Daniel James | Officially Signs

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He came back from injury and then went 10 games unbeaten. It wasn’t a coincidence.. he’s the Paul Merson of that league.
I think that’s the point. He looks great at Championship level.

I can’t see why Spurs or any of the top 6 would invest in him.
Not sure what your point was. You brought Grealish into a discussion about Daniel James despite them playing different positions and despite the fact Grealish has 160 first team appearances and so is clearly at a totally different place in his development. I have not watched every one of his games but I have certainly seen enough of Grealish to know that he did not dominate the Championship, he was good but not spectacular and will probably be a decent PL midfielder but nothing more.

I didn’t bring up Grealish so maybe you should check who you was responding to. I was defending the fact you want to downplay his talent and his affect on Villa getting promoted. Which quite simply was massive. If Pogba had that same impact at this level we probably would have got 3rd.
I think that’s the point. He looks great at Championship level.

I can’t see why Spurs or any of the top 6 would invest in him.

Me neither. But he has an opportunity to show people again. If I was him I’d be looking at James Madisson and aiming for his England spot.
Maybe he is curious at Man Utd and wants to learn how it`s fans are alike, and you come up with that brainy comment but all supporters have them, so why not

My condolances Daniel, all the best on your decission would love to see you in Premier League (with Blackburn someday, but meanwhile with United is okay) ;)
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He's joined up with the Wales squad now so I would be very surprised if this wasn't announced by the end of next week.
I didn’t bring up Grealish so maybe you should check who you was responding to. I was defending the fact you want to downplay his talent and his affect on Villa getting promoted. Which quite simply was massive. If Pogba had that same impact at this level we probably would have got 3rd.

Apologies then, I misunderstood where you were coming from.
Not much to be the best young player, when his competition is Rashford and Lingard in attack, though.

As one of the laziest forward in the League, those numbers in 178 games doesn't justify his presence. Also those numbers are jacked up by his explosive first season. He reminds me of Anderson, young player who then become lazier and never improve. Thankfully he wasn't paid 200-250k/wk. We sure can't rely on player like Anderson, if we want to start challenging the League.

FFS. Just look at the attackers in our rivals.
He is one of the best young forwards we've had in years, and I'm not talking about competition with Rashford and Lingard. 48 goals and over 25 assists for a non-centre forward by the age of 23 is nothing to be scuffed at.
We don't even know if he is really on 250kpw, and he only signed his current contract a few months ago, but you are making it sound like he's being on 250k for ages. Failure in the last three months? Perhaps. But total failure in his whole Man Utd career? Absolute rubbish. You'd make more sense writing 1000 paragraphs of the 'lazy' argument rather than tagging him a total failure when he will most likely be starting next season and adding to his already decent record.
You can allude to Anderson or Berbatov for all I care, but Martial is just 23 and there's obvious scope for improvement. Our rivals have some top players, but they all improved with age.
He is one of the best young forwards we've had in years, and I'm not talking about competition with Rashford and Lingard. 48 goals and over 25 assists for a non-centre forward by the age of 23 is nothing to be scuffed at.
We don't even know if he is really on 250kpw, and he only signed his current contract a few months ago, but you are making it sound like he's being on 250k for ages. Failure in the last three months? Perhaps. But total failure in his whole Man Utd career? Absolute rubbish. You'd make more sense writing 1000 paragraphs of the 'lazy' argument rather than tagging him a total failure when he will most likely be starting next season and adding to his already decent record.
You can allude to Anderson or Berbatov for all I care, but Martial is just 23 and there's obvious scope for improvement. Our rivals have some top players, but they all improved with age.
He's the most infuriating player I've ever seen at United. He has the talent but he's the laziest fecker I've ever seen in the shirt. If he had application to go with talent he'd be close to Mbappe but he doesn't. If I don't see some willingness to run back this year then I'm in the Martial out camp. I'm almost there already tbh.
As far as James goes I'm pretty sure it's a done deal.

But he's just lost his father. I'm assuming contracts are the last thing on his mind right now. Let the boy grieve and if that takes longer then that's what we all should let him have. It's not up to us to say how long that takes.
I love United and you all do too or you wouldn't have found this place. But it's just a game. He's never going to get a second chance with his dad.
He's the most infuriating player I've ever seen at United. He has the talent but he's the laziest fecker I've ever seen in the shirt. If he had application to go with talent he'd be close to Mbappe but he doesn't. If I don't see some willingness to run back this year then I'm in the Martial out camp. I'm almost there already tbh.

I was where you are now about a year ago. I'm not necessarily in the Martial out camp yet but that's because there's more pressing issues that need dealing with right now.
I was where you are now about a year ago. I'm not necessarily in the Martial out camp yet but that's because there's more pressing issues that need dealing with right now.

I think most of us are in the "Martial meh..." camp, a few steps under the Martial out, one.
I have mixed feelings about this deal. The Pros and cons of signing him up are pretty much even in my books

Lets start from the cons. His stats are hardly impressive and his technique seems limited for an EPL winger. However, blistering pace can paper alot of cracks and if you add that to workrate then he can be quite a valuable player if used correctly. Having said that I do wonder why we're signing a winger like him, who lets face it, is hardly a world beater when we've already got Gomes and Chong in that category. The latter might not have the experience James does but they are certainly more talented.

So I have mixed feelings about this deal.
You think Chong is more talented than James?
I have mixed feelings about this deal. The Pros and cons of signing him up are pretty much even in my books

Lets start from the cons. His stats are hardly impressive and his technique seems limited for an EPL winger. However, blistering pace can paper alot of cracks and if you add that to workrate then he can be quite a valuable player if used correctly. Having said that I do wonder why we're signing a winger like him, who lets face it, is hardly a world beater when we've already got Gomes and Chong in that category. The latter might not have the experience James does but they are certainly more talented.

So I have mixed feelings about this deal.

James' biggest asset is his speed and agility. He's not Ronaldinho skilful but then again he's no dud either. Chong on the other hand, he can dribble no doubt... but he hasn't shown signs if he can make that step up. Often get the feeling that he would get bullied... James on other hand, run riot against a powerful City team.
for 15 mils why not? Worth a try. We need a pace, he is young... but we still need another starter. Martial is good but not a winger.
I think most of us are in the "Martial meh..." camp, a few steps under the Martial out, one.

My biggest gripe is that he acts like he's Messi. But Messi at his age worked harder than Martial does.

Manchester is a working class city and I think we want to see the players put in a shift and give a shit. He just doesn't get it imo.
My biggest gripe is that he acts like he's Messi. But Messi at his age worked harder than Martial does.

That's not only Martial, though. In the 90s and 00s, the players worked their ass off for the shirt, who can you say do this now?
It's the most frustrating part of the bad years we've been through, for me.
That's not only Martial, though. In the 90s and 00s, the players worked their ass off for the shirt, who can you say do this now?
It's the most frustrating part of the bad years we've been through, for me.

I think clubs in general mean less to most players now unfortunately, football was a local game, then it became a national game and now it's just a global phenomenon. Realistically how much does United vs Liverpool mean personally to Martial for example, or Spurs vs Arsenal to Son...it's just the nature of the spectacular growth we've been lucky to see in this sport.

The mistake football has made is on the money side. If you give your workers enough money to retire tomorrow, you have to expect a large number of them to act differently.
To answer your question about who does it now?
No one springs to mind if I'm honest.

That applies to our lot sadly but you would have to say there are a fair few playing for the scousers at the moment that give everything in every game. I think players in this age can still do it but they have to have a culture within the club to support that and I think we have lost it which is why we may need to dump some of our bigger talents to re-set the culture.
That applies to our lot sadly but you would have to say there are a fair few playing for the scousers at the moment that give everything in every game. I think players in this age can still do it but they have to have a culture within the club to support that and I think we have lost it which is why we may need to dump some of our bigger talents to re-set the culture.
Yeah. I think this is why this signing makes sense. Good talent and works his socks off. Back to basics and kick on from there.
If it was me this preseason I'd interview them all again. And I'd tell them that you don't touch the shirt ever again until you prove that you want to be here.
Harsh yes. If you can't cope then get the feck out.
If it was me this preseason I'd interview them all again. And I'd tell them that you don't touch the shirt ever again until you prove that you want to be here.
Harsh yes. If you can't cope then get the feck out.
We're in such mess that I don't think it would worry them. I can easily see a good few of them happily telling Ole to feck off while they collect their £200.000 week in week out. We're partially to blame for that since we twice bought into 'the gaffer's evil' laments and sided with them.
David bentley had an international profile, he was just as bang average as Lennon, guess who else has got an international profile ? Daniel James, seen as though you love your stats... he's got more international goals in 2 caps than Lennon got in 20

Iv never seen anyone selective read like you do, i clearly said Overmars had more to his game but you chose to ignore that, but if you think pace isnt the first and overiding thing anybody thinks about when it comes to Overmars, then you havnt got a clue, or your kidding yourself because it dosnt fit your argument. Saying Overmars had this and that to his game now is easy to do now we'v seen the player he become, but what would you have said when Ajax bought the young Overmars, a flying machine with just two goals in 42 games? Probably nothing because you wouldnt of had any youtube clips to go off back then, but no doubts you'd of fell back to his stats to right him off though. Youtube and stats...Lol at you lou. Thank god someone gave Overmars a chance eh!!

Giggs clearly said James had the talent to go along with his pace, you chose to ignore that aswel, maybe your the one whos blind as a bat.

You claim James is just a speed merchant, but you claim he's two footed, rapid and can shoot well, which one is it because your contradicting yourself?

Who was the last player United signed from the championship or any lower domestic league that became a success? The odds are against him making it here. James is 21 going on 22 in a few months. Overmars was three years younger when Ajax signed him with way more first team experience.

I didn't claim James is two footed, I said he has a decent left foot/not afraid to use his left. I praised a few things about him, doesn't mean I don't think his game is mostly about his speed, doesn't mean I think he could be good enough for United. I predict he's going to flop, but will be pleasantly surprised if he doesn't.
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Who was the last player United signed from the championship or any lower domestic league that became a success? Please answer that. James is 21 going on 22 in a few months. Overmars was three years younger when Ajax signed him with way more first team experience. I didn't claim James is two footed, I said he has a decent left foot/not afraid to use his left. I praised a few things about him, doesn't mean I don't think his game is mostly about his speed, doesn't mean I think he could be good enough for United. I predict he's going to flop, but will be pleasantly surprised if he doesn't.

I'm going to answer your question with another question. Who was the last player United signed from the Premier League or any other top domestic league that became a success?
The problem with the fish we've been catching is not the pond.
I'm going to answer your question with another question. Who was the last player United signed from the Premier League or any other top domestic league that became a success?
The problem with the fish we've been catching is not the pond.

Btw it seems absurd but the answer to my question is Robin van Persie.

What other 'top domestic league' is there in England? :lol:. We can go back to the old Division one if you like, many examples. You answered your own question, so I don't know what point you're trying to make. Some people even thought Fellaini was a success. Lukaku has scored 42 goals for United, hardly a flop. Chris Smalling has been our best CB since Rio and Vidic left. Hate him or love him Ashley Young has been here almost ten years and has won a lot with United. Some people still rate Phil Jones.
Who was the last player United signed from the championship or any lower domestic league that became a success? The odds are against him making it here. James is 21 going on 22 in a few months. Overmars was three years younger when Ajax signed him with way more first team experience.

I didn't claim James is two footed, I said he has a decent left foot/not afraid to use his left. I praised a few things about him, doesn't mean I don't think his game is mostly about his speed, doesn't mean I think he could be good enough for United. I predict he's going to flop, but will be pleasantly surprised if he doesn't.
You've never watched him play, you can't make grand claims about him based on YouTube clips.
Until you spend a decent amount of time watching him play in actual matches, your comments on him will always be a bit worthless.
For the record, James is pretty two footed, he's a talented footballer.
What other 'top domestic league' is there in England? :lol:. We can go back to the old Division one if you like, many examples. You answered your own question, so I don't know what point you're trying to make. Some people even thought Fellaini was a success. Lukaku has scored 42 goals for United, hardly a flop. Chris Smalling has been our best CB since Rio and Vidic left. Hate him or love him Ashley Young has been here almost ten years and has won a lot with United. Some people still rate Phil Jones.

Poor use of the word domestic on my end. I assumed you were talking about lower European leagues. I meant top European leagues too.
Still, "some people rate" is not the definition of success.
You named Smalling, Lukaku, Jones and even freaking Ashley Young. These players were not successful in the big picture even if they won a couple of silverware.
We're in such mess that I don't think it would worry them. I can easily see a good few of them happily telling Ole to feck off while they collect their £200.000 week in week out. We're partially to blame for that since we twice bought into 'the gaffer's evil' laments and sided with them.
Then stay home. What good comes of them being there if they don't want to be there.
This preseason is going to be the hardest since Sir Alex left. The club needs to reset because none of us are happy with the way shit is going.
Then stay home. What good comes of them being there if they don't want to be there.
This preseason is going to be the hardest since Sir Alex left. The club needs to reset because none of us are happy with the way shit is going.
Tell me about it. I'd sell the lot of them pronto if it was up to me.
Poor use of the word domestic on my end. I assumed you were talking about lower European leagues. I meant top European leagues too.
Still, "some people rate" is not the definition of success.
You named Smalling, Lukaku, Jones and even freaking Ashley Young. These players were not successful in the big picture even if they won a couple of silverware.

We can debate all day on what the word 'success' entails here, but those players have been mainstays under several managers. Smalling is a successful player at United. He has played in every cup final United have made since Fergie's departure. You might not rate him but he's been a success. You can have Jones, but like I said some people on here still highly rate him.

Young has also been successful, at one point he was considered one of the best leftbacks in the league (after his conversation) and like it or not he's been trusted by every manager he's played under. Lukaku was our top scorer in his first season with as many goals as Zlatan had in his first season, and was our second top scorer in this dire season. Not resounding successes but they've all been mainstays. If James has a similar career trajectory here he'll be considered a success especially as he cost so little
You've never watched him play, you can't make grand claims about him based on YouTube clips.
Until you spend a decent amount of time watching him play in actual matches, your comments on him will always be a bit worthless.
For the record, James is pretty two footed, he's a talented footballer.

Youtube clips and assessments by Swansea fans and pundits. We shall see how he does
Youtube clips and assessments by Swansea fans and pundits. We shall see how he does
Posts by Swansea fans isn't a good way to judge a player, that much is obvious.
It doesn't matter if he's a success or not, your opinion won't be tarnished or vindicated because it's not based on evidence.
Please just watch the lad play, if you don't rate him after you do then that's fair enough, but otherwise you come across as being a bit silly.
Posts by Swansea fans isn't a good way to judge a player, that much is obvious.
It doesn't matter if he's a success or not, your opinion won't be tarnished or vindicated because it's not based on evidence.
Please just watch the lad play, if you don't rate him after you do then that's fair enough, but otherwise you come across as being a bit silly.

Is no one allowed to have a contradictory opinion? None of us watch more than half the players we're linked to or sign on a regular basis, especially if they don't play in the PL, but posters are still formulating opinions on the little they've seen and researched.

Why wouldn't I take into account what Swansea fans are saying? If Martial was being courted by PSG, their fans would be here browsing his player performance threads to get an idea of what he might offer, what his strengths and weaknesses are. For the record, most of the Swansea fans have glowing opinions of him, and a plethora of them are based on his speed which coupled with the clips I've viewed led me to my own assessment that he's largely one dimensional. His stats are also far from impressive
You've never watched him play, you can't make grand claims about him based on YouTube clips.
Until you spend a decent amount of time watching him play in actual matches, your comments on him will always be a bit worthless.
For the record, James is pretty two footed, he's a talented footballer.

Plenty here who want the club to sign him are basing it off of youtube clips.
Plenty here who want the club to sign him are basing it off of youtube clips.
They're just as bad.
Is no one allowed to have a contradictory opinion? None of us watch more than half the players we're linked to or sign on a regular basis, especially if they don't play in the PL, but posters are still formulating opinions on the little they've seen and researched.

Why wouldn't I take into account what Swansea fans are saying? If Martial was being courted by PSG, their fans would be here browsing his player performance threads to get an idea of what he might offer, what his strengths and weaknesses are. For the record, most of the Swansea fans have glowing opinions of him, and a plethora of them are based on his speed which coupled with the clips I've viewed led me to my own assessment that he's largely one dimensional. His stats are also far from impressive
I just literally said if you've watched him and don't rate him then that's fair enough, but to watch YouTube clips and read a forum before claiming to have made an assessment on him is ludicrous.
He might be one dimensional, but you've not seen him show that.
In the time you've spent posting about 80 odd times on here you could've just watched the poor sod play.
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