Joe Rogan

Anyone who was prescribed an extremely advanced, expensive and proven treatment like a monoclonal antibody and attributes their improvement to some ivermectin and vitamins they took at the same time is dumb as a fecking bag of rocks. Or has an agenda.
I think that's what made him famous in the first place. He himself always calls out that he is an idiot. He is merely providing a platform for his guest's ideas, not debating on them (well, most of the times). That's what a good podcast host should be for me.

If there are people out there who listen to one podcast by someone and think whatever they are saying is the undeniable truth, then that's because they are stupid. If someone pumps some random untested drug because a guy on the internet says so, maybe it's natural selection is all.
A good podcaster should provide pushback on obvious bullshit or it becomes an infomercial and he becomes a doorman for dangerous rabbit holes.
A good podcaster should provide pushback on obvious bullshit or it becomes an infomercial and he becomes a doorman for dangerous rabbit holes.
Its a very fine line to start giving pushback, especially when the host has limited knowledge of the subject. They only become a doorman to dangerous rabbit holes if people take everything ONE person says about a subject seriosuly. Which is incredibly stupid.
For the millionth time: even if Rogan occasionally calls himself an idiot, it's quite clear that this is disingenuous self-deprecation. It's the podcast equivalent of spending 30 minutes giving clear directions and advice to a friend in need and finishing it all by saying: "I dunno, though".

I belive he has over 200 million listeners. If just 1% of them take Rogan's words to heart, then we're talking about the population of a small country here.
For the millionth time: even if Rogan occasionally calls himself an idiot, it's quite clear that this is disingenuous self-deprecation. It's the podcast equivalent of spending 30 minutes giving clear directions and advice to a friend in need and finishing it all by saying: "I dunno, though".

I belive he has over 200 million listeners. If just 1% of them take Rogan's words to heart, then we're talking about the population of a small country here.

You think 200m people listen to Joe Rogan's podcast ?
For the millionth time: even if Rogan occasionally calls himself an idiot, it's quite clear that this is disingenuous self-deprecation. It's the podcast equivalent of spending 30 minutes giving clear directions and advice to a friend in need and finishing it all by saying: "I dunno, though".

I belive he has over 200 million listeners. If just 1% of them take Rogan's words to heart, then we're talking about the population of a small country here.

It's the podcaster equivalent of "just asking questions".
For the millionth time: even if Rogan occasionally calls himself an idiot, it's quite clear that this is disingenuous self-deprecation. It's the podcast equivalent of spending 30 minutes giving clear directions and advice to a friend in need and finishing it all by saying: "I dunno, though".

I belive he has over 200 million listeners. If just 1% of them take Rogan's words to heart, then we're talking about the population of a small country here.
He is like half the guys I know: they preface what they say with pretending they think they’re stupid, and use that as a mask to believe whatever they want.

It‘s kind of like what we call bragging about being the humblest person in the room.
Its a very fine line to start giving pushback, especially when the host has limited knowledge of the subject. They only become a doorman to dangerous rabbit holes if people take everything ONE person says about a subject seriosuly. Which is incredibly stupid.
Not even pushback, structured conversation. It’s now like if Geoff Shreeves were to interview right wing nut jobs on Super Sunday
If you're going to take your covid 19 advice from Joe Rogan, you'd probably get it from some alternative source anyway. If some people consider him their guru that's just way it is. I know quite a few people who dont want to take the vaccine who's never heard of Joe.
If you're going to take your covid 19 advice from Joe Rogan, you'd probably get it from some alternative source anyway. If some people consider him their guru that's just way it is. I know quite a few people who dont want to take the vaccine who's never heard of Joe.
I refuse to believe that. As far as we are concerned in this thread Rogan is solely responsible for ant-vax sentiments
If you're going to take your covid 19 advice from Joe Rogan, you'd probably get it from some alternative source anyway. If some people consider him their guru that's just way it is. I know quite a few people who dont want to take the vaccine who's never heard of Joe.

If even one person doesn’t get vaccinated because of (dis)information on his podcast that’s one person too many.
Seen Bret Weinstein was on his podcast the other day. Both he and his brother are absolute fecking cranks.
Anyone who was prescribed an extremely advanced, expensive and proven treatment like a monoclonal antibody and attributes their improvement to some ivermectin and vitamins they took at the same time is dumb as a fecking bag of rocks. Or has an agenda.

I couldn't agree more. I usually don't mind Rogan but his takes on Covid has been an absolute car crash.
Small government, deregulation, no welfare state, easy access to guns etc. Most of the libertarian ideals are fairly well aligned with the conservative right. They probably only disagree on drugs, which would be a red line for a terminal pot-head like Rogan.
A bit late, but this would fit the progressive conversatives here in Canada, or the VVD in the Netherlands (probably also the FDP in Germany, and so on): conservative on economics, progressive on social issues. Basically a soft version of libertarianism: a govenrment that stays both out of your wallet and out of your head/bedroom - but without trying to get rid of government entirely.

In the US though, with only two established parties, it's always going to be hard to pigeonhole anyone who is't a social conservative (add 'deranged' for the current version of the Reps) or progressive neoliberal.
I thought he was just taking a pile of drugs along with the vaccine. Which is to be expected from him. I really underestimated how brain dead he is apparently.
I miss the fight companions. Not been the same :(
I’m sure you are correct. I don’t know law, and US law even less. I was mostly repeating/agreeing with Joe Rogan saying something like “should I sue CNN..?” in the video. Should have been should, perhaps.

Considering the outrage aimed at Joe Rogan for supposedly having done something bad, or that could even be dangerous for the crazies, CNN should be held to at least the same standard. Could be dangerous saying someone famous did something. Others might repeat it.

Might be similar to deer meat.
I had some great deer jerky last time I was in California. My uncle knows a few hunters. Tasty stuff.
Anyone who was prescribed an extremely advanced, expensive and proven treatment like a monoclonal antibody and attributes their improvement to some ivermectin and vitamins they took at the same time is dumb as a fecking bag of rocks. Or has an agenda.
Rogan has always been something of a clown, how anyone could listen to him and consider him an authority on anything outside of maybe MMA and Pot I don't know. What he was good at was getting a wide range of guests on his show and giving them space to ramble, tell interesting stories, give different perspectives, sometimes show themselves and him up. I don't see him as a guy who is particularly politically engaged or trying to push an agenda.
I had some Amazonian deer meet once. I did not know what I was having until it was too late. It was really good though. :nervous:
Oh man. I’ve been trying to cut back on meat lately but (a) finding it really difficult and (b) I do feel a bit different buying or getting something directly from a small scale food hunter.
He’s the Male equivalent of the Kardashians. One of the least authentic people in media.