The MMA thread

poleglass red

Full Member
Aug 5, 2015
try getting big money for a big eared weirdo v a Russian in the next fight. good luck.funny thing is and I don't want to see it is Diaz 3 would make more money.


Full Member
Jul 21, 1999
Fresno, CA
That's it Khabib bounces after his statement....he apologized to Nevada Commission and Vegas. Apparently he got a call from Putin.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
khabib showing no class there

Actually I take that back. He is really a good example of someone raised in a Culture of Honor that never had the ability to evolve out of that limiting mindset.


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
I said to attack. He also absolutely did put hands on the ref. Conor also said he would have killed Khabib if Khabib got off the bus. How do you know Conor didn't intend to attack Jose? He stopped because of security. Is there any footage yet of Khabib assaulting anyone besides Conor? All I've seen is Khabib and Danis separated by an army of security.
Watch it again. There's no security anywhere.

Conor jumps out, sees that there's no security and then moved behind a fan until the security turned up!

He could gone strait to Aldo if he had any intention of getting physical.

It's all fake sillyness to sell fights.



Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Obviously different and in different times but if Mike Tyson could fight in Las Vegas after biting Holyfields ear off then they can let a lot of shit slide. If NBA players a decade ago can attack fans and still play and earn ridiculous money then Khabib still has a chance, a good chance.
Tyson got a long suspension though, Khabib will likely get the same. Plus possible visa issues supercede state athletic commissions.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
Hindsight 20/20.

But image if you were born into one of those countries and that society is the only ones you've known, you would probably be saying the exact same you're saying now imo.
You’ve no idea where I’ve lived in my life.

If I only lived in Plato’s cave, I’d think the shadows on the walls were the real world. But I’d be wrong.

Some things are perception but there are absolute truths in life. It’s better for a society/culture to teach us that insulting someone’s family is a cnut move that should be criticised and mocked for its pettiness, than for that society to normalise death threats in response to such comments.


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007
How is Khabib jumping out of the cage not a cut and dry situation? It's clearly what started everything and that's how I'm quite sure the Nevada commission will view it too.

You're right, we have no way of knowing what the guy on the cage was going to do and neither did McGregor. Unfortunately when someone jumps out of the cage to attack people then things spiral to the point where people make assumptions. Which is exactly why Khabib will likely be punished heavily for instigating the brawl. It's not just about what he did as far as the commision are concerened, it's also about what he could have sparked among the crowd.

Also Danis was apparently staggering as he was lead away, so someone hurt him. There were enough people around for yhe commision to find out if that was Khabib.

The McGregor stuff is rather irrelevant as a) I'm not defending McGregor's previous actions, b) he didn't actually get to Aldo and c) as I recall there was no state commision involved in the Bellator incident so it isn't a precedent for how this will likely be handled.
So, when Conor jumped out of the cage to "confront" Aldo, that gave everyone in the cage license to start throwing punches because Aldo jumped out of the cage? The situations are this point are separate. As far as we know, Khabib threw no punches, and for all we know, he jumped out to confront someone who was shit talking him before, during and apparently after the fight. Khabib was wrong to jump out, but it doesn't look like he threw any punches, maybe he did. Conor threw a punch. He threw the first punch we are aware of. Or, does jumping out of the cage mean you can start swinging at anyone inside the cage? Or sitting on it?

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
Khabib asking why people are pissed at him but it's okay for Conor to attack religion, father and bus imcident
The MMA Community was disgusted with Conor after the bus incident.

Conor did not physically attack Khabib’s father or religion, so that’s irrelevant.

Conor should have been punished after the bus attack, a lot of this is on UFC’s hands


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007
Dont think there has ever been a more hated nation than the Russians
If you ask the rest of the world, you might come up with a shocking result.

Then there is the whole, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, North Korea, etc etc.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
So, when Conor jumped out of the cage to "confront" Aldo, that gave everyone in the cage license to start throwing punches because Aldo jumped out of the cage? The situations are this point are separate. As far as we know, Khabib threw no punches, and for all we know, he jumped out to confront someone who was shit talking him before, during and apparently after the fight. Khabib was wrong to jump out, but it doesn't look like he threw any punches, maybe he did. Conor threw a punch. He threw the first punch we are aware of. Or, does jumping out of the cage mean you can start swinging at anyone inside the cage? Or sitting on it?
When did Aldo jump out of a cage?

poleglass red

Full Member
Aug 5, 2015
So, when Conor jumped out of the cage to "confront" Aldo, that gave everyone in the cage license to start throwing punches because Aldo jumped out of the cage? The situations are this point are separate. As far as we know, Khabib threw no punches, and for all we know, he jumped out to confront someone who was shit talking him before, during and apparently after the fight. Khabib was wrong to jump out, but it doesn't look like he threw any punches, maybe he did. Conor threw a punch. He threw the first punch we are aware of. Or, does jumping out of the cage mean you can start swinging at anyone inside the cage? Or sitting on it?
did u actually watch the figbt5


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
We will see what happens, when all the evidence is laid out. UFC will be able to back down on that statement when they realize Conor sucker punched a guy sitting on the fence which set the whole shit show off.
Dana just said in the press conference that two other fighters who jumped in the ring are done they'll never fight in the UFC again. He also said the NSAC reviewed the footage and decided McGregor did nothing wrong so they released his cheque to him.

He said it's not looking good for Khabib either, thinks Nevada will go after him hard and didn't rule out stripping him of the title.


Full Member
Jul 21, 1999
Fresno, CA
The MMA Community was disgusted with Conor after the bus incident.

Conor did not physically attack Khabib’s father or religion, so that’s irrelevant.

Conor should have been punished after the bus attack, a lot of this is on UFC’s hands
True and Dana disagreed....his's part of the fight game.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
That video of the fan getting knocked out. The fat old guy in the grey top snots himself too :lol: why were they all slipping??


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007
Dana just said in the press conference that two other fighters who jumped in the ring are done they'll never fight in the UFC again. He also said the NSAC reviewed the footage and decided McGregor did nothing wrong so they released his cheque to him.

He said it's not looking good for Khabib either, thinks Nevada will go after him hard and didn't rule out stripping him of the title.
Uh, when the fan footage makes the rounds showing Conor throw the first punch, which the NSAC did not review, we will see.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
Dana just said in the press conference that two other fighters who jumped in the ring are done they'll never fight in the UFC again. He also said the NSAC reviewed the footage and decided McGregor did nothing wrong so they released his cheque to him.

He said it's not looking good for Khabib either, thinks Nevada will go after him hard and didn't rule out stripping him of the title.


Full Member
Sep 15, 2016
Almost instigating a riot can't be justified by anything Conor said. It doesn't work like that. One person being a shithead pre-fight doesn't excuse or justify criminally shithead behavior. And lets not mince words because Dana White is right about how serious this is for team khabib. When the Nevada Governor is getting whisked out by security because of the chaos Team Khabib caused they very well could be facing criminal charges for inciting a riot in addition to surely getting sanctioned by the Nevada commission.
Who's saying it excuses Khabib's actions? It was wrong of him to attack a member of McGregor's team.

Since you've deflected the point I tried to make in my previous post regarding being reasonable, I gonna ask for your opinion in who's the more reasonable of the two, McGregor or Khabib?


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007

There you go.
Don't doubt it, just haven't seen it yet. Also doesn't change my opinion on what happened inside the cage. That mayhem doesn't happen if Conor doesn't throw at the guy sitting on top of the cage.


RT History Department
Sep 2, 2007
eh he got hit from behind u clueless .....

Timeline. Khabib had JUST jumped out of the cage. This guy climbs up to the top of the cage. Conor then jumps up and swings at him. 10s or so later, a guy in a black shirt climbs into the cage, runs past Conor, Conor begins moving towards him, he circles back, Conor and blackshirt swing at each other. Seconds later, redshirt climbs into cage, and sucker punches Conor.

First punch thrown by Conor. Conor then exchanges with another guy, and gets sucker punched by a third. Kind of an interesting symmetry. Conor tries to sucker punch first guy, trades with second guy, gets sucker punched by third guy.