Antisemitism & Islamophobia

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Full Member
Apr 13, 2015
The historical context around marking buildings with the star of David means that everyone should be highly skeptical about these being meant as support, no matter the colour and finish. Many Jews in Europe are rightly feeling extra threatened these days, so it seems very unlikely to me that they would willingly mark their own homes to make it easily recognisable for every antisemite out there.

It doesn't seem particularly friendly to me.
To me those are a clear sign of intimidation. They don't look friendly at all. I can see what @NotThatSoph is saying but I'd be very scared for my safety if I was a Jewish person living in that neighbourhood in Paris.


lemons are annoying
Sep 12, 2019
To me those are a clear sign of intimidation. They don't look friendly at all. I can see what @NotThatSoph is saying but I'd be very scared for my safety if I was a Jewish person living in that neighbourhood in Paris.
I've been trying to find out some more.

Apparently a similar stencil was used in Saint-Ouen, but accompanied with Palestinian slogans. That makes it likely that it was the same people or group, which would make it pretty clear cut. The prosecutors say they haven't been able to find a connection between the stars and the people living there, though, so either they don't want to say or whoever did it went through Aubervilles choosing random places.

The prosecutor's office said it did not know "whether these tags were intended to insult the Jewish people or to claim Jewish membership, particularly as they involved the blue star (not the yellow one)." "These stencils were marked on facades, in a way that was manifestly indifferent to what the buildings housed," says the public prosecutor. It has therefore not been established that this star has an anti-Semitic connotation, but this cannot be dismissed out of hand."


Full Member
Jun 17, 2014

Shes the head of the holocaust educational trust.

All the usual voices have chimed in (likes of Kate Hoey), the ones that quite happily weaponise anti-semitism, whilst being complete bigots themselves... Slight problem here though, this demo was organised by Jews against Genocide.
One of the many disappointing things surrounding this whole event is that one should be able to rightfully criticize Israel and their actions without being labelled an anti-Semite which has become increasingly harder to do. Yes I can see how Jewish people can feel intimidated coming home during a pro-Palestine demonstration, the same way I can understand how uncomfortable it must feel to be Palestinian or British-Palestinian and see the government of the country you live in not care that thousands of your people are being murdered. If you can recognize the sufferings of one, you should be able to recognize the sufferings of the other. Its also why I think some of the most brave people are Jews who are protesting in the pro-Palestinian protests as well as airing their objections to what Israel are doing. I can't imagine the courage it takes to go against Israel.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2013
Just been on Rachel Rileys twitter, she's trying to get hamza choudry cancelled. She's a nasty piece of work


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014

Translation: Aubervillliers, Saint Ouen, 14th arrondissement of Paris. Same procedure, same Star of David stencil. Some want to terrorize French Jews by using the methods of the 1930s. They must be quickly found and severely punished.

Approximately 60 Stars of David have been spray painted overnight on apartments across multiple neighbourhoods in Paris. Chilling and depressing and mirrors the same acts done in Berlin last week.
Do the hooligans walk around with a stencil to draw these?


Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Literally modern day nazis chanting about jews, unchecked, and everyone sniggering. In the middle of Paris. The reactions are the most brutal thing.

This sickness has got way out of hand, people are going to get killed. feck anyone that is enabling this or turning the other way because it's their 'side' or it may divert attention away from Israel.



Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Literally modern day nazis chanting about jews, unchecked, and everyone sniggering. In the middle of Paris. The reactions are the most brutal thing.

This sickness has got way out of hand, people are going to get killed. feck anyone that is enabling this or turning the other way because it's their 'side' or it may divert attention away from Israel.

It's disgusting behaviour and people like the scumbags here should be punished in the harshest possible way.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
It's disgusting behaviour and people like the scumbags here should be punished in the harshest possible way.
It's the normalisation and the laughing that chills my blood. This would have been unthinkable a month ago. Where will we be in another month? It has to stop.

I also worry about our multicultural society. People are going to use this shit as excuses for all kinds of racist bullshit policies as well.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2015
Literally modern day nazis chanting about jews, unchecked, and everyone sniggering. In the middle of Paris. The reactions are the most brutal thing.

This sickness has got way out of hand, people are going to get killed. feck anyone that is enabling this or turning the other way because it's their 'side' or it may divert attention away from Israel.

That is just sickening. Protesting for peace, solidarity with Palestine etc all of that is great but dehumanising the Israelis and literally chanting for the deaths makes me sick to my stomach.


Full Member
Apr 13, 2015
I've been trying to find out some more.

Apparently a similar stencil was used in Saint-Ouen, but accompanied with Palestinian slogans. That makes it likely that it was the same people or group, which would make it pretty clear cut. The prosecutors say they haven't been able to find a connection between the stars and the people living there, though, so either they don't want to say or whoever did it went through Aubervilles choosing random places.
That's actually pretty interesting. It's still a pretty clear sign of intimidation, and I'd be feel super intimidated if I was a Jewish person, even if I didn't live in that neighbourhood and just saw it online.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
Literally modern day nazis chanting about jews, unchecked, and everyone sniggering. In the middle of Paris. The reactions are the most brutal thing.

This sickness has got way out of hand, people are going to get killed. feck anyone that is enabling this or turning the other way because it's their 'side' or it may divert attention away from Israel.

Yeah feck those people. Should be arrested and fined. People smirking and finding it a joke are just as idiotic, it's not funny or clever. Twats.

She was hot though.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
My social feed is quite grim. Not even your average criticism of Israel. Just straight up "Jews control our economy" shit.


it's a mute point
Feb 14, 2013
I have never seen antisemitism (can we just call it racism??) at this scale, it's truly horrifying.

Ironically, I imagine many of the perpetrators of this are also in the camp arguing against the need for a Jewish state. Well done for letting your utter bile prove otherwise.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
My social feed is quite grim. Not even your average criticism of Israel. Just straight up "Jews control our economy" shit.
Had an in-law ask me last week why Jews love money so much.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
Had an in-law ask me last week why Jews love money so much.
Your in-laws are Iraqis right? I assume they grow up in Saddam's Iraq. Hardly surprising but all sorts of stereotypes have been perpetuated. My parents are convinced all Iranians are drug addicts and Moroccan women are sex workers.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
What did you answer? :nervous:
I gave a serious answer, tried to help her understand the historical reasons Jews got shepherded into certain professions, and how as a consequence certain stereotypes came to be attached to them and highlighted at times of high tension. Also made the point that everyone likes to make money. The question wasn’t really asked with any malice, but it’s indicative of the type of ignorance that arises when this conflict is suddenly on the minds of people who generally ignore it.

Your in-laws are Iraqis right? I assume they grow up in Saddam's Iraq.
Some of them left Iraq even before Saddam came to power. But this person grew up in Ireland so I won’t blame it on Iraq.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
This sort of shit is not going to help the fight against islamophobia. Especially when it transitions into blatant antisemitism. Everyone is losing their minds.

Edit - the best bit is it was filmed in August. Those filthy zionists and their precognition. Boycott M&S.


it's a mute point
Feb 14, 2013
This sort of shit is not going to help the fight against islamophobia. Especially when it transitions into blatant antisemitism. Everyone is losing their minds.

Edit - the best bit is it was filmed in August. Those filthy zionists and their precognition. Boycott M&S.
"Marks and Spencer is Zionist owned"

Just say Jew. It's what he means.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
Not getting socialists elected is the left's fault. Everyone else voting for a fascist is not their fault.
I believe the bold is wrong. People can and do make choices not just because they agree with something, but also because they disagree with something else even more. Votes of "protest" are a thing. Fascists are IMO so good at not just being manipulative, but also taking advantage of mistakes, wrong messages, etc. Populists are for the most part World Class not at offering solutions, but at poking holes in the adversaries; when those holes are the size of black holes, the win is obvious.

Nothing has really changed here though. Populists and fascists have been more or less the same for many decades. What was keeping the electorate away was the rational alternative, what the left was having a dominance over. That is going to shit, IMO, with the modern "vocal" left. There is only so many times you can be called a racist for not liking a film, or a singer, or any of the myriad of "social justice" points that the vocal left decided to make a hill and die on.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2010
Borussia Dortmund
His tweets have been shared quite a bit in the other thread, haven't they?


Full Member
Jun 19, 2010
Borussia Dortmund
Are you referring to my post? If so, sorry. I didn't see them.
I was referring to your post, but in the sense that I remember checking out that account, because it was posted as a news source.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Bring back the discourse of rationality to the left, give away this stupid "don't offend" policy that creates contradictions at every step, and the right wing does not win an election for the next 30 years.
I'm not sure when the left supposedly left behind the discourse of rationality but right-wing parties won plenty of elections in post-World War 2 Europe:

- In the UK, Conservatives have been in power for 31 out of the last 44 years.

- Since German reunification, CDU have been in power for 24 years out 33.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
I don't buy this "pushes people to the right" thing much. For one, the right/conservatives in America and all across Europe have been distinctly more irrational and increasingly extreme. Rightwing conservative nationalist governments are the cause of the brutal war in Ukraine and the long deteriorating situation in israel-palestine (under Netanyahu in particular), which has now descended into large scale terrorist attack and genocidal government sanctioned militarism .

Personally i don't see any widespread hatred or disdain from Liberals and leftists against the discourse of rationality, atheists, or scientists expressing evidence based belief. mockery of some of the positions of the more extreme '00s "new atheists" like Dawkins, Harris and co, that go just up to the line of avoiding calling all muslims extremists/savages , or say things like religion is a form of mental illness? Sure, and they should be joked at/criticised imo, as it's just crude, bigoted and blatantly false sociology. Regardless, the right still have them comfortably defeated in dislike for atheism and all manner of science once you go past the moderates. Not the place you want to be "forced" to go if that's a big problem for you.

Specifically regarding religions, if libs/leftist parties decided to make emphasising the irrationality/lack of evidence of religion as a big manifesto point, or even just go full Islamophobe in particular to draw in the additional demographic that would appeal to, do you really think it would have made any difference, especially on the likes of the Trump win? The former wouldn't be taken well overall (or seen as a pressing issue) in some countries (the states being one) and the latter would just see the right be happy to see the window shifting, then go even further in their rhetoric.
That is one of the main points I think. If you want to have both a rational view and discourse and also make moral equivalence for religion, then you condemn yourself to nothing less then schizophrenia. The values of feminism, that I subscribe to, and the values of religious thought, not just Islam but also Christianity, are not compatible. You can pretend like they are, but they are not. Putting the 2 and 2 together results in a contradiction so big that I do not need a medical doctor to understand that one can not hold both ideas unless one has some sort of dual personality.

The main and IMO the thing that will destroy the left is the desire to make rationality and sentiment/ religious based beliefs work. It does not work no matter how much you try because they come from fundamentally different places. Most religious dogma comes from times when powerful man/ families did all they wanted and wrote the book while social justice comes from overcoming just that. To put them together is to fail but definition. One has to understand that one can not tell the truth or be rational while also not offending.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
I'm not sure when the left supposedly left behind the discourse of rationality but right-wing parties won plenty of elections in post-World War 2 Europe:

- In the UK, Conservatives have been in power for 31 out of the last 44 years.

- Since German reunification, CDU have been in power for 24 years out 33.
The right wing/ conservatives is not irrational by definition. The far wright is. Do not mix the two. A republican is not the same thing as a trumpist no more then a leftist is a social justice warrior. Both sides developed an extreme version; the right did it long ago, the left more recently. Both extremes are defined in the same way: a complete inability to accept different opinions and the judgment of those that have different opinions as broken/ evil/ etc.


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
Why are the actions of the right the fault of the left?

The likes of the UK and US have had neoliberalism for decades. An asset-stripping attitude towards public services that has left people with fewer options in times of crisis and an education system not fit for purpose. A mainstream media that parrots the party line and points the finger at others for the consequences of neoliberalist policies. Small boats in the UK, Mexicans in the US. So you get people who are desparate, people who are distrustful (of the state, of outsiders, of the media), people who are less educated, and a ruling elite who continue to hoover up money, power and influence, and you end up where we are today.

How this is the fault of the left, I do not know.
I have no idea what "neoliberalism" is but it seems to me like a euphemism for "I did not know" so I get angry about it.

The very nature of a free market and liberalism is that even in times of crisis, you, as a normal citizen, can make the best of it. Want a couple of examples?

1) During the Pandemic you were smart enough to understand that companies selling disinfectants we going to make a lot of money, in the West, you had the freedom to buy stocks to these companies;

2) during the times of war, same thing, you understand more munition was needed; you can buy companies that do that.

Point is, in an open market any and all people can get a piece of the pie. If you or I can not be bothered to learn or try, then ok. Capitalism gives opportunities, not guaranties.
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