Gaming The Last of Us Part II (PS4)


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
The entirety of the anger at Naughty Dog over the spoilers has nothing to do with LGBT issues.

The contempt for them seems pretty damn justified. Can't really say anything else without spoiling.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
What is?

Have you read the spoilers?
I haven't read the spoilers, no, and I'm not going to. First of all, the vast majority of the anger aimed at them is completely manufactured and people trolling. And all this "I'm not buying the game now after what I've read" bollox is coming from people who, 90% of them, weren't going to buy the game anyway. And if you're purely basing your opinion on an unreleased game from leaks that are taken out of context then more fool you.

Also, Naughty Dog has been taking shit for years since the release of the first Last of Us. And we all know why. This is just another opportunity for those same people to jump in for a second time. So people posting spoilers deliberately in comments on videos and social media posts, just to be dicks, aren't justified in their actions. They're just being dicks.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
I've seen the story leaks. I'm not overly fond of the story leaks. But that doesn't mean I hate the game. If stories are an extension of our lives then you will be upset by things from time to time. The important thing is how the story engages you, and if every story was "and nothing bad happened and everything got resolved neat and tidy in a bow" then it would be a kick in the balls to anyone who played the first game.

Some people voiced that they didn't like what they saw, and some were vitriolic. The vitriol has come from one of these leaks, in particular towards a certain character, and some of the stuff has been unbelievable. Hateful. And then the "muh vidya gaems" and "sjw agendas hurr" pish started where people are looking far too deep into things to the point where there's nothing there. But that won't stop them from making shit up and using it as proof that their "vydeyo garmz" are being hijacked by Anita Sarkeesian and Captain Marvel. Shit, they probably think Howard the fecking Duck is part of this great conspiracy to take their masculinity away from them.

feck them. You don't have to enjoy the game if you don't want to, but don't act like entitled lil bitches just because your fan fantasy story hasn't been made a reality. If you feel uncomfortable and think someone is coming after your personal identity then you've got bigger problems than what media is being made.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
I haven't read the spoilers, no, and I'm not going to. First of all, the vast majority of the anger aimed at them is completely manufactured and people trolling. And all this "I'm not buying the game now after what I've read" bollox is coming from people who, 90% of them, weren't going to buy the game anyway. And if you're purely basing your opinion on an unreleased game from leaks that are taken out of context then more fool you.

Also, Naughty Dog has been taking shit for years since the release of the first Last of Us. And we all know why. This is just another opportunity for those same people to jump in for a second time. So people posting spoilers deliberately in comments on videos and social media posts, just to be dicks, aren't justified in their actions. They're just being dicks.
Well you're setting yourself up for a fall.

Put simply, if the spoilers are accurate the vast, vast majority of people who were invested in the story and characters of TLOU will not like the sequel, and their anger will have nothing to do with there being gay or androgynous trans-friendly characters. Obviously that doesn't mean plenty of people won't also leap at the opportunity to criticise ND for apparently sacrificing story for wokeness, many of whom won't even have played the original.

Man of Leisure

Threatened by women who like sex.
Mar 14, 2014
One Big Holiday
Well you're setting yourself up for a fall.

Put simply, if the spoilers are accurate the vast, vast majority of people who were invested in the story and characters of TLOU will not like the sequel, and their anger will have nothing to do with there being gay or androgynous trans-friendly characters. Obviously that doesn't mean plenty of people won't also leap at the opportunity to criticise ND for apparently sacrificing story for wokeness, many of whom won't even have played the original.
As long as they don't kill off Joel early which starts off Ellie's rampage in the trailer video, I'll be fine. If that is what happens, please don't tell me. :(
From the trailer, seems like Ellie spends a lot of time in Seattle. I'd be slightly disappointed if the majority of Part 2 takes place in one city. Part of what I liked about TLOU was how they kept moving from city to city and the change in seasons.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
Well you're setting yourself up for a fall.

Put simply, if the spoilers are accurate the vast, vast majority of people who were invested in the story and characters of TLOU will not like the sequel, and their anger will have nothing to do with there being gay or androgynous trans-friendly characters. Obviously that doesn't mean plenty of people won't also leap at the opportunity to criticise ND for apparently sacrificing story for wokeness, many of whom won't even have played the original.
I'm not setting myself up for anything. I'll judge the game in its entirety when it's released. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. The wonderful thing about video games is that the story is just one aspect. The gameplay and the world look incredible and I'm almost certain I'll love that aspect of it. To predict that "the vast, vast majority" of the people who liked the first game won't like this one because of these leaks that are taken out of context is hyperbolic.

Also, if people buy the game and play it then they decide they don't like it, that's different. But this outrage that we're seeing now is almost completely manufactured by trolls and people who had no interest in the game anyway and are just being dicks about it.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jan 29, 2013
I'm not setting myself up for anything. I'll judge the game in its entirety when it's released. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. The wonderful thing about video games is that the story is just one aspect. The gameplay and the world look incredible and I'm almost certain I'll love that aspect of it. To predict that "the vast, vast majority" of the people who liked the first game won't like this one because of these leaks that are taken out of context is hyperbolic.

Also, if people buy the game and play it then they decide they don't like it, that's different. But this outrage that we're seeing now is almost completely manufactured by trolls and people who had no interest in the game anyway and are just being dicks about it.
Out of curiosity, what makes you say this?


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
Out of curiosity, what makes you say this?
Well in terms of Naughty Dog, we've seen it before with outrage. You only have to cast your mind back to the E3 trailer two years ago and there was outrage about that. Some people started, then others jumped on the bandwagon to pretend that they cared. And as is often the case with social media, these things get blown out of all proportion with faux concern and indignation.

Also, in terms of this particular example, people are going out of their way to post spoilers and deliberately ruin the game for others. That's not people being disappointed. That's just people trolling and being dicks. Similar to all the dislikes on their youtube videos that showcase the game. If you want to be disappointed with leaks taken out of context in what is probably going to be a 40+ game, then all power to you. But this faux outrage and entitlement is ridiculous.

And yes, most of it is fuelled by certain themes that are running through the game. We know this because we've seen it a few times before.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
I'm not setting myself up for anything. I'll judge the game in its entirety when it's released. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. The wonderful thing about video games is that the story is just one aspect. The gameplay and the world look incredible and I'm almost certain I'll love that aspect of it. To predict that "the vast, vast majority" of the people who liked the first game won't like this one because of these leaks that are taken out of context is hyperbolic.

Also, if people buy the game and play it then they decide they don't like it, that's different. But this outrage that we're seeing now is almost completely manufactured by trolls and people who had no interest in the game anyway and are just being dicks about it.
First TLOU was story driven game with mediocre gameplay, and it has fanbase expecting gripping story and continuation on it, what is worth a good gameplay and surroundings if the story is subpar in a primarily story driven game?! So why would the fans buy the story driven game in which they hate the story itself? For gameplay and beautiful world? I would rather play a game with far superior gameplay like Dark Souls/Sekiro for that.

Major plot points were leaked and lots of people hate it. No amount of "buying and testing yourself" will change it.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
First TLOU was story driven game with mediocre gameplay, and it has fanbase expecting gripping story and continuation on it, what is worth a good gameplay and surroundings if the story is subpar in a primarily story driven game?! So why would the fans buy the story driven game in which they hate the story itself? For gameplay and beautiful world? I would rather play a game with far superior gameplay like Dark Souls/Sekiro for that.

Major plot points were leaked and lots of people hate it. No amount of "buying and testing yourself" will change it.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
Well you're setting yourself up for a fall.

Put simply, if the spoilers are accurate the vast, vast majority of people who were invested in the story and characters of TLOU will not like the sequel, and their anger will have nothing to do with there being gay or androgynous trans-friendly characters. Obviously that doesn't mean plenty of people won't also leap at the opportunity to criticise ND for apparently sacrificing story for wokeness, many of whom won't even have played the original.
I've watched the leaked video along with the story leak. And seriously, for the life of me, I can't figure out what this huge uproar is about. Do people just want the same story from the first game following the same people? The story writers had a different story to tell and different theme to follow, so they did. So what? And also the fact that this uproar is from some of the bullet points of the story without any knowledge of how those points are reached or play out, makes it even more stupid.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2008
Antwerp, Belgium
Fair enough if people spoiled the game for themselves and hated what they saw, no one in here is going to change that opinion. But do they really have to come back to this thread to remind us of that again and again? I'm serious, without trying to offend those people, what's the point? Those of us who don't want the game spoiled yet can't discuss it on the same level and the others just keep repeating themselves, leading to a hostile thread for everyone involved. Maybe just return after the game has been out for a while and engage with those that have finished it and are willing to discuss it (still in spoiler tags obviously!).

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
This might be a bigger scandal than the Game of Thrones S8 leaks if it stops people from buying it.
It will probably break all sorts of PS4 records still.

The little 1% section of the internet who go round thumbs downing every youtube video and spouting shite on reddit won't stop most people buying the most anticipated game of the generation.

EDIT: Well, as long as the reviews are good and it's a good game!


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
Fair enough if people spoiled the game for themselves and hated what they saw, no one in here is going to change that opinion. But do they really have to come back to this thread to remind us of that again and again? I'm serious, without trying to offend those people, what's the point? Those of us who don't want the game spoiled yet can't discuss it on the same level and the others just keep repeating themselves, leading to a hostile thread for everyone involved. Maybe just return after the game has been out for a while and engage with those that have finished it and are willing to discuss it (still in spoiler tags obviously!).
Because people in here keep saying how everyone who hates on the game is because of "politics, wokeness, blah blah" and keep ignoring real problems, which they can't see because they don't wanna be spoiled, which is fair play, but then stop with the silliness how if anyone hates on the game it must be "angry right wing, hurr durr". Daft generalization in this thread is producing responses, simple as that.
This is going in circles and literally nowhere.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2008
Antwerp, Belgium
Because people in here keep saying how everyone who hates on the game is because of "politics, wokeness, blah blah" and keep ignoring real problems, which they can't see because they don't wanna be spoiled, which is fair play, but then stop with the silliness how if anyone hates on the game it must be "angry right wing, hurr durr". Daft generalization in this thread is producing responses, simple as that.
This is going in circles and literally nowhere.
But why respond to that? I really don't see the point. You've been exposed to those spoilers, willingly or otherwise, so surely you would agree it's best for everyone if you stop engaging in this thread until the game has been released.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
But why respond to that? I really don't see the point. You've been exposed to those spoilers, willingly or otherwise, so surely you would agree it's best for everyone if you stop engaging in this thread until the game has been released.
Yeah, I keep making mistake to post in this thread when I see some daft posts, that is my bad I guess.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
It will probably break all sorts of PS4 records still.

The little 1% section of the internet who go round thumbs downing every youtube video and spouting shite on reddit won't stop most people buying the most anticipated game of the generation.

EDIT: Well, as long as the reviews are good and it's a good game!
The game will sell fine. Despite what some of the experts on here who read a few leaks out of context say.

Organic Potatoes

Full Member
Dec 2, 2013
Colorado Rapids
It will probably break all sorts of PS4 records still.

The little 1% section of the internet who go round thumbs downing every youtube video and spouting shite on reddit won't stop most people buying the most anticipated game of the generation.

EDIT: Well, as long as the reviews are good and it's a good game!
It’s still a (tiny) financial impact. People still kept their HBO Now subscription until the finale so it made no difference in the previous case.

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
The people moaning that games are getting too 'political' (side-note: LGBTQ rights should never be seen as political but anyway) are probably the same people who love FFVII. You know, that game where you rise up and fight against a government corporation.
I think there is a discussion to be had on it though. Not so much keeping politics out of games, but more keeping those politics out of games journalism and the narrative around games. The entire industry has been responsible for the shit show they've made of inclusivity, but games journalists have helped stir the shit on both sides. It shouldn't really be much of a discussion point, but I feel it's turned into a disengenuine bullet point for clicks and something to hide behind for both sides. You're always going to get dickheads and people going to extremes, but here they become the story.

Look at the websites and youtube channels milking this TLOU2 nonsense for all it's worth on both sides. You're going to get the kind of people that are militant on both sides watching/reading and commenting, then it spirals from there looking like everything is all about agendas, ists and phobes while genuine criticism of what people don't like is quietly ignored in favour of what gets the angry clicks. It's an industry within itself and you can convince yourself either way one side or the other is in the right or wrong if you try hard enough and are mad enough.

I'm jaded and old though and have come to the conclusion the entire games industry needs to crash to sort itself out on a lot of fronts not just this.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
I've watched the leaked video along with the story leak. And seriously, for the life of me, I can't figure out what this huge uproar is about. Do people just want the same story from the first game following the same people? The story writers had a different story to tell and different theme to follow, so they did. So what? And also the fact that this uproar is from some of the bullet points of the story without any knowledge of how those points are reached or play out, makes it even more stupid.
I dont wanna keep going on about it because it is literally impossible without spoiling, but all I'll say is if you took the biggest major headline from the spoilers, it's exactly what I expected to happen. If I were writing the script for the sequel it would also have happened in mine.

It's just everything else around it that is utter shite (as far as the spoilers/cutscenes I have seen so far suggest).


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
But why respond to that? I really don't see the point. You've been exposed to those spoilers, willingly or otherwise, so surely you would agree it's best for everyone if you stop engaging in this thread until the game has been released.
It's bizarre isn't.

I mean for someone who isn't even going to play the game because of all the "agenda pushing", it's weird he's still popping up in here making smokescreen arguments and is one of the top contributors to the thread. I don't get why he bothers, but meh whatever :lol:

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Comments aside from certain individuals (well, individual singular) about how this is nothing to do with agenda bashing when they themselves complained about the game pushing agendas and effectively started the whole thread descending down that murky road, and they've now somehow forgotten that they still haven't explained what they meant by that and deflected, subverted and then fecked off. Aside from all of that, and their miraculous return to the thread trying to play the sympathy card, plus their attempt to rewrite history and also their feeble attempt to characterise the people who have a problem with the term "agenda pushing" being used whimsically as just being people who are saying nothing more than a bare bones "we hate dissenting voices" argument when the reality is we're saying "we hate boorish shite espoused by folk who can't even back up their gutter talk when confronted on it by folk outside of their echo chamber". Aside from them having a history of dodgy beliefs and, once highlighted by another member, they resort to the same tried and tested "divert, subvert, deflect" approach every single time. I forgot what my point was. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams. Don't vote Tory.


Full Member
May 16, 2010
Naughty Dog management and Sony are loving this. All this talk about the story nonsense is taking away from the real issues at that studio. The shitty working conditions and staff not getting paid overtime. But oh well it’s not Rockstar, so we’d just won’t talk about it. Druckmans had you all bamboozled and I bet he leaked it on purpose to avoid all the real issues at that studio.

Great thread on what was happening over there. But naughty Gods right?

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
I bet Druckmann is a tyrant. Far too nicey-nice and softly spoken in public to be anything other than a prick.
You don't win friends with salad. I like to assume that anyone in a high position got there with some amount of arseholery towards their staff. That's how dad did it, that's how I do it and that's how my minions do it.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Naughty Dog management and Sony are loving this. All this talk about the story nonsense is taking away from the real issues at that studio. The shitty working conditions and staff not getting paid overtime. But oh well it’s not Rockstar, so we’d just won’t talk about it. Druckmans had you all bamboozled and I bet he leaked it on purpose to avoid all the real issues at that studio.

Great thread on what was happening over there. But naughty Gods right?
In the past on here I've brought up the behaviour of game studios, I myself left one because of it, especially Sony ones.

Over here they royally fecked over the wipeout team up in Liverpool for example.

The game industry, to this day, can be an incredibly shit place to work.


Full Member
May 16, 2010
In the past on here I've brought up the behaviour of game studios, I myself left one because of it, especially Sony ones.

Over here they royally fecked over the wipeout team up in Liverpool for example.

The game industry, to this day, can be an incredibly shit place to work.
Yeah, I am not going to say I am not going to buy the game because of it as that would be hypocritical of me when I’m typing on my phone which was made from slave labour.

Also boycotting the game doesn’t help as if sales don’t meet the required target thenmore people will be out of work.

People and the games media calling them out on it and it will force a change. Sadly the video games media is filled with a lot of puppets. Rockstar apparently have improved their practices, so one studio has got their act together.


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Yeah, I am not going to say I am not going to buy the game because of it as that would be hypocritical of me when I’m typing on my phone which was made from slave labour.

Also boycotting the game doesn’t help as if sales don’t meet the required target thenmore people will be out of work.

People and the games media calling them out on it and it will force a change. Sadly the video games media is filled with a lot of puppets. Rockstar apparently have improved their practices, so one studio has got their act together.
Well I've never boycotted a game, and I've lived that life and still have friends who regularly get screwed by it.

If people boycott this game over this issue they, whether they know it or not, are massive hypocrites.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
I've watched the leaked video along with the story leak. And seriously, for the life of me, I can't figure out what this huge uproar is about. Do people just want the same story from the first game following the same people? The story writers had a different story to tell and different theme to follow, so they did. So what? And also the fact that this uproar is from some of the bullet points of the story without any knowledge of how those points are reached or play out, makes it even more stupid.
Yep, I've seen the headline spoilers and I don't get the uproar either. By which I mean I literally don't understand why people are annoyed.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2008
Antwerp, Belgium
Yeah, I am not going to say I am not going to buy the game because of it as that would be hypocritical of me when I’m typing on my phone which was made from slave labour.

Also boycotting the game doesn’t help as if sales don’t meet the required target thenmore people will be out of work.

People and the games media calling them out on it and it will force a change. Sadly the video games media is filled with a lot of puppets. Rockstar apparently have improved their practices, so one studio has got their act together.
Like you say, boycotting is counter-productive. In many cases, bonuses will depend on whether the targets were met (or even exceeded), so we'd essentially be screwing the same people we want to support out of additional - and well deserved - income. But then obviously, if targets are met or exceeded, upper management will look at it and think "we're doing okay here, let's continue like this". I really don't know what the solution is. Unions, possibly, but the changes have to come at direction level. Perhaps bad PR on social media and in the gaming press is the way to go. At least it's being talked about a lot in recent years, that's progress I guess?


Full Member
Dec 12, 2015
Man City
I haven't read the spoilers, no, and I'm not going to. First of all, the vast majority of the anger aimed at them is completely manufactured and people trolling. And all this "I'm not buying the game now after what I've read" bollox is coming from people who, 90% of them, weren't going to buy the game anyway. And if you're purely basing your opinion on an unreleased game from leaks that are taken out of context then more fool you.

Also, Naughty Dog has been taking shit for years since the release of the first Last of Us. And we all know why. This is just another opportunity for those same people to jump in for a second time. So people posting spoilers deliberately in comments on videos and social media posts, just to be dicks, aren't justified in their actions. They're just being dicks.
Strongly disagree, I give zero shits about gender identity or Ellies sexuality etc.. I'm also pretty sure there are no trans people in the game and this is something made up by the trolls. But... I have read the leaks (and they are the entire game and not out of context at all).

I will not be buying TLOU2 at least not on release. My issues with the game are nothing (absolutely nothing) to do with politics/gender or any of that bullshit. My brother sent me the leaks when I didn't want to read them and was like "Dude, read them and you'll get the outrage" so I did. While I won't tell anyone to read them or encourage it, a vast majority who read the leaks are pissed for non-political reasons and don't want to be tagged as homophobic, facist etc... None of that matters because the plot is rubbish. There is nothing foolish about it the entire game plot is out there and has been confirmed with cutscene footage from 2 sources.

I know myself and at least 4 friends for whom it was a day 1 purchase and love the og all have the same feelings towards it.

Yes there is sadly a minority of hillbillies who are using the game as an excuse to be homphobic/facist but they are sad feckers that will do it anyway. There are also many ND defenders who tar everyone with issues with the game and put them in the same bracket as the others. Its wrong, the story is just shite.

Also, yes anyone who intentionally spoils the game on people who don't want it spoiled are attention starved degenerates and are never justified this I agree on 100%.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
Strongly disagree, I give zero shits about gender identity or Ellies sexuality etc.. I'm also pretty sure there are no trans people in the game and this is something made up by the trolls. But... I have read the leaks (and they are the entire game and not out of context at all).

I will not be buying TLOU2 at least not on release. My issues with the game are nothing (absolutely nothing) to do with politics/gender or any of that bullshit. My brother sent me the leaks when I didn't want to read them and was like "Dude, read them and you'll get the outrage" so I did. While I won't tell anyone to read them or encourage it, a vast majority who read the leaks are pissed for non-political reasons and don't want to be tagged as homophobic, facist etc... None of that matters because the plot is rubbish. There is nothing foolish about it the entire game plot is out there and has been confirmed with cutscene footage from 2 sources.

I know myself and at least 4 friends for whom it was a day 1 purchase and love the og all have the same feelings towards it.

Yes there is sadly a minority of hillbillies who are using the game as an excuse to be homphobic/facist but they are sad feckers that will do it anyway. There are also many ND defenders who tar everyone with issues with the game and put them in the same bracket as the others. Its wrong, the story is just shite.

Also, yes anyone who intentionally spoils the game on people who don't want it spoiled are attention starved degenerates and are never justified this I agree on 100%.
I really don't care whether you're going to buy the game or not. Or whether anybody else (who are apparently so incensed by these leaks) are going to buy it or not. I'm going to wait until the game is released so I can play it in its entirety and judge it then. In the context that it was supposed to be judged. And maybe I will hate the story, too. We'll see. And as I already mentioned in another post, the beauty of games is that they are more than just story. The gameplay and the world look incredible in this one and I'm excited to play it. So the fact that you're going to take some stand and not buy the game is of zero concern to me.

Secondly, I said the vast majority of the outrage directed at them online is manufactured. And it is. The mass downvoting of any videos that contain footage of the game, the comments at the bottom of any article that write about the game, and the threats made against the studio and the people who work there are people jumping on the bandwagon and trolling. And a lot of that is for reasons that I've already highlighted. Now, there are some in that group who probably are pissed off with the direction the game has gone in, and they're voicing their displeasure by taking part in this behavior.

Quite frankly, I don't see how that makes it or them any better. You're just being a self-entitled prick because the bad people at the studio didn't take the story in the direction you wanted it to go. Guess what? Too fecking bad. It doesn't give you the right to spew your shite online and threaten those who worked on the game and spoil it for others. Anyone who defends that are fecking idiots. And just to be clear, I'm not accusing you of this (unless you did partake in this behavior, but I assume you didn't). You read the leaks and decided not to buy the game based on that. Awesome. That's your prerogative. Just like it's anyone else's prerogative to do the same. I think that's daft, but that's my opinion on it.

Again, this isn't about people liking or not liking the direction the story has gone in. I couldn't give a shit, really. This is about the behavior of the self-entitled trolls online. And that is not justifiable.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
The entirety of the anger at Naughty Dog over the spoilers has nothing to do with LGBT issues.

The contempt for them seems pretty damn justified. Can't really say anything else without spoiling.
Exactly. feck all to do with politics. We knew Ellie was gay from the first game and that didn’t stop people enjoying what was a good story. This is an abomination.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017
I'm not setting myself up for anything. I'll judge the game in its entirety when it's released. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. The wonderful thing about video games is that the story is just one aspect. The gameplay and the world look incredible and I'm almost certain I'll love that aspect of it. To predict that "the vast, vast majority" of the people who liked the first game won't like this one because of these leaks that are taken out of context is hyperbolic.

Also, if people buy the game and play it then they decide they don't like it, that's different. But this outrage that we're seeing now is almost completely manufactured by trolls and people who had no interest in the game anyway and are just being dicks about it.
So why say it’s nonsense when you know nothing about the game. There aren’t many bigger fans of the last of us than me and I’m not buying it. I refuse to play along with the story line they’ve created — it has nothing to do with who is in it, what colour of skin, sexual orientation they’re are or how they identify. The story is garbage. So why say it’s nonsense and throw some random number out saying the majority of people won’t be buying it anyway. Strange.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
So why say it’s nonsense when you know nothing about the game. There aren’t many bigger fans of the last of us than me and I’m not buying it. I refuse to play along with the story line they’ve created — it has nothing to do with who is in it, what colour of skin, sexual orientation they’re are or how they identify. The story is garbage. So why say it’s nonsense and throw some random number out saying the majority of people won’t be buying it anyway. Strange.

The guy I was responding to said "I was setting myself up for a fall"

I'm not setting myself up for anything. Not sure what's hard to understand about that. And just to reiterate what I said to that other poster. I don't give a shit whether you buy the game or not. That's not my concern.


Dagestani MMA Boiled Egg Expert
Mar 4, 2017

The guy I was responding to said "I was setting myself up for a fall"

I'm not setting myself up for anything. Not sure what's hard to understand about that. And just to reiterate what I said to that other poster. I don't give a shit whether you buy the game or not. That's not my concern.
Before that you told him it was “nonsense” about the outrage not being about identity politics, LGBT community et al. Which it’s not. Undoubtedly there are dicks who have an issue with that but mostly, it’s about a shit story. Overwhelming majority or people who have seen the leaks hate the fecking story. I mean hate. For a fan base of a game which was primarily a story driven game with mediocre game mechanics — that’s a big fail. Why do you think Sony are doing everything in their power to hide the leaks? It’s not because the story or the characters are woke Sony are abusing copyright laws and striking down YouTube channels who even mention the word leak and last of us 2 in the same video.