Television 3 Body Problem

Yea i thought it was good. Casting is poor as is the cinematography. Plus the fact that the best scientists in the planet all seem to be friends - too much of a coincidence for me.

Id watch season 2 but i doubt netflix will renew.
I thought that Da Shi and Ye Wenjie were well cast. Auggie is dreadful on all levels, but she doesn't exist in the book.

Much of the storyline remains true to the book. But i feel like the show is rushed and lazy in explaining the sci-fi concepts the books put so much emphasis on.

My reco: read the books. They are superior.
They shouldnt have split the one character into the five oxford "geniuses."
Yea i thought it was good. Casting is poor as is the cinematography. Plus the fact that the best scientists in the planet all seem to be friends - too much of a coincidence for me.

Id watch season 2 but i doubt netflix will renew.
Netflix are in a real pickle over this. They released this to huge fanfare, and it was supposed to be the prestige show that kept subscribers and earned them new ones. It's at 80% on Rotten Tomatoes, so most of the "critics" like it. Season 2 and later production costs will snowball. Is it worth $200 million to continue this? 8 episodes at roughly $25 million apiece is astounding price tag. will they see it through to the end or cut their losses, or farm it out to someone else and finish it on the cheap?

I felt like I was doing homework getting to the end of Season 1, and I won't be watching Season 2 unless people are saying it's blowing the roof off the joint. I think this could have been a great series, if the Fallout team had done it. It just looks and sounds so stupid. It's not a total disaster, but it is about what you get on the SyFy Channel.
Netflix are in a real pickle over this. They released this to huge fanfare, and it was supposed to be the prestige show that kept subscribers and earned them new ones. It's at 80% on Rotten Tomatoes, so most of the "critics" like it. I felt like I was doing homework getting to the end of Season 1, and I won't be watching Season 2 unless people are saying it's blowing the roof off the joint. I think this could have been a great series, if the Fallout team had done it. It just looks and sounds so stupid. It's not a total disaster, but it is about what you get on the SyFy Channel.

Yea i concur. It is not HBO standard.
Yea i concur. It is not HBO standard.
If you read the RT reviews, there seems to be a conscious effort to rehabilitate Weiss & Benioff and absolve them of taking a huge, steaming shit on Game Of Thrones. I'm not buying the redemption arc.

The negative reviews always feel more honest, and are more entertaining to read:

"Most of 3 Body Problem’s adaptation choices just feel like failed attempts to spice things up."
"A misfire in every way, 3 Body Problem has some talented actors delivering some memorable moments, but none of it adds up to an experience that is satisfying, fulfilling, or even all that enjoyable."
"Based on the way this season all but runs out of momentum at the finale, its ticking countdown may come to an end sooner than later."
"Netflix's 3 Body Problem plays things too safe, edgy and drab despite the book's wild vision."
"The show should be a celebration, a statement, a home run swing. Instead its style is anonymous, the work of a corporate author rather than an artistic intelligence."
"In the boldest though not best departure from the source material, we’re introduced to a group of young and deeply uninteresting brainiacs known as the “Oxford Five,” who are similarly rocked by anomalies that cast everything they know about physics into question."
"Whatever captivated American readers when the novel was first translated into English in 2014 is barely evident in this ungainly, forgettable TV series."
"This is a story about sacrifice and the ability to be concerned about more than the moment you’re in, and when faced with these kinds of large, ruminative dilemmas... yet somehow 3 Body Problem does not, in any way, feel urgent."
"When a book is deemed “unadaptable”, it is almost interpreted as a challenge. Of course, no book is really unadaptable; the problem is that rendering it on screen will simply be too dull, or confusing. 3 Body Problem is somehow both."
"It’s the equivalent of a cheap house flip, gutting a beautiful midcentury structure and redoing every room in shades of millennial gray."
"A collection of mysteries that, while rarely boring, is too untidy to consistently grip the imagination."
"Most of 3 Body Problem’s adaptation choices just feel like failed attempts to spice things up."
"... A tired, heavy, slow and drawn-out resolution that is finally expressed in three long yawns."
"The background material is weak, and the new ideas are virtually all depressingly familiar."
It is like they really wanted some spicy character drama out of their Oxford 5 so decided to give them the maturity level of your average fresher while trying to present them as world leading scientific minds. A really poor fit for the feel of the source material.
I was really stoned when I watched so likely missed something but.....

why did the aliens tip them off about the ships coming and how much time they had? and also admit they expected human tech to surpass it by the time they arrived?
I was really stoned when I watched so likely missed something but.....

why did the aliens tip them off about the ships coming and how much time they had? and also admit they expected human tech to surpass it by the time they arrived?

What I find weirder is

Why does everybody trust that the aliens are telling the truth just because they said they can’t lie
It felt like they jumped the shark a bit with that Panama episode.
I was really stoned when I watched so likely missed something but.....

why did the aliens tip them off about the ships coming and how much time they had? and also admit they expected human tech to surpass it by the time they arrived?

The whole concept about them not being able to lie is one thing but they just blurted out the info on their own accord, they weren't asked to the point they couldn't lie. It was bizarre.

I don't think there is any mystery to the show left. The hook for me was the mystery and it was enjoyable the first half but it seems like most of the Q's have been answered. I guess it's the same In the books (maybe not dunno) but there's not much in terms of mystery left.
It's taken pretty much directly from the books, but they miss out all the explanation (for why they particularly use this method) and there's more build up in the books (naturally) so I'd agree it just all feels a little off.
That's kinda what I thought. It seemed like they ran an incredibly high risk of destroying what they were after, but luckily plot armour saved them.

The whole concept about them not being able to lie is one thing but they just blurted out the info on their own accord, they weren't asked to the point they couldn't lie. It was bizarre.

I don't think there is any mystery to the show left. The hook for me was the mystery and it was enjoyable the first half but it seems like most of the Q's have been answered. I guess it's the same In the books (maybe not dunno) but there's not much in terms of mystery left.
You have no idea..The first book is just a warmup, things gets really crazy in the next books..
You have no idea..The first book is just a warmup, things gets really crazy in the next books..
That's good and promising. Hopefully translates well onto tv and they do a good job adapting it then based on your comment.
I thought it started really well, the middle episodes were intriguing. I even liked the music score.

But after that ship episode it went to shit. I was so bored I almost felt like giving up. I didn't mind Auggie, she's annoying yes but at least she's a looker.

That cancer guy however, feck me what a dullard of a character.
I thought the TV show started quite nice, with mystery etc. But the last few episodes were a bit shit. The sixth episode pretty much nothing happened, with just characters having some dialogues written by George Lucas with each other, and then in the seventh and eighth episode they made the plan, which in the end did not work.

I found pretty much all the characters a bit shit. The cancer guy, not sure I understand what was his point, the Asian scientist arc was ok but the actress was bad, Eiza Gonzales' talent is on the looks, but not on acting (and also her arc was shit), and her feckboy did pretty much nothing in the entire show. Samwell Tarly was ok but got chopped too early. I think the only character I liked was the Asian detective from Manchester. But he was more like a Hound/Bronn character that makes funny jokes, which is fine, but still a tertiary character. Oh and I forgot the wooden boyfriend.

Considering that the best part of the story is already been told, I assume it is gonna get worse in the future.
Convinced now game of thrones was a fluke and these 2 are absolute frauds

I suspect the HBO template played a role in its success. HBO have very specific way of filming shows. You could almost watch a series without knowing it was HBO backed and be able to guess it was HBO through the cinematography, casting, story etc.

The whole concept about them not being able to lie is one thing but they just blurted out the info on their own accord, they weren't asked to the point they couldn't lie. It was bizarre.

I don't think there is any mystery to the show left. The hook for me was the mystery and it was enjoyable the first half but it seems like most of the Q's have been answered. I guess it's the same In the books (maybe not dunno) but there's not much in terms of mystery left.

I just don't quite buy the idea a super advanced race of beings wouldn't be able to comprehend the idea of lies/deceit. Especially when their own invasion tactics include things like optical illusions and creating false scientific results.

As for the books. The story and vastness of it hasn't gotten started really. The second and third books would be very difficult to adapt and do justice on a netflix budget. They also definitely wouldn't be able to carry on padding it out with teen angsty style drama without straying horribly off path.
I really enjoyed it and want more seasons. Maybe my suspension of disbelief won't be rewarded, as is often the case with sc fi, but I really want to find out.
I'm close to finishing the second book. Might start the series after. Does anyone know how much of the books it covers?
I'm close to finishing the second book. Might start the series after. Does anyone know how much of the books it covers?
Season 1 got about halfway into book 2 (which I never finished). They skipped a ton of things of course and switched some things around. They shouldn't be able to milk it much beyond one more season.

That article says: "...the streamer notably didn’t refer to the extension as a “Season 2.” Instead, it appears to be more of a case of Netflix ordering “additional episodes” instead of a new, full Season 2 order.
...In an April interview with Collider, Benioff said the team would “need at least three, maybe four seasons to tell the whole story.”
No fecking chance this thing goes 4 seasons, even 3 would be a massive stretch.
i'm going to amend my initial review. Not to take the thread off topic, but after watching Fallout, I cannot believe how badly this adaptation was handled. I really like the book and there's plenty i enjoyed in the series, but Fallout's characters and world building actually makes sad for the 3 Body Problem devotees. The contrast is night and day. None of these characters even feel real now, and the "cheapness" of things like the CGI and overall visuals, I feel like we were punked by Netflix.
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i'm going to amend my initial review. Not to take the thread off topic, but after watching Fallout, I cannot believe how badly this adaptation was handled. I really like the book and there's plenty i enjoyed in the series, but Fallout's characters and world building actually makes sad for the 3 Body Problem devotees. The contrast is night and day. None of these characters even feel real now, and the "cheapness" of things like the CGI and overall visuals, I feel like we were punked by Netflix.
I thought the same thing! It’s a shame because we will never get a good version of this story now, or maybe in 10 years someone will try to adapt it again.

It reminds me of the American remake of Max Headroom. They took all the edgy stuff out and replaced the cool actors with stock American character actors, lost the tone and vibe, and it bombed.
I thought the same thing! It’s a shame because we will never get a good version of this story now, or maybe in 10 years someone will try to adapt it again.

It reminds me of the American remake of Max Headroom. They took all the edgy stuff out and replaced the cool actors with stock American character actors, lost the tone and vibe, and it bombed.

Looking back, I feel like I watched a generic UK crime show with a sci-fi story bolted on, with the budget of a 1990's Doctor Who. Again, there are things I enjoyed, but wow, I can't believe how "surface level" this series was done. I think the only thing I liked looking back would be Benedict Wong's performance. The trisolaran's representation in the show now makes me cringe like the bad early 2000s sci-fi shows.

Man, what were they thinking?
Looking back, I feel like I watched a generic UK crime show with a sci-fi story bolted on, with the budget of a 1990's Doctor Who. Again, there are things I enjoyed, but wow, I can't believe how "surface level" this series was done. I think the only thing I liked looking back would be Benedict Wong's performance. The trisolaran's representation in the show now makes me cringe like the bad early 2000s sci-fi shows.

Man, what were they thinking?
And how bad is the Onion Knight? “All right you fecking cnuts, you know I mean business because i show I am important by swearing cartoonishly.” The cast was just awful and the directing a total mismatch.
So I’m nearly finished this after reading the first two books. It’s… fine I guess.

As many have said. Most of the characters are crap. I found myself not giving a shit about half of them. The first book especially is not very character driven (you could replace Wang Miao with someone else and get the same results) get so I get that it might be harder to portray on TV but they basically turned one person in the books into like 4 random annoying scientists.

The game thing was done decently, plus the sophon explanation. Basically anything about the main concept of the books was good. The pointless drama between annoying people not so.

I don’t really get the brain in a jar thing which is a bit of a diversion and I’m guessing they’re making Saul the Luo Ji character. Can’t see that working either.
Sounds like not reading the book(s) is a good idea if you want to enjoy this. The books also sound terribly written or translated or both, so I don't think I'll bother reading them.
Sounds like not reading the book(s) is a good idea if you want to enjoy this. The books also sound terribly written or translated or both, so I don't think I'll bother reading them.
Tbf I didn't read the books and I had some of the same criticisms as those who did?? Ok maybe less.

I enjoyed it until the boat scene but the main characters aren't likeable and the last third was dragging mostly
Sounds like not reading the book(s) is a good idea if you want to enjoy this. The books also sound terribly written or translated or both, so I don't think I'll bother reading them.

I’ve read the first two and really enjoyed both tbf. Had no issues with the writing or translations.
Sounds like not reading the book(s) is a good idea if you want to enjoy this. The books also sound terribly written or translated or both, so I don't think I'll bother reading them.
The books are incredible if you want to read ideas-driven, hard sci-fi. If you're more interested in character focused stories then you'll be disappointed.

Their multiple awards and stellar good reads scores are well deserved. In my opinion.
Generally agree with the consensus here

The time it took for Saul to realise they were still treating him as a wallfacer, I mean Christ dude you’re meant to be one of the smartest people on the planet? :lol:

Auggie played her character so ridiculously one note all season, just perma scowl. The Oxford 5 all pretty shit to be honest.

The plan to send a brain to be *maybe* intercepted when the aliens know that’s the plan also seems pretty dumb. Especially when obtaining 1000 bombs shouldn’t be that difficult. Rushing to launch also dumb, and they did it in like all couple of weeks seems like - very GOT that. They spent so much time on this grand plan too.

So Saul gets shot by a sniper in a public space, first thing he does when he meets Jin, oh hey wanna get some air let’s go to this really vacant beach which you’d be perfect target practice!

The overall concept is interesting and which is why it’s somewhat interesting to watch but the actual screenplay and characters are so stupid
I have to admit to a certain morbid fascination with the news surrounding this show. I can't remember a better instance of something being sold so hard as being this amazing show - only for it to be fairly humdrum when I got down to watching it. Humdrum when not laugh out loud bad, that is.

I wonder now about the deals struck for seasons 2 and 3. Season 1 was very expensive, even by Netflix's profligate standards. This show is objectively not well made, you don't have to be a super fan of the books to recognize bad acting and bad writing, not to mention incoherent plotting. I imagine the scene taking place was the two creators begging on their hands and knees just to be able to finish the arc of the story, and getting seasons 2 and 3 after some serious compromises (and reigning in of budgets).

The whole thing is baffling. What they did to GoT borders on criminal. It would be like if they were hired to do the next James Bond, and their interpretation of the material would be to make Bond gay and secretly an agent of SPECTRE the entire time.** They showed / proved / shouted from the rooftops that they did not understand the characters or set up of Game of Thrones, and they finished a must-watch appointment TV series with something that still feels like a personal betrayal. Cut to: these cnuts get nearly $200M to do Three Body Problem, and the same frailties immediately come to the fore.

Honestly don't understand how they still have careers. I am not going to watch any more episodes of this show, although I will be following the years-long train wreck here in this thread!

** a gay Bond double agent is not actually a bad idea, come to think of it. Might breathe some life into the genre.