Cristiano Ronaldo - Man Utd Player

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I love the fact Ronaldo is vaccinated which was reported days ago but the thread has been questioning why he won't get vaccinated for the last two pages.

Essentially the quarantine rules are very flawed is all.

Bruno won't have to quarantine when he returns highlights how mad the system is.
How many 'sprightly' people do you think there are in care homes in the first place?
It’s an example of what the vaccine is doing to people and at 36 Ronaldo is no spring chicken he needs to be using every physical advantage he’s got.

edit: He’s vaccinated now so no point worrying.
It’s an example of what the vaccine is doing to people and at 36 Ronaldo is no spring chicken he needs to be using every physical advantage he’s got.

edit: He’s vaccinated now so no point worrying.
I just think that comparing one of the world's fittest elite athletes to elderly people who have been deemed not fit enough to look after themselves is a little bit daft.
We know he will generate us revenue, that wasn't in doubt.

All of that is fine and I agree with some of it, but it comes back to what I said in one of my earlier posts - as fans, we're not going to be privy to this information to be able to make a good enough guess. We won't be privy to our social media engagements, or ticket demand match by match etc to even begin approximating impact on revenue.

We can all guess, sure - but to what end? As a company the numbers show that we generate over half a billion by ourselves even in a pandemic, Ronaldo's impact on our revenue will be big as a standalone figure - lets say 50m (which is really fecking high btw - more than most of our individual biggest sponsors), whats 50m as part of 700m? A cherry on top of a cake at best - however him bringing 25m to Juventus who were earning 130m obviously makes a much bigger impact. For him to have as similar impact he'd have to bring in somewhere between 120-150m revenue by himself every year - and as much as I'd love to see it - that's very unlikely, but we'll see.

I've made a quick-glance mistake by assuming a similar percentage growth of ENTIRE revenue. It would probably be wiser to focus on commercial (and matchday?) revenues instead.

Juve's grew by EUR50M (EUR40M excluding matchday tickets) in Ronaldo's 1st year. Statements and Reports - Juventus Football Club S.p.A..
An interesting call-out is the Adidas sponsorship. Adidas paid them an additional EUR15M bonus that year for the "excellent performance in the partnership and increased brand visibility", and agreed to increase and extend their sponsorship contract mid-way (EUR30M to EUR50M for 5 more years). That's a total increase of EUR115M over the longer term. To be fair, Juve brought in 3 other good players that year but I'd go as far as to say that none were "merchandise movers". Juventus FC - Transfers 18/19 | Transfermarkt

Of course, the devil is in the details regarding our existing sponsorship and licensing contracts. Hopefully we can bring some sponsors back to the negotiation table ala Juve mid-way through contracts and sign some new lucrative ones.

It appears that we breakdown our revenue (627M in 2019) very loosely to 3 segments:
1. Commercial (~45%) 2. Broadcasting (~35%) 3. Matchday (~20%)

Excluding Broadcasting revenue, our Commercial and Matchday revenue pre-covid each remained relatively flat (growth of ~5% from 2016 to 2019). Combined, it stood at 370M.

Therefore, unless explicitly stated in future annual reports, it is plausible to attribute short-term growth >1 - 2% in these categories to Ronaldo after:
1. excluding any exceptional one-time events
2. mitigating the effects of covid 19
3. accounting for any other financial commentary or guidance

Our 2020 Annual Report: 2020-mu-plc-form-20-f.pdf (
Quarterly reports can be found here: Quarterly Reports 2021 – Manchester United (
Therefore, unless explicitly stated in future annual reports, it is plausible to attribute short-term growth >1 - 2% in these categories to Ronaldo after:
1. excluding any exceptional one-time events
2. mitigating the effects of covid 19
3. accounting for any other financial commentary or guidance

I'd agree with that.
Almost unbelievable.

We gave it to the wrong players. Owen, Valencia, Depay shouldn’t have had it. Shouldn’t even have signed Di Maria since he was cleary a mercenary cnut so he shouldn’t have had it. Alexis makes a little more sense considering how good he was at Arsenal, I don’t think it was widely predicted just how much of a flop he’d be.
Someone should go to jail for what they did tot he No. 7 shirt. That is an absymal and WILDLY undeserved line of playes who had it before Cavani.

The fact that we gave it to Di Maria should be scrubbed from history.
I'm saying that we can do an estimate on the figures based on historical and competitors' data. Then you will also have your salespeople giving you the qualitative feedback but that's of course less measurable. Social media posts are incredibly measurable via social analytics data and A/B testing. We can charge more because of our higher engagement and impressions baseline. Studies suggest that Gen Z follow individuals more than teams so this is likely to add new fans to the club at least in the short term.

Scalpers are a good indicator of ticket demand and prices people are willing to pay. I heard our Newcastle game is currently priced in the thousands so obviously the demand is there because of Ronaldo. It's up to the club to find that ideal pricing for tourist tickets but they most certainly have the leeway to charge more while he's here. The revenue increase from these fans, including spending on merchandise, accommodation, tours etc can be attributed to him.

Also, sponsorship deals tend to be longer term in nature so I don't know how many are up for renewal within the next 2 seasons other than the one for our training kit and stadium, which Aon paid 20M/yr for until the Super League debacle. On the same note, the longer term commercial benefits will likely be greater because of this deal.

Using data pertaining to overall Merchandise sales increase and those categorised under "Ronaldo", we can approximate his revenue impact.

All the above are measurable with some variance.

I note your point on revenue saturation and think it's valid, especially since we already have legacy deals that were signed pre-Ronaldo that are still running. So yes the targeted increase may come in lower.

IMO the biggest question mark really is Covid 19's impact but that would be part of the bear case and should be measurable by benchmarking against the industry's figures. And TBH I haven't studied our/Juve's financial details/guidance which should be available in the annual reports.

Smartest post in this entire thread. Bravo.

He is, it's a PL rule apparently.

It's most likely to protect unvaccinated staff / players. You can still get infected and transmit the virus despite being vaccinated. The vaccination isn't meant to stop you from contracting the virus or transmitting it to others, it's meant to stop you from developing a severe illness in the event you do become infected.
Almost unbelievable.

I am sure he has scored overall 551 goals,
450 for Real in 9 seasons and 101 for Juve in 3. Why would they include only League goals ?

Anyway so good he is finally back.
Perhaps in your native language, but for the rest of the world "a month ago" is different from "last month".
1. I’d check Khabib’s native language first
2. I wouldn’t check anything at all, why even bother. It’s Khabib
I can understand that, but you’d like to think a doctor would make quite an educated guess at something. Anyway it’s not my place to discuss this and I shouldn’t have mentioned anything.

Why would you assume that :P

There are oddballs in every industry. There's always a balance between what people SHOULD do and what people actually do. Also worth noting that when you hear about situations like this, you're more likely heating about the exception rather than the rule. For every healthcare worker who's going to be spread antivax rhetoric for whatever reason, there will scores of others who fully understand the benefits the vaccine has from both a personal and public health perspective.
Why would you assume that :P

There are oddballs in every industry. There's always a balance between what people SHOULD do and what people actually do. Also worth noting that when you hear about situations like this, you're more likely heating about the exception rather than the rule. For every healthcare worker who's going to be spread antivax rhetoric for whatever reason, there will scores of others who fully understand the benefits the vaccine has from both a personal and public health perspective.

That’s true I have no doubt in the grand scheme of things the vaccine is a positive compared to a global pandemic and I understand of some doctors that have been total (kooks) for want of a better word towards the vaccine. I suppose when it’s close to home it makes you that bit more on edge about it.
Even as a Liverpool fan, I'm excited to see him back in the Prem, only makes the league better with that kind of player in it, just hope he gets the flu every time we meet you.
We gave it to the wrong players. Owen, Valencia, Depay shouldn’t have had it. Shouldn’t even have signed Di Maria since he was cleary a mercenary cnut so he shouldn’t have had it. Alexis makes a little more sense considering how good he was at Arsenal, I don’t think it was widely predicted just how much of a flop he’d be.
I doubt you felt the same at the time though.
I've always liked Owen, was happy with the transfer and with his contribution.
Valencia, for me, was one of the our most valuable players for a quite a few seasons. Whether he should've had the #7 even for a season...debatable.
When we got Depay I was super excited, he had bags of potential, the right attitude to wear the number and I think with another manager it would've worked out much better.
Di Maria would've been a massive success if not for the system we played under LvG, the terrible experience he and his wife had in Manchester and the fact that he never wanted to be here. But in terms of skills and football output, nothing to complain about.
Sanchez...I'll give you that. I thought it was a mistake when we did the swap (although Mkhi wasn't working out too) but, of course, hope he will kick on and be the player Arsenal depended on...alas...
And now Cavani is fantastic, I only wish he was younger.
But anyway, it's all in the past anyway.
So if he didn't get that late yellow card, he'd have missed the Newcastle match due to the 5 day quarantine.
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