Adnan Januzaj image 15

Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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5.0 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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He has as much natural ability as Sterling. Sterling has had constant games, and has developed quicker because of it. Januzaj hasn't been afford that.

The way Liverpool play suits Sterling too. They should just keep him upfront as Sturridges partner, be a nightmare for defenders. I really dislike Sterling for some reason, but you can't deny at the moment he's ahead of Adnan.
He has done quite well for his age and position, i really do hope we keep him, wouldn't mind loaning him out though, he would have been our Sterling if our midfield was as terrible as Liverpool's.

So what would you rate them on ? even though both our strikers have basically been useless this season,we have created more assists, had a higher % of possession,that also includes passing accuracy and successful passes... i understand our midfield hasn't exactly been spectacular - but that may be due to the fact that we have been struggling with injuries, a lot of fans don't even know our first 11 as we haven't had the chance to watch them for a full month.

You can afford to play Sterling because he brings so much more to the table than your other midfielders which isn't the case with Januzaj as individually our midfielders have been superb, they are still not in-tune as a team but individually they have all won us games, you can't say that about all your midfielders.

Regarding the shortage of ball supply to our strikers your team is actually not doing better than us in that department as Rickie Lambert is your leading scorer (strikers) with only 3 goals followed by Balotelli and sturridge with 2, whilst RVP has 9 goals, Falcao has 4 goals and James Wilson has 2 ... Rooney has 8 but you could argue that he hasn't played as a striker this season.

Denilson would not look out of place in the current United midfield - every thread in here regarding United's midfield, performances or tactics has a multitude of posters bemoaning the passing backwards/sideways and pointless possession for the sake of it.

Going by that overwhelming opinion you'd think the highlighted point is, well, pointless.
Denilson would not look out of place in the current United midfield - every thread in here regarding United's midfield, performances or tactics has a multitude of posters bemoaning the passing backwards/sideways and pointless possession for the sake of it.

Going by that overwhelming opinion you'd think the highlighted point is, well, pointless.

So my point is pointless because a group of people decide to moan about our passing on every thread? you do realise fans complain about everything right? i mean fans who call RVP wasteful in one game go on to say balls don't get to him in another, despite the fact that all his goals this season have come from assists... i fail to see how having more possession,higher passing accuracy and successful passes is ..."well,pointless" as you say when it is an argument about our midfielders,when i mentioned the goal tally of our midfield.. he/she disputed it by saying you can't base how good a midfield is by using goals so i got actual stats that you can base a midfielders performance on.. and ours was still superior.

If goals,possession,pass accuracy and successful passes are pointless when judging a midfielder, then how on earth are you supposed to judge one?
I know he's only 20 but he needs to improve his decision making quickly, especially in the final 3rd or he only has himself to blame if he's left out the team for another few months.
So my point is pointless because a group of people decide to moan about our passing on every thread? you do realise fans complain about everything right? i mean fans who call RVP wasteful in one game go on to say balls don't get to him in another, despite the fact that all his goals this season have come from assists... i fail to see how having more possession,higher passing accuracy and successful passes is ..."well,pointless" as you say when it is an argument about our midfielders,when i mentioned the goal tally of our midfield.. he/she disputed it by saying you can't base how good a midfield is by using goals so i got actual stats that you can base a midfielders performance on.. and ours was still superior.

If goals,possession,pass accuracy and successful passes are pointless when judging a midfielder, then how on earth are you supposed to judge one?

By watching players and analysing them, assessing the traits in their game and how effective or ineffective they are. For example, Carrick is incredibly two footed and uses either to play balls over a range of 40 yards, can thread balls in between the lines and is composed under pressure. That tells me more about him as a player than his average passing accuracy or whatever. Don't get me wrong, they can be useful, but was Xavi so impressive because of his pass success, or the range of passes in different situations he played to get it?
By watching players and analysing them, assessing the traits in their game and how effective or ineffective they are. For example, Carrick is incredibly two footed and uses either to play balls over a range of 40 yards, can thread balls in between the lines and is composed under pressure. That tells me more about him as a player than his average passing accuracy or whatever. Don't get me wrong, they can be useful, but was Xavi so impressive because of his pass success, or the range of passes in different situations he played to get it?

Couldn't have said it better
I know, lets play a young winger, in midfielder, against West Ham, away.

That couldn't possibly go wrong could it?
He's years away from being ready for this level. He should be nowhere near the first team but Mata, Falcao and Herrera will also go missing in games so we have no one on the bench good enough to take the place of Januzaj
Game intelligence isn't trying 8 through balls and hoping 1 or 2 come off. It's about making the right decisions, where and how to pass the ball and keep the move going. The move dies when Januzaj gets the ball; every couple of months he'll resurrect it with some amazing piece of play starting from scratch and a gif will be made.

He might technically have a great passing ability but he's lightyears behind even Eriksen and Oscar, let alone Fabregas, Silva and Modric when it comes to decision making and slicing a defence open.
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Thought he was decent after the break. Di Maria or Falcao should have been subbed instead.
I do think Januzaj needs to bulk up. I know he is young but he seems so under developed for a premier league footballer. It was the same last week. Hes obviously got the ability but he hasn't got any kind of physical presense. Hes so weak, just brushed aside.
He was mediocre but again I feel he's the one who'll make something happen. I dont get that from our strikers.
His substitution was a joke, our only decent attacking player prior to that. Falcao, RVP, Rooney and Di Maria were outrageous. Blame it on the manager.
This place is way too reactionary after every game. I thought he did well in the 2nd half and the other midfielders should have been taken off before him. He and the rest of the midfielders didn't control the game in the first half.
He had 1 or 2 decent moments, but 59% passing accuracy is comical. And that was an improvement on the first half
Looks like he's stuck in molasses at times, shame but he is not doing enough to warrant starts.
Average performance from him but due to the unbalanced nature of our team it was easy for west ham to plant 3 defenders on the left wing because we have no right winger.
Looked like a boy wearing his father's suit. Had no control of the game and made poor decisions. Rooney or Mata should be #10 ahead of him.
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