Television Tho Prop Grops Throps


An absolute fraud. Him getting called out like this is long overdue.
This is what happens when Meltzer's source is bad and he writes something false

Can’t believe Meltzer can trick people into paying him more than they pay for the network for him to make up stories.
Can’t believe Meltzer can trick people into paying him more than they pay for the network for him to make up stories.

You know a lot of what is said on WOR and in the newsletter is run down on WOL for free right?
Doesn’t Meltzer simply report what he gets from sources? His been right about a lot of insider information before.
Doesn’t Meltzer simply report what he gets from sources? His been right about a lot of insider information before.

I do think theres a few times when he adds 2 and 2 together, to make a bigger story about some things.
No doubting when he reports numbers and stuff, but in terms of rumours and such, hearing his stuff about the plane back from Saudi, you could tell he was told somethings (some believed it was mechanical, some didnt), and then seen the tweets and responses, and made it bigger than it was.

It was a story no doubt, but he gave off the 'impression' they were held hostage without confirming that was the case.
Doesn’t Meltzer simply report what he gets from sources? His been right about a lot of insider information before.

Yes. Only by getting false stories is he going to be able to vet who are reliable and who are unreliable sources. So he's going to get some things wrong sometimes
I do think theres a few times when he adds 2 and 2 together, to make a bigger story about some things.
No doubting when he reports numbers and stuff, but in terms of rumours and such, hearing his stuff about the plane back from Saudi, you could tell he was told somethings (some believed it was mechanical, some didnt), and then seen the tweets and responses, and made it bigger than it was.

It was a story no doubt, but he gave off the 'impression' they were held hostage without confirming that was the case.

Well no, he said some people he talked to felt they were held against their will. Others believed the story, or were willing to believe the WWE story despite the holes in it. He argued himself that if they were being held hostage then the charter that took the 20 top stars away wouldnt have been allowed to leave.

He apologized for saying Seth gave a rah rah speech on Monday trying to be a locker room leader as Seth has corrected him on that directly and didnt give a speech, as he should do if he gets something wrong.

There is no correction to the Saudi story because he didn't say they were held hostage. He said people he has spoken to who were there felt like they were.
Where did I say he said they were held hostage? As I said, he gave off the impression thats what happened, which made it a big story and had people talking, and wrestlers wives questioning it.

He knew what he was doing by even mentioning it.

It does seem you seem to jump to his defence quite a lot.
Where did I say he said they were held hostage? As I said, he gave off the impression thats what happened, which made it a big story and had people talking, and wrestlers wives questioning it.

He knew what he was doing by even mentioning it.

It does seem you seem to jump to his defence quite a lot.

It was actually the superstars and wives tweeting that gave him the impression something is amiss. They dont usually do that when theres a mechanical fault and a delayed flight. People dont usually say "never again" and wives dont usually say they dont want their husbands going back and being "held hostage".

Thats why he and Alvarez dont think things add up. Because they dont. But it was those superstars and their wives who created the impression something was going on.

That doesn't mean that they believe there was a hostage situation. They just reported that people they talked to who were there felt like they were being held hostage.

I will defend anyone being unfairly portrayed.
Timelines dont seem to add up, since a lot of the speculation / views were done before the superstars and wives tweets, but there you go.

As I said, Meltzer knows what hes doing. He put the stuff out there to make it a talking point, but himself said he doesnt think so (but in his position, with him putting it as a possibility, it becomes a bigger talking point)

Will point it out again, a few times he adds 2 and 2 together...
Timelines dont seem to add up, since a lot of the speculation / views were done before the superstars and wives tweets, but there you go.

As I said, Meltzer knows what hes doing. He put the stuff out there to make it a talking point, but himself said he doesnt think so (but in his position, with him putting it as a possibility, it becomes a bigger talking point)

Will point it out again, a few times he adds 2 and 2 together...

He speculates, of course he does. And its clear when he does

Its not so clear when people read a summary of what he's said and hes misquoted which is normally the case.

Dave Meltzer saying something like "Some people I spoke to felt they were being held hostage. And one said they felt they were in the middle of a dick swinging contest" becomes "Meltzer says WWE superstars were held hostage" by people who either cant listen, cant read or simply trying to cause trouble and getting people to react to it.
He recently said WWE were interested in bringing Enzo and Cass back. HHH shot that down immediately.

He said Harper wasn't going to back on WWE TV. Two days later he interfered in the Roman/Rowan match on PPV.

He recently said WWE were interested in bringing Enzo and Cass back. HHH shot that down immediately.

He said Harper wasn't going to back on WWE TV. Two days later he interfered in the Roman/Rowan match on PPV.


Something about speculating. Or being misquoted. Or something similar I guess?
Something about speculating. Or being misquoted. Or something similar I guess?
It's not even Meltzer that annoys me, to be honest.

I don't expect or want hard-hitting, Watergate-esque reporting. It's fecking wrestling at the end of the day. Bullshit away to your heart's content.

It's the cult he inspires. Reddit and Twitter is littered with them. Anything he says is gospel and what's worse the star rating system is treated like sacred fecking text.
It's not even Meltzer that annoys me, to be honest.

I don't expect or want hard-hitting, Watergate-esque reporting. It's fecking wrestling at the end of the day. Bullshit away to your heart's content.

It's the cult he inspires. Reddit and Twitter is littered with them. Anything he says is gospel and what's worse the star rating system is treated like sacred fecking text.

I like listening to him. Well. kinda listening cos it takes him a minute to say a sentence sometimes.
Wrestlers have moves named after him so theres that too.
My fave Meltzer moment is either when he announced WWE were running a UK PPV called Intermission or when he declared his interest in a fan report of the Eurovision results.
My fave Meltzer moment is either when he announced WWE were running a UK PPV called Intermission or when he declared his interest in a fan report of the Eurovision results.
I remember that :lol:
TBF, quite a few WWE guys said 'never again'. Buddy Murphy tweeted 'never again'. I doubt a flight delay or mechanical issue would result in him tweeting that. Im sure there is something a bit more suspicious that happened but we will never know I guess.

I can't be bothered to read on to see if this gets cleared up, but clearly you've never felt the anger of being delayed overnight at an airport
Back on form for Dynamite. Great Cody promo, great Jericho video, Good womens match, Pac is great, the main event was great and an exciting end to build into the pay per view on Saturday.

Fantastic weekly wrestling, but again I can't imagine NXT doesn't win the ratings this week due to the exposure on Smackdown and Raw. So I'm looking forward to watching the NXT show later on today, I'm sure it'll be really good too
I can't be bothered to read on to see if this gets cleared up, but clearly you've never felt the anger of being delayed overnight at an airport
No I have. And it was frustrating.

But I can guarantee this is not the first delay buddy murphy has ever had.
Thought NXT was a good show too. Good idea for the opening segment, Dunne Vs. Priest was fairly good, Santana Garret was about 2 years overdue for NXT so good to see her tv debut and it was a decent match although she can do better than that from what I've seen before. Kai - Baszler was only a little better but...

The angle with all the women getting involved is good so the after match brawl kept it from being too flat and made it far more interesting

Nese and Garza was a typical cruiserweight match, good but you arent missing anything if you dont see it. Dijak Vs. Isiah Scott was good but mostly from Scott's end. Dijak just comes across as a standard big man in today's wrestling where plenty of them try to do basic flying moves.

And the main event, I was a little underwhlemed by the match but just because it featured Riddle and Styles and wasn't great imo which is what I'd expect from them. The Club are boring, Riddle had
his nice hot tag and the run ins at the end were pretty good, the moment of respect from AJ and Balor was interesting although it doesnt look like it means anything given we're headed into Survivor Series and they are on different brands.
All in all a decent finishing stretch.

Comparing it to AEW, its a bit of the same from the first few AEW weeks. AEW has some much better produced promos and video packages and they help to create more of an attachment to the wrestlers. I'm already very familiar with both the AEW and NXT rosters having watched a lot of both, not just in NXT but in many different promotions. And I can honestly say that while I know NXT will give me really good matches, especially at Takeover events, I think they're lacking with some of the buildup of characters. I mean everyone sounds over in front of the same 400 fans at fullsail, but theres only a couple of them that I really want to get behind and see succeed, or fail.

I'd say I liked the ringwork more in AEW this week but NXT was really good as well so theres probably no wrong answer there. I do think AEW finishing on a higher note built better to Full Gear on Saturday than NXT's finish leading into Survivor Series on Sunday. They probably should have had more Raw and Smackdown stars come in for the end segment. However, there is still Friday's Smackdown before the PPV so theres still another chance to build up the pay per view there and that will probably involve NXT as well.
Thought NXT was a good show too. Good idea for the opening segment, Dunne Vs. Priest was fairly good, Santana Garret was about 2 years overdue for NXT so good to see her tv debut and it was a decent match although she can do better than that from what I've seen before. Kai - Baszler was only a little better but...

The angle with all the women getting involved is good so the after match brawl kept it from being too flat and made it far more interesting

Nese and Garza was a typical cruiserweight match, good but you arent missing anything if you dont see it. Dijak Vs. Isiah Scott was good but mostly from Scott's end. Dijak just comes across as a standard big man in today's wrestling where plenty of them try to do basic flying moves.

And the main event, I was a little underwhlemed by the match but just because it featured Riddle and Styles and wasn't great imo which is what I'd expect from them. The Club are boring, Riddle had
his nice hot tag and the run ins at the end were pretty good, the moment of respect from AJ and Balor was interesting although it doesnt look like it means anything given we're headed into Survivor Series and they are on different brands.
All in all a decent finishing stretch.

Comparing it to AEW, its a bit of the same from the first few AEW weeks. AEW has some much better produced promos and video packages and they help to create more of an attachment to the wrestlers. I'm already very familiar with both the AEW and NXT rosters having watched a lot of both, not just in NXT but in many different promotions. And I can honestly say that while I know NXT will give me really good matches, especially at Takeover events, I think they're lacking with some of the buildup of characters. I mean everyone sounds over in front of the same 400 fans at fullsail, but theres only a couple of them that I really want to get behind and see succeed, or fail.

I'd say I liked the ringwork more in AEW this week but NXT was really good as well so theres probably no wrong answer there. I do think AEW finishing on a higher note built better to Full Gear on Saturday than NXT's finish leading into Survivor Series on Sunday. They probably should have had more Raw and Smackdown stars come in for the end segment. However, there is still Friday's Smackdown before the PPV so theres still another chance to build up the pay per view there and that will probably involve NXT as well.
Survivor series is on the 24th.
Another fantastic production, the free Countdown to Full Gear :

I suggest anyone who hasnt bothered to check out AEW yet watches this as an introduction before the pay per view
Who was that guy who had the sad hobby of writing pretend wresting matches online?

Maybe he can solve this argument.

That was me (kinda). It's actually writing roleplays which is like scenes, promos, interviews, stories. The roleplay quality decides how the match goes.

Not followed the argument fully. I'm very much a sports entertainment/Attitude Era fan. I think a lot of modern wrestling is work rate obsessed without the characters or story to make me care. I also feel too many guys are tiny and don't seem believable as someone that could beat the average person up. So maybe my views are antiquated on wrestling.

WWE is definitely sub standard though. The best products for me are NWA and Impact (maybe MLW too. I haven't seen enough of it). However, they lack the prestige and crowd engagement to really maximise the quality of their content.

As for Meltzer, he apparently had two major sources in WWE. One being Jericho who's gone but still finds out stuff through friends. The other I'm not sure of but I think he's also gone. So he's prone to a lot of misinformation these days when it comes to WWE. I don't particularly like the guy and he's very much stuck in the smart mark wrestling bubble, but I do respect his body of work over decades.
Back on form for Dynamite. Great Cody promo, great Jericho video, Good womens match, Pac is great, the main event was great and an exciting end to build into the pay per view on Saturday.

Fantastic weekly wrestling, but again I can't imagine NXT doesn't win the ratings this week due to the exposure on Smackdown and Raw. So I'm looking forward to watching the NXT show later on today, I'm sure it'll be really good too
Very Close
AEW 822
NXT 813
That was me (kinda). It's actually writing roleplays which is like scenes, promos, interviews, stories. The roleplay quality decides how the match goes.

Not followed the argument fully. I'm very much a sports entertainment/Attitude Era fan. I think a lot of modern wrestling is work rate obsessed without the characters or story to make me care. I also feel too many guys are tiny and don't seem believable as someone that could beat the average person up. So maybe my views are antiquated on wrestling.

WWE is definitely sub standard though. The best products for me are NWA and Impact (maybe MLW too. I haven't seen enough of it). However, they lack the prestige and crowd engagement to really maximise the quality of their content.

As for Meltzer, he apparently had two major sources in WWE. One being Jericho who's gone but still finds out stuff through friends. The other I'm not sure of but I think he's also gone. So he's prone to a lot of misinformation these days when it comes to WWE. I don't particularly like the guy and he's very much stuck in the smart mark wrestling bubble, but I do respect his body of work over decades.

I used to do this shit when I was younger too. Must have been the early 2000s.

You should at least watch Cody's promos if you're an NWA power fan.
I used to do this shit when I was younger too. Must have been the early 2000s.

You should at least watch Cody's promos if you're an NWA power fan.

I have, yep. Cody is the best thing about AEW for me. The promo on Wednesday was incredible.

As for e-wrestling, come back and play -