2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Thanks. Predictable. Wish he would just feck off now and go to prison.
Second that!

I know all odds usually are against convicting the rich and powerful, but I really can't see how Trump is going to survive the inevitable onslaught of potential cases that may be launched against him in the coming months.

Mueller laid the ground work based on the election campaign, then you have all the stuff related to Ukraine, now potential bribery and the way he uses pardons. There surely must be a few skeletons we don't know of yet, but his staff surely must know about if say Congress starts digging into that. On top of this the NY state attorney is apparently ready to charge for things he did before his inaguration. I know he's dodged everything in the past, but thanks to his presidency he's now directed all spotlights on himself and his family.

At least he surely will be bogged down in court for years to come. He won't get a moment of peace.
Has Trump reacted to Barr saying no fraud yet? That’ll be juicy.
Probably worth the risk cause this DoJ aren't interested in pursuing fInancial crimes.

Their strategy is perfect. Lower the number of Republican votes next month. Results come out: Democrats win in a landslide.

Trump team claim that this is proof of further fraud. How could the Democrats win by so much if they weren't cheating? This is clear evidence of wrongdoing. What's that? You say we told people not to vote. No we didn't, stop lying.
In all seriousness I'm thinking she might need to be protected from herself. This level of deranged behavior must be due to a mental breakdown at some point and should be dealt with with by professionals.

I think it is exactly on purpose, to delay things for the grift to go on.
Rudy Giuliani makes unhinged closing remarks at Michigan election hearing

"Ballots cast secretly!"

"Republicans observers not allowed!" (contrary to what the affidavits say)

No proof, just Raving Rudy's crazy opinion. ("I don't know what the real votes are but it's 300-400k votes off" - compelling)

"Hack judges" [appointed by Trump].

Zero understanding of what freedom of religion is. :lol: I cannot wait until this charlatan's fall from grace is complete.
In all seriousness I'm thinking she might need to be protected from herself. This level of deranged behavior must be due to a mental breakdown at some point and should be dealt with with by professionals.
That usually means calling the police over there, I'm not sure that'll help.
Take with a pinch of salt.

New Poll: Warnock and Ossoff Leading Georgia Runoffs, Which Would Give Democrats Control of Senate


Black leftist Warnock's margin is bigger than white moderate Ossoff's, in Georgia ...
Take with a pinch of salt.

New Poll: Warnock and Ossoff Leading Georgia Runoffs, Which Would Give Democrats Control of Senate


Wait till another crumbs like Stimulus comes through, the kind Mitch McTurtle wants ($500bill - no stimulus checks but $300 a week unemployment but no extension and added protections for businesses for being sued for catching the Rona) and everybody will be in awe again and the Republicans get away with it and the Democrats once again shoot themselves in the foot.

The corruption just never ends...

Never ends....and plays right into their hysterical narrative of "deep state trying to stop Trump". It's so pervasive that literally anything being done right now to stop the march to authoritarianism plays right into their delusions
Erick Ericksson and the tea party people pushing the theory that Lin wood and the kraken are deep state agents trying to sabotage georgia bye election. Apparently wood voted and donated to democrats all his life
Erick Ericksson and the tea party people pushing the theory that Lin wood and the kraken are deep state agents trying to sabotage georgia bye election. Apparently wood voted and donated to democrats all his life

When the conspiracy theories form a mobius strip, they have reached their final form.
Erick Ericksson and the tea party people pushing the theory that Lin wood and the kraken are deep state agents trying to sabotage georgia bye election. Apparently wood voted and donated to democrats all his life
That Wood bloke 100% looks like satire, however same is true for everyone who ever wore a MAGA cap.
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