fill the squad positions cheaply and with HG spots. Some will step up, others won't.
Keep him for the odd game in the Europa league at best from now on i think.
I have a soft spot for Academy lads but I think he will be a better player in his 2nd season IF Jose gives him chances. What would be sad is if Jose just keeps him because he is a homegrown lad and sits him on the bench so he can meet the homegrown quota of the squad.

Quality wise he is a decent player and doesnt get enough credit for the hard work he puts for the team because some people just love their expensive imports even if they are not much better
He'll be a great squad player.

The shit he gets from some on here is stupid, he's a good player.
I don't rate him that much, but I think that he has done enough to get an another season. Saying that, I wouldn't mind if he gets sold cause I think that Januzaj and Pereira are more talented than him and given the chance can do better. And likely, there is a single regular place for these three players next season.
A product of our academy, he's still young and can improve loads. High work rate, but needs to work on his decision making and simply be more effective. A good option from the bench.
Its a squad game lads. He defo needs to stick around.

Can't be getting rid of young local talent just because they don't reach the very top. Wish we never sold Welbeck and Cleverley for the same reasons.
One of few players who looked like he actually gave a shit consistently last season. Not as bad as people make him out to be either. Definitely keep.
It might sound far fetched now but I can see him nailing a first team spot because he has done his 1st year of adapting whereas new signings still need to learn a few things in PL. You never know
Offer him to Middlesbrough for a Mars bar - nice cup final goal though!
There is no reason why we shouldn't give him a chance to establish under a new manager and facing competition from new players. He managed to displace Mata from the right wing and scored some important goals.
Clearly not good enough to start and I don't even think he is good enough as a sub. Sell.
Local lad and a lot depends on players in and out but I'd be happy to cash in......

he's 23/24 I think and I don't think there's a lot more the kid can offer

very hardworking but lacking any real quality on even a semi-consistent basis (we will always have Wembley Jesse) - statistically created less than a chance a game...

lots of questions to be answered......

  • we have Memphis who has greater potential based on what he's done in the past for Dutch team and in Dutch league - few flashes for us too.....
  • What is the future of Ashley Young in the squad - similarly ineffective last season but was injured/played at fullback lots
  • What is the future of Valencia/backup Right back but RW in Europa League?
  • Adnan.....see above
  • Mhiki - will we play him at 10 or will Rooney-love push him to the right
  • Rashford - we saw how effective he can play wide last season and in a cameo the other night - with Zlatan will he play right some of the time
  • who else will we sign?
  • who else is in the wings of the Youth team
  • Does Jose think he will get more out of Lingard?
in the long term I don't think he's good enough so lets not do another Ando....lets replace him with someone with potential
He wasnt ready last year. He did a lot of good stuff over a lot of games (the FA Cup winner, goal against Chelsea to name a few), but in a perfect world he wouldnt have been a starter last year. I think he needs to be a squad player for now,.
Offer him to Middlesbrough for a Mars bar - nice cup final goal though!
A little harsh, whilst I'm not his biggest fan and I believe for us to improve we perhaps should not have him as a first 11 player. He is easily good enough for a squad player. As we saw last year our squad is small.
Physically he has a lot of positives. For me his football IQ is poor. However this is a common problem with most English footballers.
He deserves another season, then let's review. Although I do think he 20% likely to stay after a year or 2.
Keep him as a squad player. Too many good reasons to keep him for now to sell him for bare minimum. Being a youth player and local(ish) is a big thing for me.

He is capable of magical moments too.
I don't believe in selling players who are on their way up. We should only do that if we are in absolute need to generate revenue through players' sales. For now we are doing good in terms of revenue. He runs his heart out on the pitch. I would keep him just for that. He will never be our Iniesta but he can definitely be our Park.
I think Mourinho will like him as a good squad player. He is versatile and can deliver at big moments.
Will never be good enough to start... So probably cash in because style wise there are similarities with him and Mkhitaryan, with Mkhtaryan being a few levels above him. And usually with your subs you want something different to change it up so I can't see him getting too much game time. Sub at best though and he will probably stay for this season.
Good squad player. He's quick, versatile and there were flashes of real quality last season.
He wasnt ready last year. He did a lot of good stuff over a lot of games (the FA Cup winner, goal against Chelsea to name a few), but in a perfect world he wouldnt have been a starter last year. I think he needs to be a squad player for now,.
He's 23 when will he be ready? We can't wait forever in the hope he will come good. He isn't good enough at 23 for a team that placed 5th he isn't going to suddenly become good enough for the level we want to be at.
Keep him. Works hard and really digs in when needed, has pretty decent technical ability, short passing and movement. Is capable of very good finishes, just needs to work on consistency in that department. A good player, severely underrated around here for not being a marquee player. He's not a beater, but he's a solid option to have.

You need squad players, which is why I find it odd that most people are always listing the likes of him, Young and Valencia on hypothetical outgoing lists, when they are each versatile, hard working players who appear to have a solid affinity to the club and have never made a peep about leaving. The money obviously helps, but they're happy to step in when called on, and they mostly do a solid job. Lingard fits that bill, but he's young enough to still have the potential to go beyond that, and be a very good player, either here or somewhere else in the future.

Among the least of our concerns. No need to ship out.