Ole post match rant vs Everton

The same fans calling for Oles head, will you be calling for Pochetinos as well if he does less well than Ole?

I mean I read a stat today that Ole has won 55 of his first 100 games, Klopp won 50 for Liverpool.

Would you have sacked Klopp too ?

We get Poch, he starts his second season badly and the shit continues.

Ole has got these boys playing for him, we’ve got carrick, phelan et al in the back room staff.

If someone comes in and changes all of that, I’m telling you we ain’t ready for it.

Out of the simmering frying pan, into an inferno.
I've never seen him like this, he was absolutely livid. What did people think? He had some valid points but it seems like he's cracked - the pressure is telling.


He has never thrown any player under the bus, and yet, he makes a point about the nonsense schedule and now the pressure is telling? If anyone has absorbed the pressure well, it's Ole. Again, never thrown any player under the bus. That's the real quality and mentality that differentiates him from every other manager we've had post SAF.
Disgusting "article" by Simon Stone on the BBC this morning; looks like the media have another sacking in their sights.
He's feeling the pressure of Poch, he knows the end was near today. Coming out fighting and deflecting and let of steam in the interview. He's deflecting, not the real issue. He knows he's in real trouble, MEN are shit but have close links to club. That leak was given to Samuel Luckhurst. United have approached Poch and knows he can't feck up now.
I wouldn't really believe that. Poch is not the answer and we need to see out the plan, that's always been the conversation. Plus, the best football we have played post SAF has happened under Ole. Not under Moyes, LVG or Jose. So it means that there is something there, a real direction.
Reminds me of that Kevin Keegan style rant or the Rafa rant which were both signs of managers starting to buckle and who eventually did.
Given the nature of the win the focus should have been directed at the good performance and not those in charge of the fixtures.
OGS looked scared and nervous and exposed. It was as though the excitement of not having to have a negative conversation with Woody this morning had got the better of him.
Reminds me of that Kevin Keegan style rant or the Rafa rant which were both signs of managers starting to buckle and who eventually did.
Given the nature of the win the focus should have been directed at the good performance and not those in charge of the fixtures.
OGS looked scared and nervous and exposed. It was as though the excitement of not having to have a negative conversation with Woody this morning had got the better of him.
Keagan and Rafa broke down crying when they lost. Ole won. Big big difference. It's exactly the contrary, he is protecting the players, the club and rightly pointing out to the nonsense of the FA. It's SAF style play right there.
Reminds me of that Kevin Keegan style rant or the Rafa rant which were both signs of managers starting to buckle and who eventually did.
Given the nature of the win the focus should have been directed at the good performance and not those in charge of the fixtures.
OGS looked scared and nervous and exposed. It was as though the excitement of not having to have a negative conversation with Woody this morning had got the better of him.

Nothing like it at all. You are just trying to be dramatic.

no one will remember this in a couple of weeks for starters. Secondly, it’s right out of the SAF/ Pep/Klopp playbook.

it doesn’t really matter what he said post match, the same fans would find an issue with it.
If he had cracked - he would have done it before the match. When he does it after the game - before an international break, it's planned!
The same fans calling for Oles head, will you be calling for Pochetinos as well if he does less well than Ole?

I mean I read a stat today that Ole has won 55 of his first 100 games, Klopp won 50 for Liverpool.

Would you have sacked Klopp too ?

We get Poch, he starts his second season badly and the shit continues.

Ole has got these boys playing for him, we’ve got carrick, phelan et al in the back room staff.

If someone comes in and changes all of that, I’m telling you we ain’t ready for it.

Out of the simmering frying pan, into an inferno.
Yes, depends on what "does less well" means.


No. Contexts are different there. Simple reasons - there is a clear plan, Klopp is setting up a big plan (I hate the fact he's doing this clearly from the very start with Pool, even with the shit players they had at that time) and more importantly there is growing improvement season to season. Most important is he set up his team to have a good clear balance system, rather than rely too much on individuals (except in defense where he clearly does). He also knows his best 11. Ole doesn't really knows his best 11 ain't he nor his best system.. 3rd season and he still don't, and oh god we still can't swat away our problem in beating the weaker teams. Relying on just individuals in both attack and defend is just not sustainable. No improvements from Ole either as a manager so that's shit. Season by season, are we actually improving? defensively still exposed after getting in two expensive defenders, laughable really. Fitness is also still a lame excuses which Ole mentioned in 1st season and 3rd season is still a BS problem, unsolved. More like being ignore don't know how to solve it. The only improvement is getting in Bruno, a proper genuine United type of player. That's it. We did get now and then United-ish kind of palyer before with different managers anyway, so nothing new.

Actually I'm expecting him to struggle here. If he comes in this season, then 2nd season will basically be his first full season so expecting him to struggle in 2nd season as he integrates and getting to know the players better and feeling the different and huge pressure of being a United manager.

Seriously? these boys are playing for him? really? Yeah the backroom staffs are cool... but the fact remains, our coaching ability is just not at a top good standard for a top club.. which is embarassing. It shows on the pitch when players do shitty stuffs, lacked organization and making schoolboy clownish errors.

?? what do you mean? so basically you're saying we should let Ole remain? even if we stoop too low and show no improvements in our common problems?

Meaning getting worse? so the current situation is better? Basically, the current situation is at best okay. If we try to fix it, it's uncertain - we might be better or we might not. Therefore, let's not try at all. Why put all the risks if we can't predict the future. No we should not. Untied never take risks nor dare dream big which necessitates taking risks...
Rant of a man under real pressure. Love for him to prove them all wrong, but just can't see it. Rashford and Martial went missing again. Thank God we have Bruno.
Rant of a man under real pressure. Love for him to prove them all wrong, but just can't see it. Rashford and Martial went missing again. Thank God we have Bruno.

Now it’s become obvious we have made contact with Poch you do sense Ole is only ever one defeat to a lowly team, or two consecutive defeats to anyone, away from the bullet. The Everton match has given him a small reprieve but the writing looks on the wall. I feel a bit for him because we are basically a pretty good side with a watchable brand and not this car crash of a team that the media like to portray.

I feel we are on track and maybe only a tad behind schedule. A cup, any cup, and a top four this season ready to mount a proper challenge next season is where I think we should be at and I don’t think, with two more windows (three including next winter), we will be a million miles away. Do we undo all that at this stage ?
He looks like a man under a lot of pressure. Comparing it to other ranty managers like Fergie and Klopp is a false equivalence - the ranting for them was part of their natural style.

Fergie would fiercely debate and rant about every injustice, actual or perceived, as a means of gaining an advantage, however tiny. Klopp does the same.

It evidently isn’t part of Ole’s usually calm style. If he’s doing it to deflect and create a siege mentality, he looks very unconvincing.

It’s why it smacks of the Rafa rant, a usually quietly spoken man pushed by the pressure he’s under to then come out flailing in front of the cameras.
I find it strange how often people jump to the "it's a great diversion tactic to take pressure off the players", etc. Even with Fergie, it wasn't some attempt at media manipulation. He's genuinely irate that the club have been put at a huge disadvantage when there was no need for it.

I do think it can be used to create a siege mentality and emphasising that United are being set up to lose hopefully will get a reaction from these players.

But, there's no clever diversionary tactic here. He's genuinely annoyed and calling the authorities out.
Now it’s become obvious we have made contact with Poch you do sense Ole is only ever one defeat to a lowly team, or two consecutive defeats to anyone, away from the bullet. The Everton match has given him a small reprieve but the writing looks on the wall. I feel a bit for him because we are basically a pretty good side with a watchable brand and not this car crash of a team that the media like to portray.

I feel we are on track and maybe only a tad behind schedule. A cup, any cup, and a top four this season ready to mount a proper challenge next season is where I think we should be at and I don’t think, with two more windows (three including next winter), we will be a million miles away. Do we undo all that at this stage ?
But we say this every season now. We must get it right, and it's not only the manager. Woodward and judge must move away from transfer decisions. Although a good player we needed a DM more than VdB. and we still need a CB, RW, and a proper CF.
He looks like a man under a lot of pressure. Comparing it to other ranty managers like Fergie and Klopp is a false equivalence - the ranting for them was part of their natural style.

Fergie would fiercely debate and rant about every injustice, actual or perceived, as a means of gaining an advantage, however tiny. Klopp does the same.

It evidently isn’t part of Ole’s usually calm style. If he’s doing it to deflect and create a siege mentality, he looks very unconvincing.

It’s why it smacks of the Rafa rant, a usually quietly spoken man pushed by the pressure he’s under to then come out flailing in front of the cameras.
Its not a Rafa rant ffs. Its an honest disgraceful bit of schduling.
Reminds me of when the BBC put us on Monday night away v Chelsea in the cup when we had to feck off to Russia for a Thursday EL game a few days later.
Theres no reason for it
I guess the reason is TV schedule, which is fine but then united should be given a larger share of the TV money if that is the case then surely?
in my opinion mate, if your board hasn't backed you in the window and we end up getting injuries and falling because of a hectic schedule. You can blame the authorities all you want but the real reason we end up falling is because of the club. I don't care whether he has told Ed or not personally, but he shouldn't be blaming anyone and should be looking closer to home.
You do realise our left back got injured, and we did sign a left back this window, who has contracted a virus?
Isn't it an amazing coincidence that all the people who already had it in for Ole anyway think this is a sign of him cracking, while all the people who were supporting him reckon it was a justified showing of his claws?

Crazy world.
Probably sad looking at Luke. He may be working hard behind the scenes and Ole understood that. Now he is injured again due to this unforgiving circumstances.

I feel for Ole, and Luke.

Don't worry Ole, I would cry too if I see my worker fell sick because of his hard work.
He's right and I can see SAF saying similar. Unfortunately for Ole he lacks the authority and intensity of SAF so people will just dismiss him as raving and ranting.
I hope he carries some of this intensity into the dressing room.
He's right and I can see SAF saying similar. Unfortunately for Ole he lacks the authority and intensity of SAF so people will just dismiss him as raving and ranting.

HIs 'rant' did come across as though is was straight out of the Ferguson playbook but OGS lacks Ferguson's clout for the comments to mean anything to the FA is how I see it.

He had a point - by rights, United should have been playing on Sunday. Chelsea may feel the same despite playing at home midweek on a Wednesday. Where it gets complex is Leicester, Spurs and Arsenal all have to play on a Sunday having played Thursday night. If United's match had to be on a Saturday, it should have been the late kick off.
You do realise our left back got injured, and we did sign a left back this window, who has contracted a virus?
He's also used Rashfords name saying his struggling, did we go and get quality replacements in that area to be able to get the likes of him a rest?

Can blame the authorities all you like, when James is called majority of the caf moan and thats simply because we didnt do well in the transfer window.
United played away in Turkey and only got home on Thursday and then had to play an early game on Saturday. Other European leagues help their teams by giving them a little extra time to recover in these types of situations. That's the issue.

It's a non-issue. Teams that play Europa League on a Thursday (including in places often less easy to get to and from than Turkey, which is a 5 hour flight) routinely kick off at 3pm on a Sunday. So what he's whinging about is kicking off a couple of hours earlier. Bizarre.

Nice to see him so animated. Shame it's not about something important like the comical defending on Wednesday or the crippling inconsistency.
Seems like the type who stutters when he tries to rant but inside he's very angry and could kill somebody.
Bit staggered at the amount of people here, who seem to think this was some sort of Fergie-like bullying of the media, trying to create a siege mentality and all that. I suppose people will see different things based on their bias, but for me this was just another display of personal frustration and very real desperation. Probably coupled with a desire to change the narrative around himself being Mr. Happy-Smiley face regardless of the situation. If you all see a man in control here, skillfully manipulating the world media to his advantage...well, then I guess that's your perception.

I think there was definitely some anger there too, but not the kind of unapologetic anger you'd associate with someone as naturally dominating as Fergie. I think Ole is just pushed to the brink with the circumstances he's forced to navigate, and is really starting to feel the swings. Like a man narrowly avoiding the gallows, and being butchered in the papers by the same people he has to face every week.

Say what you will about him, but he would do fecking anything to make this job work out. So when he is working round the clock, all the while being dragged down by Club Woodwards handling of things surrounding the team, the COVID created clusterfeck of a schedule and pre-season...as well as his own failings and inability to keep the team on any kind of consistent track...no wonder he appears to be coming apart at the seams like this. No doubt he genuinely cares about the players and their well-being too, so this whole situation must be pretty tough to stick out on a personal level.

Feel better, Ole. Talk to your wife man, see your kids. Stay healthy.
Disgusting "article" by Simon Stone on the BBC this morning; looks like the media have another sacking in their sights.
Media will be media. Nothing new under the sun last couple of decades. There are few real journalists out there. The rest are clickbite journalists wanting some drama without real knowledge of the subject they write about. They just write.
I remember when Ajax made the semi finals of the CL against Tottenham it talked about the Dutch League and how if they played on the Tuesday they were late Saturday or Wednesday they were Sunday. This isn’t just for Ajax it’s for all the teams the league supports them in Europe. The PL doesn’t give a crap when they should be doing their best for all CL and EL teams as it will reflect well on them if the English teams do well. The PL is the only top league that doesn’t care if you play away in CL on Wednesday night and early saturday.

Ajax played on Sat 24th October, having played Liverpool on the preceding Wednesday so I don't think that can be right.

From memory, it was the day they played before the CL that was relevant then. A team playing in CL on a Tuesday will play the Saturday beforehand - but that applies to any league, including PL.

You say the PL doesn't care but the PL is made up of the 20 teams in it. If they wanted to tell BT that they could never show a team on a Saturday after they played CL midweek then they could - but they know they'd get less money because BT would have had to show something like Crystal Palace V Leeds in their slot yesterday instead of Everton V Man Utd.
We have a far bigger squad than those clubs. Our bench is almost on the same wages as those smaller team's first 11. I don't buy it myself.

They earn the wage, they have to do deal with it.

That's the sort of argument I'd expect from the Mrs.

As if earning X has any relevance to what the human body is capable of. I.e. Flying through the night with little sleep then expected to perform at 100% 36 hours later.

Common sense would say; let's stick them on late kick off Sunday night.
Bit staggered at the amount of people here, who seem to think this was some sort of Fergie-like bullying of the media, trying to create a siege mentality and all that. I suppose people will see different things based on their bias, but for me this was just another display of personal frustration and very real desperation. Probably coupled with a desire to change the narrative around himself being Mr. Happy-Smiley face regardless of the situation. If you all see a man in control here, skillfully manipulating the world media to his advantage...well, then I guess that's your perception.

I think there was definitely some anger there too, but not the kind of unapologetic anger you'd associate with someone as naturally dominating as Fergie. I think Ole is just pushed to the brink with the circumstances he's forced to navigate, and is really starting to feel the swings. Like a man narrowly avoiding the gallows, and being butchered in the papers by the same people he has to face every week.

Say what you will about him, but he would do fecking anything to make this job work out. So when he is working round the clock, all the while being dragged down by Club Woodwards handling of things surrounding the team, the COVID created clusterfeck of a schedule and pre-season...as well as his own failings and inability to keep the team on any kind of consistent track...no wonder he appears to be coming apart at the seams like this. No doubt he genuinely cares about the players and their well-being too, so this whole situation must be pretty tough to stick out on a personal level.

Feel better, Ole. Talk to your wife man, see your kids. Stay healthy.
Great post.

I get that most of us want to see Ole do well, but some need to take the red-tinted spectacles off. I’m not buying the siege mentality argument, this was every bit the actions of a desperate manager under pressure trying his best to claw his dream job back under his control as it seems to be slipping away from him.
It's a non-issue. Teams that play Europa League on a Thursday (including in places often less easy to get to and from than Turkey, which is a 5 hour flight) routinely kick off at 3pm on a Sunday. So what he's whinging about is kicking off a couple of hours earlier. Bizarre.

Nice to see him so animated. Shame it's not about something important like the comical defending on Wednesday or the crippling inconsistency.
Managers of the top Premier League teams have been complaining about this type of thing for years. It might be a non-issue for you but it's clearly something that they are not happy about.

I'm sure he saves all his anger about the poor defending and inconsistency for the team in the dressing room. As it should be.
An important principle within psychology is to never diagnose someone unless you've conducted a thorough hands-on analysis of that person. This goes for even the best psychologists, not even the most proficient shrink will dare make assumptions unless they've done some thorough research into that individual's consciousness, so it's quite impressive how so many people in here seems to be experts on what's going on inside the head of someone they've only ever seen on TV.

Basing your conclusions on photographic evidence alone, of some guy you've never even met, that's quite unheard of. Either you're omnipotent, or this is a classic example of how some people are always projecting their own hangups onto others. If so, if the latter is true that is, then that speaks more of what's going on within your skulls than his. It's pretty much the analytic equivalent of drawing a mustache on someone and then defaming them for being unshaven, a fun little prank sure but not something you should expect anyone with their heads screwed on right taking serious.
Just want to add my $0.02 and say the rant was great. Its good to see he isn't just the happy go lucky person he tends to come across as, as strange as that may sound.

He clearly did it out of care for the players, and yes of course there is an element of self preservation there too. Even so, if that would be my manager saying those things I'd love it. Some may say its insulting to claim things are rough on the players during all this given their perceived lives of privilege - but you can't forget they can't do a lot of the things you and I can. We still have the freedom to move about just about anywhere. These guys have to be as paranoid as you can possibly be about limiting exposure. Then when your job is to also entertain others and you dont get that interaction, I can understand that that makes for a very lonely feeling life.