19 children and 2 teachers killed in Texas school shooting (24 May 2022)


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
The thing is, its a relatively very simple solution to resolve (albeit politically difficult), even 1 kid being shot at school is too many and should be catalyst for change.


Full Member
Aug 27, 2021
It absolutely looms over us… all of us, from admin to teacher to janitor to student.

We have regular lockdown drills in which they try and trick us / scare us into opening the door or making sound from the rooms… because that is necessary and people always screw up. We have to have matter of fact conversations with kids about what to do if they’re trapped outside the room, about if a shooter starts coming through the door, and I include about how if on a random day a fire alarm goes off unexpectedly, they will not exit the room until I do and we will exit last on our hallway. When I walk down a hallway, I habitually look at every door I pass to the outside to see if it is truly closed and locked. There are over 60 external doors at my school of over 2000 students. These high schoolers will rig the door to not truly shut so they can sneak out and back in. We have to tell them almost weekly to “ignore the door” because at random times a plain clothed sheriffs deputy will come to the school to do security checks and knock on an external door to see if they can get in. Sometimes a student opens it, sometimes they find a rigged door. I have honestly never heard of a time where one came and wasn’t able to get in. Once in, they’ll walk around the school until someone stops them and asks where their ID is. They typically make it between 30-60 minutes.

Sorry for the rant. But yes, it’s ever looming, and yes, we all have it in the backs of our minds. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve stopped dead in my tracks in a crowded hallway at class change because a student suddenly stops walking, puts their book back on the ground and reaches inside it. It’s there like your shadow and it sucks and there’s no amount of “well the statistics say…” that is gonna paper over that.
Teachers in the US really need to be paid more if you have to deal with all of that.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2014
Can't say I'm impressed with that. I'd like to debate his argument thanks.
I have to absolutely agree with you - it's a terrible way to further discussion. All it achieves is division.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2011
I have to absolutely agree with you - it's a terrible way to further discussion. All it achieves is division.
I agree. We should be able to have on open discussion about wether it is bad or not, if a bunch of children gets shot. Who’s to say who’s on the right side here? Gotta here out both sides, not just the people who don’t want kids to get slaughtered.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
Teachers in the US really need to be paid more if you have to deal with all of that.
And yet folks will say we get paid for being off half the year (we don't, our pay is for 9 months and spread out over 12) and they'll say they don't trust us to teach curriculum to their kids without indoctrinating them to be gay commie space hippies yet will also eventually ask us to add gun toting special forces operator to our teaching credential.

It's stupid.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015

Absolute state of that. Poor kid probably thinks he’s just doing something ‘cool’

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons

I know he’s a figure of fun at this point but it’s staggering how insane he sounds. Just take a moment to think about this. An armed guard at the front door of every school in America. That’s the country that him and the people who vote for him want to live in. My God.


Can Anderson score? No.
Aug 13, 2006
Jog on
Statistically it is as dangerous to be a teacher/student in the USA as it is to be a cop in the USA. That is absolutely staggering.

For what it's worth, @Solius , I see you catching some flack here for thread banning @Revan but I think you're completely right given his absolutely idiotic, unjustifiable, irrelevant and bad faith arguments. His posts are so bad that they are effectively trolling and even on Twitter I suspect he would be banned for misleading/false information. We shouldn't waste our time lowering the debate to his gormless level when a far more interesting discussion can be had with everyone else who actually has a modicum of common sense/empathy.

You can buy a gun more easily than a car in the USA. Look at this 2 minute video. To anyone with half of a functioning brain-cell it is absolutely insane.

Anyone who argues that this is acceptable is a monster, a complete gowl and an absolute numbskull to boot.

I haven't seen much discussion of the 1 hour period where no cops interrupted the shooter whilst they were systematically executing the children. Right-leaning channels are pedalling the standard "thanks to the first-responders for responding so quickly" line, but this is the first time I've seen a voiceferous "WTF? An hour? That's unacceptable - cowards" from the other side. I would shy away from calling anyone a coward in this kind of a situation until all facts are known, but the videos of parents being tazed and cuffed are pretty fecked up, let's be honest.
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Full Member
Jun 2, 2004
About 5,600 kilometers from Old Trafford
Statistically it is as dangerous to be a teacher/student in the USA as it is to be a cop in the USA. That is absolutely staggering.

For what it's worth, @Solius , I see you catching some flack here for thread banning @Revan but I think you're completely right given his absolutely idiotic, unjustifiable, irrelevant and bad faith arguments. His posts are so bad that they are effectively trolling and even on Twitter I suspect he would be banned for misleading/false information. We shouldn't waste our time lowering the debate to his gormless level when a far more interesting discussion can be had with everyone else who actually has a modicum of common sense/empathy.

You can buy a gun more easily than a car in the USA. Look at this 2 minute video. To anyone with half of a functioning brain-cell it is absolutely insane.

Anyone who argues that this is acceptable is a monster, a complete gowl and an absolute numbskull to boot.
That's a great setup as well. Detailing how silly it was trying to by lotto tickets but then easily (and legally) getting a rifle. It's madness.


aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
The missing point in this Europe vs US dicussion is that it's getting worse everywhere. Also, the political and economic influence the US has in Europe will tend to narrow the gap I think. Random examples: 1) Boris being a Prime Minister. 2) NHS losing investment in favour of deals with privates. 3) Precarious jobs everywhere; 4) Portugal never had a far right politician in our parliament. Now there's 15 in there, from a Trumpist party, the third biggest political force. A bunch of idiots on MTG level. Only 5 years after Trump. Alt-right is ravaging our social networks too. It all gets copied.

Politics are global.
It’s not getting worse everywhere. In other first World countries school shootings simply don’t occur or are extremely extremely rare.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014

Absolute state of that. Poor kid probably thinks he’s just doing something ‘cool’
Don’t know what’s worse, the adulation for the kid or the fact that the kid knows how to both chamber a round & pop out a magazine.


Full Member
Oct 3, 2015

I know he’s a figure of fun at this point but it’s staggering how insane he sounds. Just take a moment to think about this. An armed guard at the front door of every school in America. That’s the country that him and the people who vote for him want to live in. My God.
What a twat. So the shooter was able to commit mass murder because he somehow magically knew in advance that the gate would be unlocked and therefore left his house to accomplish this mission? Not because he knew he had weapons so powerful that they can they take out dozens of people in a matter of minutes?

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee

I know he’s a figure of fun at this point but it’s staggering how insane he sounds. Just take a moment to think about this. An armed guard at the front door of every school in America. That’s the country that him and the people who vote for him want to live in. My God.


Can Anderson score? No.
Aug 13, 2006
Jog on
How much has Ted Cruz received from the NRA then?

Jesus some aspects of the USA are so backwards it's beyond belief.


Full Member
Jun 2, 2004
About 5,600 kilometers from Old Trafford
Cheers, I wonder how much he has really received if that's the official number !! I'd wager 10x that at least !

Any number is weird and too high though :lol:
Yeah, it's not just the formal NRA. It's massive donors and PACs that support what the NRA does as well. He has raised 63 million in the last 5 years, that kind of money has massive strings attached.


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014

There will be 14 acres of guns, accessories, etc. at the NRA event this weekend. 14 fecking acres.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
What do you mean? I don’t know anything about guns. I’m assuming this refers to the saying “don’t point the trigger at anything you don’t intend to shoot”
Almost. The tenet is that you keep your finger away from the trigger until you're ready to shoot. I didn't notice it at first, probably because of his tiny hands, but every time he cycles the bolt he pulls the trigger as well.