Celebrity Allegations, #MeToo etc


Says he's one of the best posters
May 1, 2013
Wicklow, Ireland
It is clear that the hypocrisy exists and is utterly shameful, whether they remove it from their bios or not.

There's really no denying it.


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
The reason we say 'believe victims' is to ensure that rape cases get the attention they deserve from the legal system. The conviction rate is so woefully low that this is the only way to get things are taken seriously.

But nobody should lose sight of the fact that the movement a corrective measure against institutionalised biases. It doesn't follow that every accused individual is guilty. This is not zero-sum situation. It's possible to give both parties the benefit of the doubt until the facts are clarified and the case is tried in a courtroom. To call Biden a rapist as a default reaction is stupid. Just as it's stupid to ignore Reade's claims without giving them due attention.

The problem with weaponising #metoo is that it does a disservice the movement itself. The point of it is to address the imbalances of the judicial system in order to produce fair outcomes. When you dismiss a victim report out-of-hand, that's potentially an injustice. But when you declare guilt without proving your case, that's equally so.

Those who think that #metoo gives them a right to call Biden a 'rapist' are only creating new systemic biases. It's trying curing a cancer with a different cancer.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Discussion of the accusations against Biden are fair game but can we call them what they are - accusations of sexual assault. And not just say rapist please?


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
The reason we say 'believe victims' is to ensure that rape cases get the attention they deserve from the legal system. The conviction rate is so woefully low that this is the only way to get things are taken seriously.

But nobody should lose sight of the fact that the movement a corrective measure against institutionalised biases. It doesn't follow that every accused individual is guilty. This is not zero-sum situation. It's possible to give both parties the benefit of the doubt until the facts are clarified and the case is tried in a courtroom. To call Biden a rapist as a default reaction is stupid. Just as it's stupid to ignore Reade's claims without giving them due attention.

The problem with weaponising #metoo is that it does a disservice the movement itself. The point of it is to address the imbalances of the judicial system in order to produce fair outcomes. When you dismiss a victim report out-of-hand, that's potentially an injustice. But when you declare guilt without proving your case, that's equally so.

Those who think that #metoo gives them a right to call Biden a 'rapist' are only creating new systemic biases. It's trying curing a cancer with a different cancer.
how can we claim to believe victims when when both major political parties are rallying behind two openly creepy pervs who are credibly accused of sexual harassment and sexual assault?

they haven't even made the nominations yet, they're still going with this, the overwhelming majority of voters of people are okay with these guys despite these credible clams. so i'm not going to worry too much about giving joe biden, former vice president of the united states, current dementia* victim, too hard of a time

*not a doctor
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More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
The reason we say 'believe victims' is to ensure that rape cases get the attention they deserve from the legal system. The conviction rate is so woefully low that this is the only way to get things are taken seriously.

But nobody should lose sight of the fact that the movement a corrective measure against institutionalised biases. It doesn't follow that every accused individual is guilty. This is not zero-sum situation. It's possible to give both parties the benefit of the doubt until the facts are clarified and the case is tried in a courtroom. To call Biden a rapist as a default reaction is stupid. Just as it's stupid to ignore Reade's claims without giving them due attention.

The problem with weaponising #metoo is that it does a disservice the movement itself. The point of it is to address the imbalances of the judicial system in order to produce fair outcomes. When you dismiss a victim report out-of-hand, that's potentially an injustice. But when you declare guilt without proving your case, that's equally so.

Those who think that #metoo gives them a right to call Biden a 'rapist' are only creating new systemic biases. It's trying curing a cancer with a different cancer.
This is exactly how I feel, and further the big risk to positive social change is those that abuse it - this just gives ammo to forces reliant on the institutionalized positions to begin with.


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010

the biden circlejerk on reddit, this is the same subreddit that regularly upvoted accusations against Trump to their front page
Not wanting to force you to engage your own brain, but did you watch the video? I did. Everyone should go watch it themselves - it's about a minute long. It directly confirms Reade's story from last year (about feeling harassed, not assulated). Her mother points out that Reade left a prominent Senator's office staff after being made to feel uncomfortable, and didn't want to go to the press with it out of respect for the Senator.

Now, again, maybe you don't have kids. But if my daughter told me that her boss had raped her in an office, and I called into Larry King, that call is not how I would sound.

Also, good insight into sources there - note which ones choose to use the word assault. Literally at no point in that clip is the word mentioned or alluded to, or suggested in anyway. It's almost like you can tell which ones are shills for Trump.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
Not wanting to force you to engage your own brain, but did you watch the video? I did. Everyone should go watch it themselves - it's about a minute long. It directly confirms Reade's story from last year (about feeling harassed, not assulated). Her mother points out that Reade left a prominent Senator's office staff after being made to feel uncomfortable, and didn't want to go to the press with it out of respect for the Senator.

Now, again, maybe you don't have kids. But if my daughter told me that her boss had raped her in an office, and I called into Larry King, that call is not how I would sound.

Also, good insight into sources there - note which ones choose to use the word assault. Literally at no point in that clip is the word mentioned or alluded to, or suggested in anyway. It's almost like you can tell which ones are shills for Trump.
dude stop it, just stop this shit, do you really expect her mother, in 1993, on CNN, to have gone into absolute details? tara went through a very trauamatic event with joe biden and it's really awful what you're doing to her, especially when you post things like this without understand why it was bad

I find his handling of the Anita Hill case obviously terrible - and he does too now.

also why do you think this defence is good? why are so adamant to vote for someone you believe to have sexually harassed others? have you no shame? is sexual harassment not disqualifying for the presidency?


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
dude stop it, do you really expect her mother, in 1993, on CNN, to have gone into absolute details?

also why do you think this is good? why are so adamant to vote for someone you believe to have sexually harassed others? have you no shame?
You're an absolute insight into the mind of an internet warrior, thank you.
No, I don't expect her mom to - upon discovering her daughter had been raped - to calmly call into Larry King and discuss the benefits of leveraging the press. I expect her to call the f*cking police. If, on the other hand, her mom had been told her daughter had left because the environment in the office made it to uncomfortable to work there - and again that is the original allegation - this call would make perfect sense. Hence, my opinion - Occam's Razor.

The choice in November is between the democratically chosen candidate Joe Biden, and President Donald Trump. For some strange reason, certain segments of the left-leaning populace are trying to equate the two, on any number of spectra.
I'm adamant that the US get Trump out of office. As far as I can tell, there is one way to do that.

You, on the other hand, appear to be so dissatisfied with the process that produced candidate Biden that you want to call him a rapist, dismiss countless positive character references to the contrary, and equate him to the factually worst President in history, because - I assume - you'd prefer a different candidate.

If Reade's allegations are investigated (they have been) and her story becomes consistent and verifiable (it hasn't yet) then great - the democrats get a second chance to nominate someone. I'd like Warren, personally. That would be wonderful. I'm all for it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to accuse Joe Biden of rape because it suits me. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
No, I don't expect her mom to - upon discovering her daughter had been raped - to calmly call into Larry King and discuss the benefits of leveraging the press. I expect her to call the f*cking police.
her brother's corroboration of the story includes the detail that their mother was pissed off and wanted her to go to the police but keep doing rape apology dude, real responsible of you lets beat the cheeto this surely will go away the more we look at the details!


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010
her brother's corroboration of the story includes the detail that their mother was pissed off and wanted her to go to the police but keep doing rape apology dude, real responsible of you lets beat the cheeto this surely will go away the more we look at the details!
This brother? "Reade's brother has also publicly stated that she had told him about it,[3] initially saying that Reade told him that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders, but several days later he told The Washington Post that he also remembered that she had said that Biden had reached "under her clothes."

Again, Occam's Razor. What is more likely, your sister tells you that a Senator assaulted you, but you forget that part of the story, then 'come up with it' a few days later?

Do you acknowledge in anyway how her story is at least worthy of critical thought, given the very, very clear issues with it?


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
This brother? "Reade's brother has also publicly stated that she had told him about it,[3] initially saying that Reade told him that Biden had touched her neck and shoulders, but several days later he told The Washington Post that he also remembered that she had said that Biden had reached "under her clothes."

Again, Occam's Razor. What is more likely, your sister tells you that a Senator assaulted you, but you forget that part of the story, then 'come up with it' a few days later?

Do you acknowledge in anyway how her story is at least worthy of critical thought, given the very, very clear issues with it?
even if you want to assume the absolute best of joe biden, the absolute best and assume all he does he touch women because he's a creep, that's your best case scenario and we're ignoring how ptsd works and how victims of sexual assault don't want to talk about it and don't want to keep reliving it, it's disqualifying, why would you vote for someone you believe touches women like that

"uh, he harasses, actually" isn't good, it's a bad thing and should not be rewarded


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
If Reade's allegations are investigated (they have been) and her story becomes consistent and verifiable (it hasn't yet) then great - the democrats get a second chance to nominate someone. I'd like Warren, personally. That would be wonderful. I'm all for it. But that doesn't mean I'm going to accuse Joe Biden of rape because it suits me. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned.
Ultimately, this will require more corroboration and less inconsistency for it to get more mainstream airtime imo. Specifically, the three people in Biden's office at the time who she allegedly complained to - all three have said they heard nothing or don't even remember this person. She also apparently filed a written complaint, but for some reason can't come up with a copy to show any of the journalists. If any of these things happened, the story would be considered far more credible in mainstream circles and less so a politically motivated ploy from both the left and right (and with a healthy dose of daily amplification by Russian bots).


Magnum Poopus
Jul 17, 2014
You're an absolute insight into the mind of an internet warrior, thank you.
No, I don't expect her mom to - upon discovering her daughter had been raped - to calmly call into Larry King and discuss the benefits of leveraging the press. I expect her to call the f*cking police. If, on the other hand, her mom had been told her daughter had left because the environment in the office made it to uncomfortable to work there - and again that is the original allegation - this call would make perfect sense. Hence, my opinion - Occam's Razor.
Then you're naive. I don't disagree or agree with the rest of what you've said, I need to read up on the allegations. But that mindset I've bolded is a really naive one and shows a lack of understanding of sexual assault and and justice.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov

One prominent women’s political group cited a scheduling conflict and asked to be kept “in mind for other opportunities!” When pressed if the following day would work better, an associate said it would not, citing another scheduling conflict.


More helpful with spreadsheets than Phurry
May 13, 2010

That could be a: a national conspiracy organised by a cabal of deep state operatives who control everything from a basement somewhere
b: simple game theory

On b: there are essentially 3 outcomes to Reade's accusation, and thus three situations the group could find itself in:
1. It's true, she was sexually assaulted and it's proven/confirmed
2. Nothing further comes to light, we remain in the murky territory of corroboration of the harassment claims, limited on the assault
3. Something comes to light that disproves Reade's allegation

For the groups, they can either respond or not. Then I think it games out like this:
Respond and 1: Fine, they've done the right thing
Respond and 2 or 3: Their response WILL be used as support and corroboration of Reade's allegation, even though it obviously lends it no new evidence. That is how the media works.

So in two of the three scenarios, their response will have a material impact on things.
Don't respond and 1: They get articles like the above written, but that's it.
Don't respond and 2 or 3: They've prudently waited without publically saying anything and can choose to move forward with more evidence

Achilles McCool

New Member
Jan 30, 2017
Nowhere fast
That could be a: a national conspiracy organised by a cabal of deep state operatives who control everything from a basement somewhere
b: simple game theory

On b: there are essentially 3 outcomes to Reade's accusation, and thus three situations the group could find itself in:
1. It's true, she was sexually assaulted and it's proven/confirmed
2. Nothing further comes to light, we remain in the murky territory of corroboration of the harassment claims, limited on the assault
3. Something comes to light that disproves Reade's allegation

For the groups, they can either respond or not. Then I think it games out like this:
Respond and 1: Fine, they've done the right thing
Respond and 2 or 3: Their response WILL be used as support and corroboration of Reade's allegation, even though it obviously lends it no new evidence. That is how the media works.

So in two of the three scenarios, their response will have a material impact on things.
Don't respond and 1: They get articles like the above written, but that's it.
Don't respond and 2 or 3: They've prudently waited without publically saying anything and can choose to move forward with more evidence
When trying to decide which of the 3 above outcomes is most likely, I like to use Occum’s Razor and go from there.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
one difference between biden and trump supporters is that biden supporters need to see themselves as the moral good guys, while maga ignore that totally.