Antisemitism & Islamophobia

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Giggsy PO

Wimbledon Prediction Champion 09
Aug 22, 2004
This is not how you argue or convince people. Calling them “idiots” is not the way. Mr. Haddad is not right in his approach, regardless of the merits of his position.
There is no argument. There is nothing to be convinced About. It is a lie called out to what it is. A lie.

If you want the discussion on social media to be more civilised, I am all with you.
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Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
This is not how you argue or convince people. Calling them “idiots” is not the way. Mr. Haddad is not right in his approach, regardless of the merits of his position.
He's absolutely right to call a spade a spade. Hinkle is an idiot.

That said, his numismatic analysis is trash. The main bit of hebrew literally reads 'Palestine' as transliterated, not to mention that these coins were produced by the Royal Mint as part of the British Empire colonial minting department. The earliest Jewish/Israeli coins weren't even minted in Hebrew or in Israel; and they didn't say 'eretz yisrael/land of israel.' And the first Arabic coins struck were 7th/8th century solidus and dinar. (I own many of these, if people want pictures I'm happy to dig them out)

Also, plenty of coins from many countries have Eretz Yisrael or the Jew Gods name, or the allseeing eye on them. Especially from the 16th-18th century. Perhaps Jews own most of Sweden, Holland, and Germany. Think I even have a russian medal with it.

Example here from Hamburg:



Full Member
Mar 6, 2021
You've fallen for the immigration blame game hook line and sinker for all these issues. A bit of a reality check here - crumbling services and infrastructure as well as rising crime rates have gone up with the most xenophobic government in a generation. We've also faced huge levels of austerity, cronyism and financial mismanagement from the government. You've essentially fallen for the government's deflection game from their own shortcomings.
Apologies for the late reply, I've been a bit strapped for time.

Are you actually serious with this? The most xenophobic government in a generation is headed up by Rishi Sunak and a multicultural supporting cast that have either benefiited themselves or their parents and grandparents have benefiited from being able to make a life in Britain. Meanwhile, Hamza Yusuf miraculously runs the show in Scotland, that must have been odds against given the supposed xenophobia and Islamopobia present in Britain that we're constantly told about in threads like this. Your level of delusion is absolutely staggering, I would love to know the mental contortions you have gone through to actually believe this. This government might be many things but they're not xenophobic, racist or anything close to it.

Why do I say this? Never once have they made an actual step to curb immigration, I don't think they want to - they only make noises in that direction to win a few votes, tangible action is actually close to zero and when they do it's just something to grab a headline like the Rwanda nonsense. Something totally ineffective, something transparently ineffective, so bad it's actually comical but it occupies some news space and keeps an association alive that they might be doing something. So they're nothing of the sort - they are welcoming immigration in their actions at a level of 600-700k a year or whatever it is. The real figure is probably higher as there are avenues that do not seem to get tallied up. Judge them in what they do not what they say. I see a government that is inactive on immigration and therefore welcoming, to the detriment of doing a job for Britain. If you can prove me wrong and show me something substantial the government have actually done that is not allowing people of other nations to come to Britain please show me and then I will understand how Britain's government is xenophobic, and I would love to know who they are xenophobic relative to.

That's not to say that stopping immigration at its current levels would be xenophobic, it would actually just be common sense, I'm just trying to wrap my brain around this argument that they are predjudiced against foreigners.

Crumbling services are crumbling because it's inevitable that they will do. What you seem to want is an impossibility. We cannot sustain rising population, increasing immigration (that statistically breed quicker and come from cultures where that is the norm) and get everything that you want. It's just not going to happen. There is a pot of money and there is a level of erosion of infrastructure that takes place due to over capacity - those two things will never square until we get our population under control. Does that mean that it's all the immigrants fault? No, it doesn't, they didn't make the decisions and they aren't the incompetent ones in office - and I said that. But reducing immigration and stabilising population growth is a very key part in reversing the mess in this country.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
This is a bit disingenuous. (or simply a vacuous point?) They were victims of circumstance. Had ISIS taken over New York the populations would resist the same way.

ISIS were enabled by diabolical war planning and withdrawal, and civil war.
How was it either vacuous or disingenuous?

The poster asked what Muslims did about ISIS. What they did was die in their thousands, as both innocent victims and as the overwhelming bulk of the ground force that actually fought them.

I agree that if ISIS had sprung up in New York or Tokyo or Mongolia or Colombia the local residents would have also resisted the same way.

But I wasn't making a point about Muslims somehow being unique in doing so. Nor was I even offering a defence of Muslims in general. I was replying to a very specific point which I've seen a few times now about what Muslims did about ISIS.

The reality is that they generally issued fatwas about the barbarity of the group, called them disbelievers. some were so blown by their savagery that they couldn't even believe they were Muslims and found it easier and more comforting to believe in conspiracies. On the ground locally, they fought. Some tried to live their lives under yet another brutal dictatorship and many died as innocents for trying to do so.

Not quite sure what the poster wants an ethnically Pakistani British Muslim living in Birmingham for instance to do though about what was essentially, despite the focus on a small number of westerners who went, a civil war between people living in Syria and Iraq?


Full Member
Mar 27, 2015
How was it either vacuous or disingenuous?

The poster asked what Muslims did about ISIS. What they did was die in their thousands, as both innocent victims and as the overwhelming bulk of the ground force that actually fought them.

I agree that if ISIS had sprung up in New York or Tokyo or Mongolia or Colombia the local residents would have also resisted the same way.

But I wasn't making a point about Muslims somehow being unique in doing so. Nor was I even offering a defence of Muslims in general. I was replying to a very specific point which I've seen a few times now about what Muslims did about ISIS.

The reality is that they generally issued fatwas about the barbarity of the group, called them disbelievers. some were so blown by their savagery that they couldn't even believe they were Muslims and found it easier and more comforting to believe in conspiracies. On the ground locally, they fought. Some tried to live their lives under yet another brutal dictatorship and many died as innocents for trying to do so.

Not quite sure what the poster wants an ethnically Pakistani British Muslim living in Birmingham for instance to do though about what was essentially, despite the focus on a small number of westerners who went, a civil war between people living in Syria and Iraq?
I understand the point you’re making now, though I strongly disagree that it’s agreed the Muslim world did their best. it’s a big bone of contention and a source of animosity from Iraqis et al towards the Palestinian cause and why it’s seen as hypocritical from some quarters.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013

Randomly came up on my feed. Dont know what its about but she makes an interesting point
What interesting point, that she is stupid? :lol:
Cant you see how she cherry picked atrocities around the world ? does not that tell you she is not a genuine person?

The Corinthian

I will not take Mad Winger's name in vain
Dec 10, 2020
A Free Palestine
This idea that Muslims want to kill you is so batshit insane. It should be treated in the same manner as Jews control the world. One type of rhetoric is rightly deleted by the mods but the other is allowed to be posted willy nilly.
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