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Full Member
Apr 19, 2021
Seen almost constant explosions in Gaza since i turned a stream on 15 min ago
Hamas wanted this to happen and they got it. Now they can show the wounded and dead civilians they're hiding behind and prepare for urban warfare.


Full Member
Feb 1, 2022
I hear that photos of beheaded Israeli officers and little kids filmed inside cages with laughter by Hamas men in the background are doing the rounds on TikTok and Facebook.
Maybe Gaza will get flattened after all... this is a humiliation never seen before here.

Speaking from what I'm currently seeing and feeling around me, the Israeli public is utterly, utterly deflated, and the consensus is that "we're not doing anything at all".

My best friend is over there, in one of the elite units of the IDF. could easily been him beheaded. might happen to him, who knows.

logically, thinking about it with sense, I really really get the sentiment that most of you seem to hold. The oppression and occupation are batshit crazy, and Israel should have seen it coming / shouldn't be surprised it has finally happened to them.

killings of Palestinians indeed have been normalized (is that the right term?) throughout the years.

I can tell you firsthand that when there's yet another small, tiny mention of it in the news I, and many others, would be like "oh ffs, not again", but then you move on. especially if you live far away from confrontation zones. It's just something that happens since you were born. You hope that nobody you personally know will be affected by the 'conflict'.

I'm not even talking about those who are happy when Palestinians die, or refuse to use the term (Palestinian) because "there's no such nation/folk". These types of people used to never be in the Parliament or have a tiny representation in it. Now they run the government.

so this is me speaking as logically as I can.

But on an emotional level I'm so angry, so helpless. I'm mad at myself for keep being active in this thread. A part of me wants to hate most of you for your stances even though I bet you're good people, and I would hold the same views had I been a European.

I think the crux of it all is that Hammas, finally, has managed to make the average Israeli citizen feel what the people in Gaza/West Bank feel daily. The sheer helplessness. The uncontrollable anger that you're not sure who to direct it at. The fear of being slaughtered later during the week.

They obviously have it much much worse, they live in a cage. but they made us, me at least, taste the essence of their existence.

It's unbelievable. nothing can prepare you for such feelings.
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Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
The hatred of fanatics pours across the border. Israeli are now endangered everywhere until the mob cools down again.

Hamas wanted this to happen and they got it. Now they can show the wounded and dead civilians they're hiding behind and prepare for urban warfare.
By increasing the hate filled rhetoric and the levels of oppression the recently elected far right Israeli govt and their people got what they wanted...and they have their own dead to show off....


Full Member
Dec 3, 2017
It's folly to think AIPAC don't have a greater influence influence over American politics than other religious minority groups, and groups funded/run by the Israel government having it over others like in the UK. AIPAC are just like the energy, pharma etc lobby, they pump tons of money into politics to have an influence over decisions and policies.


Jan 14, 2010
I hear that photos of beheaded Israeli officers and little kids filmed inside cages with laughter by Hamas men in the background are doing the rounds on TikTok and Facebook.
Maybe Gaza will get flattened after all... this is a humiliation never seen before here.

Speaking from what I'm currently seeing and feeling around me, the Israeli public is utterly, utterly deflated, and the consensus is that "we're not doing anything at all".

My best friend is over there, in one of the elite units of the IDF. could easily been him beheaded. might happen to him, who knows.

logically, thinking about it with sense, I really really get the sentiment that most of you seem to hold. The oppression and occupation are batshit crazy, and Israel should have seen it coming / shouldn't be surprised it has finally happened to them.

killings of Palestinians indeed have been normalized (is that the right term?) throughout the years.

I can tell you firsthand that when there's yet another small, tiny mention of it in the news I, and many others, would be like "oh ffs, not again", but then you move on. especially if you live far away from confrontation zones. It's just something that happens since you were born. You hope that nobody you personally know will be affected by the 'conflict'.

I'm not even talking about those who are happy when Palestinians die, or refuse to use the term (Palestinian) because "there's no such nation/folk". These types of people used to never be in the Parliament or have a tiny representation in it. Now they run the government.

so this is me speaking as logically as I can.

But on an emotional level I'm so angry, so helpless. I'm mad at myself for keep being active in this thread. A part of me wants to hate most of you for your stances even though I bet you're good people, and I would hold the same views had I been a European.

I think the crux of it all is that Hammas, finally, has managed to make the average Israeli citizen feel what the people in Gaza/West Bank feel daily. The sheer helplessness. The uncontrollable anger that you're not sure who to direct it at. The fear of being slaughtered later during the week.

They obviously have it much much worse, they live in a cage. but they made us, me at least, taste the essence of their existence.

It's unbelievable. nothing can prepare you for such feelings.
An incredibly strong post and I hope you stay safe.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
I hear that photos of beheaded Israeli officers and little kids filmed inside cages with laughter by Hamas men in the background are doing the rounds on TikTok and Facebook.
Maybe Gaza will get flattened after all... this is a humiliation never seen before here.

Speaking from what I'm currently seeing and feeling around me, the Israeli public is utterly, utterly deflated, and the consensus is that "we're not doing anything at all".

My best friend is over there, in one of the elite units of the IDF. could easily been him beheaded. might happen to him, who knows.

logically, thinking about it with sense, I really really get the sentiment that most of you seem to hold. The oppression and occupation are batshit crazy, and Israel should have seen it coming / shouldn't be surprised it has finally happened to them.

killings of Palestinians indeed have been normalized (is that the right term?) throughout the years.

I can tell you firsthand that when there's yet another small, tiny mention of it in the news I, and many others, would be like "oh ffs, not again", but then you move on. especially if you live far away from confrontation zones. It's just something that happens since you were born. You hope that nobody you personally know will be affected by the 'conflict'.

I'm not even talking about those who are happy when Palestinians die, or refuse to use the term (Palestinian) because "there's no such nation/folk". These types of people used to never be in the Parliament or have a tiny representation in it. Now they run the government.

so this is me speaking as logically as I can.

But on an emotional level I'm so angry, so helpless. I'm mad at myself for keep being active in this thread. A part of me wants to hate most of you for your stances even though I bet you're good people, and I would hold the same views had I been a European.

I think the crux of it all is that Hammas, finally, has managed to make the average Israeli citizen feel what the people in Gaza/West Bank feel daily. The sheer helplessness. The uncontrollable anger that you're not sure who to direct it at. The fear of being slaughtered later during the week.

They obviously have it much much worse, they live in a cage. but they made us, me at least, taste the essence of their existence.

It's unbelievable. nothing can prepare you for such feelings.
Your comments are very powerful and strike a chord


Full Member
Oct 25, 2010
Hamas wanted this to happen and they got it. Now they can show the wounded and dead civilians they're hiding behind and prepare for urban warfare.
No doubt. I can't fathom how anyone can think Hamas had "no choice" but to go on a murderous rampage of Israeli civilians. If they cared about Palestinian lives, which they clearly don't, they'd never make this choice.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
52nd of 401st, usually active in the north. Could actually be 5th gen, I’m not able to tell the difference. Would make sense if it is, after the failure of the earlier models yesterday. It will be interesting to see if Israeli tank platoon design is vulnerable to the new tactics seen in Ukraine.

(ps. I love how these videos talk about large deployments and then show like 2 platoons instead of speeding up the clip to show a large deployment)


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
My opinion is that Israel simply wants too much. But in doing so, they're ignoring international opinion and also prolonging the conflict because what they want is not realistic (all Palestinians moving to neighbouring countries).

A 2-state solution still seems the best one. In that scenario Israel will likely still have security guarantees from the US, they'll still have their nukes and they would gain much needed PR.
2 state solution is dead and dusted. At this point, its Hamas or Israel, and I think we know how that one will end.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
2 state solution is dead and dusted. At this point, its Hamas or Israel, and I think we know how that one will end.
Do you mean Israel will go all the way to the end in destroying Hamas? Would they risk losing many Israeli soldier lives over this?


Flaming Full Member
Feb 8, 2014
There is no justification for some of the brutality dished out to Civilians in the last few days by Hamas. Holy feck, the whataboutism is insane in this thread. 100s of civilians massacred at a fecking rave, bomb shelters full of civilians including children gunned down, paraded and celebrated. Some of you need to give your head a wobble.

Yes Israel needs to feck off from the shit it's pulling but nothing justifies this shite. Nothing. Quite sickening in all honesty reading some of the comments in this thread.
Platituders gonna platitude.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Do you mean Israel will go all the way to the end in destroying Hamas? Would they risk losing many Israeli soldier lives over this?
Yes. They will likely not only destroy Hamas, they will probably militarily occupy Gaza going forward to make sure no Hamas replacement can germinate.


Full Member
Oct 10, 2006
Because its an awful comment and the stereotype encourages anger, aggression and hatred towards Jewish people.

Its also not true. The CEOs of Fox news, MSNBC, CNN for instance are all not Jewish. And even if they were, you can make comments about the bias on these news sites without referencing religion or ethnicity.

AIPAC does indeed wield strong political influence, as do powerful people in general. There are also many other lobbies which wield power.

Why is the news coverage so pro Israel? For lots of reasons. The evangelical christian right. The impression that it is the only democracy in the region and the strongest US ally. Historical Western guilt about treatment of the Jews. The tactics used by the Palestinians at times. The general American attitude towards Muslims/Middle Eastern people considering the last few decades of their foreign policy. And yes, the Jewish vote will also play a role, just as it does for other demographics too in some places (ie your views on Cuba if you're running in Florida).

Its not all some grand Jewish conspiracy and comments like those are not at all helpful to the situation, nor do they really help normal Jewish people around the world see it as anything other than an attack on them.
The bolded parts show you up. I know what you're trying to say, and I agree that people should be careful about anti Jewish tropes. I've been there myself in my younger days, understandably so since I've been horrifically discriminated against by zionist Jews my whole life. The problem is with zionists, and not Jews, that's the distinction. Zionism is an evil, supremacist and colonial movement that has devastated the middle east, and took the Jewry of the world hostage, through myth and propaganda. The zionist's effort to equate between anti zionism and anti semitism should be ridiculed.
Zionist influence on US media is hardly controversial. It should be pointed out and fought. Being afraid of seeming antisemitic to the point you play blind is unhealthy. That's not true left.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
Yes. They will likely not only destroy Hamas, they will probably militarily occupy Gaza going forward to make sure no Hamas replacement can germinate.
Weird how life goes, eh? Israel, by some accounts, helped create Hamas?

It also obscures Hamas's curious history. To a certain degree, the Islamist organization whose militant wing has rained rockets on Israel the past few weeks has the Jewish state to thank for its existence. Hamas launched in 1988 in Gaza at the time of the first intifada, or uprising, with a charter now infamous for its anti-Semitism and its refusal to accept the existence of the Israeli state. But for more than a decade prior, Israeli authorities actively enabled its rise.

"When I look back at the chain of events I think we made a mistake," one Israeli official who had worked in Gaza in the 1980s said in a 2009 interview with the Wall Street Journal's Andrew Higgins. "But at the time nobody thought about the possible results."


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
The bolded parts show you up. I know what you're trying to say, and I agree that people should be careful about anti Jewish tropes. I've been there myself in my younger days, understandably so since I've been horrifically discriminated against by zionist Jews my whole life. The problem is with zionists, and not Jews, that's the distinction. Zionism is an evil, supremacist and colonial movement that has devastated the middle east, and took the Jewry of the world hostage, through myth and propaganda. The zionist's effort to equate between anti zionism and anti semitism should be ridiculed.
Zionist influence on US media is hardly controversial. It should be pointed out and fought. Being afraid of seeming antisemitic to the point you play blind is unhealthy. That's not true left.
Show me up for what exactly?


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
Probably a show of force in case any other regional actors, including Hezbollah get any ideas.
Seems as pointless as the aid that is supposedly going Israel's way. The USA are not going to hit Lebanon with a naval bombardment. Israel does not need extra weapons or military support within the region, they are the undisputed hegemon.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Seems as pointless as the aid that is supposedly going Israel's way. The USA are not going to hit Lebanon with a naval bombardment. Israel does not need extra weapons or military support within the region, they are the undisputed hegemon.
Given the events of the past 36 hours, one can't be too cautious. The Israelis will be all tied up with a ground war in Gaza, so the likes of Hezbollah or Assad would have plenty of chances to advance their respective objectives in the north or in the Golan.


Full Member
Feb 1, 2022
Yes. They will likely not only destroy Hamas, they will probably militarily occupy Gaza going forward to make sure no Hamas replacement can germinate.
This will have an expiry date. the US fecked off from Iraq eventually and look what happened.

No one is going to destroy Hamas because Bibi doesn't want that. Also, it's well talked about (not on official channels) that there is an entire underground city in Gaza that you can't really penetrate with, quote on quote on quote, acceptable bombs one uses in wars.

Israel is not going to use one of those bombs whose name I'm not sure of (MOAB?).
They will stretch the limit of what the international community sees as a measured response, and nothing more.
This in and of itself means tens/hundreds of thousands dead in Gaza. kids, women, the lot.

If Israel had chosen to not play by the rules so to speak, all of the prisoners of Hamas that are in Israeli jails would have been executed in 10 seconds, for starters.

And also, Israel can't deal with Hezbollah coming into this war. can hardly handle a ground invasion of Gaza.
the firepower from Lebanon will bring this already wounded and demoralized country to its knees.

Hamas is going to win this one big time.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2014
Imagine the fear right now for the people living in gaza that they could be dead any minute. Missiles striking everywhere. Horrible.


Captain Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow!
Jun 28, 2014
My brain can't get pregnant!
Hamas wanted this to happen and they got it. Now they can show the wounded and dead civilians they're hiding behind and prepare for urban warfare.
Yes, they did, but so did Israel's current government too. Now they have the excuse they have wanted to go all out 'in defence' after the horrific attacks.

I would like to add that I've seen numerous posts from you, it's very clear what side of the fence you sit, and you often completely ignore any retort to your posts. It almost looks like a hit and run troll job.

The oppression and occupation are batshit crazy, and Israel should have seen it coming / shouldn't be surprised it has finally happened to them.
That's the thing though, as I said above, Israel aren't surprised. Many citizens won't be but the government certainly won't be either. You have got those who said this was coming and then you have those that engineered it through their handling of the situation. It's a no win situation for the Palestinians as ultimately they will yet again lose out. Unfortunately many with their lives and homes. Sadly many innocent Jews and other people will too.

But what was the answer?

Just look at the one sided losses of life and look at the continued loss of land. It's ethnic cleaning over a sustained period of time. It also doesn't show the stats of daily beatings, false arrests, rapes and persecution of people just trying to go about their daily lives. The restrictions placed upon normal Palestinians is insane and the treatment of them is barbaric.

I'm not defending HAMAS or what they did yesterday as it was vile, inhumane and lots.of innocent people suffered horrifically. But, nobody can be surprised that it happened as what other choice were they left with? Land keeps getting stolen and the disgusting treatment of their people continued on land they call home.

A two state system could only possibly have worked decades ago but not in recent times. The world continues to turn and countries send aid to either or both, but nobody has offered a solution that is acceptable to both parties, and that's because I honestly don't think there is one.

I feel for the people involved and think the horrors have only just started, and this is going to get a lot worse. I can see Israel finally taking much larger areas of land now and ultimately yet again the Palestinians will be made to suffer even more and yet again tens of thousands of people will lose their lives because of this.

I don't have the answers,.I wish I did, but I will say that I was sickened by the attacks yesterday and am sickened to see what's going on today. However, i'm also deeply sickened and saddened at the huge pro Israel and stand with Israel campaign that's being pounced on now. I cannot take anyone seriously who thinks this way. To not have any understanding of why this is happening or having no empathy for the Palestinians is simply beyond ignorant IMHO.