Cop in America doing a bad job, again

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
Saw a commentary about this earlier. Still havent watched the actual video and not sure I want to. Can a federal law be passed that overriredes rules for training and selection of police officers at the state level?


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016

every single one of these pigs should be [redacted]
Almost 10 cops treating a 9 year old kid like this or not caring that they are treating her like this

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
Saw a commentary about this earlier. Still havent watched the actual video and not sure I want to. Can a federal law be passed that overriredes rules for training and selection of police officers at the state level?
The video isn't difficult to watch, really. Just perplexing. Like how devoid of humanity do you have to be to not want to use normal, caring and rational means to calm a child who is in distress? The only answer is she's black and none of them know how to treat a black person like a human being. The worst for me was I was pretty sure there was more than one female office present and you;d expect a bit more from them in that situation, well if they weren't racist I suppose.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
They tell a 9 year old girl to stop acting like a child and then use a chemical weapon on her. Cowardly fecking bastards. If the police were called because you were disciplining your children with pepper spray they would be taken from you. All these cowardly cnuts should be on a register.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
The video isn't difficult to watch, really. Just perplexing. Like how devoid of humanity do you have to be to not want to use normal, caring and rational means to calm a child who is in distress? The only answer is she's black and none of them know how to treat a black person like a human being. The worst for me was I was pretty sure there was more than one female office present and you;d expect a bit more from them in that situation, well if they weren't racist I suppose.
And why was she handcuffed FFS. Sickening.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!

Suspension is the least they deserve. Let's hope it leads to sacking and facing charges, although I doubt that tbh.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I don't get it. They say she was not getting into the car but they sprayed her while she was in the car.

Anyway, nothing will happen to them. They were in fear for their lives.


Full Member
Jul 9, 2013
They tell a 9 year old girl to stop acting like a child and then use a chemical weapon on her. Cowardly fecking bastards. If the police were called because you were disciplining your children with pepper spray they would be taken from you. All these cowardly cnuts should be on a register.
WASHINGTON — Black boys as young as 10 may not be viewed in the same light of childhood innocence as their white peers, but are instead more likely to be mistaken as older, be perceived as guilty and face police violence if accused of a crime, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.

The students were also shown photographs alongside descriptions of various crimes and asked to assess the age and innocence of white, black or Latino boys ages 10 to 17. The students overestimated the age of blacks by an average of 4.5 years and found them more culpable than whites or Latinos, particularly when the boys were matched with serious crimes, the study found.

At least this time the cops openly said it. They actually create internal biases to treat kids worse so they don't feels as bad whilst doing it.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2010

every single one of these pigs should be [redacted]
The rest of the story on this anywhere?

Obviously the police are inhuman spastics the way they dealt with that tramatised child but she also accused her mum of stabbing her father. Mum proceeds to demonstrate she's a proper headcase with a member of the public before disapearing somewhere, abandoning their child. There's no reaction to the allegation of stabbing, its only later they decide to go arrest the mum and theres no mention of the father at all..

All very mad, but there's always more going on that what you see in these vids.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2010
I see a little girl who committed no criminal act in handcuffs in the back of a cruiser being pepper sprayed. What else do I need to know?
Nothin, I'm just curious what else is goin on and why they seemingly didn't actually investigate the reason they were called. They didn't summon 6 cars to chase a 9 y/o kid down the street, there's obviously more to it.
Sep 23, 2017
This one's doubly depressing.

Warning: Extremely graphic video of cop shooting an old man 12 times for brandishing a fecking stick. Excuse the terrible tweet linked below. It was the only one posted on Reddit that actually had the full video.

media removed

So fecking depressing to see a life ended so callously and pointlessly. Far more so when it's being cheered on and celebrated. The whole video is a genuinely sad example of humanity.

How can you be that physically unfit as a cop? Are there not semi-regular fitness tests? If this prick wasn't so fat he might have felt more confident in his ability to deal with an old drunk/drugged up man with a stick, that didn't involve pulling a gun.

In a more overall sense, I despise what the corporate identity politic push has done to our social fabric. We have one working class man (he's a truck driver) cheering on the death of another because of his race and assumed 'privilege'. It's been tragically effective at dividing the world.
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Phallic connoisseur, unlike shamans
Feb 20, 2019
This one's doubly depressing.

Warning: Extremely graphic video of cop shooting an old man 12 times for brandishing a fecking stick. Excuse the terrible tweet linked below. It was the only one posted on Reddit that actually had the full video.

So fecking depressing to see a life ended so callously and pointlessly. Far more so when it's being cheered on and celebrated. The whole video is a genuinely sad example of humanity.

How can you be that physically unfit as a cop? Are there not semi-regular fitness tests? If this prick wasn't so fat he might have felt more confident in his ability to deal with an old drunk/drugged up man with a stick, that didn't involve pulling a gun.

In a more overall sense, I despise what the corporate identity politic push has done to our social fabric. We have one working class man (he's a truck driver) cheering on the death of another because of his race and assumed 'privilege'. It's been tragically effective at dividing the world.
There was something incredibly zombie like in that guys ability to take a bullet and keep going. Apart from Chief wiggum being terribly out of shape, you wonder why only 1 police officer was there to deal with the issue, but of course I don't know why the police was called in the first place. I read that he had tried to taser him before shooting. Tasers don't seem to do shit in a lot of cases.
Sep 23, 2017
There was something incredibly zombie like in that guys ability to take a bullet and keep going.
Yeah. From watching too many police shooting videos, that's one of the things that definitely differentiates real life from movies. If John Wick body shots some Russian henchman they're down instantly. In real life there always seems to be a delay...even when a cop fires off a full clip, it often seems to take 5-10 seconds before they hit the deck.

Apart from Chief wiggum being terribly out of shape, you wonder why only 1 police officer was there to deal with the issue, but of course I don't know why the police was called in the first place.
One of the comments on Reddit said it was reported on local news that he'd been driving erratically and was pulled over.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
There was something incredibly zombie like in that guys ability to take a bullet and keep going. Apart from Chief wiggum being terribly out of shape, you wonder why only 1 police officer was there to deal with the issue, but of course I don't know why the police was called in the first place. I read that he had tried to taser him before shooting. Tasers don't seem to do shit in a lot of cases.
Meth is one hell of a drug.

Police are expensive. These days it's quite common to have officers one to a patrol car during daylight hours. This looks like a situation that escalated quickly. You wouldn't call in back up for a traffic stop, at least initially.

It's terrible that the situation ended up that way but attacking a police officer doesn't normally end well. In a one on one situation an armed officer is going to resort to deadly force because the other options are too dangerous for them and or the public. For example, if he tackles the guy there's a good chance that he manages to remove his pistol from its holster.


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
Meth is one hell of a drug.

Police are expensive. These days it's quite common to have officers one to a patrol car during daylight hours. This looks like a situation that escalated quickly. You wouldn't call in back up for a traffic stop, at least initially.

It's terrible that the situation ended up that way but attacking a police officer doesn't normally end well. In a one on one situation an armed officer is going to resort to deadly force because the other options are too dangerous for them and or the public. For example, if he tackles the guy there's a good chance that he manages to remove his pistol from its holster.
So is PCP

As a teen I was part of my local PD's Explorer program (co-ed Boy Scout affiliated group to offer experience in careers). Our advisor was the movie stereotype of a Marine drill sergeant (and he had been). Big dude, barrel chested, all muscle but one of the nicest, smartest and empathetic people you could ever meet. At a weekend retreat he agreed to answer any questions we had regarding his time on the force. Being stupid kids our first question was of course "have you ever shot someone?" He answered he had done so once. He received a call of a man in traffic and when he arrived he saw a man in he middle of traffic stabbing at moving cars with a knife and screaming "I have to kill the dragons!" He finally talked him out of the street and was waiting on EMT support and backup when the guy screamed "You control the dragons" and came at him with the knife. He shot 10 times, center mass as he had been taught, and the guy didn't even slow down. He got off a lucky last shot that hit him in the head and the guy stumbled into him, still stabbing out with the knife. His vest saved him. At this point he was sobbing and we all felt like shit. He quit the next year when a drunk driver who was fleeing arrest after our adviser had pulled him over at 3pm ran a red light and hit a minivan, killing a toddler.


Jun 13, 2006
next to the pacific
I read somewhere that he was driving erratically causing 2 traffic collisions with injuries. And then chased after one of the crash victims on foot before being confronted by the deputy.

God knows what such an old and fat deputy is doing in a patrol car. If he’s nearing retirement stick him in some office admin position or the front desk.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Minneapolis poised to ban facial recognition for police use
Committee voted 12-0 in favor of ban, advancing it to city council, months after actions of city’s police sparked racial reckoning in US

It's interesting that now with Covid it's acceptable to walk around masked up like the Lone Ranger. Before Covid, if you went into a bank like that they'd call the cops on your ass sharpish. Even if facial recognition software is implemented, I reckon we will all just keep wearing masks and the cops won't be able to do shit about it.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014

It's amazing how the violence shown by police & those in authority against protestors & civilians caught up in the protest eventually led to nowhere.
Back to your regularly scheduled institutionally broken schedule.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013

It's amazing how the violence shown by police & those in authority against protestors & civilians caught up in the protest eventually led to nowhere.
Back to your regularly scheduled institutionally broken schedule.
This bit in the article is particularly weird. Sounds like victim blaming. Does committing a crime condone police brutality now?

He added that the viral video "speaks for itself" while maintaining that officers could have handled the situation differently.

"Mr. Gugino committed a crime that day, he violated curfew. He had no business approaching the police officer, he had no business being on those steps at all, or there at City Hall," Flynn said. "All that had to be done here, was grab Mr. Gugino, gently turn him around, put the handcuffs on him and walk him peacefully off the steps
"Well yeah they could have handled it differently". No shit, they could. But they didn't.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
This bit in the article is particularly weird. Sounds like victim blaming. Does committing a crime condone police brutality now?

"Well yeah they could have handled it differently". No shit, they could. But they didn't.
Well yeah of course, the only crime committed that day was a curfew violation, despite a civilian ending up blacked out on the pavement.
This is precisely how the system has been designed to work.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2019
Midwest, USA
Well yeah of course, the only crime committed that day was a curfew violation, despite a civilian ending up blacked out on the pavement.
This is precisely how the system has been designed to work.
Police are a powerful lobby. Labor organizing into unions is illegal, for the most part, unless he's a teamster. But if we all had unions, the one this guy was in could shut things down. Instead its the threats from the police union that mean nothing happens.

And that's how the system has been designed to work.

We need to start organizing general strikes in this country.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
Police are a powerful lobby. Labor organizing into unions is illegal, for the most part, unless he's a teamster. But if we all had unions, the one this guy was in could shut things down. Instead its the threats from the police union that mean nothing happens.

And that's how the system has been designed to work.

We need to start organizing general strikes in this country.
I am spotting a commie


Jun 13, 2006
next to the pacific
Unconfirmed rumor that an officer of theirs posted it on social media. If so he’ll probably get canned. But if that’s not the case then nothing’s going to happen.

This comes right off the tail of an anonymous Instagram page that was floating around that was a “roasting” page for police officers to make memes of each other and other departments, airing out their dirty laundry. IA’s of various departments were scrambling around trying to find out who was running the page to no avail. The page was subsequently deleted recently, but that’s why lapd is trying to stamp down on this.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Unconfirmed rumor that an officer of theirs posted it on social media. If so he’ll probably get canned. But if that’s not the case then nothing’s going to happen.

This comes right off the tail of an anonymous Instagram page that was floating around that was a “roasting” page for police officers to make memes of each other and other departments, airing out their dirty laundry. IA’s of various departments were scrambling around trying to find out who was running the page to no avail. The page was subsequently deleted recently, but that’s why lapd is trying to stamp down on this.

Do you ever watch those audit videos on YT? Ever have any experience of one? So many times the cops don't seem to know basic rights of citizens and get all haughty because they aren't having their 'authority' respected.


Jun 13, 2006
next to the pacific
Do you ever watch those audit videos on YT? Ever have any experience of one? So many times the cops don't seem to know basic rights of citizens and get all haughty because they aren't having their 'authority' respected.
I’ve watched some. We have a handful of them that are active in our area and we’ve been on YouTube and tmz. There’s only a handful of times we’ve been made to look stupid, but for the most part we learn early on in the job of their existence and act accordingly (be boring, don’t engage etc).

Yea there definitely needs to be more training in dealing with them because it’s still a relatively new thing with cellphones and social media.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I’ve watched some. We have a handful of them that are active in our area and we’ve been on YouTube and tmz. There’s only a handful of times we’ve been made to look stupid, but for the most part we learn early on in the job of their existence and act accordingly (be boring, don’t engage etc).

Yea there definitely needs to be more training in dealing with them because it’s still a relatively new thing with cellphones and social media.

Some of the auditors are annoying but they do highlight the massive superiority complex that many police have. This idea that people have to grovel to them instead of acknowledging that they protect and serve the community. Being legally allowed to lie to the public is shit too. The intimidation tactics are very unsettling and some of these auditors have balls of steel considering just how bad things can go. Cameras really have become a game-changer and long may it continue.


Jun 13, 2006
next to the pacific
Some of the auditors are annoying but they do highlight the massive superiority complex that many police have. This idea that people have to grovel to them instead of acknowledging that they protect and serve the community. Being legally allowed to lie to the public is shit too. The intimidation tactics are very unsettling and some of these auditors have balls of steel considering just how bad things can go. Cameras really have become a game-changer and long may it continue.
Most of them are looking for a big payout. They don’t have a “real job” or a family to support, so they do get ballsy and don’t mind risking getting physically hurt or arrested. It’s their ticket to a lawsuit against a police department, or at the very least get shares/likes on social media. We also have a lot of paparazzi because of the celebrities that frequent our area, and they also push the envelope and try to get assaulted by bodyguards and are quick to call us and play victim.