Jadon Sancho| Staying at Dortmund for now

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harbours delusions of insignificance
Nov 13, 2013
Liverpool won't even stump out €30m for one of the best midfielders in the world and you think they'll spent 100m+ on Sancho? Riiiight.
I think that if Barca come in for Salah then I could see Liverpool getting Sancho money for Salah and would be in the market for a replacement...


Full Member
Aug 1, 2016

The football media really are parasites aren't they :lol: , nonstop United banter for guaranteed clicks :rolleyes:

MDFC Manager

Full Member
Dec 26, 2005

The football media really are parasites aren't they :lol: , nonstop United banter for guaranteed clicks :rolleyes:
They really are. Why the feck would we care that Bellingham scored for Dortmund, against a third division club?


Perpetual Under 11's Team Player
Sep 29, 2004
What i don't get is that the papers seem to suggest negotiations are stuck at us paying Dortmund's asking price.

In the meantime, we are looking at bale as a one year loan option, instead of other permanent options with a more realistic price.

Going after bale sort of indicates that we still believe Sancho is the man for the RW in the long term and plan to go for him again next year.

Next year we will have more to spend, but more clubs will be in for him and if the market goes back up, and he has a good season, and maybe a good Euro, then his price would go up too.

Feels like when we passed on Maguire only to have a crap defense for an entire season and then signed him the next summer for more money.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Jun 29, 2017
I think that if Barca come in for Salah then I could see Liverpool getting Sancho money for Salah and would be in the market for a replacement...
Exactly what I've said before, one in, one out.
Remember when we all laughed when they lost Coutinho to Barcelona..?
But also remember what they did with the money they got for him..!?!?


Full Member
Dec 14, 2005

The football media really are parasites aren't they :lol: , nonstop United banter for guaranteed clicks :rolleyes:
You are only helping them by posting shit here.. Every time the page is loaded, it counts as a twitter interaction.
Start ignoring these posts.


Mes que un muppet!
May 23, 2014
I wonder if Grealish signing a new contract will put some more pressure on Woody, seeing as his options for an alternative have been further reduced.

I'm sure Grealish was his preferred alternative, or at least he was earlier in the window

man united 4eva

New Member
Feb 18, 2013
in a humdrum town
There's been far too much dithering & delay.. mainly on our part regarding 'The Sancho Saga'.. If it becomes apparent that it's just a case of agreeing to the £108m transfer fee and we then don't stump up the money.. that will relate to a massive kick in the nads for Ole.. The club will be seen as not fully backing Ole even after all the notable progress and restructuring from the ground level up he's made at the club so far.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
What's your thinking behind this? Do you not think how weak it would make us look and put us on the back foot in any future negotiations?
I do agree that is what the current problem is. Utd do have the means to buy Sancho but they also don't want to set themselves up to be screwed over in the future. They have already been screwed over by the Maguire deal, Sanchez deal and to some extent AWB price. Utd are trying to learn from their mistakes and avoid situations like the recent past. Unfortunately, they are trying to set the example with probably our most important signing since Fergie left. Sancho could genuinely dictate our future on the pitch for the next 10 years and the direction the clubs goes in footballing wise. I do understand Utd need to make a stance and show we won't be held to ransom in the future. But I also believe they realise the importance of signing Sancho and how critical he is to Ole's future plans and vision. This is the only reason I feel like they will buckle again and end up paying what is being asked. They will just have to try and set the example with a future situation because Sancho is too important a deal to walk away from. Right now, I would be more surprised to see Utd walk away from this deal than I will for us to sign him. I genuinely feel Utd will offer exactly what Dortmund are asking for before the end of this window. The only problem I forsee is Dortmund potentially changing their mind and saying they don't want to sell now, even if its 120m. But I think once the stacks are put on the table, they will take it and send Sancho on his way. Sancho has not agitated for a move but they know that he wants to move to Utd. 120m will be too much to turn down under the circumstances.

Hernandez - BFA

The Way to Fly
Jan 5, 2011
Absolute nonsense.

Is everyone on this forum a negotiation king?

It's a HUGE sale worth in excess of 100M Euros, it's never as easy as you think it is you simply don't go to Dortmund and offer the asking price. You negotiate. Hence the term "Transfer Negotiations" - then you have personal terms which includes wages, bonuses etc etc, image rights, agent fees etc etc.

Sancho is one of if not the most exciting young prospect in recent years & you all think it's simply as easy as offering what they want?!

Thing is if Woody was to pull off an amazing deal that suits both us and Dortmund you'd all be singing his praises. This forum is fickle and full of entitled bunch of FIFA/FM armchair managers who are bitter at seeing the opponents spunk money left right and center and somehow their doing it better than us. Heck the Havertz deal has taken almost as long as the Sancho deal and yet Chelsea are lauded as some sort of Transfer kings. Get over yourselves.

Ask yourself this. Have you ever bought a car from someone tried and barter the price down and then come to a suitable medium?
I find your reply to my post quite bizarre. I had to read my post again to see if I wrote anything worth being called "a fickle and entitled FIFA/FM armchair manager".
Wind your neck in.

Not once did I say it's an easy deal to make, neither did I say "JUST SPLURGE THE £120MILLION ON HIM FOR FORK'S SAKE WOODY".
There's a time and place to negotiate - and if all these media rumours are true, we started an offer at £70 million and that's been titrated up over the months to us making a deal that adds up to £120million in multi-year add ons.

All I said was that Dortmund have no reason to accept a haggled down transfer fee. They've got an exciting team that seems to be raring to go this season. Next Summer, they'll end up getting more than £120million for Sancho.

This deal is not a place to haggle. Dortmund are in the driving seat. Sancho isn't making a fuss to leave. It's a win-win for them. They get £120million this summer, or they get more than £120million next Summer while having another year of a potentially world class player.

You even said it yourself:

Sancho is one of if not the most exciting young prospect in recent years & you all think it's simply as easy as offering what they want?!
Well yes - that's the answer to your question. They value him at 120million - they have no reason to accept a haggled down move. Why would they? They aren't cash strapped. They don't have a clear weakened area in the team that requires rebuilding this summer, thus needing a Sancho-sized transfer to fund for it all.

Dortmund have made it abundantly clear from day 1 how much they want for him, they gave a "deadline" and have since said "he's here for another year".

How stupid do you think Dortmund will look if they end up accepting a transfer fee below the 120million line now? To their fans, as well to other clubs who'll know that their word means nothing when it comes to trying to put an ultimatum on selling players.

Your reply was unnecessarily forward, and to back it up with no sense to it makes it all the more bizarre.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2005
We all love United
I was close to wavering yesterday, but I am still sure it'll happen. You don't chase someone for close to 2 years and give up because of something that was known at the outset.
I'm back on the train after yesterday. Genuinely believes Ed will pay up two or three days before the window shuts


Full Member
Mar 12, 2005
The only clubs I feel are potential competitor for him next summer is PSG or Barcelona. Chelsea have invested, Liverpool are cheap cnuts and Real will prefer Mbappe if they are going for an expensive forward. Mbappe suits them better as he can potentially replace Karim Benzema.

On the other hand, we have Barcelona who'll search for a Messi replacement and might have a new manager in Xavi, while PSG will be looking to replace Mbappe if he leaves.

But IMO United can get him next summer, but we have to ensure that we are getting CL football next season. Another season of struggle to achieve top 4, let's see how it goes.
PSG are a competitor but I wouldn't put Barca down as one. Yes, Messi will leave but he will leave on a free and their finances are now that bad that they can't even buy Depay without selling someone else.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
I'm back on the train after yesterday. Genuinely believes Ed will pay up two or three days before the window shuts
Me and a few other travellers here have got about 10 seats each to ourselves on the train. We had quite a lot of passengers disembark on platform 7 at the Duisburg station last night. Welcome back aboard the train. You are welcome to use the 1st class seats as they will be empty for the rest of the journey. See you when we get off at Old Trafford.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2013
I was close to wavering yesterday, but I am still sure it'll happen. You don't chase someone for close to 2 years and give up because of something that was known at the outset.
We've been chasing him for 3 years since he was at City. Utd won't wait another year when he's potentially gone forever.


Full Member
Jun 13, 2017
What has the club done to earn the trust of my fellow muppets who still think this is going to happen? This muppet bailed out on the Sancho Express weeks ago. Dortmund are 110% not selling now. We had our chance, we didnt take it. Woodward again fancying himself as a master negotiator when in fact he's as slick as 10pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.
At least we can put that extra £20m to good use ping the wages of Fosu-Mensah, Mata, Jones, Rojo, Smalling, Romero, Perreira, Lingard.......

Vault Dweller

Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
May 26, 2016
Vault 88, The Commonwealth
and if discussions are ongoing, then United must be prepared to pay the asking price or very near to it, it's just a question of if that can be presented in acceptable terms of instalments, add ons etc....
That's how I am reading the situation.
I think we are almost at the figure as well.

Is there any actual quote on the "increasingly confident" part? Sounds like a generic twitter journalism phrase, tbh.

An actual quote from Sebastian Kehl when asked about Sancho yesterday on TV is this: "Guaranteed. Jadon Sancho will stay at Borussia Dortmund this season. We made that clear several weeks ago. There will be no change."
I think I saw it on the BBC website, and sure it was a quote by Simon Stone.

I was close to wavering yesterday, but I am still sure it'll happen. You don't chase someone for close to 2 years and give up because of something that was known at the outset.
Agreed, we will get him.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
I do wonder whether 'this' is simple brinkmanship with a very clear end game (blink first in the dying embers of the window) or a plan that has backfired with comeuppance from resistance we simply did not foresee.

If we fail to get the player, after supposedly briefing and keeping up the charade that things are ongoing (by not simply killing the story outright), it'll look very poor on our part if all the eggs that are in the Sancho basket turn out to be duds.

If there was little to no intention of spending big this window, then simply shut your mouth and let the fans whine whilst drowning out the white noise, but why stoke fires on a global scale if you're not going to come through in the end. Drawing all that unnecessary ire toward the club is worse than keeping schtum. If there is a perception of incompetence regarding Woodard and Judge with these things, this courtship falling through would compound that to levels untold thus far. It really would be an odd thing to have brought upon themselves/the club.

As the window dwindles, you also have to wonder which clubs with assets that can enhance us would entertain selling with so little time to acquire what they themselves need plus the knowledge all suitors will have of the fat wedge we've just given them being so detrimental to their own negotiations.

Unless Dortmund already have a plan in place and will either use someone currently in their squad or have identified a replacement who the selling club are willing to give up, there is also a question of what point they would outright reject the sale. Sure, if the plan is to pocket the cash and hoodwink their fans, this can go to the very end of the window, but if there is a chain set in motion the moment we pony up, the time for that to realistically play out is finite and certainly not last minute.

I don't know what we're up to behind the scenes with this, but as time elapses, the logical state of play rears its head and asks questions - or demands answers - that were not, or are not currently an issue.

There is an element of curiosity in seeing how far we think we can push Dortmund or whether there's even a plan to do so over plain impasse that won't be broken without some give on our side. If they're adamant on terms (no clauses and incentives for the full amount) then it's up to us to yield, in good time, or walk away.

The 'saga' is an absolute damp squib as far as entertainment goes because we're essentially clueless and there aren't any scraps to feed on, so you do just want a fast-forward a week or 10 days to get to the juicy part where, I feel, decisions will be made and the time for real moves in lieu of all these feints and posturing take over.

On another note, if we're keeping tabs on Bellingham and Haaland with the intent to throw our hats in the ring when the time comes, surely the best working relationship we can muster with Dortmund is essential with this transfer so taking this to the absolute wire, assuming they will fold, perhaps isn't the best course of action for the sour taste it'd leave behind.
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You'll Never Walk Away
Jul 12, 2013
I find your reply to my post quite bizarre. I had to read my post again to see if I wrote anything worth being called "a fickle and entitled FIFA/FM armchair manager".
Wind your neck in.

Not once did I say it's an easy deal to make, neither did I say "JUST SPLURGE THE £120MILLION ON HIM FOR FORK'S SAKE WOODY".
There's a time and place to negotiate - and if all these media rumours are true, we started an offer at £70 million and that's been titrated up over the months to us making a deal that adds up to £120million in multi-year add ons.

All I said was that Dortmund have no reason to accept a haggled down transfer fee. They've got an exciting team that seems to be raring to go this season. Next Summer, they'll end up getting more than £120million for Sancho.

This deal is not a place to haggle. Dortmund are in the driving seat. Sancho isn't making a fuss to leave. It's a win-win for them. They get £120million this summer, or they get more than £120million next Summer while having another year of a potentially world class player.

You even said it yourself:

Well yes - that's the answer to your question. They value him at 120million - they have no reason to accept a haggled down move. Why would they? They aren't cash strapped. They don't have a clear weakened area in the team that requires rebuilding this summer, thus needing a Sancho-sized transfer to fund for it all.

Dortmund have made it abundantly clear from day 1 how much they want for him, they gave a "deadline" and have since said "he's here for another year".

How stupid do you think Dortmund will look if they end up accepting a transfer fee below the 120million line now? To their fans, as well to other clubs who'll know that their word means nothing when it comes to trying to put an ultimatum on selling players.

Your reply was unnecessarily forward, and to back it up with no sense to it makes it all the more bizarre.
You agreed to the previous poster who said that "Pretty obvious though we never wanted to send much money this window so this Sancho excuse was pretty handy"

How is it clear that we never wanted to spend that much money? No one knows how much United want to spend this summer. We probably don't want to spend that much in one go, of course we don't hence why we looked at doing installments. The asking price is well documented yes. But we'd look like even bigger morons than we already do if we just pay the asking price of every single player we want, then clubs will take advantage of that.

The paragraph where I wrote "Sancho is one of" and subsequently "a fickle and entitled FIFA/FM armchair manager" was me going off on a tangent, wasn't directly aimed at you, was just me ranting about transfers, as I wrote "You all" - Apologies for being forward.


Has anybody seen my fleshlight?
May 2, 2007
I ain't giving up.

I'll be here October 5th till midnight, hammering that refresh button.

Hernandez - BFA

The Way to Fly
Jan 5, 2011
You agreed to the previous poster who said that "Pretty obvious though we never wanted to send much money this window so this Sancho excuse was pretty handy"

How is it clear that we never wanted to spend that much money? No one knows how much United want to spend this summer. We probably don't want to spend that much in one go, of course we don't hence why we looked at doing installments. The asking price is well documented yes. But we'd look like even bigger morons than we already do if we just pay the asking price of every single player we want, then clubs will take advantage of that.

The paragraph where I wrote "Sancho is one of" and subsequently "a fickle and entitled FIFA/FM armchair manager" was me going off on a tangent, wasn't directly aimed at you, was just me ranting about transfers, as I wrote "You all" - Apologies for being forward.
Apologies - fair enough.


New Member
Jun 23, 2020
I do wonder whether 'this' is simple brinkmanship with a very clear end game (blink first in the dying embers of the window) or a plan that has backfired with comeuppance from resistance we simply did not foresee.

If we fail to get the player, after supposedly briefing and keeping up the charade that things are ongoing (by not simply killing the story outright), it'll look very poor on our part if all the eggs that are in the Sancho basket turn out to be duds.

If there was little to no intention of spending big this window, then simply shut your mouth and let the fans whine whilst drowning out the white noise, but why stoke fires on a global scale if you're not going to come through in the end. Drawing all that unnecessary ire toward the club is worse than keeping schtum. If there is a perception of incompetence regarding Woodard and Judge with these things, this courtship falling through would compound that to levels untold thus far. It really would be an odd thing to have brought upon themselves/the club.

As the window dwindles, you also have to wonder which clubs with assets that can enhance us would entertain selling with so little time to acquire what they themselves need plus the knowledge all suitors will have of the fat wedge we've just given them being so detrimental to their own negotiations.

Unless Dortmund already have a plan in place and will either use someone currently in their squad or have identified a replacement who the selling club are willing to give up, there is also a question of what point they would outright reject the sale. Sure, if the plan is to pocket the cash and hoodwink their fans, this can go to the very end of the window, but if there is a chain set in motion the moment we pony up, the time for that to realistically play out is finite and certainly not last minute.

I don't know what we're up to behind the scenes with this, but as time elapses, the logical state of play rears its head and asks questions - or demands answers - that were not, or are not currently an issue.

There is an element of curiosity in seeing how far we think we can push Dortmund or whether there's even a plan to do so over plain impasse that won't be broken without some give on our side. If they're adamant on terms (no clauses and incentives for the full amount) then it's up to us to yield, in good time, or walk away.

The 'sage' is an absolute damp squib as far as entertainment goes because we're essentially clueless and there aren't any scraps to feed on, so you do just want a fast-forward a week or 10 days to get to the juicy part where, I feel, decisions will be made and the time for real moves in lieu of all these feints and posturing take over.

On another note, if we're keeping tabs on Bellingham and Haaland with the intent to throw our hats in the ring when the time comes, surely the best working relationship we can muster with Dortmund is essential with this transfer so taking this to the absolute wire, assuming they will fold, perhaps isn't the best course of action for the sour taste it'd leave behind.
I think there is no brinkmanship. I think United don't want to spend that kind of money. As for Haaland and Bellingham I think that ship has sailed. There will be new players on the scene soon. We have lost out on so many players in the past, Eden Hazard, Thiago and Toni Kroos. It happens , it's part of football. We must focus on developing real talent in our academies. Am encouraged by what the Club are doing now in that area. That is the best way.


Full Member
Aug 6, 2018
What's the betting that an early season loss will cause panic and ensure that we panic and pay Dortmund pretty much what they were asking for anyway?


Full Member
Aug 27, 2016
I think that if Barca come in for Salah then I could see Liverpool getting Sancho money for Salah and would be in the market for a replacement...
Not this year but the dippers will be in for Sancho next summer if they can sell one of their wingers. ESPN also reporting that our club hierarchy are concerned about competition for Sancho next year, which makes our stance on this transfer even more puzzling.

Salah will be 29 next year but would likely still command a fee in the region of £70 million leaving the rest for the dippers to fund. For Sancho they will 100% do that. They would also not hesitate to pay the agent fees. I do find the arrogance of our supporters in minimizing this threat amusing when we’ve seen this club absolutely feck up big deals before.


Knows Kroos' mentality
Jan 20, 2014
I still think Sancho will happen, because I don't think the board are that stupid to not invest in a RW and a 20 year old talent who is borderline world class already.

You'd expect they wouldn't be signing other players if Sancho was the 'top priority'.
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