Marcus Rashford destroying the DailyMail

This is why I deleted Twitter - not only the bollocks content but the moronic comments and fan boys.
Yeah but the reality is that in the absence of sufficient social housing, private landlords are needed.
Loads of renters simply can't afford to buy and some countries, like Germany, don't have the culture of home ownership that the UK does.

Your post interested me, so I had a look around and found this that goes into detail about why most rent in Germany.'s just a fact.,the OECD updated its numbers.

I remember this sort of subject came up before, and there was one poster who was oddly aggressive about the pointlessness of buying a house versus renting.

But I never quite understood from him what happens if you either run out of money for the rent, or retire. Unless the government prop you up in splendour!
It's blatant racism because of his skin colour and his status. Lampard is praised for being astute financially because he's made property investments during his playing days, if it was Sterling doing the same thing there would be an outcry.

Anyone who's into wealth knows that saving money isn't a way to financially prosper especially considering inflation, low valued rates etc you need investments keenly if you have as much capital as footballer.

I don't think it's quite this.
I think they're trying to make the point that he's a socialist hero on one hand, yet a capitalist machine on the other.

But obviously, as most footballers do the latter without doing the former - why on earth have a go at him for at least doing the former!!
So have The Daily Mail been trying to dig dirt on Marcus and this is the best they can come up with? All it does is make him like a young man who has his head screwed on.

They and the other right wing media will wait as long as it takes for Rashford to make a mistake, or at least something they can paint as a mistake.

I hope he is as clean living as he appears.
Yeah but the reality is that in the absence of sufficient social housing, private landlords are needed.
Loads of renters simply can't afford to buy and some countries, like Germany, don't have the culture of home ownership that the UK does.
Well, that's the catch-22 isn't it? The reason loads of renters can't afford to buy is because they spend all their money renting. Hundreds of thousands of people are stuck in the rent trap.

Homeownership is getting increasingly out of reach for an entire generation of people and that is a serious problem. I read something about 1 in 8 people not being able to afford their housing costs. How on earth are all these people ever going to get to a position where they can afford to buy somewhere? We don't have a sustainable system here unlike Germany which you mentioned, where renters are treated like royalty. It is a very, very different situation to the U.K. as I'm sure you know.

Not everyone wants to buy, but loaaaaads of people do that can't due to years of housing being treated like an investment.
Your post interested me, so I had a look around and found this that goes into detail about why most rent in Germany.'s just a fact.,the OECD updated its numbers.

I remember this sort of subject came up before, and there was one poster who was oddly aggressive about the pointlessness of buying a house versus renting.

But I never quite understood from him what happens if you either run out of money for the rent, or retire. Unless the government prop you up in splendour!
Interesting article and shows how differently the UK and German housing markets went post-war. Small niggle is it overlooks mortgage payments not attracting tax relief in the UK either.

Pensions are much higher in Germany and across Europe too, whereas in the UK you are a bit fecked if you don't own at retirement.

Being a landlord isn't the cash cow people think due to tax changes and if Rushford can be a considerate one, he'll be a force for good.
Interesting article and shows how differently the UK and German housing markets went post-war. Small niggle is it overlooks mortgage payments not attracting tax relief in the UK either.

Pensions are much higher in Germany and across Europe too, whereas in the UK you are a bit fecked if you don't own at retirement.

Being a landlord isn't the cash cow people think due to tax changes and if Rushford can be a considerate one, he'll be a force for good.

Well, that's the catch-22 isn't it? The reason loads of renters can't afford to buy is because they spend all their money renting. Hundreds of thousands of people are stuck in the rent trap.

Homeownership is getting increasingly out of reach for an entire generation of people and that is a serious problem. I read something about 1 in 8 people not being able to afford their housing costs. How on earth are all these people ever going to get to a position where they can afford to buy somewhere? We don't have a sustainable system here unlike Germany which you mentioned, where renters are treated like royalty. It is a very, very different situation to the U.K. as I'm sure you know.

Not everyone wants to buy, but loaaaaads of people do that can't due to years of housing being treated like an investment.
Yeah of course everyone wants to buy here, was talking more about Europe-wide.
I live in London so am well aware of the lack of affordability. Point is you still need private landlords, eg for students, people starting out their working lives etc...
fixed. Let's not sugarcoat this, it's blatant racism and these asshats have done it for years. Sterling has been bullied by them for what seems like an eternity, looks like Greenwood is their chosen one as his heir in that regard. I hope United protect those boys as well as possible.
Absolutely. I think Rashford can stick up for himself and is obviously already somewhat of a national treasure so they will pick on Mason instead, feckin scumbags.

I’m boiling with rage at how they are trying to treat Rashford and Greenwood. I wouldn’t be able to hold back if I we’re Ole, I would ban the lot of them and call them out for the racist liars they are, one article at a time.
I seem to remember from a conversation I had years ago that acquiring property portfolios is the standard investment for top footballers on big salaries. They're finished in the game by the time they're in their mid-thirties and the high salary stops. They have to find some other way to earn a living.

There ae many, many super-rich people (who would make Rashford look like a poor man) who do absolutely nothing to help other people. Rashford's been fantastic with his charitable work. If he did nothing else, he'd have already made a big difference.
Well said. It makes the Mail's conscious decision to paint Rashford in an unfavorable light disgusting but par for the course from that morally bankrupt rag.
Five LUXURY homes worth £2m.. so £400k each.

isnt that the price of a normal fecking house. Such Luxury. it probably has a roof, plumbing and everything.
Yeah of course everyone wants to buy here, was talking more about Europe-wide.
I live in London so am well aware of the lack of affordability. Point is you still need private landlords, eg for students, people starting out their working lives etc...
That's definitely true. London in particular is a nightmare. I have lots of friends that were born and raised there that have been priced out and forced to leave if they want to own, which always felt weird to me.
fixed. Let's not sugarcoat this, it's blatant racism and these asshats have done it for years. Sterling has been bullied by them for what seems like an eternity, looks like Greenwood is their chosen one as his heir in that regard. I hope United protect those boys as well as possible.
I'm not saying it is or it isn't racist but Rooney, gazza, Beckham etc where all in the firing line by the media as well in the past.

I think it's the hazard of being a top footballer in this country. The media like to build them up & then try and destroy them.

Although with DM you might be right
Yeah of course everyone wants to buy here, was talking more about Europe-wide.
I live in London so am well aware of the lack of affordability. Point is you still need private landlords, eg for students, people starting out their working lives etc...
Yeah landlords seem to get a bad rep now. I rent a couple of properties now but I had to rent when I first left home, people would be stuck without it, I know I would have.

It should be a stepping stone, a necessary one but the aim is to limit your spending on rent while building up your all important deposit on your first purchase. It’s hard but I feel a lot of renters go for the top end of their budget and should be perhaps keep it cheap and cheerful when they are saving that deposit. Just my two cents anyway.

I was involved with the Beckham disability charity when he played for us.

The charity would find things like wheelchairs for disabled kids and I would put in applications for kids, including my own kid who has a disability.

At functions the beckham's would pop in for 10 minutes and then the editing teams would go to work to make it like they had spent hours with the kids. Some folk gave them stick for this but I always thought fair enough.

Where it got a bit bad, for me, was the instant shutting it down when he moved to RM. Virtually overnight.

The reason was that the charity was for tax reasons and he employed family to run it. Once he moved he stopped it and many kids got nothing even after being in the latter stages of getting equipment and the workers became unemployed.

Some might say fair enough but it left a lot of kids and folk stranded and delayed in getting wheelchairs etc. My own kid went from almost having a wheelchair to then waiting almost 2 years which had impacts on schooling etc
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The broadsheets are generally more balanced than the tabloids. The Times, the Guardian and the Telegraph are among the proper newspapers (they have different political biases, but they're respectable). The Express, the Mail, the Sun and the Mirror are the main tabloids.

The descent of the Mail into its current cess-pit seems to have been hastened by their online presence, in my view.
Thanks for the break down of the main papers. What I learnt about British media a couple of decades ago still holds some truth then. I still do read online content from the Guardian on occasions.

I would think none of the three respectable ones you mentioned would involve in the tabloid cycle of building up and bringing down the same celebrities over and over. But then I am a fairly naive old fart. The problem really lies with people willing to believe the rumours and slander, right? Let's call them out on their trickery and else avoid feeding them through subscriptions, clicks and purchases.
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Only people with wealth can afford to invest in numerous properties, though. Rich people buying an excess of housing has contributed to the chronic shortage that is affecting scores of people all over the world. It is a really serious issue that is leaving lots of people homeless. Rashford is looking after his own like lots of other wealthy people but the consolidation of housing in the hands of a few has dire consequences for the majority.

the last property I bought had been empty for 7 years.

First time buyers couldn’t afford to bring it back into a condition you could live in. That’s are upwards of 700,000 empty properties in the UK. It’s a myth that there’s a shortage of housing.

Yes, it’s only people with some wealth who can bring those back into circulation, who else is going to do it?
Interesting article and shows how differently the UK and German housing markets went post-war. Small niggle is it overlooks mortgage payments not attracting tax relief in the UK either.

Pensions are much higher in Germany and across Europe too, whereas in the UK you are a bit fecked if you don't own at retirement.

Being a landlord isn't the cash cow people think due to tax changes and if Rushford can be a considerate one, he'll be a force for good.

I've watched enough of those "can't pay, we'll take your sh!T away" and "terrible tenant" type programmes to see it can be a nightmare.
Once someone is in, and decides they don't fancy paying rent anymore, it can take months and months to get them out. Though in reality I'm sure in real life unscrupulous landlords would simply wait for the tenant to leave the house, and then get in there and change the locks. A tenant who hasn't paid the rent for half a year is then unlikely to have the brass neck to go to the laws!

I'm an exceptionally low risk type though, so would never go that way anyway, unless I was a Rashford type with millions to lash around, and agents to take care of the ins and outs.
He's only doing what lots of rich people do, which is buy up property and rent them. It's a shame there isn't more stringent regulation in place which stops this kind of practice when taken to extremities, though. It's causing a global housing crisis.

Thing is that a lot of footballers do this nowadays. Think likes of Robbie Fowler make more money through a property portfolio than as footballers.

Football careers are short and a lot of footballers, and sports starts in general, go onto being broke etc won two good to have a future palm in place. Not just when you retire but if you have your career cut short. Marcus with his back could be that player tbh as some ex players have said you never really recover from stuff like that.

In the old days you had many footballers who would get their testimonial money as a lump sum and go open a pub or something. It was the some thing that gave them something after football.

Property is a brilliant thing to get into as you can make money through rent but also have assets.
I was involved with the Beckham disability charity when he played for us.

The charity would find things like wheelchairs for disabled kids and I would put in applications for kids, including my own kid who has a disability.

At functions the beckham's would pop in for 10 minutes and then the editing teams would go to work to make it like they had spent hours with the kids. Some folk gave them stick for this but I always thought fair enough.

Where it got a bit bad, for me, was the instant shutting it down when he moved to RM. Virtually overnight.

The reason was that the charity was for tax reasons and he employed family to run it. Once he moved he stopped it and many kids got nothing even after being in the latter stages of getting equipment and the workers became unemployed.

Some might say fair enough but it left a lot of kids and folk stranded and delayed in getting wheelchairs etc. My own kid went from almost having a wheelchair to then waiting almost 2 years which had impacts on schooling etc
Sad to hear about this. Hope the obstacles were overcome somehow and that your kid enjoys life as it has developed.

Knight in shining armour making himself look good in the eye of the media... yes I am not surprised that could be the case with Beckham. Rashford doesn't come across as a slick guy doing charity to cut his taxes, though. Let's stand by him till the crap media crumbles.
I was involved with the Beckham disability charity when he played for us.

The charity would find things like wheelchairs for disabled kids and I would put in applications for kids, including my own kid who has a disability.

At functions the beckham's would pop in for 10 minutes and then the editing teams would go to work to make it like they had spent hours with the kids. Some folk gave them stick for this but I always thought fair enough.

Where it got a bit bad, for me, was the instant shutting it down when he moved to RM. Virtually overnight.

The reason was that the charity was for tax reasons and he employed family to run it. Once he moved he stopped it and many kids got nothing even after being in the latter stages of getting equipment and the workers became unemployed.

Some might say fair enough but it left a lot of kids and folk stranded and delayed in getting wheelchairs etc. My own kid went from almost having a wheelchair to then waiting almost 2 years which had impacts on schooling etc
Cheers for this.
I thought the Uber Capitalists love rags to riches stories of wealth acquired through hard work and talent...

Except they don’t. The old money want to pull the ladder and protect their inherited privilege

Everything a footballer achieves is as a result of their own endeavour, should be a Capitalist wet dream
It is. Many people have agendas that matter more than principles. As a proud capitalist, I’m happy for Marcus. He worked his ass off to ascend in his profession and deserves the spoils. He’s obviously also done a lot to help the less fortunate. Top man.

Daily Mail is just rubbish.
Yeah landlords seem to get a bad rep now. I rent a couple of properties now but I had to rent when I first left home, people would be stuck without it, I know I would have.

It should be a stepping stone, a necessary one but the aim is to limit your spending on rent while building up your all important deposit on your first purchase. It’s hard but I feel a lot of renters go for the top end of their budget and should be perhaps keep it cheap and cheerful when they are saving that deposit. Just my two cents anyway.
Agree it has to be a stepping stone. Young people will struggle now even if they live like monks, with average house prices c10× average salaries, compared to a long-term average of 3-4x.
Sad to hear about this. Hope the obstacles were overcome somehow and that your kid enjoys life as it has developed.

Knight in shining armour making himself look good in the eye of the media... yes I am not surprised that could be the case with Beckham. Rashford doesn't come across as a slick guy doing charity to cut his taxes, though. Let's stand by him till the crap media crumbles.

Thank you.

Yeah you just get on with it. Tbh the "battles" when having a disability in the family make you almost immune to knock backs. Sure there is disappointment but it happens in so many aspects that you have to smile through it, if not for yourself then for your kids sake (as it is in my case).

The one thing you learn is that having a "investors in..." Type of accreditation means nothing when dealing with agencies and people.

With regard to charity though a lot of footballers do a lot of good things but are not in the media eye.

My lad used to get treated at birmingham children's. One Christmas Coventry City players came in to give all the kids presents. They stuck around talked to the kids and parents and were really great young lads. All this whilst Coventry FC were going through a really tough time.

Also heard really good things about likes of Craig Bellamy. Who isn't the most liked player. But has a heart of gold apparently doing charitable stuff
I've watched enough of those "can't pay, we'll take your sh!T away" and "terrible tenant" type programmes to see it can be a nightmare.
Once someone is in, and decides they don't fancy paying rent anymore, it can take months and months to get them out. Though in reality I'm sure in real life unscrupulous landlords would simply wait for the tenant to leave the house, and then get in there and change the locks. A tenant who hasn't paid the rent for half a year is then unlikely to have the brass neck to go to the laws!

I'm an exceptionally low risk type though, so would never go that way anyway, unless I was a Rashford type with millions to lash around, and agents to take care of the ins and outs.
Tbh, given the number of players who've been fleeced or persuaded to invest in film schemes or other clever tax wheezes that have come back to bite them down the line, I don't blame him for putting some money into tangible assets that are easy to understand.
I was involved with the Beckham disability charity when he played for us.

The charity would find things like wheelchairs for disabled kids and I would put in applications for kids, including my own kid who has a disability.

At functions the beckham's would pop in for 10 minutes and then the editing teams would go to work to make it like they had spent hours with the kids. Some folk gave them stick for this but I always thought fair enough.

Where it got a bit bad, for me, was the instant shutting it down when he moved to RM. Virtually overnight.

The reason was that the charity was for tax reasons and he employed family to run it. Once he moved he stopped it and many kids got nothing even after being in the latter stages of getting equipment and the workers became unemployed.

Some might say fair enough but it left a lot of kids and folk stranded and delayed in getting wheelchairs etc. My own kid went from almost having a wheelchair to then waiting almost 2 years which had impacts on schooling etc

That was bad of him.
the last property I bought had been empty for 7 years.

First time buyers couldn’t afford to bring it back into a condition you could live in. That’s are upwards of 700,000 empty properties in the UK. It’s a myth that there’s a shortage of housing.

Yes, it’s only people with some wealth who can bring those back into circulation, who else is going to do it?
Well you said it doesn't matter who buys up homes regardless of their wealth, but only those with wealth can do it which means land and housing are disproportionately owned by a minority of people. There IS a shortage of affordable housing. Loads of potential homes sit vacant because landlords have gobbled them up, can afford to sit on them without renting, and sit back as its value continues to go up. Housing is a currency in itself. It really is a crisis situation.
The thing that alarms me the most about this article (which admittedly I haven’t read) is how it takes 2 of these racist clown ‘journalists’ to write about a footballer spending his wages on a few houses.
What was the other guy doing?

This is spot on & precisely why it's difficult to sue them for libel
Five LUXURY homes worth £2m.. so £400k each.

isnt that the price of a normal fecking house. Such Luxury. it probably has a roof, plumbing and everything.

That wouldn't even get you a 3 bedroom house round here unless it was in an area with an usually high stabbing rate.

Also the irony of a right wing paper trying to take shots at someone investing their hard earned money. I mean, you could always back a political party that will tax him more if you're genuinely annoyed about it.
Well you said it doesn't matter who buys up homes regardless of their wealth, but only those with wealth can do it which means land and housing are disproportionately owned by a minority of people. There IS a shortage of affordable housing. Loads of potential homes sit vacant because landlords have gobbled them up, can afford to sit on them without renting, and sit back as its value continues to go up. Housing is a currency in itself. It really is a crisis situation.

we strongly disagree. There are very few properties that are empty because the landlord can afford to see the capital value increase, and those are generally in prime London that only the extreme minority would even be able to afford to rent.

most empty properties are losing value, as they fall into disrepair. Some councils triple the cost of council tax if empty for more than 2 years. If they were rentable, why wouldn’t you rent it out and earn a monthly rent? 50% of the private rental sector consists of landlords that have 1 or 2 investment properties, they aren’t sitting on empty properties.
Even if he spent £100m on properties I really don’t get what their point is?

Him raising awareness of people in poverty and pushing government to fix it has nothing to do with his own net worth. It’s the governments job to help them, not rashford’s.

How many other millionaire celebrities who actually don’t give a crap about anyone else are there Daily Mail writing about?

It’s typical that when a man does something good, others will try to highlight something to make them be perceived negatively.

Problem is you get idiots saying has Rashford given any of his millions to these kids when 1. It's irrelevant to the problems he is addressing 2. Of course he has.