The Mueller Report

If you want to follow someone who seems to have a very good undertsanding of the whole proceedings, it's @emptywheel on twitter.

She makes the case that no-one really has any idea when the report is coming and that all of the pundits are guessing.
Well this aged well...
Yeah, I'm totally shocked that nothing comes out of this. So you're telling me some Internet memes on social media did, in fact, not result in the Trump Presidency but the, give or take, 50 % Redneck population of the US did? SHOCKED, I'm telling ya.
Mueller will have either saved the world or failed the world.
We will have to wait to see which one of these is going to be his legacy.

I'm gonna go option B. That orange twit will somehow find a way to wriggle out of it and pronounce a moral victory to the world.
Yeah, I'm totally shocked that nothing comes out of this. So you're telling me some Internet memes on social media did, in fact, not result in the Trump Presidency but the, give or take, 50 % Redneck population of the US did? SHOCKED, I'm telling ya.

No white text? Not sure if serious...

If that is sarcasm, fair enough; if that post is serious at all, that’s embarrassingly laughable.
Some other poster recently referred to the New York Times Daily Podcast and in that podcast, there was a discussion about what if the report isn't all that. The guest was Neal Katyal.
  • Neal Katyal, a lawyer who drafted the regulations that govern the special counsel investigation

Neal Katyal

And that’s going to, I think, actually become even more worrisome for Trump than the current kind of single focus that we’ve had for many of the last months.

Michael Barbaro

So the less information that’s in it, the more likely these other investigations just multiply and intensify.

Neal Katyal

Right. Donald Trump has to be worried about winning the battle and losing the war — that is, getting a short report that maybe sides with him, and maybe sides with him in a brief way.

Because that, more than anything, is going to raise the suspicions of Congress, of federal prosecutors in other offices and state attorneys general, and, ultimately, the suspicions of the American public.

Michael Barbaro

So counterintuitively, I mean very counterintuitively, the best thing for President Trump might be for Congress to receive not a short, nothing-much-there-to-report Mueller report, but a fairly comprehensive, somewhat damning, but not overwhelmingly so report.

Neal Katyal

That’s a beautiful summary. And I know it sounds counterintuitive, but in some ways, when you have that kind of very serious watchdog, it keeps you on your toes to be absolutely honest, but also really reassures the American public that there isn’t some shenanigan going on. And so sometimes the best protection you can have is actually to have a vigorous investigator. Obviously, Donald Trump has been afraid of that from the start. And the lingering question I think all Americans have is why.


Michael Barbaro

Neal, I think listeners might hear that and think, oh, great. This has been a long, exhausting process, waiting for Mueller to finish this report. And it sounds like you’re saying, actually, this could really just be the very beginning.

Neal Katyal

I know everyone in America wants a quick resolution to this. I’m tired, everyone’s tired. But these are really hard investigations. I mean, independent counsel investigations go on year after year under the old regime. I remember when I came in in 1998, we had an independent counsel from the Reagan administration that was still acting.

So this investigation in particular, because it involves counterintelligence and sources and methods and involves Russian documents and all sorts of people, it’s amazing to think, actually, that in 19 months, there have been 37 indictments and 199 counts. So I know that time delays are frustrating for everyone, but viewed in context, this has been one of the fastest investigations, not one of the slowest.
No new charges recommended by Mueller according to NYT quoting a senior Justice department official.
F*cking Liberals. It would be hilarious how much hope they invested in this if it weren’t so sad.
The fact Trump hasn't gone on one of his dumb endless twitter rants and the general tone of the left-learning side of the US media suggests this report will be relatively underwhelming.
The House committees will subpoena Mueller whether they get the full or partial report from Barr.
The key questions will be about areas/people he could not investigate because he was not allowed to.

This is when it will get better.

Be patient.
F*cking Liberals. It would be hilarious how much hope they invested in this if it weren’t so sad.

Yeah, it must suck to watch people that actually care about not wanting their President to be a lying, cheating, crooked, demented, lunatic who has used the Presidency to divide the country and make laws that not only just benefit the rich, but also set the country (And world back) immensely. Also the countless shady goings on and moronic appointments and close dealings with dictators and rogue states yet at the same time pissing off every single ally the US ever had.

Trump has made the US a laughing stock throughout the world and has exposed how corrupt the country really is. But yeah.. libruls... something... something... MAGA!