The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Don’t know why they’re wasting time investigating this. If the US treasury has been financing Trump they won’t do anything about it and Trump will just carry on as usual, stealing money while the Dems just “Tut Tut” to each other.

Their lack of action really does makes you wonder how many of the Dems are on the take too, doesn’t it.
No, it doesn’t.
Exactly .Establishment Dems have been eating from the same trough as their colleagues across the way. What hope do you have when Schumer as called McConnell his good friend .
It does me. That or they are useless.
‘Useless’ is the key word here. They’re making a calculated decision based on political concerns. Do they get paid? They’re politicians in DC...that would be a silly question.

But I doubt they’re filling their pockets with schemes at Mar a Lago.
‘Useless’ is the key word here. They’re making a calculated decision based on political concerns. Do they get paid? They’re politicians in DC...that would be a silly question.

But I doubt they’re filling their pockets with schemes at Mar a Lago.
It’s not based on political concerns for the country though.
Ive sometimes toyed with the idea of creating a twitter account just to post some really positive stuff about Trump, just to see if he retweets it and what he says. "My good friend Walrus who is one of the best and most intelligent people around.." etc
Ive sometimes toyed with the idea of creating a twitter account just to post some really positive stuff about Trump, just to see if he retweets it and what he says. "My good friend Walrus who is one of the best and most intelligent people around.." etc
As an Oppressed White Male he’d love you.
America won't reelect a president who's mental health is falling to pieces, surely?

Or will they?

So let me get this straight.. Trump set up private meetings with The Taliban leaders on home US soil at the Presidential retreat on the same week as the 9/11 anniversary?

Is he for fecking real? Unsurprisingly, this hasn't gone down well at all with many of his own followers disgusted at this news (fake or not)
Odd thing to say (even for him). He's trying to get ahead of some news coming out to change the narrative, albeit poorly
Odd thing to say (even for him). He's trying to get ahead of some news coming out to change the narrative, albeit poorly
I disagree, and I don’t understand this persistent ‘trying to get ahead of something else’ narrative each time he does something stupid.

He isn’t trying to get ahead of anything via some master plan. He really is just a moron.

So let me get this straight.. Trump set up private meetings with The Taliban leaders on home US soil at the Presidential retreat on the same week as the 9/11 anniversary?

Is he for fecking real? Unsurprisingly, this hasn't gone down well at all with many of his own followers disgusted at this news (fake or not)

what exactly would the minors have reaped if they had voted for hillary whose message to them was basically "drop dead"?

You take on Brewster's advice. Vote for no one. Certainly not a clearly mysoginistic, tax evading, racist jobs promise provider. And yes he was clearly proven to be all those things before the elections. This is America ffs, not media blackout China. If you still voted for him then you hold his views, desperation or otherwise.

Reap and sow.
I refuse to believe it. Think it's insane the Taliban have more credibility.
He might be a cnut of a person, but this will be why he get re-elected.

The economy is already baked into his approval numbers. If he wasn't Donald Trump, he would be far popular due to the economy, but he is Donald Trump. The real takeaway from this is that if the economy starts (or continues, depending on how you see it) to take a tip, his numbers could get even uglier.
You take on Brewster's advice. Vote for no one. Certainly not a clearly mysoginistic, tax evading, racist jobs promise provider. And yes he was clearly proven to be all those things before the elections. This is America ffs, not media blackout China. If you still voted for him then you hold his views, desperation or otherwise.

Reap and sow.

ok so they would be in the exact same spot then, got it
what exactly would the minors have reaped if they had voted for hillary whose message to them was basically "drop dead"?

Except that wasn't her message to miners at all. She talked about having training and education programs in coal mining areas so they could transition away from coal to other industries, like tech or healthcare. Donald Trump told them he'd bring back their jobs, with no evidence or feasible plan to do so, and they ate it up. There were training programs in coal mining country for other industries during the Obama administration, but people just couldn't be bothered to take advantage of them.
I don't think there is any hope for coal mining country. It is so depressed there that folks just need to migrate to better options elsewhere.
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