2018 US Elections

Ok who did you vote for then guy? Because you already told us "Hogan is the better choice for governor".
I voted for Jealous solely on the fact that he would push for recreational marijuana use in this state, it's something that is long overdue and i have a financial stake in the industry.
Jealous was an unknown in Maryland and considered a bit of a carpet bagger. There are probably about half a dozen Republicans that are acceptable to me and Hogan is one of them. Also, every independent and Democrat in my social circle gave their vote to Jealous but we all agreed we wouldn't be distraught if the inevitable happened and Hogan won.
I hope this explanation is acceptable to a pious Stein voter like yourself. Tell me who you voted for?
Connecticut's governor race hasn't been called yet. It's a blue state (Murphy won reelection with ease) however the last governor was so hated by both sides.

I think it's most likely Lamont increases his margin of victory by quite a bit to be honest. 54 of the 61 areas still to report look like they're coming from downtown Newhaven and around Hartford. These are actually among the strongest Dem areas in the state.

Edit: I'm looking at the NYT breakdown: As of now Lamont leads by 9k votes with 9% left to report.
I voted for Jealous solely on the fact that he would push for recreational marijuana use in this state, it's something that is long overdue and i have a financial stake in the industry.
Jealous was an unknown in Maryland and considered a bit of a carpet bagger. There are probably about half a dozen Republicans that are acceptable to me and Hogan is one of them. Also, every independent and Democrat in my social circle gave their vote to Jealous but we all agreed we wouldn't be distraught if the inevitable happened and Hogan won.
I hope this explanation is acceptable to a pious Stein voter like yourself. Tell me who you voted for?

:lol: pious? im the not one harassing someone for 2 years for not voting for clinton. i think voting is a personal choice and you should vote your conscience. i do find it hard to believe you voted for jealous despite posting that "hogan is the better choice for governor"
Looks like the Green vote in Arizona is greater than the margin between the two candidates.

Out of interest, what is the Green vote in the USA made up of? Is it mostly voters to the left of the Democrats?

In the UK it is a somewhat odd mix of left-wingers but also libertarians and centre-right voters (to a lesser extent).
Also, fun fact (which as usual will be protested by Eboue and co.):

McSally is leading Arizona race with less than 13000 votes difference with less than 35k votes remaining to be count. Green's candidate Angela Green has won over 38k votes.

Something about McSally:

Green Party should die. But not before fecking itself.

protested? not so much. its just pointing out the reality that you refuse to accept. green party voters are not left wing democrats. they dont vote for democrats because they dont support the democratic party or democratic aims. you and anyone else who complains about them on here need to that through your skull
Looks like the Green vote in Arizona is greater than the margin between the two candidates.

Out of interest, what is the Green vote in the USA made up of? Is it mostly voters to the left of the Democrats?

In the UK it is a somewhat odd mix of left-wingers but also libertarians and centre-right voters (to a lesser extent).

It's full of people who have absolutely no interest in either of the two main parties. It is generally voters left of the democrats but not in the sense that they are the extreme left flank of the democrats, they are another party entirely.
They definitely don't have two years. The primaries will start around, what, the start of 2020? They need to sort their shit out and get behind one candidate that can bring the party together and that needs to be done within about a year.

They won't though. They'll go into the primaries with a dozen candidates battling and dividing the party and then wonder what goes wrong.
Going in to a primary with the party united behind one candidate hasn't exactly worked well either...
I think it's very unfair to judge someone who just lost their kid.

He lost his kid to gun violence and still doesn't want gun control laws. I think there's fair grounds for some judgment there to be perfectly honest.
I didn't look at gubernatorial races, but Dems gaining 7 states is huge considering that the new census will happen in 2022, and so 7 more states will be under their watch. I say, gerrymander the shit out of Democratic controlled states, fight fire with fire.
I didn't look at gubernatorial races, but Dems gaining 7 states is huge considering that the new census will happen in 2022, and so 7 more states will be under their watch. I say, gerrymander the shit out of Democratic controlled states, fight fire with fire.
Don't play with the dark side, young padawan.

A new map drawn by nonpartisan committee, auto/same day registration, mail ballots and early voting should be more than enough.
Don't play with the dark side, young padawan.

A new map drawn by nonpartisan committee, auto/same day registration, mail ballots and early voting should be more than enough.
Only by embracing the dark side, Dems can achieve total victory (that would be making Rep Party irrelevant, which should happen with the change in demographics).

Being serious, I am all for maps being drawn by nonpartisan committees, but we know that Reps won't do it on states they control. So, yes, if they accept to do that in federal level, sure, but if not, do the same in states controlled from Dems. It is ridiculous that in a proportional system, Dems need a 5-6% victory to get a majority, and they must not allow this to continue now that they have means to do it.

If complaining and bitching about gerrymandering for one year doesn't channel them to right this (by any means) then Reps are justified by continuing to do this.
@Revan The Republicans wont ever become irrelevant though. Realignments happen all the time (we are in one now), so by gaming the current broken system for short term advantage wont solve any structural issues.

I think the passage of Amendment 4 even if Florida turned out shite shows that there's a popular will out there for fixing the system. Don't ruin it for schadenfreude.

By all means, fight Republicans, don't give an inch to them on policy issues, don't bullshit yourself with bipartisanship when the effort is onesided, but don't emulate the worst of them.
The replies, they are devastated. :lol:

That guy's picture cracks me up. He looks like a children's film villain.

Anyway for the meltdowns from the longest serving right wing cesspit on the internet

My thoughts concerning last night

What are the consequences if the Democrats win the House?

I am DONE with Fox News!
Really tight race in Montana, but Tester likely to serve another term.
He is trailing by 3k at the moment. Can go either way.
@Revan The Republicans wont ever become irrelevant though. Realignments happen all the time (we are in one now), so by gaming the current broken system for short term advantage wont solve any structural issues.

I think the passage of Amendment 4 even if Florida turned out shite shows that there's a popular will out there for fixing the system. Don't ruin it for schadenfreude.

By all means, fight Republicans, don't give an inch to them on policy issues, don't bullshit yourself with bipartisanship when the effort is onesided, but don't emulate the worst of them.
Who knows, quite a few big parties in US became irrelevant with time changing. The demographics are massively in favor of Dems.

Ideally, you would want the two big parties to be a center-left party (essentially Bernie and co.), a center right party (Hillary and pre-Reagan Republicans) and then many parties in all sides to keep them in check. Like in most of the Western world.

Instead US has a neo-fascist party and a center-right party as their 2 main parties.
:lol: pious? im the not one harassing someone for 2 years for not voting for clinton. i think voting is a personal choice and you should vote your conscience. i do find it hard to believe you voted for jealous despite posting that "hogan is the better choice for governor"
Jealous never held a high public office so he was an unknown. We knew what to expect from Hogan. Voting should require some consideration and a weighing of the pros and cons, in some states it's not all its us against them no matter how many times people like you want to frame it that way.
Jealous was my protest vote against the Republican party but I am not pissed that Hogan won, if you knew anyone from Maryland you would understand that.
I also haven't harrassed you over your vote. I have made it clear to you that you threw away you're vote in a childish tantrum when the adult thing to do was to keep filth like Trump out of the Oval office. In my opinion I've been proved right and you were wrong. Again, as you said, voting is a personal thing but you need to consider the consequences.
I do apologize if you think i have harrassed you. I won't do it again. I have just as much anger as you at the two parties in this country but I consider all options and i understand that progress is slow and when a figure like trump is in the race a compromise of your ideology should be considered. Do I think Clinton would have made a good president, probably not. Do i think she would be better for all then trump, you fecking bet I do. To be absolut on everything political will only get you to where we are today.
A record number of women elected, a few govenerships on our side, a dem house in tandem with a Muller report and a proper stake in the game makes me optimistic. Would I have liked the former head of the NAACP as Governor of my state, definitely. But like every Democrat and independent I know, Hogan is palatable compared to the other Republican filth.
Yeap. Feck that POS state (not you guys @Billy Blaggs @Florida Man )

We are in new waters anyway. With western states like Nevada and Colorado turning into dependable blue states, and North Carolina now without a GOP supermajorities in legislative chambers, a Democratic SC and governor, it's possible to feck off Ohio and Florida and win.

I can't speak for @Florida Man (Although I know I could really) but my house voted blue. Hell even my mother in law voted blue down the board after her social security was cut in half days before the election.
Both Clinton and Gore.

I remember the Gore race but I wasn't paying enough attention to the details at that time to be able to comment tbh. Clinton you mean Bill? Because there was far from a unifed party behind Hillary.
The replies, they are devastated. :lol:

What the feck is happening? I read several of the comments and people seem to think that fox is a leftist media. What the feck is happening? How can someone think that!
Jealous never held a high public office so he was an unknown. We knew what to expect from Hogan. Voting should require some consideration and a weighing of the pros and cons, in some states it's not all its us against them no matter how many times people like you want to frame it that way.
Jealous was my protest vote against the Republican party but I am not pissed that Hogan won, if you knew anyone from Maryland you would understand that.
I also haven't harrassed you over your vote. I have made it clear to you that you threw away you're vote in a childish tantrum when the adult thing to do was to keep filth like Trump out of the Oval office. In my opinion I've been proved right and you were wrong. Again, as you said, voting is a personal thing but you need to consider the consequences.
I do apologize if you think i have harrassed you. I won't do it again. I have just as much anger as you at the two parties in this country but I consider all options and i understand that progress is slow and when a figure like trump is in the race a compromise of your ideology should be considered. Do I think Clinton would have made a good president, probably not. Do i think she would be better for all then trump, you fecking bet I do. To be absolut on everything political will only get you to where we are today.
A record number of women elected, a few govenerships on our side, a dem house in tandem with a Muller report and a proper stake in the game makes me optimistic. Would I have liked the former head of the NAACP as Governor of my state, definitely. But like every Democrat and independent I know, Hogan is palatable compared to the other Republican filth.

That generally does not apply to most people who vote Republican in red states. Most of these people vote against their own interests as long as a Republican politician can scare them into thinking that the Democrat would take away their guns and kill unborn babies. As long as those two boxes are checked, they would be more than happy living without affordable healthcare and underfunded, failing public schools in their districts. I have never seen anything like this where millions of people could actively vote against their own interests all in the name of "I hate the other party". I saw a lady on TV yesterday with a baby who said she voted for DeSantis in Florida, even though she said immediately after that that she relies on Medicaid. Her obligation to vote Red superseded her need to keep herself healthy or even alive.
I must say I'm particularly impressed with North Carolina this year. In the 12 contested house seats D's got 52% of the vote for 25% of the seats.

On average they won their races by 45 percentage points (top was 50). The Republicans averaged just an 11 point gap (top was 21).

A Republican vote is worth more than double that of a Democrat.
But like every Democrat and independent I know, Hogan is palatable compared to the other Republican filth.

Hes not though. He still supports regressive policies that hurt poor and minority voters, he just does it without an embarrassing Twitter feed and without the assault allegations. But make no mistake, his policies hurt vulnerable people and help the well off.
He is trailing by 3k at the moment. Can go either way.

Most of the big voting blocks left to come in are in areas that lean heavily Democrat. If you extrapolate current totals to include what's left Tester would win by about 18-19k votes. Obviously that's not a forgone conclusion but it does indicate he's still a substantial favourite.