6 year old shoots teacher in Virginia

Guns don't kill people, six year olds do!
America has gone far beyond fecked up.

Probably nothing although N Carolina does have criminal responsibility at 6 years old, no other states have it that low though (this happened in Virginia and according to google it's 14 there). It's the parents who should be going to jail anyway.
It's such a fecked up situation. Not clear if the kid took the gun showing off then got in an argument with the teacher and shot her or set out to murder her basically.
But yeah, the parents have massive responsibility for him having access to an armed gun.
A 6 year old has the same level of emotional development as the rest of the gun nuts so it makes perfect sense to arm them.
It's in the Constitution... If they didn't have guns, the King of England could just walk in there at any time he wants and start shoving them around, you want that? Huh? Do you?"
America has gone far beyond fecked up.


Who can blame the father, right?
Little girl had already seen all the movies that were on the nearby cinema and didn't feel like having an ice cream,
so he took here to the next attraction...
I'm sure the 6 year old has a long history of mental illness, and there are no bad guns only bad gun owners.
What the actual feck... I just turned and looked at my 6 year old... She won't even use force to stop her younger sister hitting her... How does a child plan and execute a shooting ffs :(

have you thought about getting her a gun to toughen up her image?
Is this child Stewey Griffen? It takes some level of intellect you don’t expect a 6-year old to have to go to all that trouble, premeditated, to plot, conceal and brandish at the opportune moment a gun intended to shoot a specific target.

There’s no such thing as reform when it comes to guns in a country that makes billions off of them, and this won’t change anything, but you have to wonder what kind of shockwaves this’ll send around parents and teachers alike when there’s potential for 6-year olds to legitimately threaten life.

The sheriff calling a child “young man” is just as surreal as the story itself.
Very important to get them ready early to oppose tyranny and a fight for a free Murica :wenger:
Can't impinge on the God given right to have grammar school kids do shit like this...

What the actual feck... I just turned and looked at my 6 year old... She won't even use force to stop her younger sister hitting her... How does a child plan and execute a shooting ffs :(
I know what you mean - it’s shocking. My 6 year old niece came over and watched Monsters University yesterday. I can’t comprehend how someone her age could do something like this.
As someone mentioned previously Ive given up on gun reform ever becoming a real thing in the US after Sandyhook and the subsequent reaction from the gun nuts.
Gun nuts are willing to pay the price, no matter how many gun deaths there are. After every school shooting, there will be some crazy that says “that’s the price of freedom”.

90% or more of Americans want to restrict guns, but we are held hostage by the NRA and a culture war flamed by Republican extremists.
Future president of Murica
Was the kid a member of a well regulated militia :confused:

Maybe the teacher was trying to teach CRT!
I know what you mean - it’s shocking. My 6 year old niece came over and watched Monsters University yesterday. I can’t comprehend how someone her age could do something like this.

Why? I agree it’s not the best Pixar film but it’s not that big of a deal she chose Monsters University
Why? I agree it’s not the best Pixar film but it’s not that big of a deal she chose Monsters University
It's a crying shame that 6 year olds would rather watch "Monster's University" instead of a 6 hour masterpiece on the human condition by Werner Herzog
Feck gun control (well not really), why does a six year old decide to shoot someone in the first place. Must have amazing parents.
Majority of Americans want more gun control.

The problem is a broken government and people profiting from increasing polarization.

I think this is not fixable in the US anymore. The early 90s was the last chance. Based off the polls, there was a lot more bipartisan support for gun control but Clinton did nothing.

The study found that about 70% of gun owners reported their reluctance to engage in gun violence prevention was, in part, due to feelings of alienation or being seen as part of the problem for owning a firearm. "They perceive gun control advocates as blaming them for the gun violence problem, not understanding gun ownership, and not understanding much about guns," the paper concludes.
It's a crying shame that 6 year olds would rather watch "Monster's University" instead of a 6 hour masterpiece on the human condition by Werner Herzog

That’s a hell of coincidence, sent a text to someone earlier stating I was gonna binge his discography in work next week to sound cultured (I’m almost definitely not going to)
I've never dealt with guns. But is it possible to know how to operate one without training? How in the world did the 6 year old learn how to use one. How do you load the gun, turn off the safety, aim, brace yourself for recoil and shoot without training.
I've never dealt with guns. But is it possible to know how to operate one without training? How in the world did the 6 year old learn how to use one. How do you load the gun, turn off the safety, aim, brace yourself for recoil and shoot without training.
Pistol might not have a safety. Point & pull, it's that easy.

Kid's either copying something he saw on a media platform or his parents showed him how to shoot.
I've never dealt with guns. But is it possible to know how to operate one without training? How in the world did the 6 year old learn how to use one. How do you load the gun, turn off the safety, aim, brace yourself for recoil and shoot without training.

Yes. They're not hard to fire. One of the major problems in America is that people leave them lying around loaded.

if you ever played cops and robbers and used your finger as a gun you can operate one. That element of this isn't bewildering at all.
Pistol might not have a safety. Point & pull, it's that easy.

Kid's either copying something he saw on a media platform or his parents showed him how to shoot.
Ohh, thats sad then.

I'm guessing the way out would be to tag all guns electronically, like they did in the Hobbs Vs Shaw movie, and auto disable them in schools/homes. Don't know how long it'll take for technology to reach the level necessary to make that possible.
Came here to start a thread on this.
America is finished.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Jesus Christ.

Sandy Hook was when I realised it's a stupid and broken country. Up until then the shootings used to make me sad, ever since I just shrug and say "meh, this is the society they want over there".

It isn't according to the majority though. It won't change because of their broken political system and the power of the NRA.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Jesus Christ.

It isn't according to the majority though. It won't change because of their broken political system and the power of the NRA.
The majority don’t care about it enough to make is a single voting issue.
One of the major problems in America is that people leave them lying around loaded.
And the counter-argument is that if they're not loaded they're useless - which is true, there's but that's what will be saidno rational explanation IMO
The majority don’t care about it enough to make is a single voting issue.
Most American's don't want to ban guns, just restrict access to them

Unless they make a constitutional amendment then nothing will change and the chances of that happening is more or less zero
Do you guys reckon there will ever be a change regard guns in the US?

What will it take for the majority of them to give up on their precious freedom to defend themselves?
It requires a constitutional amendment

An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.

Ain't ever happening!
Is this child Stewey Griffen? It takes some level of intellect you don’t expect a 6-year old to have to go to all that trouble, premeditated, to plot, conceal and brandish at the opportune moment a gun intended to shoot a specific target.

There’s no such thing as reform when it comes to guns in a country that makes billions off of them, and this won’t change anything, but you have to wonder what kind of shockwaves this’ll send around parents and teachers alike when there’s potential for 6-year olds to legitimately threaten life.

The sheriff calling a child “young man” is just as surreal as the story itself.
You are underrating children, I'm pretty sure I could do that at 6 years old. They're not 2 year old babies. I remember "plotting" stuff earlier than that. I'm sure when I was about 5 [I know it was pre-schooI] I stole a plastic butterfly and brought it home. It was a school item, not from another kid. When I was home I felt extremely guilty about it and had a terrible night (hence why I remember it). Not only guilty but afraid or the consequences, so I decided to put it amongst the things of another kid. From then on I don't remember how the issue was settled, but children at that age are clearly capable of plotting and executing. And as much as that may have been a decision of the moment, it wouldn't surprise me if it was premeditated and him planning it the day before or something like that.

As far as we know he can be the son of one of those idiots who starts training their kids to shoot as soon as they can walk, that would probably make it very easy for him to shoot the teacher. But even in the most likely scenario of that not being the case, he probably just used the element of surprise mixed with a lucky shot.
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