How far are you willing to go to get the Glazers out?

Pretty much, my guess is that for PR reasons they will forgo or reduce dividends for a couple years and sell some shares which will give them more money anyway. Ultimately what they now take out of the club is peanuts in a financial sense. They might even reduce the debt (even if it makes no financial sense), but it's a nice PR move given the amount of people who believe united has a massive debt and that debt is holding back spending or investment.
My guess is selling shares every couple of years is what they were planning to do anyway, the chance that they would find one buyer to take over the club is difficult... we are too big to give new buyers a good return on investment.

The biggest problem was the LBO years ago and especially the first years after the purchase, since a lot of money was used to take care of the debt, but that isn't the case anymore. If someone buys the club now, we are guaranteed to be much worse off since they would like to have a return on investment too, we would basically be in the same situation as the first years with the Glazers. Or someone has to find a fan willing to waste a couple billion like, apparently, Arsenal.

Investors would require a return on their investment. They would need 2-3 bn to buy out the Glazers and their investment committees would require that the investments produce a 12-25 percent return (depending on type of investor). In order to produce this return, they would need to be comfortable that the board and management are running the business to maximise profits and value.

I am not sure the investor would committ this capital and then hand over the keys to the fan led board.

Exactly! Also who would these fans be?
Those who 'want Ole Out';
the 'bring back Jose... LvG, or even David Moyes cabals ;
those fan 'strategists' who want to see a '433 system or 343' or whatever played;
'the sell Pogba brigade';
'the sack Jones lot'.... the mind boggles!

Fans support clubs(or not) but they don't run them, not at United's level, they can't run multi-million pound entities at such a level, the diversity of fan ideas is such we would never likely get a decision at board level say... on 'transfers'... mind you that's not gone too well under the present board has it?

I'm afraid the best we can hope for is that a new CE (assuming Joel gets fed up because his pet SL project got dumped and stays in the US) is appointed and who has more knowledge of the football world and knows how to converse with the many disparate fan groups/cabals/etc.
Also that the PL/UEFA/UK Government have a forgiving nature and don't; deduct points, ban us from European competition or fine us heavily from breaches of Covid rules!
Exactly! Also who would these fans be?
Those who 'want Ole Out';
the 'bring back Jose... LvG, or even David Moyes cabals ;
those fan 'strategists' who want to see a '433 system or 343' or whatever played;
'the sell Pogba brigade';
'the sack Jones lot'.... the mind boggles!

Fans support clubs(or not) but they don't run them, not at United's level, they can't run multi-million pound entities at such a level, the diversity of fan ideas is such we would never likely get a decision at board level say... on 'transfers'... mind you that's not gone too well under the present board has it?

I'm afraid the best we can hope for is that a new CE (assuming Joel gets fed up because his pet SL project got dumped and stays in the US) is appointed and who has more knowledge of the football world and knows how to converse with the many disparate fan groups/cabals/etc.
Also that the PL/UEFA/UK Government have a forgiving nature and don't; deduct points, ban us from European competition or fine us heavily from breaches of Covid rules!

The fans wouldn't make day to day decisions though. Even at FC United, the fans own the club but they're not making decisions on who the club signs etc. We elect the board to do that who in turn appoint a manager and a CEO to make the key operational decisions on and off the pitch.

The fans could, in theory anyway, do something similar at Old Trafford. Elect a 'President' every 5/10 years and elect a board every 2/4 years. If we don't like the direction or the decision making, we can vote them out.

I do think it's a distant dream though.

As for the main topic of the thread, I will carry on not buying tickets and merchandise whilst also supporting and attending FC United. I will also carry on attending protests at Old Trafford.
Relegation, dissolution of the football club permanently, perma-ban from all FA, EFL and EUFA leagues.

I would take all of the above just to see the Glazers suffer.
No I wouldn't.
My worst case scenario right now is what is currently playing out, which is to say zero movement on the Glazers side, zero dialogue and total silence from footballs governing bodies.

I don't think any of those involved fully understand quite how toxic this situation is going to get. 10,000 fans at Fulham? Last weekend was just the beginning. If there is still no attempt to even BEGIN to engage the Trafford faithful then what the hell do they think is going to happen. Swept under the rug and forgotten? I don't think so
Leeds fan I take it?

No but that does seem to be tenor around this place sometimes. I've mostly spent the last few days kinda cheering on the protests but kinda not knowing what the hell the aim seems to be. Like if its to get 50+1 why aren't you protesting in front of the Parliament? If its a sale, then who's the buyer? And how do we ensure that they are any better? It seems more of a burst of emotion led by a general anger towards the owners, why I get and share, but beyond that I'm just bemused.

Let's hope it turns out for the best for Manchester United though.
No but that does seem to be tenor around this place sometimes. I've mostly spent the last few days kinda cheering on the protests but kinda not knowing what the hell the aim seems to be. Like if its to get 50+1 why aren't you protesting in front of the Parliament? If its a sale, then who's the buyer? And how do we ensure that they are any better? It seems more of a burst of emotion led by a general anger towards the owners, why I get and share, but beyond that I'm just bemused.

Let's hope it turns out for the best for Manchester United though.

Bunch of checker players who don't recognise that its chess that they are playing or need to be playing.
No but that does seem to be tenor around this place sometimes. I've mostly spent the last few days kinda cheering on the protests but kinda not knowing what the hell the aim seems to be. Like if its to get 50+1 why aren't you protesting in front of the Parliament? If its a sale, then who's the buyer? And how do we ensure that they are any better? It seems more of a burst of emotion led by a general anger towards the owners, why I get and share, but beyond that I'm just bemused.

Let's hope it turns out for the best for Manchester United though.

I think its frustration that the Glazers have not and are not responding, and fans know they wont.... but its the 'self harm' bits of the protest that worry me.
The only way they leave is if United stops making a profit.

By that happening though, it means we will be failing on the pitch. Can the fans stomach seeing United sitting mid table and not reaching Europe for years and years?

That's the stark reality. The club essentially needs to die before it can be reborn. We've already seen how fans react when we only lose 4 games all season. Will you be able to handle it if we become completely mediocre?
Investors would require a return on their investment. They would need 2-3 bn to buy out the Glazers and their investment committees would require that the investments produce a 12-25 percent return (depending on type of investor). In order to produce this return, they would need to be comfortable that the board and management are running the business to maximise profits and value.

I am not sure the investor would committ this capital and then hand over the keys to the fan led board.
I'm not certain how much the club is actually worth, or exactly what percentage of shares the glazers own.
Returns on dividends obviously depend on the owner or owners. The person I responded to originally assumed that there would need to be one rich owner to come along and buy the club outright. That's not necessarily so.
The club's profit potential is more than enough for us to compete with the likes of Chelsea and City, without us having a multi billionaire owner injecting his own funds into the club.
However, if someone bought the club outright, I still see the exponential growth in value of the club over the next ten years. To suitable investors out there, the time is now. The fans and media have sent out the distress call.
The only way they leave is if United stops making a profit.

By that happening though, it means we will be failing on the pitch. Can the fans stomach seeing United sitting mid table and not reaching Europe for years and years?

That's the stark reality. The club essentially needs to die before it can be reborn. We've already seen how fans react when we only lose 4 games all season. Will you be able to handle it if we become completely mediocre?
I bet you the ones who say they will, will be the first to moan about the manager, the players and everything else connected with the team.
I bet you the ones who say they will, will be the first to moan about the manager, the players and everything else connected with the team.
Yep, it'll become a sesspit.

The club essentially needs to be devalued enough for the Glazers to panic and sell, but there is no way the club can continue operating at the top level if this is to happen.

Say goodbye to Fernandes, no signing Sancho or Haaland etc.

Maybe it'll be worth it in the long term, but what if they sell to an owner that's just as bad or even worse?

The only way it'll ever be savable is if the 50+1 rule comes into effect.
Like FC United?
Not as far as that, but essentially not making any money. All they want is their dividend allowance every year, if there is no money for them to take then they'll sell it off before they lose to much value.

The issue with that is United will lose their best players, we'll end up mid/lower table and become a laughing stock.
The Glazers are going nowhere; they have no intentions of selling Manchester United now or in the future and today they have reportedly claimed they can double the Clubs value in the next 2 years. Protests are not the solution, neither is staying away. Its now a case of accepting the way things are or transferring support from United to another club, or sport even. I loathe the Glazers as much as anybody for the way they see my Club as nothing more than a cash cow but I love Manchester United, its history and legacy far, far more. The Glazers cant take that away from us and though they may effect the present and future to some degree the fact is Manchester United and its supporters are bigger than them. The Glazers may take money from our Club, they may tarnish it with their greed and profiteering but they can never take away its soul.
Not as far as that, but essentially not making any money. All they want is their dividend allowance every year, if there is no money for them to take then they'll sell it off before they lose to much value.

The issue with that is United will lose their best players, we'll end up mid/lower table and become a laughing stock.

Or a yo-yo club.
The Glazers are going nowhere; they have no intentions of selling Manchester United now or in the future and today they have reportedly claimed they can double the Clubs value in the next 2 years. Protests are not the solution, neither is staying away. Its now a case of accepting the way things are or transferring support from United to another club, or sport even. I loathe the Glazers as much as anybody for the way they see my Club as nothing more than a cash cow but I love Manchester United, its history and legacy far, far more. The Glazers cant take that away from us and though they may effect the present and future to some degree the fact is Manchester United and its supporters are bigger than them. The Glazers may take money from our Club, they may tarnish it with their greed and profiteering but they can never take away its soul.

I don't understand this attitude. You're saying that the Glazers can do what they like with our club, and we must accept it?
I don't understand this attitude. You're saying that the Glazers can do what they like with our club, and we must accept it?
OK, apart from breaking the law, stopping games, causing damage and disrupting the teams progress, all of which will cause other players to stay away thereby cutting off the new blood required, what do you suggest? I never said I was happy with the Glazers or them being the owners but theres nothing I can do about it apart from the things Ive already mentioned. Yes we keep the pressure on and demand change but only whithin the confines of the law. Im open to any suggestion you might have.
Yep, it'll become a sesspit.

The club essentially needs to be devalued enough for the Glazers to panic and sell, but there is no way the club can continue operating at the top level if this is to happen.

Say goodbye to Fernandes, no signing Sancho or Haaland etc.

Maybe it'll be worth it in the long term, but what if they sell to an owner that's just as bad or even worse?

The only way it'll ever be savable is if the 50+1 rule comes into effect.
Agree, if the end goal is for the club to get relegated to get new owners, it would not only be hard for many of us to get on board with that, but will also completely cripple the potential future.

I speak from experience, as my favourite hometown club - Olimpija Ljubljana got relegated 16 years ago and it took 10 years to become good again. Now there is again a shit owner and the club is about to go bust if he leaves. So there is no perfect solution for now.
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Agree, if the end goal is for the club to get relegated to get new owners, it would not only be hard for many of us to get on board with that, but will also completely cripple the potential future.

I speak from experience, as my favourite hometown club - Olimpija Ljubljana got relegated 12 years ago and it took 9 years to become good again. Now there is again a shit owner and the club is about to go bust if he leaves. So there is no perfect solution for now.

Not as far as that, but essentially not making any money. All they want is their dividend allowance every year, if there is no money for them to take then they'll sell it off before they lose to much value.

The issue with that is United will lose their best players, we'll end up mid/lower table and become a laughing stock.

The 'longest suicide protest' in history, is that what you are suggesting...really?
Agree, if the end goal is for the club to get relegated to get new owners, it would not only be hard for many of us to get on board with that, but will also completely cripple the potential future.

I speak from experience, as my favourite hometown club - Olimpija Ljubljana got relegated 16 years ago and it took 10 years to become good again. Now there is again a shit owner and the club is about to go bust if he leaves. So there is no perfect solution for now.
Theres an old saying - dont cut your nose off to spite your face. The Glazers are the legal owners and we cannot force them out. If we go along with some of the hare brained schemes Ive read here and elsewhere, ie boycotting matches, picket lines, protests etc etc all that will happen is that maybe the Glazers will sell early, but by them what will be left to buy? A mid table club saddled with huge debt which can no longer attract the top players and no longer command big sponsorship. And when, in say 8 or 9 years another super league is proposed there will be no need to worry about Manchester Uniteds participation in it.....we wont be invited....we won't matter!
The 'longest suicide protest' in history, is that what you are suggesting...really?
i’m not sure what your point is, but if you don’t think this will end up a very long painful process you’ll be in for a surprise.

the Glazers aren’t just going to go “ok you’re unhappy, best we leave”. They’ll be here until either legally removed or until it’s no longer financially viable for them.

The club will need to be hit extremely hard, it’ll be years of “no value in the market” while they line their pockets of every penny.
What should they speak out about?

1. Owner taking dividend? It's their club It's their money.
2. We dont win trophies?
3. We dont show ambition? Do they show enough drive and ambition?

What you're asking is unrealistic. The players wont take part and rightly so. I can understand why they stay silent

I'm not asking them to do those things, they won't, nor should they. But those are the extreme actions that would seriously make the owners doubt their position. It's something that will probably never happen.
i’m not sure what your point is, but if you don’t think this will end up a very long painful process you’ll be in for a surprise.

the Glazers aren’t just going to go “ok you’re unhappy, best we leave”. They’ll be here until either legally removed or until it’s no longer financially viable for them.

The club will need to be hit extremely hard, it’ll be years of “no value in the market” while they line their pockets of every penny.
Precisely, unless we want Manchester United to be also rans with second and third rate players and no marketable value at all we have to accept that the Glazers will only go when they want to; they cannot be forced out and wont be forced out and no amount of protest, violent or otherwise will change that. They've done nothing illegal and so hold all the aces. And the longer it takes for them to realise the sort of return they envisaged when they bought United the longer they'll remain the owners. The Glazers cannot lose, but Manchester United and its supporters can.
Glazers have been wise to stay out of light. They have always avoided (smartly I must add) having a "hicks & gillette" moment, there is value in flying under the radar.

Lets face the facts, unless the value of the asset were to depreciate materially with no signs of it recovering, its unlikely they will sell anytime soon and fans could do little about it. My guess is they have a number in mind which will trigger a sale but very few who'd pay that number. Even fewer who'd be inclined to run the club ethically. So one way or the other we will end up with someone who's got questionable morals (most likely scenario). I think fans will overlook that if they could bring some structure and discipline to the club, sort of like our neighbors down the street. I know many here get on their high horse with "no to saudi ownership" but I think its naive to think we're somehow 'above it'. They are the only ones with silly money to throw around and a need to polish their brand. Anyone else didn't get rich by being a moron and paying over the top prices.
As far as it takes. If that’s a giant points deduction & a relegation, then so be it, we’d be back within a year. Getting these parasites out of our club is the more important than any game, player, trophy or signing right now.
I agree that the supporters can make life difficult for the owners. But two things to bear in mind.
1. They will sell when they are ready and not before. They will want the very best deal.
2. Be careful what you wish for. The world is full of unintended consequences.
Glazers have been wise to stay out of light. They have always avoided (smartly I must add) having a "hicks & gillette" moment, there is value in flying under the radar.

Lets face the facts, unless the value of the asset were to depreciate materially with no signs of it recovering, its unlikely they will sell anytime soon and fans could do little about it. My guess is they have a number in mind which will trigger a sale but very few who'd pay that number. Even fewer who'd be inclined to run the club ethically. So one way or the other we will end up with someone who's got questionable morals (most likely scenario). I think fans will overlook that if they could bring some structure and discipline to the club, sort of like our neighbors down the street. I know many here get on their high horse with "no to saudi ownership" but I think its naive to think we're somehow 'above it'. They are the only ones with silly money to throw around and a need to polish their brand. Anyone else didn't get rich by being a moron and paying over the top prices.
I want to see United competing for the top honours, playing the best football with the best footballers and being an attractive proposition to other top players. We wont be any of this if we slip into mediocrity and finish mid table or lower on a regular basis. I dont want Manchester United to become another Aston Villa, another Spurs, another Everton or worse. The price we pay for this is the Glazers; maybe they can be persuaded to put more back into the club and its facilities, but they wont be forced to by protests. Im not saying we just surrender but we have to accept that we cant forcibly change things, not without badly damaging the club, perhaps for ever.
As far as it takes. If that’s a giant points deduction & a relegation, then so be it, we’d be back within a year. Getting these parasites out of our club is the more important than any game, player, trophy or signing right now.

As far as it takes? Burn down OT then. The glazers will know you guys are serious.
Relegation, dissolution of the football club permanently, perma-ban from all FA, EFL and EUFA leagues.

I would take all of the above just to see the Glazers suffer.
No I wouldn't.
But the Glazers wont suffer, theyre multi billionaires, the ones who will suffer are the players, management, staff and the supporters.
You have to destroy the money. The great reset, that forum pushes ideas based on socialistic attitudes. The glazers will do what people like ths always do. They will look to make a big signing if possible to appese the dumb crowd and perhaps if we keep protesting every so often we'll buy more players but how do you shift something that thinks the clubs worth 7 billion and wants 7 billion. What happens when it's worth 7? Do they then think it could be worth 10 billion? It wouldn't matter if no one had the money nor was willing to pay.

You have to boycott social media. You have to boycott games. You have to strategically think like they think to counter them. You have to understand as good as your money may be, it's a pebble on a beach. Quit MUTV subscription. But it's not just Man United. It has to come across the board. I don't watch mutv anymore and it's a shame but they are at a level that cannot relate to ordinary people and they are with strange bedfellows. Who was it that said, the banks are too big to fail?
No but that does seem to be tenor around this place sometimes. I've mostly spent the last few days kinda cheering on the protests but kinda not knowing what the hell the aim seems to be. Like if its to get 50+1 why aren't you protesting in front of the Parliament? If its a sale, then who's the buyer? And how do we ensure that they are any better? It seems more of a burst of emotion led by a general anger towards the owners, why I get and share, but beyond that I'm just bemused.

Let's hope it turns out for the best for Manchester United though.
Yep, but apparently that makes you a Glazer shill.