Elon Musk's epic bacon adventures

Posting screenshots in a tweet of your own tweet is some LinkedIn type bullshit which is as annoying as Musk's twattery.

Its used for two reasons.

1. What she is doing here - to give the full context of the exchange. Quote tweeting at most gives only two tweets and wouldn’t work.
2. It’s used to highlight something when you have no interest in also giving them more interactions.

I disagree with the tweet, I found nothing in there that is particularly demeaning of him and at the conclusion his ex-wife seems perfectly fine with him. Just a standard regret for "believing in a fairy tale" which is what both parts always think at the end of a failed marriage. Even with all the hindsight of knowing what a colossal dangerous cnut he his, I don't think that story is particularly revealing. It's also incredibly boring.
I'm confused. The problem with electric vehicles?

What problem do we have that electric vehicles are the best solution?

Framing things as “problems” is a common Musk talking point. When I saw him live he went on about several other “problems” that exist that members of the audience should consider taking on. His fans also commonly use the same framing. So here, the problem is the effect on the environment a planet of gasoline powered cars has (solution, mass produce electric cars). Another would be the problem of disposable one time only use rockets which can get very expensive (solution, build rockets that can take people/things into space and safely return to earth to be used again). Similar logic with the Boring Company and his various other ventures, including his obsession with going to Mars.
:lol: What a shitshow!
He’s both infuriating and in some ways fascinating. Mostly infuriating though. Glad I don’t hold any TSLA stock.
Is it hyperbole though?

After the end eighties, no one was seriously tackling the problem of electric vehicles. Now they are a reality thanks to Tesla.

And NASA was (and still us to a lesser degree) dependent on Russia for rockets, but now SpaceX is helping a lot on that aspect and has massively lowered the cost of it, with the reusable shuttles.
The post I quoted actually stated that nobody had dared to.
What do you mean by seriously? Even if we ignore the big companies work on EVs because they seemed pretty flaky, you still have companies like AC propulsion. Would Tesla even be where it is today without them? Even if you just want to focus on Tesla, Musk didn't even start the company.

So he met with a fascist today, and Bolsonaro is also pretty right wing yolol.

The neckbeard is very on brand for Musk but why is he chasing the Mr Creosote look. Guy looks like absolute shit.


And for the Muskboys in here don't quote me telling me that the genius is just trolling the salad bar, I don't care and I'm not your fecking therapist - it's Musk who is actually the rapi... yolol
I wonder if anybody here have ever read Flemings’s Moonraker. Musk doesn’t have the physical oddities of the main villain Hugo Drax, but in many respects he seems a physical manifestation of that character in the current reality.
Massages on demand
SpaceX places a special emphasis on massages, going so far as to employ in-house massage therapists as a perk for executives. According to the friend, the flight attendant was encouraged by her superiors to purchase her own professional massage training for her sessions with Musk.

"They encouraged her to get licensed as a masseuse, but on her own time, on her own dime," the friend said. "They implied that she would get to fly more often if she were to do this because she'd be able to give Elon proper massages. I thought that was kind of strange because — you weren't hired to be a masseuse. You were hired to be a flight attendant. And if Elon likes massages, then he should be paying for you to go to masseuse school. But she was just so happy and eager to have the job and be able to travel."

Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it.
I had no idea that companies that don't trade publicly can still have stock, but it they do! I want Space-X stock, my financial exposure to space mining is pitifully small.
Every company has shares. However, it's not easy to buy shares in a private company.
Challenging the victim to identify what was unique about his penis is quiet the defense.

Shut up and get with the Great Man Theory you stupid bitter pleb. He’s basically Tony Stark. The movies told me so. He’s saving the World, one child mined lithium battery powered exploding car at a time.

Just a bunch of aggro centrists staring at a big scales with ‘Fascism’ and ‘Electric Cars’ on each side going “well, it’s not quite there yet….?”
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The number of Musk dude bros has to be getting smaller these days.

Or will his recent displays gain him more dude bros?