2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Could it be they states are intentionally drawing out the process to soften the blow and avoid any civil unrest?
In the battle of the Nate's..... cohn is far superior
Yeah, Cohn sticks more to figuring out what's what based on actual votes coming in on the night, and he does seem pretty good at it. The needles, and therefore their underlying models, are pretty good once they start to get actual vote data.
This is a great summary of the stuff received from GA so far (today) and what was expected. Most left is heavily Dem still, and even the heavily GOP areas, Biden's been running about even.

Good stuff. Hereby I call GA to Biden.
Nevada and Arizona have wasted their moment of glory. Could have been decisive but by the time they are done Biden will have taken Pennsylvania and Georgia.
So Pennsylvania secretary of state hates Trump. Hopefully she is trying to get the votes counted quickly so that Pennsylvania is the one that gives him the final L
Many of them are heavily into public "virtue signalling" - and they think that the more they raise their hands to the sky and the more loudly and often they proclaim 'hallejuah', 'praise the Lord' and the like, the more virtuous they are.

If Jesus called round for tea and biscuits he'd get the door slammed in his face by them for being a pacifist, liberal 'do-gooder'. The depth of their hypocrisy, bad faith, shallowness and delusion knows no bounds.

South park did quite a good episode about this, the hypocrisy of the modern day American Christian, where Jesus didn't like what they were doing, and they in turned locked up Jesus and planned to execute him. It was one of their Easter specials.
What is actually causing the slowness in Arizona and Nevada? Like, I don’t get it. Does anyone have real insight?

There was something about not being able to legally count the votes until tomorrow, I think that was in Nevada. I might be wrong though
Yeah, Cohn sticks more to figuring out what's what based on actual votes coming in on the night, and he does seem pretty good at it. The needles, and therefore their underlying models, are pretty good once they start to get actual vote data.
Needle was extremely helpful early on, and betting Florida and NC for Trump was nice, whilst having a large position on Biden. Nothing better than +ev-hedge!
Just read on BBC PA is aiming to be done by Friday? I swear someone on here said they’re hoping to be done today?

This is a shitshow at this stage.
Yeah, Cohn sticks more to figuring out what's what based on actual votes coming in on the night, and he does seem pretty good at it. The needles, and therefore their underlying models, are pretty good once they start to get actual vote data.

Those needles can go feck themselves. They were absolutely terrible.
What is actually causing the slowness in Arizona and Nevada? Like, I don’t get it. Does anyone have real insight?

It's always slow but because these states are in the spotlight and there is no call yet in PA, they are in the spotlight.
I watched Fox News for 10 mins - couldn't take anymore. It was full of dark hints of voter fraud.

Even now, they can't handle the truth that Trump is gone.
No one wants the title as the state that won Biden the election. They'll be redirecting their entire 2021 budget towards the inevitable lawsuit.
Those needles can go feck themselves. They were absolutely terrible.
Reacted very well early-on on FL and NC. And after the mistake in GA reporting was corrected turned blue also before most estimates.
Why is everyone moaning about the counting? Everyone was warned for weeks and weeks that we would have extra delays this year, due to over 100 million ballots being cast before election day and lots of states had to extend the voting deadlines for mail-in ballots.
I think the fox news election team calls PA in the next big update. They give no fecks about saving trump.
To all the folks saying that they're annoyed that Trump got so many votes; just be grateful that you didn't have a Brexit Referendum/Tory Majority UK Election scenario.

Besides, as Fox are already doing; with Trump gone the center will shift a little bit further away from the right, and right wing news sources like Fox will go back to be right wing instead of extreme right wing. Biden is a normaliser, and the Republicans will probably go for someone less mad than Trump next time. Fox News will tell their viewers that Biden is a commie devil, sure, but they won't have to echo Trump's fascist-like musings just to keep him on side anymore. You can already see them discarding him and basing their entire narrative on what he would think of it.

I wish we had that in the UK - a way for our politics to shift back into the center for a little bit. The REAL center, not this right wing shite that everyone just thinks is the center now because we've been slowly pushing away from the left for the last couple of decades. (Actually I wish we were left wing, but beggars can't be choosers)
Yeah, I gave it my best shot, but I'm done with Fox News. Shitloads of unsubstantiated claims of fraud and people yelling on top of each other. I have no idea how people can watch tripe every day.
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