Gay footballers | Czech Republic international Jakub Jankto comes out as gay


Full Member
Oct 31, 2016
Funnily enough, BBC just posted this article.

And I honestly think thered be even more incidents of homophobia.
As much as I'm not surprised, this could be a result of people (fans and stewards) being more vigilant when it comes to racist abuse. Very possible that the same amount of abuse is happening, however people are actually reporting it instead of turning a blind eye.

The same, I suspect, would happen if a footballer came out as gay. It would draw attention to the problem, much what Sterling has done for anti-racism, and reports of abuse would be more frequent.

If I'm perfectly honest with myself, if I heard someone use a homophobic slur at a football match, I most likely wouldn't report it. Guess we all need to clamp down on it together.


Feb 4, 2013
The Mathews Bridge
I dont think it is. I genuinely dont see much homophobia in the streets these days, the internet is another thing entirely, but its not 1993 anymore. The only way to make this change is for it to be more public, i can accept that the first person who comes out is going to act as a lightening rod and will take the brunt of the shit, but its going to have to happen at some point.

Statistically 2.1% of people are gay in the UK, which means pretty much every football club is probably going to have a gay player somewhere in their squads if you're including youth teams.
Genuine question, but are you around gay people frequently to notice this?

My sister is gay and her and her partner are regularly yelled at in public, and they've been physically assaulted on a few occasions, and recently. Her friends suffer similarly regularly too. And this is in London, considered to be a massively diverse city. Presumably homophobia will be even worse in smaller less diverse regions.

Sadly I think its a long time before people don't care about someone's sexual orientation.

Inigo Montoya

Leave Wayne Rooney alone!!
Oct 1, 2008
Giving zero fecks about someones sexuality does not make me homophobe, nor abuser. If you do not get this, you have a serious problem.
The gay guy I mention is still someone I like hanging out with.
The problem is the abusers, not neutrals like me, fight them, not me.

Instead, you choose to abuse me. Because that is what you are doing right now. The hypocrisy at its very best. Go on...
Do you hang out in gay bars?

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
Giving zero fecks about someones sexuality does not make me homophobe, nor abuser. If you do not get this, you have a serious problem.
The gay guy I mention is still someone I like hanging out with.
The problem is the abusers, not neutrals like me, fight them, not me.

Instead, you choose to abuse me. Because that is what you are doing right now. The hypocrisy at its very best. Go on...
Your aggressive "I don't care if someone's gay, I don't want to hear about it at all" is essentially homophobic. Gay people are still prejudiced worldwide, even in developed countries that seem to pride themselves on being accepting because they put up a banner here or there. Gay people have every right to post publicly about their experiences or coming out or whatever. Your flat out dismissal and ignoring of your "friend" when he told you he was gay (probably a difficult thing to do) is fecking pathetic.

If you don't tolerate people discussing their homosexuality in public or around you then you are a homophobe! Ignoring the issue is just as bad.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
"I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons." has to be the standout line for me. Obvious reasons, like, it's obvious to everyone why you should hate gay parades innit?

Giving zero fecks about someones sexuality does not make me homophobe, nor abuser. If you do not get this, you have a serious problem.
The gay guy I mention is still someone I like hanging out with.
The problem is the abusers, not neutrals like me, fight them, not me.

Instead, you choose to abuse me. Because that is what you are doing right now. The hypocrisy at its very best. Go on...
I think you need to find better ways of articulating your point across. For instance, can you see why using kinky fetishes as a comparison to homosexuality is a bit, odd?


Band of Brothers
Aug 3, 2004
Giving zero fecks about someones sexuality does not make me homophobe, nor abuser. If you do not get this, you have a serious problem.
The gay guy I mention is still someone I like hanging out with.
The problem is the abusers, not neutrals like me, fight them, not me.

Instead, you choose to abuse me. Because that is what you are doing right now. The hypocrisy at its very best. Go on...
In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me and being indifferent to his sexuality as they happen to like attention and need to fell like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
This tells me all I need to know about your views. You friend decides to share with you something that could have taken a lot of courage to tell you and you immediately assume he has told you because he likes attention and needs to feel like he is special. Then you wonder why, after having trusted you with this knowledge, and your response of acting as if you couldn't give a feck, your friend was shocked and upset.

I get what you are saying about the fact it shouldn't matter - but the reality is that it does. If you are gay and you choose to tell someone, then hopefully it is something that does not affect the relationship you both have. But that does not mean it may be a big thing for them to choose to confide in you. But you had already made your mind up abut why he chose to tell you - and it was one born of stereotypes and homophobic views.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2013
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me and being indifferent to his sexuality as they happen to like attention and need to fell like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
You really should stop posting.

I'm not a homophobe, this one time I met a gay guy in the shop and said sorry when I accidentally bumped into him in the aisle. Sure at the time I didn't know he was "a gay" but like, we touched so even though I don't like gay people I'm definitely not a homophobe.


Yaaas Broncos!
Apr 6, 2009
Giving zero fecks about someones sexuality does not make me homophobe, nor abuser. If you do not get this, you have a serious problem.
The gay guy I mention is still someone I like hanging out with.
The problem is the abusers, not neutrals like me, fight them, not me.

Instead, you choose to abuse me. Because that is what you are doing right now. The hypocrisy at its very best. Go on...
You do give a feck though because you're actively talking about how you don't want to have to hear about it.

Also your "they happen to like attention and need to feel like they are special" comment in reference to somebody coming out is very telling.


Feb 4, 2013
The Mathews Bridge
I just came to say that I support you SIred. As I have nothing against gay people I have a lot against publicly stating your sexual orientation.
The same way I would be against a footballer going out and stating proudly he is into pissing play in sex or something even kinkier. tI is something I do not care and I do not need this info. Just feck whomever you wish and how you both(or more) like it. No need to make it public ffs.
"I have nothing against gay people, I just want them to remain quietly oppressed." is what you're basically saying.

You definitely have something against gay people.

And comparing someone's sexual orientation to taboo kinks is a clear indication that you are tragically misinformed.

The Boy

Full Member
Mar 25, 2014
Brighton and Hove Albion
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me and being indifferent to his sexuality as they happen to like attention and need to fell like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
Ah feck off you pillock


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
My point is it will be celebrated beyond all comprehension. I probably should have worded it better.
Take Xfactor for example - an average male singer goes to his audition dressed as a barbie doll in high heels and the narrative given to us public is that he is amazing and so on and the props he receives far outweigh his talent. If he had sung to the same standard dressed normally then he probably wouldn't get any plaudits at all.
Kids at home see this and it influences their future. they feel they can get by with minimal talent by being ''different''
What the actual feck? :lol:

Tom Cato

Godt nyttår!
Jan 3, 2019
I just came to say that I support you SIred. As I have nothing against gay people I have a lot against publicly stating your sexual orientation.
The same way I would be against a footballer going out and stating proudly he is into pissing play in sex or something even kinkier. tI is something I do not care and I do not need this info. Just feck whomever you wish and how you both(or more) like it. No need to make it public ffs.
This is a very strange remark to make if you have nothing against gay people. Why would them coming out remotely affect you in any way? A gay player coming out is not going to run up to you and kiss you. Is it the fact that he's gay and its important for him to be a rolemodel for young gay teens who struggle with their identity and are looking for rolemodels you have a problem with?

First off: The very notion that coming out to your friends, loved ones and even the community as a gay man should have any negative impact on the players reputation or personal life is absolutely disgusting, and anyone that thinks differently I welcome you to reflect on who you are, and stop being a bigot.

People do not choose their sexual orientation. Period. No one is "challenged" by a gay man to become gay. You love who you love, and if you have a problem with that, you're a small pitiful person.

Statistic shows that gay teenagers have 3 times a higher risk of sucide than their straight counterparts. Transgender teens 6 times higher. They have a higher risk of suicide due to the immense toll it takes on a young person who is not accepted for who he is or what he feels like. I absolutely hate people who can't think longer than their own nose who say crap like "Oh no dont tell anyone". Screw you guy, these kids needs someone to talk to. Someone who accepts them for who they are, unconditionally.

"tI is something I do not care and I do not need this info."

You do you, and let others decide what they need.

Do you have any idea how big an impact it would have to gay teenagers who play football for one of their heroes to come out and proclaim that he is just as them, he loves a man, and he is not afraid to say it? In communities where lockerroom behavior is so very often centered around "homos" and other shit that man say? I mean, I'm completely guilty of that, I've made thousands of gay jokes growing up because I didn't know better. One of my temmates from my youth came out as gay, at fkn 25 years old. He had to hide who he was for 25 years because people can not get over themselves and their own insecurities for dicks, to allow people to be who they are.

Someone made a comment in this thread along the lines of "It doesnt matter if someone comes out as gay, its not like there is a untapped community of gay kids playing football". Like dude, seriously? I guarantee you there are thousands of men playing football in Europe who are gay, and who simply have to hide it because people just have to be an absolute piece of shit when they can spit vitrol and be a jerk from a safe distance.

You know, personally if a well known footballer, hell if one of our players decided to announce that he was gay,it would be one of the best days in football. Not because he is gay, but because it sends a strong message to people who are hiding from their friends and maybe even family, their teammates or anyone else, that being this way is normal, its fine, and its nothing to be afraid of. Being different is difficult, and sometimes you just need someone to look up to.

Honestly in this day and age in a lot of the clubs in Western Europe, I genuinely don't think coming out as a gay man would be a problem with his teammates. It's the fans that are the problem. Not the majority of fans, but the very vocal minority who gets off on being cowards.

So yeah, no need to make it public? Son, there is always a need to make it public. You can however opt to just ignore the information, like a goddamn adult.


Full Member
Jun 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Both true.

It's a hard one, and a very personal question.

I generally dislike entertainment being used as a platform for political/social issues.

Eg. Rapinoe publically announcing her decision to not accept Trumps invite to Washington.

I'd decline the invite to, but theres no need to make it public.

Neither would i feel obliged to champion social injustices to my ethnic minority background.

I'd just be there for the football, and too look after me and my own. I imagine that there is countless gay footballers who feel the same. There team mates know, there families know, there clubs supoort them. They are perfectly fine without wanting the burden of championing this cause.
You’re entitled to your opinion with regards to athletes using public platforms to spread messages. But I’d ultimately counter it by arguing that sport has changed the world for the better in so many instances. Individuals have had to overcome so many barriers to reach the pinnacle of their professions and it’s understandable that those from minority backgrounds use that platform to encourage more of this success and (in some cases) freedom. Music and politics are equally, if not more, intertwined.

I imagine lots of gay footballers would rather be there just for the football, which is also fine. The role model expectation might not sit well with them, which is fine. But even if their family and friends are aware of their sexuality, many of them are still driven to live their lives in greater secrecy than they would otherwise do if straight.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me about it and I was indifferent to his sexuality. They happen to like attention and need to feеl like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me about it and I was indifferent to his sexuality. They happen to like attention and need to feеl like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
Let's forget about the rest of this brain dead post and focus on just the first line. Being gay is not legal everywhere, in fact in some countries being gay carries a death sentence.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2015
What a great thread to reveal certain people's homophobia, and to learn the various ways they justify it to themselves and others

The Boy

Full Member
Mar 25, 2014
Brighton and Hove Albion
You know, personally if a well known footballer, hell if one of our players decided to announce that he was gay,it would be one of the best days in football. Not because he is gay, but because it sends a strong message to people who are hiding from their friends and maybe even family, their teammates or anyone else, that being this way is normal, its fine, and its nothing to be afraid of. Being different is difficult, and sometimes you just need someone to look up to.
This a hundred times ^

The Cat

Will drink milk from your hands
May 18, 2017
Feet up at home.
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me about it and I was indifferent to his sexuality. They happen to like attention and need to feеl like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
I take it you aren't up for promotion any time soon.

And what do you mean for obvious reasons? I don't get that bit at all. Do people walking around offend you?


Band of Brothers
Aug 3, 2004
Giving zero fecks about someones sexuality does not make me homophobe, nor abuser. If you do not get this, you have a serious problem.
The gay guy I mention is still someone I like hanging out with.
The problem is the abusers, not neutrals like me, fight them, not me.

Instead, you choose to abuse me. Because that is what you are doing right now. The hypocrisy at its very best. Go on...
I'm not sure you know what 'neutral' means.

Along with 'zero fecks'.

If you are unsure where you stand on the scale, then maybe consider your hatred of gay parades.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
It's pretty sad that a man being gay should be newsworthy in any kind of way. I can appreciate why he's decided against it though, but it'll only take one or two and the floodgates will open. Before long I dont think anybody will really give a shit.
I don’t think anyone does give a shit, it’s not the 70s anymore.

Plus nobody these days should feel the need to “come out” it’s not some shameful secret just get one with your life no fecker cares.


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
I just came to say that I support you SIred. As I have nothing against gay people I have a lot against publicly stating your sexual orientation.
The same way I would be against a footballer going out and stating proudly he is into pissing play in sex or something even kinkier. tI is something I do not care and I do not need this info. Just feck whomever you wish and how you both(or more) like it. No need to make it public ffs.
So you are offended by footballers posted pics with their female partners? I mean that pretty openly states their sexual orientation. It's moronic stuff like this that leads people to say that if there is a gay pride parade, then there should also be a straight pride parade, when every fecking day in mainstream society is treated like straight pride day.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
Everytime these threads pop up, I make the same damn mistake. Why in the world did I open this trainwreck of a thread? And is it just me or are they actually getting worse?


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
I don’t think anyone does give a shit, it’s not the 70s anymore.

Plus nobody these days should feel the need to “come out” it’s not some shameful secret just get one with your life no fecker cares.
People do care. Gay people care, gay kids especially care. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean everybody thinks the same as you.


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
Interesting fact about racists, homophobs and the like us they always say they're definitely not racists or homophobs. @Zachari being the prime example. They're not homophobs, just don't want to be near gays and whatever they do they should keep it indoors.

Gandalf Greyhame

If in doubt, follow your nose!
Dec 7, 2013
Red Card for Casemiro!
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me and being indifferent to his sexuality as they happen to like attention and need to fell like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
I had one glimmer of hope in there, when you expressed how you think people should be cool about other people irrespective of their sexuality. I agree with you there, that's the world I'd like to live in.

But then you shed all signs of empathy and go on to say why gay people should also pretend to be cool about their own sexuality in today's world, and then the post turns into a car crash of judgement, stereotype, misinformed opinions and by the end, homophobia.

In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me and being indifferent to his sexuality as they happen to like attention and need to fell like they are special and etc and expect some reaction
You think gay people in general can be characterised by this one interaction of yours? You went from 'certain guy' to 'they happen to', I wonder how you made the jump. Next, how did you conclude 'they' like attention or 'need to feel special'? If 'they' did, don't you think there'd be more footballers who'd be openly gay right now? And lastly, 'they expect some reaction'? You think people 'choose' their sexuality to expect reaction?

If someone abuses you, take measures
Take a moment to think about this. No, please do. I would be pleased if you could realise what a monumental dump of shit that sentence is in this context and why. Hint: Think about the history of a similar form of oppression. Like racism, for instance. Perhaps the following link will help you.
Last edited:


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
I don’t think anyone does give a shit, it’s not the 70s anymore.

Plus nobody these days should feel the need to “come out” it’s not some shameful secret just get one with your life no fecker cares.
Except that is so clearly not the case, sadly. Just google: 'gay pride protestors' and you will see.


Band of Brothers
Aug 3, 2004
I don’t think anyone does give a shit, it’s not the 70s anymore.

Plus nobody these days should feel the need to “come out” it’s not some shameful secret just get one with your life no fecker cares.
The old "I don't care what you do but I am going to tell you how to act"


Full Member
Jan 14, 2010
Interesting fact about racists, homophobs and the like us they always say they're definitely not racists or homophobs. @Zachari being the prime example. They're not homophobs, just don't want to be near gays and whatever they do they should keep it indoors.
I agree. I do think @SiRed does reserve some credit for putting his hands up and accepting the criticism against his earlier posts. If we are to progress, then we need to encourage people to open their minds, not double down.

Edit: I did make the assumption that said poster was male; apologies if not true.


Full Member
May 13, 2013
In 21 century no one should be afraid to do legal things, as being gay is legal. I don't see why is the need to make a public statement. You can post instagram pics with your boyfriend and etc. so people will know. Hiding it is stupid. Going out and having a public speech about your sexuality is stupid as well. No one should care. If someone abuses you, well, take measures. Abusers are at wrong here. They should be prosecuted. I for one have never abused gay people, I really don't care and it would not change my opinion on someone whether he is gay or not. In fact a certain gay guy might have felt abused by the lack of reaction when he told me about it and I was indifferent to his sexuality. They happen to like attention and need to feеl like they are special and etc and expect some reaction. I just shrugged shoulders an said: "yeah, whatever" and continued speaking on the topic we were speaking before. The guy said: "man I just told you I am gay" like if it was something super important.
If that is offensive, then I am gay offender. I hate gay parades though for obvious reasons.
Dare I say it, but what are the obvious reasons?


New Member
Oct 22, 2015
Zagreb, HR
I agree. I do think @SiRed does reserve some credit for putting his hands up and accepting the criticism against his earlier posts. If we are to progress, then we need to encourage people to open their minds, not double down.
Thats why I didn't mentioned him, he admitted of being wrong and kudos to him.


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
I agree. I do think @SiRed does reserve some credit for putting his hands up and accepting the criticism against his earlier posts. If we are to progress, then we need to encourage people to open their minds, not double down.

Edit: I did make the assumption that said poster was male; apologies if not true.
There's a difference between the two to be fair. One came from a place of ignorance and was willing to understand why that was, to their credit. The other seems a bit more malicious based on their posts.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Jun 17, 2011
People do care. Gay people care, gay kids especially care. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean everybody thinks the same as you.
See, this is exactly the problem, people blowing it up into a big deal, and trying to make people like me, someone who accepts everyone for what they without discrimination, made out to be the bad guy.

Being gay is perfectly normal, it’s not something to ashamed of or something anyone should have to hide, it indeed even feel the need to publicly announce.

Do people not watch movies or TV programs or listen to music it all?

Some of the most famous and hero worshiped artists in the history of mankind are/were gay and the world loves them just the same.

World Game

Full Member
Aug 20, 2014
To clarify, when you say "it" you are referring to homosexuality?

Because yes, that is pretty clearly homophobia.
India and China for example then are countries of homophobes?
Do you support Islam?
Do you support Christianity?
Do you support increasing refugees intake?
Do you support Israel in their conflict with Palestine?


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
See, this is exactly the problem, people blowing it up into a big deal, and trying to make people like me, someone who accepts everyone for what they with discrimination, made out to be the bad guy.

Being gay is perfectly normal, it’s not something to ashamed of or something anyone should have to hide, it indeed even feel the need to publicly announce.

Do people not watch movies or TV programs or listen to music it all?

Some of the most famous and hero worshiped artists in the history of mankind are/were gay and the world loves them just the same.
I stopped playing football at 16 because I thought it wasn't a place for gay men. On the pitch, in the dressing room, everywhere. Maybe if there was someone I could have looked up to that made it as an out gay man playing football I wouldn't have been as disheartened as I was about the situation.

Thanks for telling me my own experience doesn't count.


Full Member
Jun 15, 2013
United Kingdom
India and China for example then are countries of homophobes?
Do you support Islam?
Do you support Christianity?
Do you support increasing refugees intake?
Do you support Israel in their conflict with Palestine?
Oh look, we’ve found another feckwit.