Auction-Trade Madness Draft

Come on lads, it's just a try...Maybe it'll turn out to be OK or it'll bomb like the ranking system we had in earlier sheep draft. Let's see.

Everyone wants to refresh the matches in the next draft thread, but when something actually changes.... :lol:
Come on lads, it's just a try...Maybe it'll turn out to be OK or it'll bomb like the ranking system we had in earlier sheep draft. Let's see.

Everyone wants to refresh the matches in the next draft thread, but when something actually changes.... :lol:
Tuppet agreed to be another volunteer.. So including you that is 5.. If we can get 2 more it would be ideal but 5 is still better than 3
Come on lads, it's just a try...Maybe it'll turn out to be OK or it'll bomb like the ranking system we had in earlier sheep draft. Let's see.

Everyone wants to refresh the matches in the next draft thread, but when something actually changes.... :lol:
This is how you refresh it? :lol:

Pretty obvious no from me.
Not that we have less excitement here, but just to remind you that we'll be trialling an Panel for R1.

Then I'll make the draws for R2 and announce them. Reinforcements will happen after the draw is announced.

I know this was mentioned before but I think this is a shite idea in general. There's no incentive to try anything different tactically or pick any player other than the usual suspects if you aren't going to get the opportunity to sell them in a match thread.
It’s Edgar’s draft and his rules, but I also think it’s a shite idea. It’s a random idea just for the sake of changing things up.
Come on lads, it's just a try...Maybe it'll turn out to be OK or it'll bomb like the ranking system we had in earlier sheep draft. Let's see.

Everyone wants to refresh the matches in the next draft thread, but when something actually changes.... :lol:

I may be in the minority here but I think the current format is fine. Not every match thread is going to be a thrill a minute, but I still find them enjoyable enough in general.

But I'm all for trying out new ideas in the drafts so I'm content enough for this to be trialled before hopefully dying a swift and inglorious death.
Wait, are these games really going to be decided by quite clearly non partial Judges?
Not that we have less excitement here, but just to remind you that we'll be trialling an Panel for R1.
I'm failing to see how a mega thread with discussion supposed to be limited with a secret judging panel is supposed to make matches more fun.

Also I drafted a theme and I fully intended to write some long posts on theme. I will still probably just do that anyway since otherwise there was no point in me drafting this side just to post a formation pic
Yeah I’m not really arsed. On one side I can see edgar’s point as the match threads can be formulaic. On the other you obviously want to consummate the drafting process - all foreplay and no penetration is worse than shadow wanking.
Remember when we only counted just the playing managers' votes? Even that fell on it's arse and that was a bunch of 14 for every game.

Stupid elitism. Who are you to say that a particular voter's opinion should count over another's? This is why draws being decided by neutrals was scrapped as well.

Needless shit is spouted about 'scan voters' without having a single idea on what extent of knowledge anyone possesses, there simply is no place for such segregation.

I don't remember the last time a draft was decided by 'vote winners'. Almost every draft is won by the team with better tactics and quality. I play drafts on several forums, this is the only one which welcomes discussions and rewards good team building, creative tactics and smart drafting. Unconventional formations get credit from time to time, people show interest in the effort one puts in, and get engaged in how they visualise the team would play. Trust me, you have no idea how far these drafts are from just the shiny names getting wins.

This is obviously a completely crap idea and wrong on so many levels - you can think of changing many things, public majority opinion is not one of them. It will never make sense. I disagree with the selected people on some many topics, as would anyone on this forum, why would I blindly listen to just their opinion and not everyone's as a whole?

The reason match threads haven't changed much is coz this is more or less as good as it will get.
Remember when we only counted just the playing managers' votes? Even that fell on it's arse and that was a bunch of 14 for every game.

Stupid elitism. Who are you to say that a particular voter's opinion should count over another's? This is why draws being decided by neutrals was scrapped as well.

Needless shit is spouted about 'scan voters' without having a single idea on what extent of knowledge anyone possesses, there simply is no place for such segregation.

I don't remember the last time a draft was decided by 'vote winners'. Almost every draft is won by the team with better tactics and quality. I play drafts on several forums, this is the only one which welcomes discussions and rewards good team building, creative tactics and smart drafting. Unconventional formations get credit from time to time, people show interest in the effort one puts in, and get engaged in how they visualise the team would play. Trust me, you have no idea how far these drafts are from just the shiny names getting wins.

This is obviously a completely crap idea and wrong on so many levels - you can think of changing many things, public majority opinion is not one of them. It will never make sense. I disagree with the selected people on some many topics, as would anyone on this forum, why would I blindly listen to just their opinion and not everyone's as a whole?

The reason match threads haven't changed much is coz this is more or less as good as it will get.
Amen brother.
So lets just try the one idea of all 1st Round matches in a single thread.
That is a pretty massive change on its own and should be enough without the extra shenanigans.
And let managers post explaining theme and strategy ffs
So lets just try the one idea of all 1st Round matches in a single thread.
That is a pretty massive change on its own and should be enough without the extra shenanigans.
And let managers post explaining theme and strategy ffs
Would it still be 1v1 matches except in a single thread with discussion on multiple games happening in one thread or that weird experiment that fell flat on it's arse where all round 1 teams were posted together and people selected the best 4? The latter still made sense in a sheep draft in which it was tried coz there were a few pointless teams, in a normal draft that isn't an option either.

If it is the former, guess which forum has used that since a decade now. Hint: it's full of bitter suarez t-shirt wearing scousers. ;) Can do that except I fail to see what it changes in terms of dynamics apart from decreasing the number of threads at the cost of mixing up comments on multiple games.
I don't care enough to continue about that idea. I was just wanting to scrap the secret committee votes with no manager discussion more than anything else.

You even take part in RAWK drafts? I think you might win the Super Draft Junkie trophy with that :)
They have some crazy drafts I seen like WWF and anime character drafts :lol:
I'm alright for it to be trialed, however I think you should definitely be able to sell your team. People should have questions about certain aspects of each side and how would they be answered other than by how the manager has envisaged.

You even take part in RAWK drafts? I think you might win the Super Draft Junkie trophy with that :)
You have no idea just how mental that place is for drafts. :lol:

Without going there I can guarantee that they would be playing some 'Chocolates and candies draft' or something. They've ran out of every idea possible for every sport including football after all of them multiple times.
You have no idea just how mental that place is for drafts. :lol:

Without going there I can guarantee that they would be playing some 'Chocolates and candies draft' or something. They've ran out of every idea possible for every sport including football after all of them multiple times.

Be interesting to rob some of their football ones as we seem to be getting through them quicker now
Remember when we only counted just the playing managers' votes? Even that fell on it's arse and that was a bunch of 14 for every game.

Stupid elitism. Who are you to say that a particular voter's opinion should count over another's? This is why draws being decided by neutrals was scrapped as well.

Needless shit is spouted about 'scan voters' without having a single idea on what extent of knowledge anyone possesses, there simply is no place for such segregation.

I don't remember the last time a draft was decided by 'vote winners'. Almost every draft is won by the team with better tactics and quality. I play drafts on several forums, this is the only one which welcomes discussions and rewards good team building, creative tactics and smart drafting. Unconventional formations get credit from time to time, people show interest in the effort one puts in, and get engaged in how they visualise the team would play. Trust me, you have no idea how far these drafts are from just the shiny names getting wins.

This is obviously a completely crap idea and wrong on so many levels - you can think of changing many things, public majority opinion is not one of them. It will never make sense. I disagree with the selected people on some many topics, as would anyone on this forum, why would I blindly listen to just their opinion and not everyone's as a whole?

The reason match threads haven't changed much is coz this is more or less as good as it will get.

:lol: My thoughts exactly. We're arguing about imaginary football matches ffs. Much as I love these drafts, there's a ceiling as to how much excitement we can really expect.

In fairness, I think alot of the arguments centered around there being too many matches and drafts going on too long rather than just 'scan voters'. Even then, from my perspective effectively wiping out the first round matches has things back to front. It's generally then that managers are properly laying out their tactics and hopefully bringing some new or less-heralded players to the forefront. It's the latter rounds that tend to get a little boring, as most of the regulars are already frothing at the mouth for the next draft, and the participants are generally stockpiling as many of the usual suspects as possible in the reinforcements.
Sweet feck ...:lol:

If you think we've had meltdowns, can you imagine if you could get that up and running with the Current Events forum regulars?!

My curiousity is piqued. I wonder who is first round pick worth - Confucius? Churchill? Would Rasputin of the magic penis make an appearance?
You should run a Great Persons Cabinet draft in the Current Events! I have a feeling it could be epic. Definitely count me in