David Ornstein: Man Utd want to keep Marcus Rashford | Consideration of sale if Rashford wants to take on a new challenge or a substantial bid arrives

Who the heck is going to bid for Rashford? Even if they do, let's say 50m, would it be wise for us to sell him at that price and gamble on a replacement who could go either way?
How we deal with the likes of Rashford is the litmus test for how serious INEOS are about turning our club around.

If they want to go down the sponsor-please, journalist pandering path Woodward and Arnold pursued, then stick with underperforming, selfish lads like Rashford.

If they want to get serious and build a squad of hard-working, tenacious and skillful players then he should be nowhere near the club.
Quite clever really, brief the press that they're willing to let most of the first team go with Rashford first out of the door. Sell it as a "new era" instead of what it is, which is we are skint, need to balance the books and likely won't be making any major signings to replace them any time soon. Now is the time to do it if they're actually serious.

I won't be surprised if it happens. Keep those that have put in shifts this year, promote a bunch of the youth while going hard in the loan market. Frankly, I'm all for it.
At some point, ties need to be cut even if the future is uncertain. With Rashford, it's also very uncertain

Rashford is at least decent backup. Till we get players in who have established themselves, it'll be a gamble to sell Rashford cheap. There's no guarantee the players we replace him with will fare any better than Antony or Martial. If we get a good figure for him (50m+), we should chop the bidder's hands off.
It makes sense.

He's 26, now would be the time for a big move if he was going to make one. It could be best for all involved if he has a new challenge and we secure funds. I do think there's a decent chance that big sides will like his attributes and marketability even if it doesn't look so promising based on last season.

But there's also little point in selling him for an absolute pittance either just to see him gone so the clubs position makes sense.
Wow it only took two seasons to realise Rangnicks analysis of the squad was dead on. He may be a shit manager. He knew what he was saying about the squad though.
People agreed at the time, they just thought and posted at the time that he was stating the obvious and it didn't excuse his shite management....

Rangnick still having a cult following on here is another baffling thing about modern day fans

If he won’t push, we won’t shove. I can see why he stays — the likelihood of him getting an optimal move is low, and next season surely can’t be worse — for him or the club.

If he won’t push, we won’t shove. I can see why he stays — the likelihood of him getting an optimal move is low, and next season surely can’t be worse — for him or the club.

Maybe he needs to start running instead of jogging like a fat guy going for the ice cream truck.
He'll quite clearly stay because that huge offer just won't come. He's probably going to move on in a couple of years but it will be to a mid-table team after his contract is close to running out. He'll probably be playing for promoted sides by the time he's 30.

If he won’t push, we won’t shove. I can see why he stays — the likelihood of him getting an optimal move is low, and next season surely can’t be worse — for him or the club.

I think people would believe him if he broke into a sprint more often than bi-annually.
It makes sense.

He's 26, now would be the time for a big move if he was going to make one. It could be best for all involved if he has a new challenge and we secure funds. I do think there's a decent chance that big sides will like his attributes and marketability even if it doesn't look so promising based on last season.

But there's also little point in selling him for an absolute pittance either just to see him gone so the clubs position makes sense.
A lot of his status is what he done off the pitch. If he went to another country he would lose that, all they would care about is pitch performance
Rashford is at least decent backup. Till we get players in who have established themselves, it'll be a gamble to sell Rashford cheap. There's no guarantee the players we replace him with will fare any better than Antony or Martial. If we get a good figure for him (50m+), we should chop the bidder's hands off.
If he is sold, it won't be cheap that's for sure
If Salah's staying at the scousers then a £150 million fee with £750k a week wage should get the Saudi's the new poster boy they want...
I suspect there will be a lot more to this story before the summer is out.

It's a nothing story. United aren't selling their poster boy to another English club (the only ones that can afford his wages) to begin a new era, and Rashford isn't stupid to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. If there's something to read in it, it's a potential bras-De-fer about his status in the club. The new management saying "we like you here, but get your act together or else" and Rashford replying "i'm not going anywhere. See you in June 2028". I pity the next fool who'll come in to fix this dressing room.

If he won’t push, we won’t shove. I can see why he stays — the likelihood of him getting an optimal move is low, and next season surely can’t be worse — for him or the club.

We need Ronaldo to get on the phone to him pronto. Saudi is calling.
Let's keep all the non performing players and managers for the longest time possible. Cause we love it like that.
People agreed at the time, they just thought and posted at the time that he was stating the obvious and it didn't excuse his shite management....

No they didn't. There where many posters claiming he was talking rubbish, using Oles second place as their argument.
Maybe he needs to start running instead of jogging like a fat guy going for the ice cream truck.
Yes.... that will make all the difference wont it?

How about he just starts scoring again? I reckon that'll suffice...

No they didn't. There where many posters claiming he was talking rubbish, using Oles second place as their argument.
I was one of those stating it.... the thread is there for anyone to check
Who would pay him the wages that we're paying him anyway? If we're not selling him to an English club, who could afford him?

If he won’t push, we won’t shove. I can see why he stays — the likelihood of him getting an optimal move is low, and next season surely can’t be worse — for him or the club.

Of course, he wants to stay. He's in his comfort zone.
I don't think you can call somewhere he gets booed by his own fans a comfort zone.
Do you really believe he's lazy or have you just been fooled by TUS and their ilk?

The feck is TUS? No, I've watched all of our games and come to that conclusion by using my eyes. It's fine if you use Twitter accounts to think for you though.
It seems that Rashford would love to keep jogging around for 300k a week
Do you really believe he's lazy or have you just been fooled by TUS and their ilk?

Ah yes, the "carrying an injury" excuse that always pops up when a popular player starts going to shit. Also that tweet is shite as it doesn't mention his inability/unwillingness to press from the front (a much bigger issue than tracking back), go into any sort of duels (shys away from all of them), or just his general lack of efficiency still being as poor as ever 8 years into being a starting forward in the PL.

As has been discussed before, you can get away with being essentially a 0 out of possession if you're putting up Mbappe numbers in the final third. But when you aren't even close, it just becomes a gaping hole in the starting XI when trying to instill a tactical balance and cohesive team. It's not worth compensating that balance for a player that might get to 25+ G/A every other season in the most inefficient way possible.

If he won’t push, we won’t shove. I can see why he stays — the likelihood of him getting an optimal move is low, and next season surely can’t be worse — for him or the club.

Of course. The money is good.
My bad, Pablo. Miss the good'ol days, huh? Back in the day you could just shoot people but now you have to trawl message boards to shoot nonsense at other people.

Lo siento, Señor. I'll try to un-enjoy his debut goals against Arsenal or that goal against PSG or the goal last season against City, and many more over the last 6-7 years.
Depends what you want. Titles or circus. Since I moved from Colombia, I chose titles, you seem to like drama and circus