Wesley Sneijder

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May 10, 2006
My first attempt at fully indulging myself in the muppetry that is the transfer forum by starting a thread in here. Came in here looking if anyone had started a thread about this lad, and to my surprise I couldn't find anything on the first couple of pages.

It looks pretty set that he's leaving Real now, and from what I have read in the papers he's mainly been linked up with Bayern. Anyone else think that this little gem of a player could actually make an impact for us?

Admittedly most of what I've seen this guy has been in the orange jersey of the Dutch national team, and from what I can tell from looking at his stats, he hasn't really been an unconditional success at Madrid. This season he seems to have been halted by injuries, which is always a drawback of course.

However, whenever I see his name in the first 11 he's one of those players I'm relishing the prospect of watching. The stuff he can do with the ball is simply amazing, and he has a vision for the game that is up there with the best. And I hate to make the comparison, because we all know there won't be a new Paul Scholes, but in terms of ability and style he does remind me of him.

He's at a good age to where he is likely to have his peak just ahead of him, good free-kick taker from what I have seen, and like I said I think he could really be a good signing for us, and I'm surprised that him being shipped out from Real hasn't gotten more attention than it has. He could be one of those Dutchmen that really only shines in the orange of the national team, but if the price is right I would really love to see us make a go at him.

What say you, the rest?
If he comes to the Premier League I reckon he'll flop.

And yes, he is a very talented player. Can't see why anyone compares him to Scholes though, since Sneijder's played out on the wing as often as he's played in the middle.
My first attempt at fully indulging myself in the muppetry that is the transfer forum by starting a thread in here. Came in here looking if anyone had started a thread about this lad, and to my surprise I couldn't find anything on the first couple of pages.

It looks pretty set that he's leaving Real now, and from what I have read in the papers he's mainly been linked up with Bayern. Anyone else think that this little gem of a player could actually make an impact for us?

Admittedly most of what I've seen this guy has been in the orange jersey of the Dutch national team, and from what I can tell from looking at his stats, he hasn't really been an unconditional success at Madrid. This season he seems to have been halted by injuries, which is always a drawback of course.

However, whenever I see his name in the first 11 he's one of those players I'm relishing the prospect of watching. The stuff he can do with the ball is simply amazing, and he has a vision for the game that is up there with the best. And I hate to make the comparison, because we all know there won't be a new Paul Scholes, but in terms of ability and style he does remind me of him.

He's at a good age to where he is likely to have his peak just ahead of him, good free-kick taker from what I have seen, and like I said I think he could really be a good signing for us, and I'm surprised that him being shipped out from Real hasn't gotten more attention than it has. He could be one of those Dutchmen that really only shines in the orange of the national team, but if the price is right I would really love to see us make a go at him.

What say you, the rest?

I haven't looked at the other forums in a week...

I haven't showered in 5 days.

Though, let me give you a tip.

Wherever possible, ALWAYS submit a youtube compilation of the player in question.
Its funny not so long ago he was being mentioned as one of best in the world, he had an amazing start with madrid scored 12 goals or something in no time at all. His injuries are worrying but other than that I think he'd be a quality addition. Cant really see it happening though.
If he comes to the Premier League I reckon he'll flop.

And yes, he is a very talented player. Can't see why anyone compares him to Scholes though, since Sneijder's played out on the wing as often as he's played in the middle.

Was talking more about style of play and ability - From what I can tell, as I said, he seem to possess many of the same attributes. And I never said Scholes wasn't a level above, all I said is that Sneijder is one of those players who the prospect of watching excites me.

And I have noticed that he's often played on the wing, even though he's not a typical wide-player at all.

As for YouTube vids, here you go:

Finishing off the most amazing goal of the 2008 Euros:

And a 4minute wrap-up of his first season at Madrid. Don't tell me some of these goals wouldn't look like it was Scholes himself if you had swapped that ugly white shirt for the red!

And I do agree that it's probably a very unlikely move, but I would really love to how he would do over here. I couldn't really see him flopping, because of his skill on the ball, vision, and because he's of the Dutch breed where fast-paced football is actually a trait, which suits the Premiership like a glove.
He's still better than Arteta though.

His eye for a killer pass is up there with the best, he's got a create first touch, he's an impressive dribbler and he's got a great strike, but the fact that he's been subbed off more times than any other player in the Madrid team since he moved there should point out his fitness problems, and well if you just watch him play you can see he's lazy.
Amazing player with the purest of strikes. Shame injury has fecked him up, along with poor physical fitness.

I hope that he can get fit and recapture previous form.
Loved him at Ajax, don't know anything about him in Madrid.
He's still better than Arteta though.

His eye for a killer pass is up there with the best, he's got a create first touch, he's an impressive dribbler and he's got a great strike, but the fact that he's been subbed off more times than any other player in the Madrid team since he moved there should point out his fitness problems, and well if you just watch him play you can see he's lazy.

Yes taking that into account it would certainly be a risk, but if the price is right I reckon it would be worth given how English clubs and United in particular have a reputation for having the most advanced physical training regime of all the clubs out there. Plus, if anything, cardio is probably the easiest thing to sort out in a player. Laziness though, is another beast altogether, but I'm sure Fergie's firm hand could enforce a certain work ethic into his mentality :smirk:

Amazing player with the purest of strikes. Shame injury has fecked him up, along with poor physical fitness.

I hope that he can get fit and recapture previous form.

Completely agree, and while I realize it most likely won't be with us, I just hope he can get back up there at his best. Because like I mentioned already, he's just one of those players who, when you see his name in the line-up, gives you expectations of seeing magical stuff during the next 90 minutes!
The only Real Madrid player I'm interested in is Casillas. And that Ronaldo fellow.

Apart from that I would prefer United to do as little business as possible with Real Madrid.
Wesley Sneijder wants to stay at Real Madrid and is looking to prove himself beyond the summer.

As the season closes the rumors about Real Madrid's players has intensified, including Sneijder. But at the moment he's not thinking about leaving.

“There is no reason to think about leaving Madrid. Nobody has said that I will go. I have had some unfortunate injuries, which has almost lost me the season, but I want to prove myself at Madrid after the summer,” says Wesley Sneijder.
I really dont see the point in making threads about players we would like to see SAF sign. Better to make a thread when he actually is on our radar :P thought it seems every player in the world is on it these days. Anyways, we wont buy anyone before the Ronaldo deal is done I guess.
Sneijder IMO will not leave Madrid..

i still cant help we should have pushed for him, van der vaart or diarra as part of the ronaldo deal

We probably didn't because we do not need any of those players.. Infact we don't need any of Real Madrid's players except probably Casillas & probably Higuain..

Also The Diarra you are talking about? Is that Lassana? I hope for your sake it is.. Because Mahamadou Diarra is a no no!
I really dont see the point in making threads about players we would like to see SAF sign. Better to make a thread when he actually is on our radar :P thought it seems every player in the world is on it these days. Anyways, we wont buy anyone before the Ronaldo deal is done I guess.

So, your post is pretty much void?
Wesley Sneijder wants to stay at Real Madrid and is looking to prove himself beyond the summer.

As the season closes the rumors about Real Madrid's players has intensified, including Sneijder. But at the moment he's not thinking about leaving.

“There is no reason to think about leaving Madrid. Nobody has said that I will go. I have had some unfortunate injuries, which has almost lost me the season, but I want to prove myself at Madrid after the summer,” says Wesley Sneijder.

Well that pretty much settles it then. I just saw in the papers a couple of days ago, mentioned in something hardly more than a footnote, that he was likely to leave and Bayern a likely destination.. Thought it was a shame it didn't get more attention.

I really dont see the point in making threads about players we would like to see SAF sign. Better to make a thread when he actually is on our radar :P thought it seems every player in the world is on it these days. Anyways, we wont buy anyone before the Ronaldo deal is done I guess.

Hehe, I see your point, but this is the transfer forum isn't it? Doesn't have to be United related transfers if I'm correct, and there's been transfer speculation surrounding Sneijder, so.

Sneijder IMO will not leave Madrid..

We probably didn't because we do not need any of those players.. Infact we don't need any of Real Madrid's players except probably Casillas & probably Higuain..

Also The Diarra you are talking about? Is that Lassana? I hope for your sake it is.. Because Mahamadou Diarra is a no no!

Oh please no!

And what makes Mahamadou a no no? Only aware that he's been out injured most season, and I haven't seen him play all that much, but from what I saw of him with Lyon in the CL, he wasn't half-bad.
Not what the CAF was saying 3/4 years ago

Real Madrid the place where careers die :smirk:

Well now we do have the benefit of Hindsight..

Oh please no!

And what makes Mahamadou a no no? Only aware that he's been out injured most season, and I haven't seen him play all that much, but from what I saw of him with Lyon in the CL, he wasn't half-bad.

That is why I said probably Higuain as we don't really need him.. but we can do with him if Tevez decides to leave.. He is versatile as he can play as a right sided winger or up-top...

As far as Diarra goes I do not think he is better than any of he players we have..

Carrick, Fletcher, Hargreaves & Anderson.. I would not change any of those four for Mahamadou & I am quite certain most on here would agree..
I think he's a good player but not someone who'd fit into our team. He's the type of player who plays in midfield but doesn't want to get his hands dirty. And thats not good when playing centrally.

Thats the impression I have anyway.
Fitness and work ethic are my only question marks over him, and even then I don't think he's an uber-lazy Riquelme type. Talent-wise I think he's underrated if anything. One of the most gifted and complete attacking midfielders in the world, and I'd love us to bid for him.
If his injury record wasnt so bad recently I'd love him to come. No point in having 2 injury prone midfielders though.
That is why I said probably Higuain as we don't really need him.. but we can do with him if Tevez decides to leave.. He is versatile as he can play as a right sided winger or up-top...

As far as Diarra goes I do not think he is better than any of he players we have..

Carrick, Fletcher, Hargreaves & Anderson.. I would not change any of those four for Mahamadou & I am quite certain most on here would agree..

Higuain is, from what I have seen of him, albeit limited to a single digit number of matches this season, around the same level as Tevez. I would rather just keep Carlitos. And you're probably right about Diarra, have only seen him a couple of times the season before for Madrid, and he didn't look spectacular by any means.

He is the type of player I can't see REAL letting go

Can't see why they would to be honest, but who knows with those guys. If there is any hold in the Bayern rumours, I could see them including him in a Ribery deal.

Hasn't he scored like two goals all season for Real?

Yeah, two goals and two assists this season, 18 starts. Nine goals and six assists in 27 starts in 07/08.

Fitness and work ethic are my only question marks over him, and even then I don't think he's an uber-lazy Riquelme type. Talent-wise I think he's underrated if anything. One of the most gifted and complete attacking midfielders in the world, and I'd love us to bid for him.

I don't see the scholes comparison myself. Scholes pretty much has it all (well apart from tackling) and he can dictate play in his sleep. Sneijder while being a good attacking midfielder can't dictate play at all. At times last season when Guti played badly so did Madrid.
Higuain's a better player than Sneijder.
I'd say he's a more consistent player, even though he is still only 21. Sneijder is a brilliant player when on form, I remember him being world class in his first few months at the Bernabeu, but then injuries hit him and his confidence crushed at once.
On a sidenote Real would be fecking idiots to do a player (in this particular case Higuain) + cash deal with Inter to get Ibrahimovic. Higuain has been their best player in 2008/09.
I'd say he's a more consistent player, even though he is still only 21. Sneijder is a brilliant player when on form, I remember him being world class in his first few months at the Bernabeu, but then injuries hit him and his confidence crushed at once.
On a sidenote Real would be fecking idiots to do a player (in this particular case Higuain) + cash deal with Inter to get Ibrahimovic. Higuain has been their best player in 2008/09.

Yes but if they continue to sign Galacticos he wont even make the starting 11 often next season. So he'd probably be okay moving on in that deal.
Yes but if they continue to sign Galacticos he wont even make the starting 11 often next season. So he'd probably be okay moving on in that deal.

They're not able to cough up a sum that could be seen as fair for someone of Villa's Calibur, so I think its safe to say that they won't be adding any more Galacticos (unless they sell alot of players but they'd lose depth that way though).
They're not able to cough up a sum that could be seen as fair for someone of Villa's Calibur, so I think its safe to say that they won't be adding any more Galacticos (unless they sell alot of players but they'd lose depth that way though).

They are able to, but they choose not to. They see Valencia's situation and feel they can get the player for cheap else they'll opt for Forlan who is available due to the buyout on his contract being just 1 million euros more than they bid for Villa.

The only reason they arent busting the bank for Villa is he's Spanish so not eligible to be considered a "Galactico". They are saving the pennies for Ribery and the rest as they'll be the ones who sell t-shirts in foreign lands.
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