19 children and 2 teachers killed in Texas school shooting (24 May 2022)

Pink Moon

Full Member
Aug 20, 2009

Look at the gun and then read the OP's backstory:

So I am 18 and just bought my first legal firearm in Ohio. It is an H&K 416 22. LR with 20 and 30 round mags. This is pretty important to me because I have a criminal record with prior felonies and violent crimes, so buying a firearm legally for the first time makes me feel like a regular citizen again. I have had a past in drug addiction and dealing so being 18 months sober and coming so far has helped me come to this point. I never thought I would be allowed to vote let alone purchase a gun. Let me know any tips for rifles as I’ve only had handguns before. Can’t wait to try it out tomorrow with my dad and neighbor at the gun range.
That country is beyond repair.


Full Member
Jul 22, 2014
Why is ”Gun control” so hard.

We hear the same obvious things repeated over and over again, but they never seem to act. What’s blocking a serious US-wide legislation?
Their prehistoric constitution written in archaic English and "interpreted" by conservative judges.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
My heart sinks reading this. I suspect this sort of data is hard to find but I wonder how often a child has tried to get into a classroom for shelter, find the room locked and then end up being killed. I can't bear the thought of being a child or parent in that situation. What a heartbreaking scenario, and the pain and trauma inflicted on the teacher is also unimaginable.
It would be awful. But sadly, that training has saved lives. In the Michigan school shooting earlier this school year, the students and teacher refused to open the door to the person on the other side claiming to be a police officer… it was the gunman.

One of the proudest moments I have for one of my classes this year is from one day when I was absent from work and the kids had a sub. The school did a lockdown drill and during it pulled the fire alarm. The sub got up to open the door and my students stopped him from doing it.

Mike Smalling

Full Member
Jan 27, 2018
Made the decision not to have any decades ago for a few reasons, this being one of them.
Not saying I don't understand, but it's insane that this is any kind of a factor in determining whether or not to have kids. Extremely sad.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.

fergies coat

Full Member
May 10, 2013
Wythenshawe, Manchester
Why is the

Look at the gun and then read the OP's backstory:

That country is beyond repair.
But I thought it was all about having protection to keep your family safe? When will these lunatics just admit that they just want to own a gun because they think its fun. It doesn't matter how many people die, just don't take thier guns away.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
Not saying I don't understand, but it's insane that this is any kind of a factor in determining whether or not to have kids. Extremely sad.
Mostly my decision was made to stop my blood lineage which is replete with addiction & mental health issues, but Columbine played its part & pushed me over the finish line.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.
Remember, they are darker skinned. The outrage won’t be quite the same in the end.


Full Member
Oct 14, 2021
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.
I think a lot of it comes from the fact that America professes itself as the greatest country in the world.


May 20, 2011
Barcelona, Catalunya
Kids killing kids. A lot of people in this thread having a go at america, it occurs to frequently in the UK to however in a different way, a lot goes unreported. Happens across the world too very frequently.

It seems to me as whenever it happens in America its blown up across world media with a kill count and everything else. Very strange.
In my 13 odd years of going to school I never had to once worry about someone entering the school with a machine gun and shooting us down. Not once. And I live in a so called third world country. People from all over the world will tell you the same.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
To those who quibble about the AR not being a true weapon of war due to not cyclic rates…



Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
It would be awful. But sadly, that training has saved lives. In the Michigan school shooting earlier this school year, the students and teacher refused to open the door to the person on the other side claiming to be a police officer… it was the gunman.

One of the proudest moments I have for one of my classes this year is from one day when I was absent from work and the kids had a sub. The school did a lockdown drill and during it pulled the fire alarm. The sub got up to open the door and my students stopped him from doing it.
Jesus. You should be proud because some Stacy has made progress in maths or because Jamal has gotten better at reading.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2015
It would be awful. But sadly, that training has saved lives. In the Michigan school shooting earlier this year, the students and teacher refused to open the door to the person on the other side claiming to be a police officer… it was the gunman.

One of the proudest moments I have for one of my classes this year is from one day when I was absent from work and the kids had a sub. The school did a lockdown drill and during it pulled the fire alarm. The sub got up to open the door and my students stopped him from doing it.
That's just .. wow. That's terrifying beyond imagination. America feels like a quasi war-zone. I can't imagine living my life or raising a family in that kind of society. I hate that you have to live with this as part of your daily lives.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.
Some of us complaining are also American!
Jun 26, 2014
Behind the right goal post as "Whiteside shoots!"
Kids killing kids. A lot of people in this thread having a go at america, it occurs to frequently in the UK to however in a different way, a lot goes unreported. Happens across the world too very frequently.

It seems to me as whenever it happens in America its blown up across world media with a kill count and everything else. Very strange.
Bollocks. I don't know if you're trying to be 'edgy' but you're not.

If you think mass murder of school children is being "blown up", you need help.
Find one example of a kid walking into a UK school and shooting it up in the last 20 years.
Go further than that. How many times have there been any multiple killings in the UK, guns or otherwise, in decades?

It's almost like there's some correlation between how many guns people have/how easy it is to get them and deaths??

Mike Smalling

Full Member
Jan 27, 2018
To those who quibble about the AR not being a true weapon of war due to not cyclic rates…

Yep, it's completely ludicrous to argue that an AR-15 is not a weapon of war. Mostly people seem to use the reason that it doesn't come with a full auto firing mode, but that is used rarely in actual combat situations, and you can even just make a semi-automatic rifle work like full-auto with a bumb stock (basically just a piece of plastic). The velocity, caliber, magazine capacity, etc. are the same to the military versions.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2011
Kids killing kids. A lot of people in this thread having a go at america, it occurs to frequently in the UK to however in a different way, a lot goes unreported. Happens across the world too very frequently.

It seems to me as whenever it happens in America its blown up across world media with a kill count and everything else. Very strange.
A few examples of 19 children being murdered at once, from the last few years, would be great.

Pink Moon

Full Member
Aug 20, 2009
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.
Probably because in other countries things like this happen and action is taken and lessons are learned. It happened in Australia and they took action and as far as I'm aware they haven't had a mass shooting since.

In America they offer 'thoughts and prayers'.

I'm tired of hearing about constitutional rights too. Parts of the constitution are so outdated with modern society it isn't even funny. I don't think the people that drafted the constitution had assault rifles in mind...

He’s obviously trolling ffs, look at the stuff he brings up and keeps questioning how he’s been allowed to buy it in the first place?
There's nothing in his post history to suggest he's trolling and there's previous posts elsewhere on reddit that back up his backstory. Unless it's a very elaborate troll that he set in motion before the school shooting even happened and he just struck gold.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Jesus. You should be proud because some Stacy has made progress in maths or because Jamal has gotten better at reading.
Gotta try and keep them alive so I can be.
That's just .. wow. That's terrifying beyond imagination. America feels like a quasi war-zone. I can't imagine living my life or raising a family in that kind of society. I hate that you have to live with this as part of your daily lives.
Yeah… it sucks.

Today + 6 more left to go though. Almost there.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.
This is not an isolated incident yet the US government does nothing substantial about it. Think that's why people are reacting. Nationality doesn't matter, children are children and the US government refuses to protect them so that nutters have the right to run around with assault-rifles. I'm sorry but it's not fecking normal anywhere but in the US.


We got another woman hater here.
Jul 18, 2002
Viva Karius!
That's just .. wow. That's terrifying beyond imagination. America feels like a quasi war-zone. I can't imagine living my life or raising a family in that kind of society. I hate that you have to live with this as part of your daily lives.
Oh shoots. That's popped an uncomfortable thought in my head. Is this all deliberate as part of a larger plan? :nervous:


Jun 24, 2015
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.
What planet do you live on? We go on about some middle eastern countries and their abuse of human rights and some african countries and their treatment of LGBT+ people. This is a country that permits the routine killing of it's own citizens in large numbers and even its own kids are not off the table. The mentality of the US people towards gun control is just baffling to the rest of the world. We could talk about the police brutality, the overt racism, the warped healthcare system that is excused and tolerated and the worst in the whole of the developed world but we don't even need to go into that now. Even now certain sections of the population are trying to bypass the gun issue and defend their position.

It's a disgusting place and deserves all the hate and condemnation it gets.

Murder on Zidanes Floor

You'd better not kill Giroud
Jun 11, 2015
Buffalo shooter was shot in Kevlar, continued his rampage.

Google North Hollywood bank shooting. Watch the video of it.

The impact on Kevlar might break a rib at most. I’ve played in goal with a cracked rib in college.

It seems you might be the one thinking in fantastical terms.
I think if you're happy to be shot with Kevlar on, I'm happy to get it arranged to put this argument to bed.

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
I hate the NRA as much as almost all of us in here do. But I don't get the hate for America. The victims were Americans too, their parents are Americans. As frustrated as we all are that there's no change in sight some of the posts in here feel akin to victim shaming.

The gun problem along with the prison industry are some of the worst aspects of American life, but it's not as if horrible things did not happen elsewhere.
If this was any country other than the US, we’d be calling it a backwards state. The reality is that it is. It’s a hyperviolent broken state.

I’d say one of the reasons is political landscape has become so polarised over the last 10 years but in reality, Columbine was over 20 years ago, VTech was years ago, the Washington Sniper was over 10 years ago…so it’s always been ‘there’. It’s just a total mess and it seems to be getting worse.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2021
Bollocks. I don't know if you're trying to be 'edgy' but you're not.

If you think mass murder of school children is being "blown up", you need help.

Go further than that. How many times have there been any multiple killings in the UK, guns or otherwise, in decades?

It's almost like there's some correlation between how many guns people have/how easy it is to get them and deaths??
Wasn't the incident in Plymouth not too long ago gun related? Apart from that i genuinely can't remember anything else and even the Plymouth incident had everyone shook since it happens here so rarely if ever.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Kids killing kids. A lot of people in this thread having a go at america, it occurs to frequently in the UK to however in a different way, a lot goes unreported. Happens across the world too very frequently.

It seems to me as whenever it happens in America its blown up across world media with a kill count and everything else. Very strange.
What? It literally does not happen anywhere to the same extent, and in most countries it does not happen at all. We have had 1 murder in Polish schools in the last decade and not much more than that since I was born, and I'm 33.
Jun 26, 2014
Behind the right goal post as "Whiteside shoots!"
Wasn't the incident in Plymouth not too long ago gun related? Apart from that i genuinely can't remember anything else and even the Plymouth incident had everyone shook since it happens here so rarely if ever.
Yes. A guy killed people in his house/nearby streets then shot himself. (shotgun?)

And the UK gun laws got tightened further.

This and Cumbria are all I can remember in 25 years.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2015
Trying to compare gang related violence which is the majority of kids killing kids in the UK specifically London and stabbing to innocent kids at school minding their own business being slaughtered by a lunatic with access to weapons that wouldn't look out of place in a war, is a little farfetched.

That's the internet for you though.

Vapor trail

Full Member
Mar 13, 2022
It's such a shame because the issue is in the Infrastructure of America itself the very legislation which means there's corruption involved. The history of the legislation has now presided into being integrated into culture, so it's not just laws but there's going to be an emotively motivated attachment because it's traditional.

The country has developed while continually progressing to have such a poor poor reputation. I've spoken to people who have left the US due to circumstances around political influences.

Circulation of guns within an economy is unsafe. Reminds me of a very relatable biblical saying that a "house divided against itself cannot stand". It's such a shame. This post certainly isn't to out USA on a pedestal of all things wrong, every country suffers with crime in some form but the issue with the US is that there are restrictive measures that are not being applied to make these instances far less occasional.


Nurse bell end
Jun 5, 2008
West Yorkshire
Love how you'll hear "arm the teachers" then also hear "don't pay teachers more"
can you imagine sending your kid to school knowing that the teacher is armed? What if they have a particularly bad day? When I was at school in Manchester in the 80s I’m sure we pushed many teachers to the edge. Thank feck they weren’t armed!