Anthony Martial as Number 9

Running less than Lukaku when you primarily play out wide is embarrassing. Or should I say calculated.
Running less than Lukaku when you primarily play out wide is embarrassing. Or should I say calculated.
Vs Top 6 team
Lukaku: 0 goal in 11 matches
Martial: 5 goals in 7 matches

Embrassing return by the number 9.
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Having a lower goal : chance conversion ration than your left winger is even more embarrassing for Lukaku.

Ahh yes, how great our Martial is. Aguero, Kane and Salah should be embarrassed being below Lukaku as well then.

Vs Top 6 team
Lukaku: 0 goal in 11 matches
Martial: 5 goals in 7 matches

Embrassing return by the number 9

Ahh lets see. Scored against Arsenal, where Lukaku set up two goals. Scored against City, a penalty that Lukaku won. Lukaku also scored two away to PSG in our best result this season. If we want to talk about big games then when Martial scored last season against Spurs to win it, it was from Lukaku's flick on. Lukaku scored and assisted against Chelsea in our win at OT. Was a big reason for our 2-1 victory against Liverpool with how he dominated Lovren. I'm aware of the stats, I can offer you context. I am very confident in Lukaku being a better number 9 than Martial regardless. This was about his movement and you want to make it something else, but ok.
I would like to see him up top. First, because it might give him a confidence boost to someone who sees themselves as a #9. Second, because I've been disappointed by his dribbling, movement, and his predictability.

As a striker, I really like his touch and ability to play on the wings in the manner that Lukaku was playing. I also like his ability to play in the box. Felt like the Cardiff match was a clear example of this strength as much as we want to forget that entire dreadful match.

Basically, I'm in favor of trying something different. Clearly what we've been trying hasn't been working.
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Stop with this "most clinical" thing. This stat is probably done by dividing his goals by the chances he got. If the chances he got aren't much then of course he'll be the most clinical, and it'll cover the fact he doesn't get many chances because of his awful off ball movements which, if you're as interested in stats, it showed in several stats with him one of the bottom 5 laziest forwards in the league alongside Lukaku.

I'm curious what R9's running stats would have been if they tracked those back then, he was probably even worse than Martial and still managed to be a pretty decent player post-injury, to say the least. In the role of CF, I wouldn't worry too much about how many kilometers were run, but how do you when the team gets half a chance. I think it's silly to dismiss a stat related to efficiency and then throw a running stat as a stick to beat the player on.
I think we should give him the opportunity to stake a claim there. I prefer energetic wingers and I think Marital (and we've seen it in the past) will thrive more centrally. If we create chances, he will score but the assists/the passing etc all need to improve.
Stick him up there with Rashford, and Pogba just behind at the tip of a diamond and we’d score a fair number of goals
For me, Martial has better hold up and link up play than Rashford. He doesn't sprint around like headless chicken, but his movement in and around the box is excellent. I won't even start on the difference in finishing ability.

I'm actually not really sure what area of Rashford's game suits being a striker. His style is the style of a winger.

Agreed. On all points. As usual.

Would just like to see Martial get a proper run of matches centrally once.

Martial’s finishing, touch, dribbling, passing, holdup play and footballing brain are all streets ahead of Rashford. He’s just a far superior footballer and finisher.

But alas Rashy will almost certainly start centrally next season.

Will end in tears if so.
I'd happily swap roles this year, Rashford out on the left, Martial up top. I think it would suit both significantly better. Martial's lack of running wouldn't be the same issue it is on the wing. And if he can keep up those conversion and shot on target rates with significantly more volume he could be lethal.

Rashford would be less likely to shoot from pointless central positions and would get back to playing where his best football has been and where he has bags of energy and skill to burn. It makes sense.

Rashford doesn't have the same close control as Martial either. He has the skill, but it's usually at pace and where he thus needs some space. Martial can operate skills in a smaller area which is what you need when trying to hustle for space in the area.

Or what makes even more sense is those two watching the interchange between Rooney, Tevez and Ronaldo or Nani and Ronaldo, where positions don't really matter. A dynamic fluid attack moving to the most natural positions in a given attack.
We should at least give it a try. Martial and Lukaku are our most natural finishers but Tony is obviously more technically gifted. I'm just not sure he'll get a chance as a striker with Ole because he looks for movement and running in behind the lines with his forwards. Although I guess you could say he looks for the same thing for his wide players! Putting him up top may force him to improve his off the ball movement if he wants to be involved with the play

Anyway, if Martial has any success up front, it also opens up the left winger position for someone with better movement. There's an abundant of left sided inside-forward these days. We do have to address our right side first though so yeah, I doubt it will happen.
I'm a big fan of Martial and it's a shame to see him stagnate. It's not all his fault as he has been mismanaged since LVG was here.

He deserves at least a chance to be the #9. I rate his potential higher than Rashford. He's never been comfortable out wide anyway. A Rashford & Martial partnership makes too much sense. They both make up for each-others weaknesses.

I haven't got a clue why they haven't been played together already.
He deserves nout.
What you're describing is a preference. There's more than one way to play football. That's the whole point of playing Martial as false 9. So you can work around his strengths and weaknesses. That's what you're supposed to do.

Martial is our best striker, my eyes see it and the stats support it too.

Since when are all strikers supposed to run around like headless chickens? He's a striker. His strengths are an excellent technique, excellent dribbling, underrated link-up play and clinical finishing. His weaknesses are off-the ball movement and pressing. I'm sure that can be coached into him a bit more if you have the right coaches around but even that is not necessary attributes in a striker.

I don't see what the problem is.
You need your eyes tested. Martial has 10 goals in 50 odd appearances as CF. That's Swansea levels. He has better ratio as wide player. A striker who lacks the hunger to get into scoring positions is a useless striker. You need to be greedy/hungry/bullish like Kane. Imagine a big puncher who does not get into the ring much or throw haymakers when he does. Mov3ment some of the worst around for a forward. Low IQ. One dimensional dribbler. Martial FC helps me understand why Trump won! The levels of denial and unwavering support is adorable
Agreed. On all points. As usual.

Would just like to see Martial get a proper run of matches centrally once.

Martial’s finishing, touch, dribbling, passing, holdup play and footballing brain are all streets ahead of Rashford. He’s just a far superior footballer and finisher.

But alas Rashy will almost certainly start centrally next season.

Will end in tears if so.
You'd think we'll try it at some stage though, or I really fecking hope so anyway.
This thread highlights how different people assess performance of players. All these stats, for me, are irrelevant. Anthony Martial has been at Manchester United for a few years now, and I have seen how his form, talent, and attitude has made an impact (or not) on the pitch.

The guy IS lazy... and clearly feels he is far, far, FAR, better than what he is. This is something that crept into United a decade ago... Nani, Anderson... Depay.. all thinking they were some superstar player, and ALL of their careers went one way. And that wasn't to improve.

Martial is a one-dimensional player, whose attitude, lack of football-brain, and limited (yes, limited) talent will see him no more than a squad player at best at any big/decent club.

We have been, in the main, pretty rubbish (from a United perspective) for quite a while, and has he shone like a beacon throughout this? Do you have the big clubs in Europe looking to take him off our hands, like Pogba and De Gea?

No. And why, because managers aren't (in the main) that stupid. Mourinho was and is a troubled, egotistical man.. but he does know his football, and he marked Martial's card very early on.

Martial wasn't even that influential when we were playing well under Ole.

I can't stand him, he's over-rated, always has been and his attitude is dreadful. He has a new contract with one of the most historic and biggest sporting institutions in the world, and look at how he has responded.

No 9, No 11, No 10.. it will not matter. The guy is a limited player, and we should be looking to bank some cash for him, and get the likes of him out of the club as we seek to re-build and re-define the character at Manchester United.

A horrible player.
This thread highlights how different people assess performance of players. All these stats, for me, are irrelevant. Anthony Martial has been at Manchester United for a few years now, and I have seen how his form, talent, and attitude has made an impact (or not) on the pitch.

The guy IS lazy... and clearly feels he is far, far, FAR, better than what he is. This is something that crept into United a decade ago... Nani, Anderson... Depay.. all thinking they were some superstar player, and ALL of their careers went one way. And that wasn't to improve.
Let me guess, you think they're all lazy, arrogant and flash :rolleyes:
This thread highlights how different people assess performance of players. All these stats, for me, are irrelevant. Anthony Martial has been at Manchester United for a few years now, and I have seen how his form, talent, and attitude has made an impact (or not) on the pitch.

The guy IS lazy... and clearly feels he is far, far, FAR, better than what he is. This is something that crept into United a decade ago... Nani, Anderson... Depay.. all thinking they were some superstar player, and ALL of their careers went one way. And that wasn't to improve.

Martial is a one-dimensional player, whose attitude, lack of football-brain, and limited (yes, limited) talent will see him no more than a squad player at best at any big/decent club.

We have been, in the main, pretty rubbish (from a United perspective) for quite a while, and has he shone like a beacon throughout this? Do you have the big clubs in Europe looking to take him off our hands, like Pogba and De Gea?

No. And why, because managers aren't (in the main) that stupid. Mourinho was and is a troubled, egotistical man.. but he does know his football, and he marked Martial's card very early on.

Martial wasn't even that influential when we were playing well under Ole.

I can't stand him, he's over-rated, always has been and his attitude is dreadful. He has a new contract with one of the most historic and biggest sporting institutions in the world, and look at how he has responded.

No 9, No 11, No 10.. it will not matter. The guy is a limited player, and we should be looking to bank some cash for him, and get the likes of him out of the club as we seek to re-build and re-define the character at Manchester United.

A horrible player.
Whatever about Martial, you clearly have an agenda against him. Nani on the other hand was phenomenal for us for about 2 years and was instrumental in at least one league win. This really tells me all I need to know about your judgement of players.
Martial has a fine finishing technique and a calm head in front of goal. His convestion rate has always been high, but the problem is that he isn't good enough to get into decent positions in front of goal often enough. His talent has never been doubted by anyone, but he seems to lack the motivation and mentality to develop into an absolute top player. He obviously want to play as a striker, and if we sell Lukaku and make Martial our main striker, I think he will be extremely motivated ahead of the new season. Maybe we could give him his nr. 9 shirt back as well? He will have a long holiday and a full pre-season this summer, so he has perfect conditions to prepare for the new season. My main problem with him as a winger is that he always wants the ball in his feet rather than receiving through balls, and this suits far more for a striker than a winger. Rashford is the opposite, and I think he is better as an attacking left winger with license to roam than as a lone striker.
Let me guess, you think they're all lazy, arrogant and flash :rolleyes:

Not so sure about the 'flash'. I did not mention anything about anyone being being flash.

But Nani, Depay, Martial, Anderson... yep, I, personally, would say all were, are definitely lazy and rather arrogant in their approach to playing for Manchester United. Nani also felt he was this entitled player. Great talent, but what happened in the end? Did his career improve?

Depay was probably a little young for all the attention he received at United. But, again, look at his (club) career. You don't leave United to go to Lyon to play on a bigger stage. Sorry.

Think of a top United player. Think about their attitude, consistently, whilst wearing a United shirt.. and then think of the players I mentioned.
Whatever about Martial, you clearly have an agenda against him. Nani on the other hand was phenomenal for us for about 2 years and was instrumental in at least one league win. This really tells me all I need to know about your judgement of players.

Nani was a top talent (again) for a while, with an explosive shot. But to suggest he was 'phenomenal and instrumental in one of Premier league campiagns, is in my opinion, pushing it. He, like the whole squad, played a part. But instrumental? Which succesful CL campaign season was that?

Nani was on his day a fine player, but in my opinion, he represented someone who thought he was better than what he actually was. His career at United reflects that.
Nani was a top talent (again) for a while, with an explosive shot. But to suggest he was 'phenomenal and instrumental in one of Premier league campiagns, is in my opinion, pushing it. He, like the whole squad, played a part. But instrumental? Which succesful CL campaign season was that?

Nani was on his day a fine player, but in my opinion, he represented someone who thought he was better than what he actually was. His career at United reflects that.
What on earth are you talking about? I said league. 2010/11 is the season I'm referring to.
What on earth are you talking about? I said league. 2010/11 is the season I'm referring to.

My error, of course I meant Premier League Campaign. My point remains though... that was an interesting season, our away form was average, but at home we were amazing.

Nani was good.. But I think Berba, Chicarito, Rooney, Vidic.. Van Der Sar, Rio were what I would describe as 'instrumental'.
My error, of course I meant Premier League Campaign. My point remains though... that was an interesting season, our away form was average, but at home we were amazing.

Nani was good.. But I think Berba, Chicarito, Rooney, Vidic.. Van Der Sar, Rio were what I would describe as 'instrumental'.
I could be wrong, but I'm almost sure Nani was our player of the season that campaign?

Edit: I was mistaken, it was Chicharito. But I recall Nani and Berbatov carrying United's attack whilst Rooney was underperforming.
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Martial is more clinical than Rashford but he's not a number 9. His movement or lack of it is shocking, sulky head gets away with murder in here. To be a good number 9 you have to have movement and be able to run in behind. Martial likes the ball to his feet and then likes to accelerate coming in. He shows up a few weeks in a row and goes missing when it gets tough. Talented player but he's coming 24 before Christmas, when are we going to see a consistent level over months.
He’s the best centre forward at the club. He should play there.

He’s also the best left sided player at the club. He could play there.

Appreciably he’s as lazy as the day is long, but he’s also quite a special sort. You get the feeling he’s going to have a career full of fits and starts. Yet the idea that that kind of player can’t be managed and indulged is probably a sign of how far we’ve fallen.

If Ole can’t get at least 3 of Sánchez, Rashford, Pogba and Martial playing like £100m footballers he should go. There’s an abundance of talent there. As much talent as any team in the league has in forward positions.
He’s the best centre forward at the club. He should play there.

He’s also the best left sided player at the club. He could play there.

Appreciably he’s as lazy as the day is long, but he’s also quite a special sort. You get the feeling he’s going to have a career full of fits and starts. Yet the idea that that kind of player can’t be managed and indulged is probably a sign of how far we’ve fallen.

If Ole can’t get at least 3 of Sánchez, Rashford, Pogba and Martial playing like £100m footballers he should go. There’s an abundance of talent there. As much talent as any team in the league has in forward positions.
He's a second striker. Not a lead the line player.

If Rashford had better hold up play, or could win a header they could be a decent combination.
For me, Martial has better hold up and link up play than Rashford. He doesn't sprint around like headless chicken, but his movement in and around the box is excellent. I won't even start on the difference in finishing ability.

I'm actually not really sure what area of Rashford's game suits being a striker. His style is the style of a winger.
I can't fathom how anyone can watch Martial play football and conclude he has good movement. His movement is utterly terrible. Its basic, it's linear, and it very rarely happens anyway. I'll always maintain he has buckets of talent, he just doesn't have the mentality to his talent a platform to shine.
We will never win the league again with Rashford, Martial or Lukaku in the starting 11.

Rashford and Martial are massively over rated, and Lukaku is not a top top striker.
I can't fathom how anyone can watch Martial play football and conclude he has good movement. His movement is utterly terrible. Its basic, it's linear, and it very rarely happens anyway. I'll always maintain he has buckets of talent, he just doesn't have the mentality to his talent a platform to shine.
His movement in and around the box is excellent? It's not basic and it's not linear.

Ahh yes, how great our Martial is. Aguero, Kane and Salah should be embarrassed being below Lukaku as well then.

Ahh lets see. Scored against Arsenal, where Lukaku set up two goals. Scored against City, a penalty that Lukaku won. Lukaku also scored two away to PSG in our best result this season. If we want to talk about big games then when Martial scored last season against Spurs to win it, it was from Lukaku's flick on. Lukaku scored and assisted against Chelsea in our win at OT. Was a big reason for our 2-1 victory against Liverpool with how he dominated Lovren. I'm aware of the stats, I can offer you context. I am very confident in Lukaku being a better number 9 than Martial regardless. This was about his movement and you want to make it something else, but ok.

You know you're really reaching if you have to bring flick ons. It's really not making something else because output for strikers is more important than just moving and ultimately what they get judged on.
Don’t think he’s the answer as a number 9. If he play up top and they say defending starts from the front then we are f***** with him.
His movement in and around the box is excellent? It's not basic and it's not linear.
It really is. Basically everything he does well he does with the ball at his feet. It’s a rarity for him to lose him man and find space where it matters. Even with his terrible work ethic it’s arguably his movement that holds him back most.