Alexis Sanchez | Done deal

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No, according to those numbers he'd take home 14 million with another 13 million being taxes, so 27m in total. 45% tax rate in the UK on earnings above 150k a year I think.
So there are other taxes I assume, not just the income one.
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Now that this is really happening, I wanted to discuss his role in the team. We are a team in transition, we all know that. With Jose hopefully signing a new contract, that'll give us some much needed stability.

In addition, I think that the fact that Jose IS signing a new contract means that the board will have promised to him that they will make significant investment in the squad. I don't believe he would have agreed to a new contract if things like the Peresic saga were going to continue in the future. So, with Jose at our helm, a squad with young talent, and proper spending incoming, I truly believe that we are a team on the rise. With big ambitions of getting back to where we belong, winning the league/CL, we need to plan for the future, and that means strategically creating a team capable of achieving those things. What that entails is building around certain key players and buying smart, not a blind galactico system, but getting players to compliment those around whom we are building the team around.

For me, Pogba should be seen as a long term centerpiece, along with martial and De Gea. Pogba plays best in a 3, higher up the pitch but not quite in the "10". Even though his creative numbers have been better than in previous seasons, Sanchez isn't the player that we should be playing in the 10 as our creator, neither is Pogba. I like the idea of having him on the right with martial on the left and big Rom as the target man up front. Sanchez is quite good at dead balls and such so it'll definitely improve our service up front, something Lukaku thrives on. With that front 3, Pogba box to box and a creator like Ozil or Dybala at the 10, I firmly believe that we can win the CL.
I don’t get this, if you’re saying you see Pogba as the centre piece and that he plays best in a midfield 3 then there’s no room for a number 10? We either player a 3 man midfield or play a number 10 with Pogba deeper in a midfield 2.
Ok, so a few months of the season left....what would you all be happy with in terms of his output for the rest of the season?
So the moment he has that work permit, is back in Manchester, I'm presuming the announcement will be made.

I'm going for 5pm.
I don't understand the 13 million figure.
We pay Sanchez 27m, 13m is taken out in tax, he keeps 14m.

I don't believe we're paying him that in a basic wage but that's what we've been given.
Just noticed I have a scouse lover banner. How did this happen haha?
I think if you mentioned anything to do with being happy at Liverpool beating city you get it, pretty sure that's all I did.
Great to see this signing, I guess it's safe to say that whatever player goes to city, it's because all mighty UNITED didn't want to sign them :lol::devil:
I don't really get the honour vs money narrative from City anyway. The idea a player chose United over City is pretty damaging to them, but so is the idea they were financially muscled out of a player, surely.
I need this to be today. I can't have another day where I have to explain to my 4 year old daughter why today is 'Sanchez Day' and what 'Sanchez day' means and why yesterday wasn't 'Sanchez day' after all, despite me telling her that morning that it was.
I don't understand the 13 million figure.

14m is allegedly thenet. That means the 45% tax is computed on his whole income of supposedly 27 (13+14).
So 45% of 27 is 12.15m, which the scandal journalist will obviously round up to 13m.
These numbers are all made up in any case.
I think if you mentioned anything to do with being happy at Liverpool beating city you get it, pretty sure that's all I did.

Yeah I remember mentioning that.

I thought it was for a post in this thread.

I'm still glad Liverpool beat City. All my mates are City fans and I couldn't bare to listen to them about going unbeaten all year. No chance.

Back To Sanchez.

Is today the day? If this carries on any longer I think I may get sacked from work for constantly checking the caf!
I need this to be today. I can't have another day where I have to explain to my 4 year old daughter why today is 'Sanchez Day' and what 'Sanchez day' means and why yesterday wasn't 'Sanchez day' after all, despite me telling her that morning that it was.

She has Santa Claus, you have Sanchez.

She must understand and accept this.
If I'm not wrong, the longest threads are:
  1. Paul Pogba - 1091
  2. Arturo Vidal - 647
  3. Sanchez - 612*
  4. Ronaldo 2008 - 515
  5. Alexis Sanchez - 495
  6. Berbatov - 485
Amazing that the others were all long-drawn summer threads (how the feck the Vidal thread got to 647 with absolutely no information is a mystery). Surely this thread must be the fastest growing in history? It's just 14 days since it started! That's about 1,750 posts a day!

Nice Info. I think by the time we are done with the transfer, this would be 2nd longest thread with around 700 pages.
Can we pin an FAQ to the top of every page?

Yes, he can play in the CL
Yes, he can play in the FA Cup
They speak Spanish in Chile
No, he hasn't signed yet (the thread will lock when he does)
Yes, this tweet has been posted (if the timestamp is over 5 mins old)
No, he's not really being paid £600k per week

Can you add a line about appreciating the sheer fantastic levels of muppetry in the thread?
He will sign and this thread will lock.
Muppets you have been on a most Muppetastic of muppet journeys, one of pure sheer muppetry.
From memes to dreams.
From tears to screams to obscene levels of Muppet interest tension, despair and fear that ballbags and co. may be right.
May your Muppet dreams take us into the future. More twists, turns, ITKs, tears, laughter and now with added Muppets on the scene of transfers, (You absolute madman Muppet VivaObertan! :lol::eek::devil:) I cannot wait for the next muppet window.

To be a transfer Muppet is to live life.

Never again will we hear "But swaps don't happen."

Staggering how badly/dishonestly reported this transfer is.

The media are usually very good at controlling public perception but they showed their hand too early on this one. After the initial barrage of shamelessly unbiased Mou, Man Utd, Sanchez bashing + Pep reverence, the delays have been long enough to pretty much disprove every article + made up figure out there. People are impressionable but not complete morons (usually) and I'm seeing more and more well written articles like this create a positive backlash.

Did you know Pep has spent $1b+ on players in his career. Considering Barca's best players (Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Puyol, Busquets, Valdes, Barca) were already there, that's a shit load of money.
We really need a scrolling FAQ banner on this thread. Probably more useful the that fecking annoying Sainsburys one.

Can he play in the Champions League?
- Yes

Can he play in the FA Cup?
- Yes

Has this been posted yet?
- Yes

Are we really paying him that much?
- Probably not
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