Paul Pogba being blackmailed by his own brother?

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Feel awful for him. And to have off this all played out in the media. Brutal.

You reap what you sow

He's spent his whole career trying to keep in the media limelight - including click bait bollocks from his agent and brothers in the past plus he himself disrespecting Man Utd with comments on more than one occasion
You reap what you sow

He's spent his whole career trying to keep in the media limelight - including click bait bollocks from his agent and brothers in the past plus he himself disrespecting Man Utd with comments on more than one occasion

Of course it's all Pogba's fault his own brother is blackmailing him:rolleyes:. There's hate and then there's Caf hate
Inappropriate Behavior
Of course it's all Pogba's fault his own brother is blackmailing him:rolleyes:. There's hate and then there's Caf hate

I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past

EDIT: just to be clear since many misunderstood, I meant that he deserves this being played out in the media - that was the point of the original post I replied to
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You reap what you sow

He's spent his whole career trying to keep in the media limelight - including click bait bollocks from his agent and brothers in the past plus he himself disrespecting Man Utd with comments on more than one occasion

I feel for the man. To each his own. (I for sure was not a fan of his as United player over the last couple years)
I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past

What has he said that is so bad that he deserves to be blackmailed or held at gunpoint?

That he is happier at the French national team where he has a role in a system and he doesnt have that at Manchester United? That might be the worse thing he has said. True too actually.

Also if you dont hate him but still think he deserves this than i dont even want to know what you think that people you do hate deserve....
He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past
I can only hope you mean that he deserves apathy/disdain/dislike from the Caf and United fanbase. He certainly doesn't deserve to be betrayed and criminally assaulted by his brother. That is extremely fecked up, and i really feel for him.
I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past
Wow... Do you feel it's good enough retribution for his hainous crimes of, checks notes, "not playing good for my lil football club" ? Or do you hope more will happen ? That he will miss the WC maybe ?
You reap what you sow

He's spent his whole career trying to keep in the media limelight - including click bait bollocks from his agent and brothers in the past plus he himself disrespecting Man Utd with comments on more than one occasion
Do you even realize how stupid you sound ?
You reap what you sow

He's spent his whole career trying to keep in the media limelight - including click bait bollocks from his agent and brothers in the past plus he himself disrespecting Man Utd with comments on more than one occasion
Ridiculously stupid post.
What does this situation have to do with Paul Pogba's intellect?
Don't think he's smart enough to handle these situations properly himself. We all hated him but Big Mino looked after him pretty well in that regard
I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past
No he doesn't. Stop being so stupidly bitter. Okay, he wasn't the best for us and could have done better from a PR standpoint. But that means he deserves to be blackmailed by his brother? Even held at gunpoint according to some reports?
You reap what you sow

He's spent his whole career trying to keep in the media limelight - including click bait bollocks from his agent and brothers in the past plus he himself disrespecting Man Utd with comments on more than one occasion

I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past

Wow. What the feck? :lol:

How does he deserve to be blackmailed and robbed at gunpoint because of how he supposedly acted and for words he uttered while employed at the football club you support? That's a bit weird man. You're doing a very good impression of an immature entitled gobshite with this nonsense.
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I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past

What a weird weird little post. Impressively thick, and you're someone who is meant to be scouting newbie posts?! This is the sort of post I'd see from a newbie and think "Thank god for the Newbie system". Painfully stupid post. The sort of logic and emotional intelligence I'd expect from a child.
You reap what you sow

He's spent his whole career trying to keep in the media limelight - including click bait bollocks from his agent and brothers in the past plus he himself disrespecting Man Utd with comments on more than one occasion
Is this a serious post, or am I missing the punchline? And you’re a ‘scout’ too. Hmm.
Keep on insinuating that Paul is in any way shape or form to blame for whats happened to him here Redcafe. Dont stop setting the standard for good, standup behavior.

I assume the white text is not needed.
While I have sympathy for the situation, don't forget there must be some truth to the witch doctor, fake injuries etc. nonsense otherwise there could be no blackmail plot. Paul isn't entirely free from blame in all of this.

Edit: just to be absolutely clear, I'm not saying he deserves this, as no-one does, and his brother is clearly a complete cnut.
Don't think he's smart enough to handle these situations properly himself. We all hated him but Big Mino looked after him pretty well in that regard
This sort of stuff does seem like Raiola’s bread and butter — he had a lot of players with troubled backgrounds on his agency, most notably Ibrahimovic. I think he most recently had that young Dutch talent Ihattaren, who he tried to move out of Netherlands to get him away from the gang crime but after his father (and maybe after Mino passed too) he’s ended up back in Amsterdam around the wrong people again.
While I have sympathy for the situation, don't forget there must be some truth to the witch doctor, fake injuries etc. nonsense otherwise there could be no blackmail plot. Paul isn't entirely free from blame in all of this.
What are the fake injuries? The only substantial claim I’ve seen Mathias has/had made was that Pogba approached a witch doctor to help heal him and [allegedly] injure Mbappe. The biggest problem with this from Paul’s perspective is he is a devout Muslim, and black magic/sorcery is seen as a grave sin.
This whole thing is just mental, must be absolutely heartbreaking to go through this with your family member. My brothers and I aren't the closest people in the world but i can gurantee that this shit would never even cross their mind if I were to get rich and famous, absolute batshit insane.

On the flip side though it's also not wishing ill on him to declare that I'm happy he isn't at the club anymore, this whole sh&tshow would be the last thing we need considering our last few seasons (Decade?)
This sort of stuff does seem like Raiola’s bread and butter — he had a lot of players with troubled backgrounds on his agency, most notably Ibrahimovic. I think he most recently had that young Dutch talent Ihattaren, who he tried to move out of Netherlands to get him away from the gang crime but after his father (and maybe after Mino passed too) he’s ended up back in Amsterdam around the wrong people again.
Yup, fatman looked after his players very well. On the downside, some of these guys probably don't know how to deal with his absence.
I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past
No wonder the quality of posting is going down if this is the sort of person scouting the newbies.
Hoping Pogba has a below par season at Juventus = Acceptable

Delighted he is being blackmailed by his family = Unacceptable

I was delighted Pogba left us and thought his behaviour whilst at the club at times was disgraceful but taking the hate too far is uncalled for. I hope he makes the WC as well, want to see as many players there as possible.
I can't imaging having shitty siblings. Gotta feel for Paul Pogba. His big brother as well.

Bigger brother, your two younger brothers are much better than you at football and earn way more money than you do. Mathias hasn’t even had a club in a while. I’d imagine he tried to compete with their lifestyles and simply can’t.
Money and jealousy can literally drive people to doing unthinkable things even to their own family.
Do feel for Paul massively, but in a weird way Mathias too. Must have eaten him alive for years.
I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past
Where did he touch you?
I didn't say it was his fault and nor do I hate him, but I find it bizarre any United fan could feel sorry for him

He deserves all this due to his actions and comments in the past

This is insane, Rood, are you doing a bit? If not this is probably one of the worst Redcafe takes ever.

One the one hand, he was held at gunpoint. On the other hand, he ... had Raiola as his agent. Aubameyang sulked for a whole season and didn't play, so he could get a free move to Barca. He then got his jaw broken in a robbery. Deserved? Di Maria hasn't been super respectful over the years, and in 2015 burglars tried to smash the door down while he was home eating dinner with his wife and daughter. Good thing?
I feel for the man. To each his own. (I for sure was not a fan of his as United player over the last couple years)
What has he said that is so bad that he deserves to be blackmailed or held at gunpoint?

That he is happier at the French national team where he has a role in a system and he doesnt have that at Manchester United? That might be the worse thing he has said. True too actually.

Also if you dont hate him but still think he deserves this than i dont even want to know what you think that people you do hate deserve....
I can only hope you mean that he deserves apathy/disdain/dislike from the Caf and United fanbase. He certainly doesn't deserve to be betrayed and criminally assaulted by his brother. That is extremely fecked up, and i really feel for him.
Wow... Do you feel it's good enough retribution for his hainous crimes of, checks notes, "not playing good for my lil football club" ? Or do you hope more will happen ? That he will miss the WC maybe ?
Do you even realize how stupid you sound ?
Ridiculously stupid post.
No he doesn't. Stop being so stupidly bitter. Okay, he wasn't the best for us and could have done better from a PR standpoint. But that means he deserves to be blackmailed by his brother? Even held at gunpoint according to some reports?
Wow. What the feck? :lol:

How does he deserve to be blackmailed and robbed at gunpoint because of how he supposedly acted and for words he uttered while employed at the football club you support? That's a bit weird man. You're doing a very good impression of an immature entitled gobshite with this nonsense.
What a weird weird little post. Impressively thick, and you're someone who is meant to be scouting newbie posts?! This is the sort of post I'd see from a newbie and think "Thank god for the Newbie system". Painfully stupid post. The sort of logic and emotional intelligence I'd expect from a child.
Is this a serious post, or am I missing the punchline? And you’re a ‘scout’ too. Hmm.
This is insane, Rood, are you doing a bit? If not this is probably one of the worst Redcafe takes ever.

One the one hand, he was held at gunpoint. On the other hand, he ... had Raiola as his agent. Aubameyang sulked for a whole season and didn't play, so he could get a free move to Barca. He then got his jaw broken in a robbery. Deserved? Di Maria hasn't been super respectful over the years, and in 2015 burglars tried to smash the door down while he was home eating dinner with his wife and daughter. Good thing?

My comment has been misunderstood, I probably should have phrased it better but I was originally replying to a post that said it was sad that Pogba has to have all this played out in the media

My opinion is that someone who spends pretty much his whole life looking for media attention, even going to unprecedented levels as to make a documentary about himself while still playing, cannot complain about having things played out in the media - hence the 'you reap what you sow' comment

I was not trying to say he deserves blackmail etc - it was a comment solely about having all this played out in the media with his brother putting out videos on social media etc
No he doesn't. Stop being so stupidly bitter. Okay, he wasn't the best for us and could have done better from a PR standpoint. But that means he deserves to be blackmailed by his brother? Even held at gunpoint according to some reports?
Oh come on, let them brothers decide what media game they playing. For all we know its fun and games in pigba family. Let them fight. They deserve one another. Who are we to judge familiar dispute.
Oh come on, let them brothers decide what media game they playing. For all we know its fun and games in pigba family. Let them fight. They deserve one another. Who are we to judge familiar dispute.
What a mess of a post.
My comment has been misunderstood, I probably should have phrased it better but I was originally replying to a post that said it was sad that Pogba has to have all this played out in the media

My opinion is that someone who spends pretty much his whole life looking for media attention, even going to unprecedented levels as to make a documentary about himself while still playing, cannot complain about having things played out in the media - hence the 'you reap what you sow' comment

I was not trying to say he deserves blackmail etc - it was a comment solely about having all this played out in the media with his brother putting out videos on social media etc

Nope, He doesn't deserve any of it, the blackmail, the media circus, all of it, he does not deserve it, I mean Ronaldo is also in the Media and Social Media and all, you wouldn't say he deserves any negative media circus for something that is not his fault.

He has the right to promote himself in anyway whatsoever, be it a doing a silly documentary, or whatever, he is not harming anyone and he certainly does not deserve to be blackmailed or being in a such terrible media circus that involves his family.

Do Better next time.
Isnt there a video of Pogba doing some voodoo stuff and cursing Mbappe? Or is that just rumours?

It sounds like the most rumourish rumour that was ever rumoured to be a rumour.

But hey - I'll watch the vid if anyone has it. I've started to actively dislike Mbappé, so I'd be cool with Pogba hexing him. Especially if it's done in a proper voodoo shed, like the one Lukaku has (according to Zlatan).
Nope, He doesn't deserve any of it, the blackmail, the media circus, all of it, he does not deserve it, I mean Ronaldo is also in the Media and Social Media and all, you wouldn't say he deserves any negative media circus for something that is not his fault.

He has the right to promote himself in anyway whatsoever, be it a doing a silly documentary, or whatever, he is not harming anyone and he certainly does not deserve to be blackmailed or being in a such terrible media circus that involves his family.

Do Better next time.

Players have the right to promote themselves but Pogba has gone out of his way to get media attention all his life and now taken this to unpredecented levels - I dont know of any other player who has done a documentary just for the sole purpose of bashing their old club so it is my opinion that if you decide to put yourself out there in the media to this level then you cannot complain when it comes back to bite you in the face

I make no comment on anything else as it is not clear what the details are so its all just rumour and speculation until the police investigation is complete - at the moment we have no idea whether this is just a family feud gone wrong or serious crime
Players have the right to promote themselves but Pogba has gone out of his way to get media attention all his life and now taken this to unpredecented levels - I dont know of any other player who has done a documentary just for the sole purpose of bashing their old club so it is my opinion that if you decide to put yourself out there in the media to this level then you cannot complain when it comes back to bite you in the face

I make no comment on anything else as it is not clear what the details are so its all just rumour and speculation until the police investigation is complete - at the moment we have no idea whether this is just a family feud gone wrong or serious crime

Speaking about levels, I'm sure you'd agree that Ronaldo has sought the limelight, to put it mildly. The way he left to Madrid also rubbed quite a few United fans the wrong way, again to put it mildly.

Earlier this year he was supposed to become a father to a set of twins. He didn't, one of them died. He was very sad. Do you find it bizarre that any United fan could feel sorry for him, do you think he deserves mockery and harassment for losing a child, do you think that's just attention coming back to bite him in the face?
Players have the right to promote themselves but Pogba has gone out of his way to get media attention all his life and now taken this to unpredecented levels - I dont know of any other player who has done a documentary just for the sole purpose of bashing their old club so it is my opinion that if you decide to put yourself out there in the media to this level then you cannot complain when it comes back to bite you in the face

I make no comment on anything else as it is not clear what the details are so its all just rumour and speculation until the police investigation is complete - at the moment we have no idea whether this is just a family feud gone wrong or serious crime

If for example his documentary is ridiculed, criticized, mocked or whatever, or if he is in media circus due to something he did himself like a silly instagram or twitter post, or caught cheating on his wife, fair enough, he brought it upon himself, but blackmail, or a kidnapping or robbed at gun point, none of that is his fault, he is the victim here ffs, saying he deserves the media circus from him being a victim just because he is an attention whore is unfair and lacks human decency, I even can accept if you, as United fan, are glad or relieved this is happening far away from United while having some empathy for Pogba's predicament, but to say he deserves it is a bit too much.

Of course we are assuming Pogba is the victim here based on current information, but if he is lying or involved in it himself in some way then sure, he deserves all the flak or media circus that follows it
Speaking about levels, I'm sure you'd agree that Ronaldo has sought the limelight, to put it mildly. The way he left to Madrid also rubbed quite a few United fans the wrong way, again to put it mildly.

Earlier this year he was supposed to become a father to a set of twins. He didn't, one of them died. He was very sad. Do you find it bizarre that any United fan could feel sorry for him, do you think he deserves mockery and harassment for losing a child, do you think that's just attention coming back to bite him in the face?

Stupid question which has nothing to do with the point I made so I'll not answer it
If for example his documentary is ridiculed, criticized, mocked or whatever, or if he is in media circus due to something he did himself like a silly instagram or twitter post, or caught cheating on his wife, fair enough, he brought it upon himself, but blackmail, or a kidnapping or robbed at gun point, none of that is his fault, he is the victim here ffs, saying he deserves the media circus from him being a victim just because he is an attention whore is unfair and lacks human decency, I even can accept if you, as United fan, are glad or relieved this is happening far away from United while having some empathy for Pogba's predicament, but to say he deserves it is a bit too much.

Of course we are assuming Pogba is the victim here based on current information, but if he is lying or involved in it himself in some way then sure, he deserves all the flak or media circus that follows it

Ive not said at any point that was his fault and neither do we know if any of that actually happened either

But yes I absolutely think he deserves the media circus due to being an attention whore and yes Im glad this is nothing to do with Man Utd
But yes I absolutely think he deserves the media circus due to being an attention whore and yes Im glad this is nothing to do with Man Utd

Most people would agree with that, especially the second part.

But you didn't say that, did you?

So, people - of course - reacted (to what you actually said at the time).

Hadn't it been easier to just state in no uncertain terms that what you originally posted was a bit over-the-top, and that you don't actually think he deserves to be robbed at gunpoint for being an attention whore?

I mean, couldn't you have done that after the first couple of (inevitable) replies to your post?
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