Barcelona: Charged with corruption .... again!

So we’re getting Barca’s champions leagues as well as city’s domestic titles then? Sweet
He made some interesting statements today:

Laporta even hinted that Tebas might be leaking this information to the press. And it wouldn't surprise me, after he got forced by the court to register Gavi, because they didn't accept the pathetic attempt to change the ffp rules in the last second to deny Gavi's registration. Tebas's agenda against barca is more than obvious and the press conference on this matter will be interesting.

Barca has a compliance team?
feck me these guys are stealing a living …..
The RVP goal and sending off is very dodgy indeed. It's a rescue job.

I remember Messi going down outside the box and getting a penalty against City.

During the mid to late 90s Fergie used to call out the dodgy decisions and had to get more vocal about it each year, calling for a strong ref before the games and it seemed to be more fair from 98 onwards. You could see how Juve, Barca and others were favoured in those years.
Thanks @FreckBarca!

I do a lot of Due Diligence of companies that are to be listed at the stock exchange and I have also on a couple of occasions been appointed with the law firm I work for to investigate alleged wrongdoings in listed companies or in relation to shareholder disputes.

I don’t claim to be right all the time, but my gut feeling was instantly that this is ‘football’s darkest hour’ when I started to look into it. It’s not the circumstances that have come to public light that worries me, it’s the details.

A few of them:

1. Take one thing like Barca’s statement — it’s completely worthless. Any PR consultants worst nightmare. First denial and bad excuses, then threats of a law suits of anyone that dare indicate that anything doesn’t seem right. Hire a PR expert, 100% we would have seen Barça come out swinging, ‘if anyone have done something illegal, it’s an attack on Barça and the club’s brand as much as anything else. How can La Liga not have noticed this for 18 years? Barca will investigate this properly and make sure that anyone that have done this to the club will be [hanged]’.

You know, turning it into something they can control. Attempting to ‘defend’ yourself in a situation like this is hopeless. So how come they have tried to do that? I don’t know, but everything indicates that you have an organization where everyone turns to the boss and the boss is complicit.

2. Its 2023, Barca is a gigantic company. It’s well audited and must have a huge back office. You can’t make these type of huge payments without written agreements in that environment. With all the scandals they have been involved, everything will be turns inside out and back again several times over. Just like with the bribes to journalists, you can get this done without parallel dark structures outside the club.

This is not something that exist unless someone that is a real criminal is behind it. First of all, it’s very hard to set up and require involvement of those at the absolute top. It’s like if you find A, 99% of the time you also find B, C and D.

It’s like the police catch someone, person “X”, trying to extort a Nightclub to pay for protection “or else”. What are the odds of X never having committed any other crime in his life? Or what are the odds of X at least having committed an assault or two in the past, having dons drugs, perhaps owning a gun etc etc etc.

3. With that said, I’ve seen talks about this being “mafia like”. I don’t see anything that indicates that. That is the thing with corruption, it can be so darn “natural”. I often drive long distances, especially late, I always drive way to fast. I don’t consider it to be immoral at all. But what do you tell the kids when they ask ‘dad are you breaking the law?’ You just do it, everyone did it when you were young.

Corruption is so often the same, people behind it will often be like ‘it’s a bloody disgrace that you have to do it, but it’s the system’ and the ones taking the bribes are like ‘why shouldn’t I do it when everyone else does it? Besides I am just helping them to not be screwed out if this deal’ or whatever. Then when it’s in motion, it just keeps going.

I would be extremely surprised if we started to hear about guys mysterically falling out of windows and stuff like that.

Then when it’s exposed, it’s like a revelation to those involved. No, everyone weren’t doing it (which they of course knew all along, but pushed away). People close to them would never even have considered it. It’s 2023. It’s not a good defense to claim that you were on the losing end in 1983.

Lastly, it will be interesting to see what happens next. I have no clue. The sad part is, almost always, the longer you manage to fend of the inevitable, the higher the guillotine is pulled up and the worse it gets when it comes crashing down. Like we probably will see with City, maybe they should have taken that UEFA punishment, what was it, no CL play for a year?
I'd applaud Niemans and his in depth list of incidents, pictures and video links and all, but it occurs to me that Barcelona fans think any 50/50 decision that doesn't go their way is equivalent to mass murder so I wouldn't be surprised if he just has a dossier of these lined up.

But, really, Barcelona fans complaining about not getting decisions is like a serial killer complaining that the police won't let them spark up during the interrogation.

It's the sheer incredulity of it all though. Barcelona fans think they have a God given right to success. Not winning 11 years on the bounce is clearly a sign of outside corruption etc. You see it every game with their players surrounding the ref. How dare he give one of us a yellow card for hacking down an opponent at the ankles?! Mes qué un cnuts indeed.

At least United fans can admit when they've had lucky decisions. But Barcelona? Nah, it's always excused and justified with venomous defence like we're seeing in this thread.
One question is, if Barça were demoted, would they survive financially? What will happen to the financing agreements buying their CL rights? Sponsorships?

Is bankruptcy an option? Really start from scratch?

Arent there usually get-out clauses in sponsorship contracts; where in the event there are some misdeeds or crimes involved with the player or club that damages the reputation of the sponsor, they have an avenue to break the contract?
I'd applaud Niemans and his in depth list of incidents, pictures and video links and all, but it occurs to me that Barcelona fans think any 50/50 decision that doesn't go their way is equivalent to mass murder so I wouldn't be surprised if he just has a dossier of these lined up.

But, really, Barcelona fans complaining about not getting decisions is like a serial killer complaining that the police won't let them spark up during the interrogation.

It's the sheer incredulity of it all though. Barcelona fans think they have a God given right to success. Not winning 11 years on the bounce is clearly a sign of outside corruption etc. You see it every game with their players surrounding the ref. How dare he give one of us a yellow card for hacking down an opponent at the ankles?! Mes qué un cnuts indeed.

At least United fans can admit when they've had lucky decisions. But Barcelona? Nah, it's always excused and justified with venomous defence like we're seeing in this thread.
Blrlrlrlrlrlr. Well said.

I`ve never bought the myth they constructed about themselves being such a moral and high and mighty club with humble players. I was never fooled by the mes que un club shite, or that messi was some humble down to earth guy. Yeah, as soon as the chips went down, all that was proven BS. Messi isn't a saint, and this club is more than just a club, it's a cheating fraud.
The ones who have to proclaim themselves morally superior are always the ones who aren't, and they know it deep down. That's why they feel the need to paint themselves better than the rest.
The ones who have to proclaim themselves morally superior are always the ones who aren't, and they know it deep down. That's why they feel the need to paint themselves better than the rest.

Could this be applied to all the folks who are against the Qatar bid?
Barca will have to start submitting pr pieces with double negatives and white text soon.

"We didn't not bribe the refs".
Wouldnt the entire club get demoted? Barca B and all?
I actually haven’t got a club but I was always under the impression that Barcelona B are considered a separate club not a reserve team. Maybe someone could explain how these b teams actually function.
He made some interesting statements today:

Laporta even hinted that Tebas might be leaking this information to the press. And it wouldn't surprise me, after he got forced by the court to register Gavi, because they didn't accept the pathetic attempt to change the ffp rules in the last second to deny Gavi's registration. Tebas's agenda against barca is more than obvious and the press conference on this matter will be interesting.
There’s no agenda against your club. You fecked yourselves financially. Tebas has been doing his best to have Spanish clubs operating within their financial means. There’s 19 other clubs in the league that also adhere to his rules. You have also fecked yourself by being exposed to acting unethically. There’s no excuses. You’ll get more respect for admitting to this shit show than by digging a trench and standing firm that your innocent in any wrong doing.
I actually haven’t got a club but I was always under the impression that Barcelona B are considered a separate club not a reserve team. Maybe someone could explain how these b teams actually function.
they are reserve teams, in Spain they compete in the same pyramid instead of having a separate league
Wouldnt the entire club get demoted? Barca B and all?

In Portugal we have the same system as Spain (B teams competing in the normal football pyramid) and we have a rule that a B team cannot play in the same or higher division than the main team.
Some years ago Porto B won the second league but as Porto was in the first league they were unable to go up and another team was promoted in their place.

If a main team is demoted to the same division as the B team then the B team is automatically demoted from that division as well.
If a main team goes several divisions down then the B team is also relegated to the division below the main team's new division.
I guess that if the main team goes to the lowest possible division the B team cannot compete in that year (maybe they'll play friendlies or something but in this case the club is in dire situation so it won't really be able financially to have the B team).
There’s no agenda against your club. You fecked yourselves financially. Tebas has been doing his best to have Spanish clubs operating within their financial means. There’s 19 other clubs in the league that also adhere to his rules. You have also fecked yourself by being exposed to acting unethically. There’s no excuses.

You are completely misinformed. Those statements can not be further away from the truth.

First of all, having an agenda against the club and making bad financial decisions are not mutually excluded. Everyone who follows Tebas's statements towards barca, his whole behaviour throughout the years towards our club and the league's attempts to change the rules unprecedentedly mid-season, which only! affected barca at that perticular moment are more than enough hints to call it an obvious agenda, driven by selfish reasons, which even harms the league he is president of.

You are right, that there are 19 other clubs in LaLiga. And that's, where your knowledge ends unfortunately. Half of those teams had trouble to register players last summer. You'd know this if you'd follow the spanish league. Atletico had to blackmail barca and put their best player on the bench until barca lowered his already agreed fee, so they avoid punishment. Sevilla had to sell Kounde and Diego Carlos. Their 2 best defenders. Betis Sevilla had problems to register players like Luiz Felipe and they had to defer his salary into the future. Betis's directors did a cash injection to help with this. Valencia sold Guedes and Soler. All because of Tebas's ffp. And there are more examples if you want them, more than 10 clubs had difficulties to register players in the summer.
According to Tebas, all clubs who'll sign his CVC deal lose all financial problems and have a bright future. Well, those clubs signed Tebas's CVC deal and Sevilla's bright future is fighting for relegation after being forced to sell their 2 top defenders. So much for adhering Tebas's rules.

Now back to Tebas and his agenda. After Barca and Madrid declined his CVC deal (because it was horrible), the CVC deal still went through, but without Barca and Real participating, you can imagine how much smaller the deal was in the end and that means, how much smaller the commission money also became for him. It was his personal deal and nobody intelligent has any doubts he collected that money into his own pocket. Then Barca and Madrid pushed for the Superleague, which endangers even more tv money under Tebas's rule.

Now imagine this. You are a far right minded guy in general, because you were in right-wing parties in your youth, you support even now right-wing parties like VOX. How do you feel about a club like Barcelona, which always supports the catalan and their fight for independence. Well pardon me for that dumb question, because you don't have to imagine it, you can just reread it on his twitter account. When catalans started to vote for their independence in 2017 and when Madrid sent their Guardia Civil to beat up old grannys infront of the voting booths, he threatened every catalan based club to expel them from LaLiga. A president, who is a nationalist and a Real Madrid fan is not affected by his believes? Redicilous.

But to make it a bit shorter, I'll just give some examples of the near past. He constantly rambles about Barca's financial situation on his twitter account and talk shows, whenever he is invited somewhere. This season, he talked countless times about whom barca can't sign or can't register. Half of LaLiga's teams couldn't register players last summer, but this guy mostly talks about Barcelona day in, day out. The club had to bring out an official statement of his based behaviour to slow him down. Does he forget his duty of neutrality as LaLiga's president?

Then LaLiga under his command changes the ffp rules mid season, unprecedentedly without any warning or consultation to hinder Barca to register Gavi. Barca announced Gavi's renewal in september in according to the ffp rules, but LaLiga changed it's rules coincidently later in november and the only player of the whole league affected by it was Gavi. How naive you have to be not to see an agenda here. The club was forced to go to court and the court ruled in our favor. Tebas was furious about it and instantly appealed. After that humiliating lose before court for Tebas, Laporta and Alemany gave a press conference on LaLiga's one-sided biased behaviour towards our club in changing randomly their ffp rules which only affect barca at that moment, like forbid levers that were allowed before, or Gavi's registration example.

And by the way, our fecked up financial situation was allowed and approved by Tebas under Bartomeu's rule and you know why? Because Bartomeu promised him to sign his CVC deal. Tebas even said back in the days, that we could keep Messi if we sign his deal. Is that a behaviour of a neutral, unbiased president or of someone, who is driven by own greed and emotions?

And last, but not least. COINCIDENTELY information about those shady payments to Negreira leak after barca wins in court and Laporta and Alemany attack Tebas for his unjustly behaviour towards our club. And which outlet had this information first hand? El Mundo, a Madrid newspaper. Where do they get their information from you might ask yourself. Well for one, Tebas is quoting their news very often on his twitter account.
They were also the ones leaking Messi's whole contract back in the days. Access to this contract have only a limited amount of people. Messi himself, Barca and LaLiga. Since the leak damaged Messi's and Barca's reputation, you can guess who was most likely to leak the full contract to them. To make it simple, there is only one option left. LaLiga.

As I said several days before, the spanish league is a swamp of corruption, self-interest and favoritism. Especially for right-wing nationalists like Tebas. I understand, that it's all hard to believe for someone who isn't following this shit show day in, day out. But most scandals, leaks and other things in LaLiga have an agenda behind it, especially as long as Tebas still rules there.
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You are completely misinformed. Those statements can not be further away from the truth.

First of all, having an agenda against the club and making bad financial decisions are not mutually excluded. Everyone who follows Tebas's statements towards barca, his whole behaviour throughout the years towards our club and the league's attempts to change the rules unprecedentedly mid-season, which only! affected barca at that perticular moment are more than enough hints to call it an obvious agenda, driven by selfish reasons, which even harms the league he is president of.

You are right, that there are 19 other clubs in LaLiga. And that's, where your knowledge ends unfortunately. Half of those teams had trouble to register players last summer. You'd know this if you'd follow the spanish league. Atletico had to blackmail barca and put their best player on the bench until barca lowered his already agreed fee, so they avoid punishment. Sevilla had to sell Kounde and Diego Carlos. Their 2 best defenders. Betis Sevilla had problems to register players like Luiz Felipe and they had to defer his salary into the future. Betis's directors did a cash injection to help with this. Valencia sold Guedes and Soler. All because of Tebas's ffp. And there are more examples if you want them, more than 10 clubs had difficulties to register players in the summer.
According to Tebas, all clubs who'll sign his CVC deal lose all financial problems and have a bright future. Well, those clubs signed Tebas's CVC deal and Sevilla's bright future is fighting for relegation after being forced to sell their 2 top defenders. So much for adhering Tebas's rules.

Now back to Tebas and his agenda. After Barca and Madrid declined his CVC deal (because it was horrible), the CVC deal still went through, but without Barca and Real participating, you can imagine how much smaller the deal was in the end and that means, how much smaller the commission money also became for him. It was his personal deal and nobody intelligent has any doubts he collected that money into his own pocket. Then Barca and Madrid pushed for the Superleague, which endangers even more tv money under Tebas's rule.

Now imagine this. You are a far right minded guy in general, because you were in right-wing parties in your youth, you support even now right-wing parties like VOX. How do you feel about a club like Barcelona, which always supports the catalan and their fight for independence. Well pardon me for that dumb question, because you don't have to imagine it, you can just reread it on his twitter account. When catalans started to vote for their independence in 2017 and when Madrid sent their Guardia Civil to beat up old grannys infront of the voting booths, he threatened every catalan based club to expel them from LaLiga. A president, who is a nationalist and a Real Madrid fan is not affected by his believes? Redicilous.

But to make it a bit shorter, I'll just give some examples of the near past. He constantly rambles about Barca's financial situation on his twitter account and talk shows, whenever he is invited somewhere. This season, he talked countless times about whom barca can't sign or can't register. Half of LaLiga's teams couldn't register players last summer, but this guy mostly talks about Barcelona day in, day out. The club had to bring out an official statement of his based behaviour to slow him down. Does he forget his duty of neutrality as LaLiga's president?

Then LaLiga under his command changes the ffp rules mid season, unprecedentedly without any warning or consultation to hinder Barca to register Gavi. Barca announced Gavi's renewal in september in according to the ffp rules, but LaLiga changed it's rules coincidently 2 weeks later in november and the only player of the whole league affected by it was Gavi. How naive you have to be not to see an agenda here. The club was forced to go to court and the court ruled in our favor. Tebas was furious about it and instantly appealed. After that humiliating lose before court for Tebas, Laporta and Alemany gave a press conference on LaLiga's one-sided biased behaviour towards our club in changing randomly their ffp rules which only affect barca at that moment, like forbid levers that were allowed before, or Gavi's registration example.

And by the way, our fecked up financial situation was allowed and approved by Tebas under Bartomeu's rule and you know why? Because Bartomeu promised him to sign his CVC deal. Tebas even said back in the days, that we could keep Messi if we sign his deal. Is that a behaviour of a neutral, unbiased president or of someone, who is driven by own greed and emotions?

And last, but not least. COINCIDENTELY information about those shady payments to Negreira leak after barca wins in court and Laporta and Alemany attack Tebas for his unjustly behaviour towards our club. And which outlet had this information first hand? El Mundo, a Madrid newspaper. Where do they get their information from you might ask yourself. Well for one, Tebas is quoting their news very often on his twitter account.
They were also the ones leaking Messi's whole contract back in the days. Access to this contract have only a limited amount of people. Messi himself, Barca and LaLiga. Since the leak damaged Messi's and Barca's reputation, you can guess who was most likely to leak the full contract to them. To make it simple, there is only one option left. LaLiga.

As I said several days before, the spanish league is a swamp of corruption, self-interest and favoritism. Especially for right-wing nationalists like Tebas. I understand, that it's all hard to believe for someone who isn't following this shit show day in, day out. But most scandals, leaks and other things in LaLiga have an agenda behind it, especially as long as Tebas still rules there.
Is this a prank?
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Tebas may have an agenda against Laporta and Florentino because of the Superleague but if you see first Tebas video he was completely shocked and scared, like surpassed by the circumstances. He is someone who has very good ability to communicate with the media so it sounds ridiculous to point out at him as the main instigator of these leaks of payments from FC Barcelona to Negreira.

It's evident Laporta is just using Tebas for his Chewbacca defense (credit to @giorno for bringing this concept).

The highlights of Laporta's conference is that he did not deny the information of these payments at any point nor did he speak about the fact neither of both Tata Martino and Valverde had ever seen the reports. Also, note that Laporta did not accept questions from the media.

Also, it was posted in this thread before, but there were concerns about this issue back in... 1994. Ramon Mendoza, who was Real Madrid president back then said the following:

"There are indications of alleged sporting corruption". "There is great concern among thousands of people about the actions of Enríquez Negreira from Barcelona. We will have to try to stop referees from always talking to the same person before matches. It creates a climate of unnecessary tension...". "Everything that has happened has surprised me and I would like an investigation to be opened".

Barca fans are something else. No accountability whatsoever. They were caught with their hand in a cookie jar, but all we hear is some half-ass rambling about conspiracy against them.
I always knew Barca were cheats as I watch all their games. It’s not even the big decisions that give it away, it’s all the small decisions that the ref gives their way that completely punctures the opponents will to beat them.

I’ve literally watched every single Real Madrid and Barca game since 2004. The favorite Barca have received over the years is chocking and staggering.

imagine, Barca have gotten 55 penalties in favor of them since they bribed the refs and Real Madrid have 6 against them during the same period. A difference of 61 penalties between Barca and Madrid.

Additionally there’s no point in discussing with culé, they are bar none the most delusional liars you’ll ever meet. They will even make excuses if the truth stared them right in the face. Just look how pathetic they are trying to pin their cheating ways on Tebas, a guy that tried to shush this whole thing down before the storm became too big. Tebas loses if Barca gets punished. But delusional culés live for victimizing themselves the poor victims they are, paying referees to save them from victimhood.

pathetic cheaters, they will be punished and disgraced forever, just wait and see. This thing is not blowing over. They will suffer worse than Juventus after Calciopoli trust me.
Caso Negreira? Caso Soule!
Breaking news from today (22/2/23):

"The Soule cause investigates the alleged irregularities in the management of Ángel María Villar as head of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).
LaLiga, with Javier Tebas at the head, requested the judge who instructs the cause to examine Victoriano Sánchez Arminio, former president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) and direct boss of Enríquez Negreira, for the alleged diversion of 8 million euros to the arbitration establishment."

Note: "alleged diversion of 8 million euros to the arbitration establishment"!

"The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has supported the request of La Liga in the framework of the Soule case and has requested the examimation of the former president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) Victoriano Sánchez Arminio. La Liga, led by Javier Tebas, asked the National Court to investigate Arminio for the alleged diversion of 8 million euros that the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) alledgedly allocated to the referees."

Note: "allocated to the referees"!

"The deceased former director of Fútbol Barcelona, Josep Contreras Arjona, linked to the Negreira case as an alleged commission agent, was apparently also implicated in an alleged hole of 22.2 million that was generated within the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF)."

Note: "22.2 million... within ... RFEF"!

There's one big struggle, broken alliances all over the place, a domino of shady businesses, and omertà at stakes. Eviva España!
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Caso Negreira? Caso Soule!
Breaking news from today (22/2/23):

"The Soule cause investigates the alleged irregularities in the management of Ángel María Villar at the head of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).
LaLiga, with Javier Tebas at the head, requested the judge who instructs the cause the imputation of Victoriano Sánchez Arminio, former president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) and direct boss of Enríquez Negreira, for the alleged diversion of 8 million euros to the arbitration establishment."

Note: "alleged diversion of 8 million euros to the arbitration establishment"!

"The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has supported the request of La Liga in the framework of the Soule case and has requested the imputation of the former president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) until 2018 Victoriano Sánchez Arminio. The entity led by Javier Tebas asked the National Court to investigate him for the alleged diversion of 8 million euros that the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) allocated to the referees."

Note: "allocated to the referees"!

"The deceased former director of Fútbol Barcelona, Josep Contreras Arjona, linked to the Negreira case as an alleged commission agent, was apparently also implicated in an alleged hole of 22.2 million that was generated within the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF)."

Note: "22.2 million... within ... RFEF"!

There's one big struggle, broken alliances all over the place, a domino of shady businesses, and omertà at stakes. Eviva España!
Tbh this looks like it came straight from google translate. Anyway forgive my ignorance but that RFEF means Madrid also did the same?
The highlights of Laporta's conference is that he did not deny the information of these payments at any point nor did he speak about the fact neither of both Tata Martino and Valverde had ever seen the reports. Also, note that Laporta did not accept questions from the media.

Because this wasn't a conference, but a short statement about what is happening. The real press conference with all evidence will be held shortly, after the outsourced investigation is finished. You don't hold a press conference on half baked facts. Then we will see, what kind of evidence he will bring forward and we can judge the situation based on this. Until then, everybody needs to relax a bit.
I also wouldn't think you'd mention Valverde as an argument, if you'd read his whole statement and not his taken out of context statement Madrid press is showing everywhere.
Because Valverde also said, it's completely normal to have referee's reports in spain. His team gets it even now in bilbao.
Because this wasn't a conference, but a short statement about what is happening. The real press conference with all evidence will be held shortly, after the outsourced investigation is finished. You don't hold a press conference on half baked facts. Then we will see, what kind of evidence he will bring forward and we can judge the situation based on this. Until then, everybody needs to relax a bit.
I also wouldn't think you'd mention Valverde as an argument, if you'd read his whole statement and not his taken out of context statement Madrid press is showing everywhere.
Because Valverde also said, it's completely normal to have referee's reports in spain. His team gets it even now in bilbao.

At first I thought Valverde's statement had been taken out of context, but then I heard the audio itself (@FreckBarca told me to do so) and he clearly said he didn't see those reports in Barcelona and that he didn't even know they existed.

And Tata Martino also said the same thing.
Barca fans are something else. No accountability whatsoever. They were caught with their hand in a cookie jar, but all we hear is some half-ass rambling about conspiracy against them.
Just wait until Ovrebo decides to whistle blow
Caso Negreira? Caso Soule!
Breaking news from today (22/2/23):

"The Soule cause investigates the alleged irregularities in the management of Ángel María Villar at the head of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).
LaLiga, with Javier Tebas at the head, requested the judge who instructs the cause the imputation of Victoriano Sánchez Arminio, former president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) and direct boss of Enríquez Negreira, for the alleged diversion of 8 million euros to the arbitration establishment."

Note: "alleged diversion of 8 million euros to the arbitration establishment"!

"The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has supported the request of La Liga in the framework of the Soule case and has requested the imputation of the former president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) until 2018 Victoriano Sánchez Arminio. The entity led by Javier Tebas asked the National Court to investigate him for the alleged diversion of 8 million euros that the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) allocated to the referees."

Note: "allocated to the referees"!

"The deceased former director of Fútbol Barcelona, Josep Contreras Arjona, linked to the Negreira case as an alleged commission agent, was apparently also implicated in an alleged hole of 22.2 million that was generated within the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF)."

Note: "22.2 million... within ... RFEF"!

There's one big struggle, broken alliances all over the place, a domino of shady businesses, and omertà at stakes. Eviva España!
Some background info here:
-Negreira lost his position when Villar (the president of the FA) lost his position. They really seem linked.

-Villar is the figure on which the whole 'Villarato' theory revolves. Barca helped him openly win the election to become the president.

-Sanchez Arminio, president of the Referee Committee and superior of Negreira, is the guy who, according to newspaper ABC, said "Real Madrid is not well considered within this institution" (refering to the refs)

-Josep Contreras Arjona is a former high executive of Barcelona of the same time. It is a polemic guy who was accused of corruption within the Catalonian Football Federation. He died some months ago. Frankly, my wild guess is that Barca are gonna put the blame on him.

@Messier1994 : thanks for the detailed report. Very good read indeed.
Yeah, I would give it a like if I could.
Tbh this looks like it came straight from google translate. Anyway forgive my ignorance but that RFEF means Madrid also did the same?
Forgive my ignorance, I don't know if that will turn out to incriminate Real Madrid, or any other LaLiga club, but I seriously doubt it.

RFEF president at the time was long-time president Ángel María Villar, who is the man at the center of the scandal that's rocked Spain for a while and is still looming in the air (Caso Soule f.e.). He is believed to have led all their things, open, shady, and hidden, and there is nothing in his case that's incriminating Real.

We're witnessing discoveries made by Spanish authorities, and so far nothing points towards any wrongdoings by other clubs than Barca.
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Forgive my ignorance, I don't know if that will turn out to incriminate Real Madrid, or any other LaLiga club, but I seriously doubt it.

RFEF president is Luis Rubiales, sporting director is José Francisco Molina; neither has an attachment to Real Madrid. And neither did long-time president Ángel María Villar, the man at the center of the scandal that's rocked Spain for a while and is still looming in the air (Caso Soule f.e.).

We're witnessing discoveries made by Spanish authorities, and so far nothing points towards any wrongdoings by others than Barca.

And yes, guilty of not having copyedited. Forgive my lazyness, I have by now.
Oh it's me who was ignorant not you mate.

Tbh I know feck all about Spain and the zillion local, regional, governmental organisations there. So anything 'Royal' means Madrid to me :D
At first I thought Valverde's statement had been taken out of context, but then I heard the audio itself (@FreckBarca told me to do so) and he clearly said he didn't see those reports in Barcelona and that he didn't even know they existed.

And Tata Martino also said the same thing.

Yes, he said that. But he also said reports from referees are completely normal in spain. His coaching team also gets them in Bilbao and his assistant looks through them.

Valverde said:
Es algo común lo de los informes de los árbitros", explica, antes de enumerar aspectos clásicos de este tipo de seguimientos a los colegiados como pueden ser "estadística que tiene, alguna apreciación que nos hacen" y otras cuestiones como "tarjetas"
El técnico explicó que en Bilbao también realizan informes de los árbitros, "llegan a Jon Aspiazu (segundo entrenador), yo veces lo miro, Sendoa (delegado) me comenta algo…"..

That's the part of his statement, Madrid's press leaves conveniently out most of the time they're quoting him.

(Personally I wouldn't read posts from users with such usernames as Freckbarca, because their intention is pretty clear. But that's only me.)
Spain is a kingdom, like the UK. So the FA is the Real Federacion Espańola de Futbol, or RFEF. (Royal Spanish Football Association)

And yes, refereeing reports are normal everywhere. Every club, in most top leagues, has them. So the issue here is the provenance of those reports, not that they had them - or indeed as Valverde and Martino said, that those reports never made it to them either
And yes, refereeing reports are normal everywhere. Every club, in most top leagues, has them. So the issue here is the provenance of those reports, not that they had them - or indeed as Valverde and Martino said, that those reports never made it to them either

I don't deny it looks shady, I already wrote it several times in this thread and I hope everything will be clear when Laporta gives the press conference. But still, there is not one direct accusation of barca bribed the refs.
The same with Pique's involvement in the Supercopa. Madrid's press also jumped on that bandwagon and what was the result? Was Pique being punished for breaking the rules?
From what I understand anti-corruption wants to charge Sánchez Arminio for the diversion of 8 million euros from the Federation.
An amount more or less similar to what Barcelona allegedly paid.
Barcelona paid Negreira, who had Sánchez Arminio as an accomplice and the latter paid the referees with the federation's money?
I don't know if it has been mentioned but payments to the press have also appeared. The largest amounts to Mundo Deportivo and Sport but also to Ser, Cope, Rac or Catalan generalist newspapers such as La Vanguardia.
Yes, he said that. But he also said reports from referees are completely normal in spain. His coaching team also gets them in Bilbao and his assistant looks through them.

That's the part of his statement, Madrid's press leaves conveniently out most of the time they're quoting him.

(Personally I wouldn't read posts from users with such usernames as Freckbarca, because their intention is pretty clear. But that's only me.)

I get that he said they were normal in Spain, but he clearly said that specifically he didn't see them at Barcelona and Tata Martino said the same.
Some background info here:
-Negreira lost his position when Villar (the president of the FA) lost his position. They really seem linked.

-Villar is the figure on which the whole 'Villarato' theory revolves. Barca helped him openly win the election to become the president.

-Sanchez Arminio, president of the Referee Committee and superior of Negreira, is the guy who, according to newspaper ABC, said "Real Madrid is not well considered within this institution" (refering to the refs)

-Josep Contreras Arjona is a former high executive of Barcelona of the same time. It is a polemic guy who was accused of corruption within the Catalonian Football Federation. He died some months ago. Frankly, my wild guess is that Barca are gonna put the blame on him.

Thanks for adding that.

The Spanish tax agency is able to track back financial transactions from Barca to Dasnil.

We're not aware that regular withdrawals from the Dasnil accounts (suggesting direct payments from Negreira's son, Javier Enriquez Romero, to the match officials of Barca games) are mentioned anywhere. Instead, the focus is purely on them using their position in the Technical Committee of Referees (TCA) to appoint referees that were game. This could fall next.

Currently, the idea of a money flow [FCB>Dasnil>TCA>match referees, with provisions for the middle two] is however not substanciated.

What is substanciated is that La Liga receives funds from the Higher Sports Council. These payments are materialized through La Liga-RFEF coordination agreements.

It is now revealed that the contributions made by La Liga to the RFEF corresponding to arbitration fees (as part of these coordination agreements) exceed the expenses recorded by the RFEF by almost 8 million euros. In other words, La Liga paid to RFEF what they (thought they) owed, but RFEF didn't account for all of their expenses, allowing for a diversion of funds that could then be used shadily. No connection between these ~8M and the ~8M to Dasnil is estblablished (yet).
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La Liga has little to no credibility to begin with after the destruction of Barca's drugbags, bloodbags.
This just adds to that. Bent league.
Jaume Roures:

Optimista para resolver la situacion: "El implicado no es solo el Barça, es el CTA y es la Federacion, que también es responsable, aunque no al mismo nivel. Yo ha visto a Negreira en el palco del Barça y su papel era que hacía los informes no para el Barçaa, sino para el Comite de Árbitros sobre la actuación del árbitro. Tenia un cargo importante, mas allá de si era una estafa".

Optimistic about resolving the situation: "It's not just Barça who are involved, it's the CTA and the Federation, which is also responsible, although not at the same level. I have seen Negreira in the Barça box and his role was to make reports not for Barça, but for the Referees Committee about the referee's performance. He had an important position, regardless of whether it was a scam.

Is this for real????