ALL Ronaldo's future/comments/speculation

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Stan Jefferson

Full Member
Feb 11, 2008
Madrid = Arsehole of Modern Football

I for one thought they were all a bunch of twats before this ronaldo saga ;)


Full Member
May 15, 2008
I always enjoyed watching Madrid in the past. I have to say their pursuit of Ronaldo has made me ditest a club I once enjoyed watching as a nutral, I even enjoyed the way they played last season!

Truth is that football is football is cut throat Madrid unsettled Ronaldo when he was away from Old Trafford and not with Sir Alex for advice. If the story in the NOTW about taking Ronnie's agent to court was even half true then we would have all the evidence we would need to persue the fact they have tapped up Ronaldo!

We unsettled Hargreaves in a similar way, but we actual had many negotiations with Bayern and made offers. Real have created a media frenzy and made only one bid and after the event fed story upon story to Marca.

Chelsea are doing it right now saying publically that they are courting Robinho and that they want him. This has unsettled him in exactly the same way, as only weeks or so ago he was happy at Real now his agent is saying he is dissullsioned.

Football is cut throat and Fergie is no Angel he has tapped up Stam, Robben and Mexes in the past. Robben and Mexes had tours of Old Trafford and the training ground whilst still under contract.

As for being biased......this is a MAN UTD forum! We are passionate about the Red Devils and we'll defend them til the end of time!


"I will cry if Rooney leaves"
Sep 20, 2004
Having recently discovered this site, couldn't believe how biased some here are that I had to make comments, albeit in this Newbie forum, I don't care.
Take it for granted, I do not approve this anti Real Madrid stance most have taken and why should I when all this fiasco was more or less generated by C Ronaldo's dream move comments. Sure, Calderon has maybe overstated our intrest in Ronaldo, but heck, if Ronaldo had any decency he would have had said it from the start that he's staying, avoiding all this media talk. So please, don't mock the club Real Madrid, mock your player who's a spoilt child. No true Madrista wants Ronaldo, I can inform you that.

My second point is regarding all this English Premier League hype that is getting out of hand. What, just because EPL clubs had nice representation in this year's CL, we'll label the other league's as rubbish? Admittedly, the big clubs in Italy lack money( or better said, lack of motivated investors, talking about Berlusconi, the second richest owner in football behind Abra, refusing to spend on the club's well being), while the ones in Spain have been badly managed and are behind their English counterparts but that's it. The Spanish, Italian and English midlevel are on par, the bottom is probably superior in Spain and in Italy. And really, it's not about leagues, but about nationality as well. What's with this Spanish and Italian hatred? Envy them for having better player than England?

This hype has lead to bad ratings. Take the Villa vs Berbatov thread for example. How can anyone call Villa overrated on the backing of what, one season? Even for that season, Villa has all the excuses in the world. I mean when you play with a bunch of idiotic missfits under the guidance of a madman coach you are bound to underperform. Villa has proven himself over the years, his game is absolutely top class and he is a natural finisher. The only reason Villa isn't at Liverpool is because of that 30 million price tag which is as true as it gets. If we are going to use the way of measurment some do here, then let's take Wayne Rooney, who by those standards is probably the most overrated player on Earth. He's overrated anyway, potential potential, but you know what, you can't keep on living on the backing this "potential". People here find excuses for Wayne, when it's obvious that for the last 2 season's he hasn't performed. He plays an important role for Manchester United, so his absence will lead to MUFC underperforming, nevertheless, the level of performance he has put in the last years has been... average. But let's leave Rooney out of this, for my money, Villa is a better player than Torres. The later is performing because EPL football basically matches all his strengths. In Spain, the gulf of class was ever so evident.

There are more points I'd like to make, but I'll end it here. I understand this is a Manchester United fan forum, but stop living in that dream world, ok? Well done on a double, but sitting on your laurels will only take you back to the 1999-2003 era. Good luck this coming season.
Some fair points in there, but surely you can see Calderon has acted disgracefully in all this - he ended up embarrassing himself, thankfully, but he certainly was arrogant enough to assume that the deal would go ahead regardless of what United thought.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004

Nothing against the Spanish league or the Madrid fans, so I can't really see why you need to bring this argument into the Ronaldo debate - Granted Ronaldo played a big part in all the nonsense, but Calderon with his daily dose of lies and spin has been shown up big time.

I reckon you guys should vent your frustration and anger at Calderon for making Madrid a laughing stock in world football.

Viva Ronaldo


Full Member
Aug 4, 2007
Having recently discovered this site, couldn't believe how biased some here are that I had to make comments, albeit in this Newbie forum, I don't care.
Take it for granted, I do not approve this anti Real Madrid stance most have taken and why should I when all this fiasco was more or less generated by C Ronaldo's dream move comments. Sure, Calderon has maybe overstated our intrest in Ronaldo, but heck, if Ronaldo had any decency he would have had said it from the start that he's staying, avoiding all this media talk. So please, don't mock the club Real Madrid, mock your player who's a spoilt child. No true Madrista wants Ronaldo, I can inform you that.

My second point is regarding all this English Premier League hype that is getting out of hand. What, just because EPL clubs had nice representation in this year's CL, we'll label the other league's as rubbish? Admittedly, the big clubs in Italy lack money( or better said, lack of motivated investors, talking about Berlusconi, the second richest owner in football behind Abra, refusing to spend on the club's well being), while the ones in Spain have been badly managed and are behind their English counterparts but that's it. The Spanish, Italian and English midlevel are on par, the bottom is probably superior in Spain and in Italy. And really, it's not about leagues, but about nationality as well. What's with this Spanish and Italian hatred? Envy them for having better player than England?

This hype has lead to bad ratings. Take the Villa vs Berbatov thread for example. How can anyone call Villa overrated on the backing of what, one season? Even for that season, Villa has all the excuses in the world. I mean when you play with a bunch of idiotic missfits under the guidance of a madman coach you are bound to underperform. Villa has proven himself over the years, his game is absolutely top class and he is a natural finisher. The only reason Villa isn't at Liverpool is because of that 30 million price tag which is as true as it gets. If we are going to use the way of measurment some do here, then let's take Wayne Rooney, who by those standards is probably the most overrated player on Earth. He's overrated anyway, potential potential, but you know what, you can't keep on living on the backing this "potential". People here find excuses for Wayne, when it's obvious that for the last 2 season's he hasn't performed. He plays an important role for Manchester United, so his absence will lead to MUFC underperforming, nevertheless, the level of performance he has put in the last years has been... average. But let's leave Rooney out of this, for my money, Villa is a better player than Torres. The later is performing because EPL football basically matches all his strengths. In Spain, the gulf of class was ever so evident.

There are more points I'd like to make, but I'll end it here. I understand this is a Manchester United fan forum, but stop living in that dream world, ok? Well done on a double, but sitting on your laurels will only take you back to the 1999-2003 era. Good luck this coming season.

well those idiots at the helm Calderon, Schuster were the ones who tried and succeeded in unsettling a contracted Man United player, i don't recall it being the other way around.

i would encourage your club's hierarchy to show class, respect and decency or at least behave like a world-class football club.

like it or not Rooney is a world-class player, name an attacking 22years old Spanish player he would do what Wayne does for Man United.

Calderon, Schuster, AS, Marca, £200.000 a week promis will unsettle any soul on earth let alone a 23yr old with Ronaldo's background.

on a final note:with regards to our forum being biased you are in a Man United forum, if you fail to notice.

Point Prunier

New Member
May 1, 2007
hanging out the back of it
There were calls from Arsenal, Munich and Inter for us not to sell Ronaldo to Madrid. A profiled indictment illustrating the opinion of "your" club right across Europe.

Giggs > Raul

United > Madrid

Premier League > La Liga

My Dad > Your Dad


Full Member
Jul 3, 2007
North Manchester
To be fair to the guy who has started this thread, he's obviously not a piss taker, and he has alot of good points to make from his point of view.


New Member
Apr 24, 2008
How would you feel if the Glazers used The Sun day-in/day-out to say how much they desired Sergio Ramos or Wesly Sneijder? How would you feel if they claimed you should be honoured to do business with Manchester United?

It's this whole "bigger than everyone else" attitude that annoys people. Yes you have a fantastic history, a fantastic club and some fantastic players. But that does not put you above everybody else when it comes to transfer dealings. You need to understand that you can't just wave your magic wand and have all the best players in the world join you.

The dollar signs may be too much for most players but the clubs aren't going to lie down and get their bellys tickeled no matter how hard you try. As far as I know a bid was never put down for Ronaldo. The reason why is because you don't have the money.

The constant courting, the daily statements of intent in that propoganda machine called Marca, Ronaldo flirting with the possibility. It was all intended to drive the price down. Well the Glazers are hard nosed businessmen who don't need to sell our best player and the best player in the world for less than he's worth.

If you want Ronaldo make a bid. "don't mock the club Real Madrid" just epitimises your club and all who are associated with it. You're not bigger than everyone else and you don't have the right to dictate the terms of any transfer.


Gentleness adorns everything
Sep 1, 2004
There's a Madrid fan in the newbies not happy with the bias shown on the caf regards his club.


Full Member
May 25, 2004
Beyond Good & Evil
Were you there? I've heard there were plenty of anti-Ron songs (not just from Pompey fans) as well.
Yup - there appeared to be a 'Viva...' after he appeared on the stadium tv.

Then I didn't really hear anything until the post-match watering holes - and all was positive there.

Having said that, there were loads of indistinguishable noises during the game.

marcus agrippa

Full Member
May 13, 2005
"Clattenburg!- Jesus God!" - SAF
to that Madrid lad in the newbies:

listen, Madrid were respected. i say 'were' because a succession of clownish presidents have turned them into some kind of circus. the likes of Perez and his Galacticos policy springs to mind. signing all-attacking players and hardly any defenders, signing for purely commercial motivations and not footballing ones, changing managers at the drop of a hat, even successful ones - what about the other day: Schuster, the coach, coming out to say that he's the last to know anything at the club - i mean, how is that any way to run a football club, huh?.....that sort of thing makes the rest of us on the outside looking in just shake our collective heads, smile at each other knowingly and say "well, that's Madrid, innit"?

this is not just the attitude of just us United fans, but pretty much fans everywhere except possibly Madrid fans. i know this because a lot of my friends aren't even United fans, much less fans of English clubs.

now we have Calderon (called 'President Tourettes' by the always funny and insightful 'La Liga Loca') with his strange pronouncements; his reach exceeding his grasp, he has attempted to sign unattainable players. you use your mouthpieces to attempt to unsettle players, then pretend innocence. forget Ronaldo - how about Kaka? - you had him pictured holding some kind of Madrid memento (i forget exactly what); the whole thing turned out to be photoshopped, forcing Galliani to say some very strong words (that, as long as Calderon's in charge, they'll never sell Kaka to you). how is that any way to treat a prestigious club like Milan? - and before you argue that it was Marca not Madrid, we all know of the relationship between the two of you; moreover, we know that a club of some class would have immediately distanced themselves from such a thing.

as for the 'overhyped EPL', well, the facts speak for themselves: we had three teams in the semis, true. but it runs deeper than that. we've had a team in the final every season since 2004-2005. this league is replete with quality now. you might be too young to remember, i don't know, but English clubs had a steep learning curve to scale when we were let back into Europe after Heysel. i believe that summit has been well and truly crested. English clubs had been dominant in Europe for a long time before that.

this sums it up for me. Calderon : 'they (United) should be proud that we want to sign one of their players'

respect goes both ways, son. if you don't give it, you won't get it.

and the circus goes on.


Full Member
Jan 19, 2008
Having recently discovered this site, couldn't believe how biased some here are that I had to make comments, albeit in this Newbie forum, I don't care.
Take it for granted, I do not approve this anti Real Madrid stance most have taken and why should I when all this fiasco was more or less generated by C Ronaldo's dream move comments. Sure, Calderon has maybe overstated our intrest in Ronaldo, but heck, if Ronaldo had any decency he would have had said it from the start that he's staying, avoiding all this media talk. So please, don't mock the club Real Madrid, mock your player who's a spoilt child. No true Madrista wants Ronaldo, I can inform you that.
Understatement of the year. Your club used their usual tactics of trying to unsettle a player, in order to get them to want to leave. I have seen it happen so many times before. Zidane, Cristiano Ronaldo, fat Ronaldo etc. A coincidence that the club involved each time were Real Madrid? I think not. Yes, Ronaldo should have ended the speculation. Nobody can disagree with that but ask yourself what unsettled Ronaldo in the first place? Your president is an absolute disgrace and I am amazed you can't see that. What kind of president gives out a poll to fans asking who they want to sign and when only the minority say Ronaldo, goes ahead and tries to sign him anyway? He will probably try to sign Kaka now and do you know why? because he doesn't care what position the player plays in, just that the player is a big name. Fine if you want someone like that running your club but I wouldn't be happy


Sep 27, 2004
I love librarians
to that Madrid lad in the newbies:

listen, Madrid were respected. i say 'were' because a succession of clownish presidents have turned them into some kind of circus. the likes of Perez and his Galacticos policy springs to mind. signing all-attacking players and hardly any defenders, signing for purely commercial motivations and not footballing ones, changing managers at the drop of a hat, even successful ones - what about the other day: Schuster, the coach, coming out to say that he's the last to know anything at the club - i mean, how is that any way to run a football club, huh?.....that sort of thing makes the rest of us on the outside looking in just shake our collective heads, smile at each other knowingly and say "well, that's Madrid, innit"?

this is not just the attitude of just us United fans, but pretty much fans everywhere except possibly Madrid fans. i know this because a lot of my friends aren't even United fans, much less fans of English clubs.

now we have Calderon (called 'President Tourettes' by the always funny and insightful 'La Liga Loca') with his strange pronouncements; his reach exceeding his grasp, he has attempted to sign unattainable players. you use your mouthpieces to attempt to unsettle players, then pretend innocence. forget Ronaldo - how about Kaka? - you had him pictured holding some kind of Madrid memento (i forget exactly what); the whole thing turned out to be photoshopped, forcing Galliani to say some very strong words (that, as long as Calderon's in charge, they'll never sell Kaka to you). how is that any way to treat a prestigious club like Milan? - and before you argue that it was Marca not Madrid, we all know of the relationship between the two of you; moreover, we know that a club of some class would have immediately distanced themselves from such a thing.

as for the 'overhyped EPL', well, the facts speak for themselves: we had three teams in the semis, true. but it runs deeper than that. we've had a team in the final every season since 2004-2005. this league is replete with quality now. you might be too young to remember, i don't know, but English clubs had a steep learning curve to scale when we were let back into Europe after Heysel. i believe that summit has been well and truly crested. English clubs had been dominant in Europe for a long time before that.

this sums it up for me. Calderon : 'they (United) should be proud that we want to sign one of their players'

respect goes both ways, son. if you don't give it, you won't get it.

and the circus goes on.

I just lurve this


I'd find it flattering if someone hard rubbed agai
Dec 12, 2004
Through extreme violence of course. Watch yourself, marcus


Jul 20, 1999
Location: Location:
about time this thread was closed?
Debate is still going on about how United fans will treat the Ron on his return. When that settles down this thread will die on its own without need for intervention. Right now its down to about 20,000 views a day from a peak of 30,000 so its not time to put it to bed.


Full Member
Nov 10, 2000
He looked bored and uninterested. Sell him?

On the other note, I thought he's in Beijing now?
Think he's supposed to be injured, isn't he? probably seeing Ronnie sat there and thinks, 'Shit, the cnut's still 'ere, no chance now, I've had it, come on Calderon, get the bastard!'

Red For Ever

Full Member
Jul 30, 2006
If Real push with that compensation bid over a contract agreed with Ronaldo, then that would automatically prove tapping up since we never accepted a bid, and since the approach is illegal can any contract signed then be void?

Its complete media bullshit.
Good point

B Cantona

Nov 28, 2006
Hated, Adored, Never Ignored
Just thought I'd tell everyone there were loads of pro-Ronaldo chants after the Community Shield.

I heard folk try it at the Greyhound, and barely anyone joined in before moving on to other chants. I heard plenty of people singing anti-Ronaldo songs, but not in any particularly large grouping. Personally I didn't sing anything Ronaldo orientated at all. He barely entered my thoughts at all on the day
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