Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

Mciahel Goodman

Worst Werewolf Player of All Times
Apr 27, 2014
What do you think of his background?
I like the fact that he retains centre left policies, some very similar to those of Corybn, and also appears media savvy; potentially better quipped to face the inevitable media onslaught. I'll wait for the leadership debates before I form a solid opinion (and Corbyn has my support as of this moment), but I'm open to a new leader if someone competent and bipartisan enough presents him or herself.


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014
I like the fact that he retains centre left policies, some very similar to those of Corybn, and also appears media savvy; potentially better quipped to face the inevitable media onslaught. I'll wait for the leadership debates before I form a solid opinion (and Corbyn has my support as of this moment), but I'm open to a new leader if someone competent and bipartisan enough presents him or herself.
What do you think of his background though? He seems shifty as feck to me.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
What do you think of his background though? He seems shifty as feck to me.
He is shifty as feck. There's nothing wrong with the idea of a decent, viable Labour candidate to replace Corbyn. The problem is that there isn't one at the moment...and if Eagle or Smith are the best Corbyn's opponents have to offer, I don't exactly know what it is they're expecting to achieve.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Is there anything on his past from a credible journalist? By that I mean one that doesn't use the term "red Tory" in their writing.


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014
There's a fathers4justice bloke protesting on the roof of Angela Eagle's office at the moment.


Mciahel Goodman

Worst Werewolf Player of All Times
Apr 27, 2014
Ex-lobbyist for Pfizer, known as "oily smith", the fact he's been planning this campaign since at least January for 3.
Whoever we get if Corbyn is not reelected will be unsatisfactory. I just want the best of the worst.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Well he was one of the great welfare abstainers so he's certainly had a good go at that.
No doubt if it comes to him vs Corbyn in a vote off, Corbyn will win by one vote due to Smith abstaining.


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014
Whoever we get if Corbyn is not reelected will be unsatisfactory. I just want the best of the worst.
It depends what you are looking for I guess.

I'm trying to like the guy because he's a good speaker and he'd probably be a good campaigner but something seems off about him.

Also what do you think about his proposal to give the UK a vote on the Brexit deal? It seems like a good move on the face of things but would it not affect our ability to actually negotiate the deal if they know it can easily get rejected by the public?


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
It depends what you are looking for I guess.

I'm trying to like the guy because he's a good speaker and he'd probably be a good campaigner but something seems off about him.

Also what do you think about his proposal to give the UK a vote on the Brexit deal? It seems like a good move on the face of things but would it not affect our ability to actually negotiate the deal if they know it can easily get rejected by the public?
It would also be futile because once we start the process that's it. It's out or re-apply.


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014
It would also be futile because once we start the process that's it. It's out or re-apply.
I need to find out more about this because if hes just offering policies which sound nice but which would actually hinder us then I can't vote for him. I mean hed just be another Cameron who would sell the country's future for a year in office.


New Member
Mar 11, 2014
So... The NEC try to keep JC off the ballot and fail. They then rule that the 130,000 new members can't vote. Unite and other unions say "join us and you can still vote". The NEC then rule that new union members can't vote either. In case the disenfranchised new union/labour party members want to raise their concerns (or worse, try to get their MPs deselected) at their next LP meeting - the NEC have ensured they won't be able until after the leadership contest is over, by imposing a ban on local party meetings until then.

In 1953 in East Germany there was an uprising against the Stasi-backed regime. Bertholt Brecht wrote a poem that finished with the lines:

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?ösung

Seems apt.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
It would also be futile because once we start the process that's it. It's out or re-apply.
At best my understanding is that is questionable and in practical terms probably not the case at all
There is no actually established procedure for withdrawing the notice of intention to withdraw under article 50 - that much is true
Though there is nothing within article 50 that states it can not be withdrawn at any time - the precedent would seem to be that until negotiations are finished (2 years max unless all parties agree to extend which can in theory be indefinite) then the UK remains a full member of the EU with the same obligations and indeed the same rights - one of which would be to determine if they wished to withdraw or continue just as it is solely down to the UK to determine when to submit notice of intention to leave under article 50)... given that certainly on the face of it the EU are saying there preference would be for the UK to remain I suspect that if there was a will the EU and UK lawyers could certainly find a way to justify the process.
If there is any legislation that states article 50 can not be withdrawn Id love a link to it as I have seen nothing to suggest that is the case.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
It depends what you are looking for I guess.

I'm trying to like the guy because he's a good speaker and he'd probably be a good campaigner but something seems off about him.

Also what do you think about his proposal to give the UK a vote on the Brexit deal? It seems like a good move on the face of things but would it not affect our ability to actually negotiate the deal if they know it can easily get rejected by the public?
Im also torn on that as he cant deliver on it. Then i thought okay perhaps itll actually put more pressure on May to call a GE if there's movement to Labour because of it.

He's a better choice than Eagle thats for certain. If the PLP choose Eagle over Smith as their anti-Corbyn candidate then itl2l demonstrate that their intentions arent as stated.


Kind Moderator (with a bit of a mean streak)
May 1, 2012
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
So... The NEC try to keep JC off the ballot and fail. They then rule that the 130,000 new members can't vote. Unite and other unions say "join us and you can still vote". The NEC then rule that new union members can't vote either. In case the disenfranchised new union/labour party members want to raise their concerns (or worse, try to get their MPs deselected) at their next LP meeting - the NEC have ensured they won't be able until after the leadership contest is over, by imposing a ban on local party meetings until then.

In 1953 in East Germany there was an uprising against the Stasi-backed regime. Bertholt Brecht wrote a poem that finished with the lines:

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?ösung

Seems apt.
Received today by email. It's disgraceful, it really is.
Following this week's meeting of Labour's National Executive Committee, I can now confirm the full timetable for the Leadership Election, and the role you can play in it.

Because you are a party member who joined on or before 12 January, you are entitled to vote to decide who leads the Labour Party. You must keep your membership payments up-to-date or you will lose this right.

You can find the full timetable and details at, but here are the key dates:
  • Monday 18 July at 7pm — Nominations open (MPs and MEPs)
  • Thursday 21 July at Noon — Nominations close
  • Friday 22 July — Hustings period begin
  • Monday 8 August at Noon — Members must be fully paid up and in compliance to be eligible to vote
  • Week beginning Monday 22 August — Ballots packs will begin to be despatched (you'll receive yours in the fortnight following)
  • Wednesday 14 September — last date to request a reissue of your ballot
  • Wednesday 21 September at Noon — Ballot closes
  • Saturday 24 September — Special conference to announce result
In recent months there has been a marked increase in reports of intimidation and threatening behaviour taking place at party meetings. Whilst the NEC recognises that the majority of our members hold vigorous yet collegiate meetings, the NEC has a duty of care for individuals who feel that their safety is threatened. It was therefore saddened to have to take the decision to suspend all normal party meetings at CLP and branch level until the completion of the leadership election.

However, in recognition that there is some essential business which must be agreed by CLPs, the NEC has made a number of exceptions to this suspension while this timetable is in place.

Meetings able to go ahead as agreed by the NEC include those:
  • Meetings solely for the purpose of making a supporting nomination in the leadership contest and for essential Annual Conference business
  • Campaign planning meetings for by-elections or devolved mayor campaigns
  • Any other meetings (Such as Executive Committee meetings) with the explicit permission of the Regional Director (General Secretary).
Meetings which go ahead under these exceptions will not consider ordinary motions or other business, except as explicitly agreed by the Regional Director.

This means any CLP meeting already scheduled should be postponed until after the completion of the leadership election. This is with immediate effect.

You will receive ballot papers in the post, and electronically by email.

The election will be contested using a One Person One Vote system. For full details of the voting system, go to

Thank you for your support.


Iain McNicol
General Secretary of the Labour Party
I love the justifying paragraph, with its vague reference to a "marked increase in reports of intimidation and threatening behaviour". If there's any intimidation or threatening behaviour from someone towards someone else, I consider that the remit of the police, not the NEC.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Oh hey, they're still treating me as a member pre-January, result.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Received today by email. It's disgraceful, it really is.

I love the justifying paragraph, with its vague reference to a "marked increase in reports of intimidation and threatening behaviour". If there's any intimidation or threatening behaviour from someone towards someone else, I consider that the remit of the police, not the NEC.
The suspension of CLP meetings is just as bad. Its a ridiculous use of power and as you say its a police matter first and foremost, if they recommended the closure of certain events then fair enough. Why should peaceful CLPs be affected?

Im expecting them to propose Trident should be a secret ballot. If not i'd question their reasoning.
Last edited:


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Affiliate membership has the same freeze date as standard membership I'm afraid.


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014
Received today by email. It's disgraceful, it really is.

I love the justifying paragraph, with its vague reference to a "marked increase in reports of intimidation and threatening behaviour". If there's any intimidation or threatening behaviour from someone towards someone else, I consider that the remit of the police, not the NEC.
Indeed. Well put.