

New Member
Aug 12, 2017

Democrats should focus on this. ONE issue and that's all. ONE issue but really get a big win on this. Everything else will follow.

Sometimes I think that right-wing special interests secretly pay hyper-left-wing psychos to make ruckus about secondary problems (gays, trans, abortions, me-too, race, the wall, immigration, etc) to obfuscate the main issues that involve big money, and perhaps alienate parts of the electorate. Rich people don't really care about the secondary issues, they only care about issues that involve money.


New Member
Aug 12, 2017
Trump has done only one meaningful thing: he gave a tax cut to millionaires.

This is what allowed him to remain a president. If he had raised the taxes for the millionaires, the republican party would have him impeached in a second. They care about money, nothing else. And of course, healthcare is about money.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
Tom Daschle said:
It was taken off the table as a result of the understanding that people had with the hospital association, with the insurance (AHIP), and others. I mean I think that part of the whole effort was based on a premise. That premise was, you had to have the stakeholders in the room and at the table. Lessons learned in past efforts is that without the stakeholders’ active support rather than active opposition, it’s almost impossible to get this job done. They wanted to keep those stakeholders in the room and this was the price some thought they had to pay.


Full Member
Oct 6, 2004
As a former NHS worker I know all too well some of the issues it faces. But then I’ve also just seen the Hospital program on BBC and the story of the toddler with a really significant brain tumour.

Had two massive surgeries on his brain, all the rehab after the two, then confirmed the kid had been accepted for proton therapy in Germany. The parents asked about logistics for getting over to be told all travel and accommodation for the family were covered as well as a pre check flight. The cost of the proton therapy alone was £140,000.

In the US the kid would have either been rejected or have the family repaying for the rest of their lives.

The NHS is an absolute godsend and should be fought for with every drop of sweat any reasonable person has available to them!


formerly MrEriksen
Feb 23, 2011

This is what every fecker against healthcare for all should go through.
If I could change one thing permanently with the US then it would probably be healthcare, even if it doesn't affect me at all.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
If there's one thing that sometimes makes me feel like the US is Bizarro-Europe, it's healthcare. Also gun control. And labour laws. Consumer rights too, I guess. The political system? The education system, obviously.

But most of all healthcare.


Love Island obsessive
Nov 3, 2016
The NHS is an absolute godsend and should be fought for with every drop of sweat any reasonable person has available to them!
I agree. Problem is people will only kick up a stink when they realise it’s gone.

By then, it’ll be far too late


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
The VP of Communications of a For-Profit health insurer publishes a clearly biased study that claims the public wants For-Profit health insurance?

What an amazing coincidence


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
The VP of Communications of a For-Profit health insurer publishes a clearly biased study that claims the public wants For-Profit health insurance?

What an amazing coincidence
TBF Kaiser has done a lot of M4A polling, most of it positive.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Another Kaiser guy. Sounds like the industry are gearing up for an existential struggle to remain in business.



Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
This has been discussed a lot here but its important that finally some journalists are mentioning it

The media is badly botching the Medicare-for-all debate
"So for instance, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg says “I think we could never afford that” when asked about providing universal coverage. The government might provide coverage to the uninsured, he says, “But to replace the entire private system where companies provide health care for their employees would bankrupt us for a very long time.” Likewise, former Starbucks chief executive and potential presidential candidate Howard Schultz dismisses the idea, saying, “It’s unaffordable.”

The fact that these two highly successful businessmen — whose understanding of investments, costs and benefits helped them become billionaires — can say something so completely mistaken and even idiotic is a tribute to the human capacity to take our ideological biases and convince ourselves that they’re not biases at all but are instead inescapable rationality.

Let me explain. There are any number of reasons you might oppose universal coverage. I happen to think they don’t add up to much, but you can make a case. Maybe you just don’t think it’s government’s job to make sure people are covered. What you cannot say, however, is that a universal system is unaffordable.

That’s because there is one thing you absolutely, positively must do whenever you talk about the cost of a universal system — and that journalists almost never do when they’re asking questions. You have to compare what a universal system would cost to what we’re paying now."

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
Pelosi mentioned 32 Trillion when talking of Universal Health Care.
These people are invested in Health Insurance Companies.
I will not vote for anyone who does not support Universal Health Care/Medicare for ALL.

I'm fed up with the lies.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
Life is rarely this symmetrical

At the fifth GOP debate this week, moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul, a doctor, whether someone who opts to not buy health insurance and then gets sick should be allowed to die. The crowd responded with startling shouts of “Yeah!” followed by applause, leaving even Rick Perry “taken aback.” Paul’s answer, while more gentle, was more or less the same. “That’s what freedom is all about: taking your own risks. This whole idea that you have to take care of everybody … ” said Paul, who was cut off by clapping from the audience. While you wouldn’t know it from his answer, Blizter’s hypothetical probably hit close to home for Paul, whose campaign manager Kent Snyder died young of pneumonia — without insurance — in 2008.

He was just 49 years old when he died of complications from the virus on June 26, two weeks after Paul dropped out of the race. Snyder’s mother was left with around $400,000 in medical costs. Paul supporters set up a donation fund to help with the debt.

Snyder was credited as “the driving force behind Ron Paul’s presidential bid” in the last election, having turned “his one-man operation into a national grass-roots phenomenon that now calls itself ‘The Freedom Movement.’”

That same freedom, which Paul referred to in the debate, complicated Snyder’s health problems, as a preexisting condition made insurance premiums too expensive, according to Snyder’s sister. After Snyder’s death, Paul wrote on his website: “Like so many in our movement, Kent sacrificed much for the cause of liberty. Kent poured every ounce of his being into our fight for freedom. He will always hold a place in my heart and in the hearts of my family.”


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
$1276 wasn’t my latest bill, for my sons blood draw procedure (a similar amount to a blood donation was drawn). We were there for about an hour as it was a slow draw and they drew more blood, a vial full, from an artery. So two (minor) procedures...
I think the doctor knows I have an HSA account and insurance and, like any good divorce lawyer, is determined to keep the tests coming until I’m out of money.
I often want to go in and say we have no money and no insurance to see what they’d do.
Last edited:


weak willed
Mar 10, 2017

A pharmaceutical giant charging the NHS an unaffordable price for a life-changing drug has further angered campaigners after posting a huge increase in its revenues.

Ministers are already under pressure to step in over the price of Orkambi, a cystic fibrosis drug that could extend the lives of thousands of children. Vertex, its manufacturer, has set a price of £104,000 per patient per year for the drug. It has turned down NHS England’s offer of £500m over five years for the use of its medicines.

Vertex also reported that net income in the last quarter more than doubled, from $158m (£122m) to $337m. It said this jump in profits was “largely driven by the strong growth in total CF [cystic fibrosis] product revenues”.


Full Member
Apr 29, 2011
I know getting access to healthcare in USA is pretty much broken, but i am taken a back by some of the kind of drug prices that are being paid in the USA. In Jamaica we have some generic canadian brands and things like that. What would cost $1000 US in the united states would cost us here $30 dollars . The entire system is such a scam.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
The VP of Communications of a For-Profit health insurer publishes a clearly biased study that claims the public wants For-Profit health insurance?

What an amazing coincidence
What many of these studies do not explain is that having Universal health Care does Not mean you cannot see the same doctor or clinic you are seeing now. So people think with a Government run Health plan, you will have to go to some designated Government hospital or clinic. Therefore getting 'inferior care'.
This is the false thought behind wanting to retain Employer Sponsored health plans.

What Medicare For All and Universal health Care does is completely eliminate the Insurance Companies and enables the Government to force Pharmaceutical companies to lower costs.
Bernie will explain this clearly.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
What many of these studies do not explain is that having Universal health Care does Not mean you cannot see the same doctor or clinic you are seeing now. So people think with a Government run Health plan, you will have to go to some designated Government hospital or clinic. Therefore getting 'inferior care'.
This is the false thought behind wanting to retain Employer Sponsored health plans.

What Medicare For All and Universal health Care does is completely eliminate the Insurance Companies and enables the Government to force Pharmaceutical companies to lower costs.
Bernie will explain this clearly.
Good point. Also related is how the 'free college" doesn't mean that suddenly the gov will force every single private and public research grant university to be tuition free it just means there will be option to attend college for free (doesn't mean Harvard is suddenly going to cost 0)

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
Good point. Also related is how the 'free college" doesn't mean that suddenly the gov will force every single private and public research grant university to be tuition free it just means there will be option to attend college for free (doesn't mean Harvard is suddenly going to cost 0)
Perfectly said about College Education.
All the State Universities/Colleges are Public funded. They should be free for Tution cost.
You want to go to an Ivy league College, go ahead. Pay the fee.
In fact I expect such colleges to lower tuition fees themselves as more students pick State run colleges.

On Health Care. As Bernie said. You pay No premiums, Deductibles or Co Pays. If you have cancer god forbid, you pay Zero in Canada.
when he explains all this lets see the Corporate candidates sell their BS.

I see the Corporate media is already pushing their current flavour...Kamala Harris.after Bernie announced.
"Women want to vote for a woman candidate." narrative.

Except the last almost woman candidate...actually it was a Gargoyle...with that grin....never represented any woman's needs.

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.
one other factor that will be explained by Bernie and others supporting Medicare for All.
The amount of money that is saved by not paying premiums, Deductibles and Co Pays will go straight into people's pockets.
Similarly for Companies not having to provide Medical Benefits to employees will be a huge saving.

End result? For people there will be more money for spending and this will in turn help the economy.
All this by eliminating an artificial cost.